Release Summary


Date: 2010-07-23


Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Contributors
  3. Closed Issues
  4. Other Changes
  5. Diffstat


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This release includes new features. For a list of new features that have been included with this release, please see the CHANGES file inside the source package. Since this is new major release, users are encouraged to do extended testing before upgrading to this version in a production environment.

The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the previous release, asterisk-1.6.2.


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This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker that were resolved in this release. For coders, the number is how many of their patches (of any size) were committed into this release. For testers, the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with testing a patch. Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of issues that they reported that were closed by commits that went into this release.




448 tilghman
311 russell
218 dvossel
203 mmichelson
152 rmudgett
132 kpfleming
115 jpeeler
107 seanbright
94 file
86 mnicholson
73 oej
66 lmadsen
52 twilson
47 eliel
34 alecdavis
34 qwell
33 tzafrir
32 mvanbaak
24 pabelanger
20 dbrooks
16 transnexus
13 snuffy
12 moy
11 dimas
11 may
10 diruggles
10 klaus3000
10 Nick
10 pprindeville
7 chappell
7 dbailey
7 ebroad
7 mnick
6 atis
6 wedhorn
5 bklang
5 frawd
5 junky
5 wdoekes
4 brent
4 dant
4 jmls
4 kobaz
4 mattf
4 raarts
4 rain
4 syspert
4 thedavidfactor
4 tim
4 under
3 cjacobsen
3 davidw
3 dhubbard
3 elguero
3 fabled
3 fiddur
3 ghenry
3 haakon
3 jthurman
3 kenner
3 lmsteffan
3 may213
3 phsultan
3 tringenbach
2 adomjan
2 andrew
2 bluecrow76
2 Chainsaw
2 contactmayankjain
2 crjw
2 dinhtrung
2 dmitri
2 fnordian
2 Guggemand
2 guillecabeza
2 homesick
2 JimDickenson
2 jsmith
2 jtodd
2 kkm
2 makoto
2 malcolmd
2 murf
2 nahuelgreco
2 p
2 pfn
2 pkempgen
2 rrb3942
2 simon.perreault
2 sum
2 vnovy
2 vrban
1 a
1 alea
1 alea-soluciones
1 applsplatz
1 arabe
1 arkadia
1 Artem
1 bamby
1 barthpbx
1 bbryant
1 Benjamin
1 BigJimmy
1 brushtyler
1 bzing2
1 cmaj
1 corruptor
1 crich
1 ddv2005
1 Delvar
1 dferrer
1 djensen99
1 doda
1 dodo
1 ecarruda
1 edantie
1 elbriga
1 falves11
1 festr
1 ffs
1 fhackenberger
1 floletarmo
1 fsantulli
1 GameGamer43
1 gareth
1 gpatri
1 greenfieldtech
1 ianc
1 IgorG
1 Ivan
1 jablko
1 Jamuel
1 jazzy
1 jcollie
1 jcovert
1 jeang
1 jedi98
1 jlpedrosa
1 jvandal
1 kfister
1 Kristijan
1 lacoursj
1 lasko
1 latinsud
1 Laureano
1 leobrown
1 loloski
1 macli
1 Medozas
1 michael
1 michaelevdokimov
1 minaguib
1 mneuhauser
1 msirota
1 nasirq
1 nic
1 nickilo
1 nivan
1 noahisaac
1 one47
1 outcast
1 peterj
1 PipoCanaja
1 pitel
1 ppyy
1 ravindrad
1 rbrindley
1 rcasas
1 rfinnie
1 rizzo
1 Rzadzins
1 schern
1 scramatte
1 Silmaril
1 smurfix
1 sobomax
1 sperreault
1 srt
1 stegro
1 tamiel
1 telecos82
1 thehar
1 thirionjwf
1 timeshell
1 tiziano
1 tomo1657
1 tweety
1 ulogic
1 Vince
1 viniciusfontes
1 VoipForces
1 xvisor
1 Yasuhiro
1 ys
67 dvossel
43 lmadsen
39 tilghman
31 russell
26 mnicholson
23 pabelanger
18 alecdavis
18 aragon
17 atis
13 seanbright
12 klaus3000
12 mmichelson
12 zerohalo
11 amorsen
11 rmudgett
11 twilson
10 falves11
9 davidw
9 marhbere
9 pprindeville
9 qwell
9 rgj
8 dbrooks
7 ebroad
7 file
7 frawd
7 mnick
7 Nick_Lewis
7 tzafrir
6 kobaz
6 mvanbaak
6 p_lindheimer
6 sum
5 dimas
5 jpeeler
5 parisioa
4 dhubbard
4 fiddur
4 jsmith
4 lmsteffan
4 pj
4 rain
4 suretec
4 thedavidfactor
4 wdoekes
4 wedhorn
3 ajohnson
3 bklang
3 caspy
3 crjw
3 DennisD
3 DLNoah
3 dlotina
3 eliel
3 FabienToune
3 geoff2010
3 ip-rob
3 jamicque
3 jtodd
3 junky
3 may213
3 oej
3 phsultan
3 rmartinez
3 snuffy
3 stuarth
3 syspert
2 adomjan
2 amilcar
2 Artem
2 BlargMaN
2 bluecrow76
2 cappucinoking
2 Chainsaw
2 chappell
2 chris-mac
2 cjacobsen
2 coolmig
2 corruptor
2 damage
2 dant
2 elguero
2 gentlec
2 globalnetinc
2 Guggemand
2 guillecabeza
2 haakon
2 habile
2 jlpedrosa
2 kenner
2 kkm
2 lasko
2 lathama
2 malcolmd
2 mav3rick
2 moliveras
2 moy
2 mutineer612
2 nblasgen
2 nikkk
2 one47
2 OrNix
2 pitel
2 pkempgen
2 raarts
2 rickead2000
2 sh0t
2 slutec18
2 vrban
2 whys
2 wimpy
2 zktech
2 ZX81
1 99gixxer
1 _brent_
1 abelbeck
1 acunningham
1 afu
1 agx
1 alea-soluciones
1 alexh
1 AlexMS
1 and the rest of the usual suspects
1 andrew
1 applsplatz
1 arkadia
1 asannucci
1 asgaroth
1 avalentin
1 awk
1 azbest
1 barryf
1 benngard2
1 bloodoff
1 boroda
1 bpgoldsb
1 bzing2
1 c0w
1 cervajs
1 CGMChris
1 cianmaher
1 cmdrwalrus
1 contactmayankjain
1 crich
1 cristiandimache
1 cyberplant
1 danti
1 dbackeberg
1 dbailey
1 deepesh
1 deti
1 devmod
1 diLLec
1 djensen99
1 dmitri
1 dougm
1 Dovid
1 dps
1 ecarruda
1 edhorton
1 elsto
1 fabled
1 festr
1 ffloimair
1 ffs
1 flujan
1 fnordian
1 francesco_r
1 freh
1 fsantulli
1 GameGamer43
1 gareth
1 gentian
1 Graber
1 gracedman
1 greenfieldtech
1 hemanshurpatel
1 Hubguru
1 IgorG
1 irroot
1 jacco
1 jamesgolovich
1 jamessan
1 jamhed
1 Jamuel
1 jeffg
1 jgutierrez on users list:
1 jims
1 JimVanM
1 jmacz
1 jmls
1 john8675309
1 jparker
1 jsutton
1 jthurman
1 jvandal
1 karesmakro
1 kenji
1 kenny
1 kfister
1 kjotte
1 kkwong
1 kovzol
1 kowalma
1 kpfleming
1 Kristijan
1 lacoursj
1 Laureano
1 lawbar
1 legart
1 leobrown
1 licedey
1 loloski
1 lottc
1 lp0
1 macli
1 madkins
1 maniax
1 manwe
1 marcelloceschia
1 markwaters
1 Marquis
1 mattbrown
1 maturs
1 maxgo
1 maxochoa
1 Medozas
1 michaelevdokimov
1 mikeeccleston
1 minaguib
1 misaksen
1 msirota
1 murf
1 murraytm
1 nahuelgreco
1 nickilo
1 nivan
1 notthematrix
1 okrief
1 outcast
1 Parantido
1 pdf
1 pdhales
1 peterh
1 peterj
1 pfn
1 pinga-fogo
1 pwalker
1 qualleyiv
1 raivisr
1 ramonpeek
1 ravindrad
1 rbd
1 richardf
1 rmcgilvr
1 rrb3942
1 rue_mohr
1 sberney
1 schmoozecom
1 sergee
1 sgimeno
1 shanermn
1 Shivaprakash
1 siepkes
1 slavon
1 sles
1 snblitz
1 sobomax
1 sohosys
1 sybasesql
1 Takehiko_Ooshima
1 tamiel
1 teox
1 thehar
1 tim_ringenbach
1 timeshell
1 tkarl
1 tornblad
1 twisted
1 under
1 urtho
1 uxbod
1 vadim
1 viniciusfontes
1 vmikhelson
1 VoipForces
1 volivier
1 whardier
1 wonderg
1 yahsyn
1 yeshuawatso
1 ys
1 zalex1953
1 zmehmood
31 alecdavis
20 klaus3000
19 lmadsen
19 pprindeville
18 atis
18 tzafrir
17 Nick_Lewis
16 pj
15 pabelanger
13 bklang
13 kobaz
11 davidw
11 wdoekes
10 lmsteffan
10 snuffy
9 dimas
9 falves11
9 thedavidfactor
8 aragon
7 corruptor
7 dvossel
7 ebroad
7 p_lindheimer
7 sum
7 syspert
7 tilghman
6 eliel
6 frawd
6 jvandal
6 mvanbaak
6 rain
6 stuarth
6 wedhorn
5 chappell
5 elguero
5 fnordian
5 jcovert
5 jsmith
5 junky
5 kenner
5 makoto
5 pkempgen
5 tim_ringenbach
4 _brent_
4 adomjan
4 ajohnson
4 andrew
4 chris-mac
4 cristiandimache
4 fabled
4 fiddur
4 ip-rob
4 jamicque
4 jlpedrosa
4 jtodd
4 kkm
4 nahuelgreco
4 oej
4 raarts
4 russell
4 seandarcy
4 under
3 amorsen
3 Artem
3 barryf
3 bluecrow76
3 caspy
3 dant
3 diLLec
3 DLNoah
3 ffloimair
3 francesco_r
3 globalnetinc
3 haakon
3 ibc
3 JimDickenson
3 john8675309
3 jthurman
3 kowalma
3 macli
3 marhbere
3 mmichelson
3 moy
3 nblasgen
3 nikkk
3 noahisaac
3 okrief
3 parisioa
3 pdf
3 slavon
3 timeshell
3 vrban
2 acunningham
2 alea-soluciones
2 asgaroth
2 bamby
2 barthpbx
2 bcnit
2 CGMChris
2 Chainsaw
2 cjacobsen
2 cmaj
2 contactmayankjain
2 coolmig
2 crjw
2 dcabot
2 deepesh
2 dferrer
2 dhubbard
2 dinhtrung
2 dmitri
2 dome
2 elsto
2 festr
2 geoff2010
2 greenfieldtech
2 Guggemand
2 Ivan
2 jamessan
2 jensvb
2 jkroon
2 jmls
2 lasko
2 leobrown
2 licedey
2 loloski
2 lp0
2 madkins
2 ManChicken
2 Marquis
2 mav3rick
2 may213
2 mbeckwell
2 michaelevdokimov
2 mikma
2 mneuhauser
2 nic_bellamy
2 one47
2 palbrecht
2 paravoid
2 pfn
2 pitel
2 ramonpeek
2 rjain
2 rmudgett
2 RoadKill
2 rrb3942
2 samy
2 scramatte
2 Shagg63
2 shawkris
2 sodom
2 sohosys
2 TheOldSaint
2 thom4fun
2 tomo1657
2 ulogic
2 Vince
2 viraptor
2 vmikhelson
2 vnovy
2 Yasuhiro Konishi
2 ys
2 zerohalo
1 99gixxer
1 a_villacis
1 aatef
1 abelbeck
1 afosorio
1 agalbraith
1 agupta
1 alan_mousty
1 aleksey2000
1 alephlg
1 alexanderheinz
1 Alexei Gradinari
1 alexh
1 AlexMS
1 alexr1
1 alexrecarey
1 alx
1 amazinzay
1 Andrey Sofronov
1 araasch
1 arabe
1 arifzaman
1 arkadia
1 armeniki
1 asackheim
1 AsteriskRocks
1 avalentin
1 axisinternet
1 azbest
1 bbryant
1 Benjamin Kluck
1 benngard2
1 BigJimmy
1 bkw918
1 BlargMaN
1 bluefox
1 bmh
1 boroda
1 bpgoldsb
1 Brian
1 brushtyler
1 brycebaril
1 bzing2
1 cappucinoking
1 cbbs70a
1 Christian_Pinedo
1 cianmaher
1 clive18
1 cmoss28
1 covici
1 cpina
1 cupotka
1 david_s5
1 dazza76
1 dbackeberg
1 ddv2005
1 Delvar
1 DennisD
1 deuffy
1 djensen99
1 djrodman
1 dkerr
1 doda
1 dodo
1 dps
1 drookie
1 dsessions
1 ecarruda
1 edantie
1 Eddie Edwards
1 edhorton
1 eech55
1 elbriga
1 epicac
1 erikje
1 evandro
1 ewieling
1 exarv
1 FabienToune
1 fdecher
1 ffossard
1 ffs
1 fhackenberger
1 fleed
1 flefoll
1 floletarmo
1 flop
1 fsantulli
1 fvdb
1 galeras
1 gareth
1 garychen
1 gentian
1 geoffs
1 ghjm
1 gincantalupo
1 gkservice
1 glwgoes
1 GMLudo
1 goldwein
1 gpatri
1 gracedman
1 guillecabeza
1 habile
1 hevad
1 homesick
1 hotsblanc
1 huangtx2009
1 Hubguru
1 hulber
1 ianc
1 ib2
1 IgorG
1 irroot
1 jablko
1 jamhed
1 Jamuel
1 jaroth
1 jazzy
1 jcapp
1 jcollie
1 jedi98
1 jims
1 JimVanM
1 jlaguilar
1 jlaroff
1 jozza
1 jpiszcz
1 jpt
1 jpyle
1 jquinn
1 jsdyer
1 juls
1 justdave
1 jw-asterisk
1 karesmakro
1 karlfife
1 Kashif Raza
1 keiron
1 kenji
1 kfister
1 khw
1 kjotte
1 kkwong
1 kovzol
1 kpfleming
1 krn
1 kshumard
1 lacoursj
1 lathama
1 latinsud
1 legart
1 lmamane
1 loic
1 lordmortis
1 macbrody
1 macogeek
1 majorbloodnok
1 malcolmd
1 maniax
1 markd
1 marsosa
1 maxnuv
1 mbonin
1 mbrancaleoni
1 mdeneen
1 Medozas
1 meral
1 mgernoth
1 michael-fig
1 michael_iedema
1 michaesc
1 miki
1 minaguib
1 mnicholson
1 mnnojd
1 mobeck
1 modelnine
1 moliveras
1 mrgabu
1 msetim
1 mtryfoss
1 murf
1 mwyres
1 n8ideas
1 nasirq
1 natmlt
1 Netview
1 nicchap
1 nickilo
1 nik600
1 nito
1 nreinartz
1 omolenkamp
1 OrNix
1 outcast
1 oxymoron
1 Parantido
1 patrol-cz
1 pdavis
1 peterj
1 phsultan
1 pida
1 pinga-fogo
1 PipoCanaja
1 pmhaddad
1 pwalker
1 qwell
1 raivisr
1 rajnishgiri
1 rathaus
1 ravindrad
1 rbd
1 rcasas
1 rfinnie
1 rickead2000
1 rmcgilvr
1 romain_proformatique
1 Romik
1 rue_mohr
1 Rzadzins
1 samdell3
1 sathieu
1 schern
1 schmidts
1 schmoozecom
1 seadweller
1 secesh
1 semond
1 sergee
1 sgenyuk
1 sgimeno
1 sh0t
1 shanermn
1 shrift
1 Silmaril
1 skyman
1 slutec18
1 smurfix
1 smw1218
1 sobomax
1 sroberts
1 srt
1 st
1 stanusr
1 stegro
1 steinwej
1 Stochastic
1 suretec
1 sybasesql
1 Takehiko Ooshima
1 tamiel
1 tech_admin
1 telecos82
1 telles
1 teox
1 test011
1 thehar
1 thirionjwf
1 timking
1 tiziano
1 tobias_e
1 tonils
1 tornblad
1 tpsast
1 travisghansen
1 trendboy
1 twilson
1 udosw
1 umberto71
1 uxbod
1 valon24
1 VarnishedOtter
1 vazir
1 vbcrlfuser
1 vhatz
1 viniciusfontes
1 vlad
1 vmarrone
1 voipas
1 VoipForces
1 volivier
1 wetwired
1 whardier
1 wimpy
1 wtca
1 yahsyn
1 yeshuawatso
1 ygor
1 yrashk
1 zalex1953
1 zmehmood
1 ZX81

Closed Issues

[Back to Top]

This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by changes that went into this release.

Category: Addons/General

#14833: [patch] memory leak in some part of code
Revision: 197616
Reporter: contactmayankjain
Coders: contactmayankjain

#14847: Truncation problem with AMI ActionID
Revision: 186720
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: mmichelson

#15269: [patch] memory leak in asterisk some bug fixing and removing Redundant condition
Revision: 201678
Reporter: contactmayankjain
Testers: contactmayankjain, dvossel
Coders: contactmayankjain, dvossel

#16912: [patch] Alignment trap on ARM processor on calculating cost of codec
Revision: 267862
Reporter: michaelevdokimov
Coders: tilghman

#16912: [patch] Alignment trap on ARM processor on calculating cost of codec
Revision: 267877
Reporter: michaelevdokimov
Testers: michaelevdokimov
Coders: michaelevdokimov

#17502: [patch] [regression] MusicOnHold don't play if MeetMe Room is stored in mysql db (realtime)
Revision: 278463
Reporter: kenji
Testers: kenji
Coders: tilghman

Category: Addons/New Feature

#14734: AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT crash after sip attended transfer
Revision: 185197
Reporter: corruptor
Coders: file

Category: Addons/cdr_addon_mysql

#16401: [patch] cdr_mysql driver does not have an option to log in GMT time
Revision: 239152
Reporter: lordmortis
Coders: tilghman

#16559: [patch] Duration and Billsec Decimal Place
Revision: 269153
Reporter: cianmaher
Testers: cianmaher, snuffy
Coders: snuffy

Category: Addons/chan_mobile

#15278: [patch] add initial support for AT+CUSD command
Revision: 209484
Reporter: Artem
Testers: mnicholson, Artem
Coders: Artem

#15299: Calling with Local
Revision: 205700
Reporter: nikkk
Coders: mnicholson

#16132: [patch] Service indicator not managed
Revision: 232544
Reporter: nikkk
Testers: nikkk
Coders: mnicholson

#16278: [patch] Incoming multiline SMS causes chan_mobile to stop working
Revision: 232580
Reporter: Artem
Testers: Artem
Coders: mnicholson

#16430: Asterisk crashes on dtmf detection on channel with 2 bluetooth cellphone
Revision: 273312
Reporter: azbest
Testers: azbest
Coders: mnicholson

Category: Addons/chan_ooh323

#15285: [patch] reworked chan_ooh323
Revision: 227898
Reporter: may213
Testers: sles, c0w, OrNix
Coders: may

#16365: [patch] ooh323 segfault in
Revision: 237098
Reporter: benngard2
Testers: may213, benngard2
Coders: may

#16976: [patch] OOH323 connection to Avaya IPOffice 403 drops i n 394 seconds
Revision: 252277
Reporter: vmikhelson
Testers: vmikhelson, may213
Coders: may213

#17186: [patch] OOH323 Outgoing Call Fails if Originated from a DAHDI Extension
Revision: 258838
Reporter: vmikhelson
Testers: may213
Coders: may213

Category: Addons/format_mp3

#15041: Crash on attended transfer
Revision: 215212
Reporter: maxnuv
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#15224: [patch] mp3 playback not working via AGI "STREAM FILE", but "EXEC PLAYBACK" works
Revision: 238014
Reporter: rbd
Testers: rbd, seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#15850: [patch] MP3 audio playback is distorted after applying patch for issue 15109
Revision: 217113
Reporter: 99gixxer
Testers: 99gixxer
Coders: russell

Category: Addons/res_config_mysql

#15375: [patch] realtime mysql status always shows connected for 0 seconds/no connection
Revision: 204986
Reporter: kowalma
Testers: kowalma, jacco
Coders: tilghman

#15492: [patch] Voicemail.conf gets overwritten when using Realtime for voicemail
Revision: 218731
Reporter: cbbs70a
Coders: tilghman

#15746: res_config_mysql doesn't recognize commented record correctly
Revision: 213248
Reporter: makoto
Coders: tilghman

#16533: [patch] Realtime is broken, blank strings aren't valid any more
Revision: 237410
Reporter: sergee
Testers: sergee
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/General

#14940: Background application executed in post-Dial Application Macro terminates call
Revision: 193120
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Testers: p_lindheimer
Coders: tilghman

#15022: [patch] Language handling for numbers, dates, etc is misbehaving when utilizing sub-regional languages
Revision: 204563
Reporter: greenfieldtech
Coders: tilghman

#16797: Originating a call from within the dialplan using Originate() does not result in a CDR
Revision: 258671
Reporter: VarnishedOtter
Testers: dlotina, rmartinez, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#17080: [patch] Asterisk crashes while core restart (#0 0x000000000050683c in term_beep (el=0x16cdd9b0) at term.c:865)
Revision: 278982
Reporter: sybasesql
Testers: sybasesql
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/NewFeature

#11797: [patch] app_rtpstream: Application to Page Multicast capable receivers (e.g. Snom, Linksys, Cisco, Barix devices)
Revision: 203227
Reporter: macbrody
Coders: file

#12123: [patch] Sending DTMF when receiving the PROGRESS status
Revision: 182596
Reporter: VoipForces
Testers: VoipForces, dvossel
Coders: VoipForces, dvossel

#12381: [patch] Allow called parties to continue after the caller has hung up
Revision: 187491
Reporter: michael-fig
Coders: jpeeler

#14365: [patch] Add audio announce option to app_page.c
Revision: 234173
Reporter: dferrer
Coders: dferrer

#14504: [patch] Allow app_dial to provide 'tone while ringing' like 'option m' which will provide 'music on hold while dialling'
Revision: 235740
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, jsmith
Coders: alecdavis

#14559: [patch] Queue setting to disregard penalty on few queue members
Revision: 233196
Reporter: fiddur
Testers: fiddur, dvossel
Coders: fiddur

#15436: [patch] new Record() option
Revision: 232442
Reporter: Vince
Testers: dbrooks
Coders: Vince

#15626: [patch] Vietnamese support for SayNumber() function.
Revision: 237050
Reporter: dinhtrung
Coders: dinhtrung

#16869: [patch] Make verb and noun declination available in dial plan
Revision: 271520
Reporter: chappell
Testers: chappell
Coders: chappell

#17182: [patch] Add a parameter to SendDTMF dialplan application
Revision: 265453
Reporter: rcasas
Coders: rcasas

Category: Applications/app_amd

#16239: AMD() incorrectly sets AMDCAUSE channel variable
Revision: 232356
Reporter: CGMChris
Coders: file

#17656: app_amd total analysis time error with SIP and silence suppression on
Revision: 277183
Reporter: juls
Coders: pabelanger

Category: Applications/app_chanisavail

#14426: app_chanisavail always set AVAILSTATUS to 0 with option 's' set
Revision: 229966
Reporter: macli
Coders: file

#14426: app_chanisavail always set AVAILSTATUS to 0 with option 's' set
Revision: 229970
Reporter: macli
Coders: file

Category: Applications/app_chanspy

#14594: [patch] Add option s to chanspy
Revision: 203842
Reporter: JimDickenson
Coders: JimDickenson

#14909: [patch] hangup when the spied-on channel hangups
Revision: 219105
Reporter: junky
Testers: amilcar, junky, flujan, lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

#15588: [patch] crash in chanspy on hangup - locked mutex '&chanspy_ds.lock'
Revision: 228858
Reporter: zerohalo
Testers: zerohalo
Coders: tilghman

#15660: ChanSpy "whisper" is broken in 1.4.26
Revision: 214195
Reporter: corruptor
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15675: [patch] o option not working
Revision: 224178
Reporter: john8675309
Testers: jgutierrez on users list:
Coders: dbrooks

#16045: [patch] crash when spying - was working fine in beta2
Revision: 228693
Reporter: bluecrow76
Testers: bluecrow76, dvossel, habile
Coders: dvossel

#16133: ChanSpy crashes Asterisk
Revision: 228693
Reporter: wetwired
Testers: bluecrow76, dvossel, habile
Coders: dvossel

#16523: When hanging up a channel running chanspy, chanspy does not exit
Revision: 239712
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#16524: Chanspy cannot spy on a non-bridged channel
Revision: 239712
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#16525: [patch] Cannot spy on channel when a local channel is involved
Revision: 244071
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: kobaz, atis
Coders: tilghman

#16678: [patch] segfault on chanspy due to race in main/channel.c
Revision: 246546
Reporter: tim_ringenbach
Testers: dvossel
Coders: tim

Category: Applications/app_confbridge

#15964: Conference room with app ConfBridge has no audio.
Revision: 220904
Reporter: shrift
Coders: mnicholson

#16471: [patch] calling ConfBridge() with no timing source causes segfault
Revision: 247770
Reporter: kjotte
Testers: kjotte, junky
Coders: junky

#16972: [patch][feature] Add device state capabilities to ConfBridge (similar to MeetMe)
Revision: 255281
Reporter: jsmith
Coders: jsmith

#17000: [patch] [regression] Segfault when hanging up phone after launching app_confbridge on Solaris 10 x86
Revision: 266146
Reporter: rmcgilvr
Testers: rmcgilvr
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/app_controlplayback

#16071: [patch] Warning log message with debug info
Revision: 227368
Reporter: atis
Coders: atis

Category: Applications/app_dial

#11583: [branch] Allow disconnect feature before a call is bridged
Revision: 183172
Reporter: sobomax
Testers: sobomax, dvossel
Coders: sobomax, murf, dvossel

#14444: M() Docs
Revision: 195162
Reporter: ewieling
Coders: eliel

#14674: [patch] Dial application with the 'n' option not removing introductions
Revision: 226890
Reporter: ulogic
Coders: jpeeler

#14763: [patch] On Dial with Macro, re-INVITE to the caller happens upon callee answer, and not when Macro
Revision: 224567
Reporter: cupotka
Coders: file

#14845: asterisk does not play warning file when have SIP-SIP Packet2Packet bridging
Revision: 186833
Reporter: adomjan
Coders: mmichelson

#15028: [patch] silent 'ringing' for branched calls
Revision: 223832
Reporter: fnordian
Coders: jpeeler

#15056: [patch] Blank FORWARD_CONTEXT is not ignored
Revision: 198285
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Testers: p_lindheimer
Coders: seanbright

#15936: [patch] Billsec is zero when playing a file in the Dial function
Revision: 227897
Reporter: falves11
Testers: falves11, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#16005: [patch] Call does not drop when caller hangs up
Revision: 227829
Reporter: falves11
Testers: mnicholson, falves11
Coders: mnicholson

#16006: [patch] call time limit overflow
Revision: 241143
Reporter: viraptor
Coders: jpeeler

#16157: [patch] Wrong cause value for 'answered elsewhere'
Revision: 262513
Reporter: wimpy
Coders: tilghman

#16337: [patch] Segmentation Fault on Originate command.
Revision: 232269
Reporter: Parantido
Testers: Parantido, dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#16686: [patch] app_dial does not respect GOSUB_RESULT
Revision: 244393
Reporter: bklang
Coders: bklang

#16687: [patch] app_dial gosub does not pass back GOSUB_RETVAL
Revision: 244393
Reporter: bklang
Coders: bklang

#17204: [patch] Dial()'s do_forward() breaks Local/ channel frame forwarding
Revision: 266786
Reporter: one47
Testers: twilson, one47
Coders: twilson

#17264: [patch] Crash when using Background() in Macro called by M() option to Dial()
Revision: 266292
Reporter: falves11
Testers: falves11
Coders: dvossel

Category: Applications/app_directed_pickup

#14839: Asterisk crashes on directed Pickup.
Revision: 190217
Reporter: lmsteffan
Coders: file

#15100: [patch] Directed pickup : picker picks own channel instead of called party's channel
Revision: 218224
Reporter: lmsteffan
Coders: lmsteffan

#16431: [patch] Send manager event on Call Pickup
Revision: 240421
Reporter: syspert
Coders: tilghman

#16613: [patch] option p added to PickupChan to enable pickup a ringing phone by specifying the peer name
Revision: 250141
Reporter: syspert
Testers: dvossel, syspert
Coders: syspert, dvossel

#16863: [patch] PickupChan is not working
Revision: 262240
Reporter: schern
Testers: Graber, cjacobsen, lathama, rickead2000, dvossel
Coders: schern, cjacobsen

Category: Applications/app_directory

#15739: [patch] Directory causes crash if dialing by last name
Revision: 219987
Reporter: DLNoah
Testers: DLNoah, jeffg
Coders: tilghman

#16409: [patch] First DTMF digit is missed if pressed during "using your touch tone keypad..." announcement
Revision: 234855
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#16437: [patch] Unable to escape back to dialplan or operator, using 'o' and 'a' extensions in dialcontext
Revision: 234893
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#16751: [patch] Initial pause not implemented, but documented as available.
Revision: 251779
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

Category: Applications/app_externalivr

#15114: [patch] 'V' Command sets one variable only.
Revision: 195316
Reporter: chris-mac
Testers: chris-mac
Coders: mmichelson

#16119: ExternalIVR without argument causes segmentation fault
Revision: 228015
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Coders: tilghman

#16121: [patch] ExternalIVR TCP client functionality does not work
Revision: 233545
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Testers: thedavidfactor
Coders: diruggles

#16147: [patch] ExternalIVR does not return event for file when file playing is interrupted
Revision: 240969
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Testers: thedavidfactor
Coders: diruggles

#16305: [patch] ExternalIVR confuses AGI by double closing FDs
Revision: 232587
Reporter: diLLec
Testers: thedavidfactor, diLLec
Coders: diruggles

#16615: Added ability to send DTMF from ExternalIVR
Revision: 242357
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Coders: diruggles

Category: Applications/app_fax

#14769: [patch] Improvements/fixes for app_fax
Revision: 210777
Reporter: andrew
Testers: freh, deti, caspy, dimas, sgimeno, Dovid
Coders: andrew, dimas

#15355: app_fax does not compile with iaxmodem 1.2.0
Revision: 202183
Reporter: deuffy
Coders: seanbright

#15480: [patch] Not all fixes from #14849 are committed
Revision: 205770
Reporter: dimas
Coders: dimas

#15606: app_fax.c is not compiling under OpenBSD
Revision: 210238
Reporter: mvanbaak
Coders: kpfleming

#15610: T.38 re-INVITE received after T.38 already negotiated fails
Revision: 210817
Reporter: huangtx2009
Coders: file

#16039: SendFax 'a' option
Revision: 223330
Reporter: jamicque
Coders: kpfleming

#16361: [patch] Asterisk crashes after receiving fax with 'double free'
Revision: 245729
Reporter: vlad
Testers: kenny, bloodoff, misaksen
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/app_festival

#14038: [patch] apps/app_festival.c does not compile for PPC target
Revision: 208113
Reporter: ffloimair
Coders: qwell

Category: Applications/app_followme

#13624: When calling party hangup the line followme app continue ringing.
Revision: 192430
Reporter: sgenyuk
Coders: file

#14155: [patch] Possibility to disable to hold prompt with followme
Revision: 230964
Reporter: junky
Testers: junky
Coders: junky

#14758: app_followme doesn't initialize targs
Revision: 184843
Reporter: tim_ringenbach
Coders: russell

#15372: [patch] app_followme does not set correct language/inherit from calling channel for Local/xxxxx channels it creates
Revision: 218579
Reporter: Romik
Testers: cervajs
Coders: tilghman

#16930: [patch] [regression] app_followme playing wrong sound files
Revision: 250979
Reporter: ianc
Coders: ianc

Category: Applications/app_forkcdr

#13797: [patch] forkcdr() doesn't fork when call disposition is ANSWERED
Revision: 195882
Reporter: sh0t
Testers: sh0t
Coders: mnicholson

#14744: ForkCDR creates 3 CDR's
Revision: 195882
Reporter: deepesh
Testers: sh0t
Coders: mnicholson

Category: Applications/app_ices

#14765: [patch] Typo in app_ices description.
Revision: 184801
Reporter: timeshell
Coders: timeshell

Category: Applications/app_macro

#16103: Sometimes macro in h extension returns to s extension
Revision: 225360
Reporter: majorbloodnok
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/app_meetme

#13801: [patch] No way to tune talker optimization in meetme, causes users to get cut off while they're still talking
Revision: 194434
Reporter: justdave
Coders: file

#14588: [patch] meetme doesn't play conf-has left prompts
Revision: 217199
Reporter: voipas
Testers: lmadsen, twisted, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15031: Setting the 'T' option for Meetme does not send MeetmeTalking events to the manager
Revision: 194434
Reporter: Stochastic
Coders: file

#15050: MeetMe Fails to Authenticate
Revision: 195636
Reporter: pmhaddad
Coders: file

#15493: [patch] contrib/scripts/meetme.sql doesn't contain all fields
Revision: 206567
Reporter: lasko
Coders: lasko

#15704: [patch] MeetMe privilege escalation in password query
Revision: 273522
Reporter: modelnine
Coders: jpeeler

#15725: [patch][regression] set talker detection (T) does not work unless set talker optimization (o) is enabled.
Revision: 238181
Reporter: shanermn
Testers: shanermn
Coders: dimas

#15871: [patch] Channels that was placed in "meetme" in dialing state do not leave application in CONGESTION case
Revision: 273355
Reporter: Ivan
Coders: Ivan

#15878: [patch] First caller to dynamic conference has to enter pin number twice
Revision: 272257
Reporter: shawkris
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

#16247: [patch] Muted user remains talking forever
Revision: 234380
Reporter: dimas
Coders: dimas

#16379: [patch] Patch: New admin features: Roll call, eject all, mute all, record in-conf
Revision: 260757
Reporter: rfinnie
Coders: rfinnie

#16509: [patch] meetme can support only 6341 rooms
Revision: 236510
Reporter: Kashif Raza
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#16866: [patch] Set conterence options on pin-less RealTime conferences
Revision: 256019
Reporter: DEA
Testers: DEA
Coders: DEA

#17133: When single user in Meetme application there are scrolling errors from ast_dsp_silence
Revision: 262744
Reporter: jsdyer
Coders: dvossel

#17390: [patch] Race conditition in app_meetme leads to crash
Revision: 276074
Reporter: Vince
Coders: jpeeler

#17516: app_meetme documentation for option w[(secs)] is called out as W[(secs)] (incorrectly capitalized)
Revision: 271089
Reporter: karlfife
Coders: pabelanger

Category: Applications/app_milliwatt

#15386: [patch] Milliwatt() is off by -11dbm
Revision: 209839
Reporter: rue_mohr
Testers: rue_mohr
Coders: russell

Category: Applications/app_minivm

#15174: [patch] cant unload and reload
Revision: 196377
Reporter: junky
Coders: junky

Category: Applications/app_mixmonitor

#13745: Recordings out of sync when using chanspy
Revision: 197543
Reporter: geoffs
Testers: snblitz
Coders: mmichelson

#15259: MixMonitor is not releasing the file handle on the recorded file
Revision: 201445
Reporter: travisghansen
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15699: [patch] using ast_free instead of mixmonitor_free
Revision: 213113
Reporter: edantie
Coders: edantie

#16152: [patch] MixMonitor thread doesn't exit until channel is dropped
Revision: 230509
Reporter: AlexMS
Testers: dvossel, AlexMS
Coders: dvossel

#16522: [regression] MixMonitor stops recording after transfer using AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT
Revision: 238635
Reporter: corruptor
Coders: dvossel

#16534: mixmonitor CLI command is broken
Revision: 237656
Reporter: jlaguilar
Coders: mvanbaak

#16740: [patch] New mute feature for MixMonitor
Revision: 258190
Reporter: jmls
Coders: jmls

#17078: [patch] MixMonitor records shorter files than the call duration.
Revision: 257713
Reporter: geoff2010
Testers: dhubbard, geoff2010
Coders: dhubbard

Category: Applications/app_mp3

#14823: [patch] Allow app_mp3 to play m3u playlist file
Revision: 233234
Reporter: macli
Testers: macli, dvossel
Coders: macli

#16531: [regression] chan_local audio crash
Revision: 238010
Reporter: john8675309
Coders: russell

Category: Applications/app_osplookup

Category: Applications/app_parkandannounce

#15380: Park() application options not working as documented
Revision: 205254
Reporter: DLNoah
Coders: dbrooks

#16406: Calls transfered to parking lot immediatly timeout and ring back extension that tried to park call
Revision: 241366
Reporter: alan_mousty
Testers: DLNoah
Coders: jpeeler

#16586: [patch] features.conf auto-included park function sometimes included junk in Park() command
Revision: 241366
Reporter: DLNoah
Testers: DLNoah
Coders: jpeeler

#16592: [patch] ParkAndAnnounce() Does Not Seem To Respect Multiple Parking Lots
Revision: 251679
Reporter: mwyres
Coders: snuffy

Category: Applications/app_playback

#16102: [patch] default say.conf for new number method doesnt handle all numbers
Revision: 274418
Reporter: Delvar
Coders: Delvar

Category: Applications/app_privacy

#16576: [patch] PrivacyManager generates a core dump when testing
Revision: 262656
Reporter: uxbod
Testers: uxbod
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/app_queue

#13220: [patch] Calls in high-weighted queue block low-weighted
Revision: 185072
Reporter: garychen
Coders: mmichelson

#14536: [patch] After a caller is processed by app_queue the queue_log logs the hangup as TRANSFER
Revision: 211957
Reporter: aragon
Testers: aragon, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#14631: [patch] Ghost calls with queues and spa942 and 922
Revision: 205350
Reporter: latinsud
Coders: latinsud

#14650: leavewhenempty=yes doesn't work as expected, operates in reverse.
Revision: 190250
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: mmichelson, lmadsen
Coders: mmichelson

#14672: Incorrect calling of free() at alloc_queue() in app_queue.c
Revision: 185261
Reporter: makoto
Coders: russell

#14680: unfreed memory in try_calling
Revision: 183244
Reporter: caspy
Testers: caspy
Coders: mmichelson

#14989: [patch] invalid XML syntax in doc of 'Queue'
Revision: 190991
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#15068: [patch] Add Queue Reset ability to Reset all members and all Numbers
Revision: 193349
Reporter: sum
Testers: sum
Coders: sum

#15122: Abandoned queue calls won't show on CDR
Revision: 198072
Reporter: sum
Testers: mnicholson, dbrooks, sum
Coders: mnicholson

#15146: [patch] Small Patch for 1.4 and 1.6 for report Original Position on ENTERQUEUE event.
Revision: 213414
Reporter: arabe
Coders: arabe

#15168: [patch] Add ability to use extension state as well as device state when adding queue memebers
Revision: 227424
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Coders: GameGamer43

#15260: [patch] periodic-announce-frequency suggestion
Revision: 228947
Reporter: tonils
Coders: mnicholson

#15396: app_queue segfault
Revision: 215212
Reporter: aragon
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#15494: Unused structure member in app_queue
Revision: 254045
Reporter: makoto
Coders: seanbright

#15664: [patch] QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST() returns member names instead of interfaces
Revision: 211040
Reporter: rain
Coders: rain

#15820: "keepstats" directive mistakenly(?) reverted?
Revision: 222548
Reporter: kshumard
Coders: qwell

#15832: [patch] music on hold digit=X not persistent across periodic announcements
Revision: 217730
Reporter: mbeckwell
Testers: mnick
Coders: mnick

#15982: [patch] Segmentation fault in queue_cmp_cb
Revision: 231134
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis
Coders: tilghman

#15984: QUEUE_MEMBER and QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT tries to destroy queue, leading to segmentation fault
Revision: 231134
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis
Coders: tilghman

#16078: [patch] length of queue name is static
Revision: 238361
Reporter: RoadKill
Testers: dvossel
Coders: ppyy

#16168: Hold Time report (reportholdtime) issue
Revision: 237920
Reporter: nickilo
Testers: nickilo, wonderg
Coders: nickilo

#16240: [patch] QUEUE_MEMBER(...,free) counts wrapping-up agents as available
Revision: 236308
Reporter: kkm
Testers: kkm, dvossel
Coders: kkm

#16384: [patch] Add support for ring indication when calling member
Revision: 236304
Reporter: haakon
Testers: haakon, loloski, dvossel
Coders: haakon

#16385: [patch] app_queue segfaults if realtime field uniqueid is NULL
Revision: 237327
Reporter: haakon
Testers: haakon
Coders: haakon, dvossel

#16475: [patch] Option C in Queue() app crashes Asterisk
Revision: 247736
Reporter: okrief
Coders: dvossel

#16488: [patch] When setting a soundfile for announce with a length longer then 80 chars a storage overlay happens
Revision: 243571
Reporter: syspert
Coders: syspert

#16677: [patch] deadlock in app_queue with use_weight during reload
Revision: 246116
Reporter: tim_ringenbach
Coders: tim

#16819: [patch] Manager event AgentComplete should alway be sent
Revision: 272368
Reporter: elbriga
Coders: elbriga

#17008: [patch] Autopause only pauses member on queue where timeout took place.
Revision: 261051
Reporter: jlpedrosa
Coders: jlpedrosa

#17061: Queue hangup if periodic announcement file is missing
Revision: 265090
Reporter: RoadKill
Coders: mmichelson

#17082: [patch] Improve realtime queue logging
Revision: 278307
Reporter: coolmig
Testers: coolmig
Coders: tilghman

#17123: [patch] Missing file queue-minute causes hangup of queue calls with wait time announcement = 1 minute
Revision: 263375
Reporter: n8ideas
Coders: lmadsen

#17262: [patch] "queue reset stats" erroneously clears wrapuptime configuration
Revision: 261232
Reporter: rain
Testers: rain
Coders: rain

#17471: [patch] "joinempty = ringing" doesn't work
Revision: 277366
Reporter: jazzy
Coders: jazzy

#17498: [patch] Bug in reporting queue hold time
Revision: 277488
Reporter: corruptor
Coders: corruptor

Category: Applications/app_readexten

#15185: [patch] Patch to allow tone-list as argument to ReadExten
Revision: 234776
Reporter: jcovert
Testers: qwell
Coders: jcovert

Category: Applications/app_sms

#14881: [patch] smsq uses '|' rather than ',' for options in call file
Revision: 188206
Reporter: stegro
Coders: stegro

Category: Applications/app_softhangup

#15810: [patch] SoftHangup() incorrectly truncates multi-hyphen channel names
Revision: 215338
Reporter: dhubbard
Coders: dhubbard

#16129: flags not initalized in app_softhangup, causes undefined behavoir
Revision: 229460
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: dbrooks

Category: Applications/app_speech_utils

#16966: SpeechBackground with multiple files does not interrupt speech when DTMF is received
Revision: 264335
Reporter: asackheim
Coders: mnicholson

Category: Applications/app_stack

#15193: [patch] Gosub AGI command is not being registered.
Revision: 231439
Reporter: eliel
Coders: tilghman

#15557: [patch] Gosub() dequotes once more than Macro()
Revision: 210908
Reporter: rain
Testers: rain
Coders: tilghman

#15617: [patch] crash in LOCAL() if Gosub stack is allocated but empty
Revision: 211232
Reporter: rain
Coders: tilghman

#16216: [patch] Invalid behaviour of Return within Gosub and AGI
Revision: 229351
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis
Coders: tilghman

#16510: [patch] Local values not set within gosub
Revision: 236300
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis
Coders: tilghman

#16758: [patch] zero/empty argument to gosub yields callers $ARG1
Revision: 252976
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: tilghman

#17356: [patch] Bad error message if Gosub or GosubIf to bad address
Revision: 264752
Reporter: kenner
Coders: kenner

Category: Applications/app_system

#16842: [patch] [regression] system() dialplan function fails (-1 returned) when argument is single quoted
Revision: 251877
Reporter: ip-rob
Testers: ip-rob
Coders: tilghman

#16905: [patch] system() dialplan function does not work
Revision: 251884
Reporter: ip-rob
Testers: ip-rob
Coders: tilghman

#17223: [patch] System() taking excessive time to return with nonroot
Revision: 260292
Reporter: dbackeberg
Testers: dbackeberg
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/app_test

#12442: pri loop TestClient/TestServer fails: server SEND DTMF 8
Revision: 184389
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: dvossel

Category: Applications/app_transfer

#16331: [patch] A blind transfer results in a call with empty accountcode in a specific circumstance
Revision: 247652
Reporter: bluefox
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

Category: Applications/app_voicemail

#14554: [patch] # for fastforward goes beyond end of message
Revision: 203802
Reporter: lacoursj
Testers: lacoursj
Coders: lacoursj

#14685: When using IMAP voicemail storage, you cannot retrieve messages by logging into VoicemailMain()
Revision: 186286
Reporter: BlargMaN
Testers: BlargMaN, qualleyiv, mmichelson
Coders: mmichelson

#14736: [patch] message "you have no messages" garbled
Revision: 185469
Reporter: chappell
Coders: chappell

#14739: [patch] Voicemail(ARGS) is limtted to 1024 characters, large 'blast' groups are silently left off
Revision: 193756
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Testers: p_lindheimer
Coders: tilghman

#14740: [patch] autoplay option for VoiceMailMain generates warning about invalid value
Revision: 221090
Reporter: pj
Testers: seanbright, lmadsen
Coders: seanbright

#14912: voicemail umask / permissions bug
Revision: 188774
Reporter: jcapp
Coders: tilghman

#14932: [patch] asterisk- segfaults when leaving a voicemail internally to another extension
Revision: 199630
Reporter: jpiszcz
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#15061: [patch] Email notification of voicemail segfaults Asterisk
Revision: 193678
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: tilghman

#15331: [patch] Log message does not match conditional check
Revision: 203721
Reporter: markd
Coders: dbrooks

#15333: [patch] add FILE_STORAGE to Voicemail Build Options
Revision: 200943
Reporter: mvanbaak
Coders: mvanbaak

#15427: [patch] app_voicemail hangup trying to play vm-helpexit-full file because doesn't exists
Revision: 206185
Reporter: brushtyler
Coders: brushtyler

#15625: [patch] Prepending to a voicemail on forward causes locked sip channel and large file filling disk space
Revision: 231616
Reporter: Shagg63
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#15625: [patch] Prepending to a voicemail on forward causes locked sip channel and large file filling disk space
Revision: 231688
Reporter: Shagg63
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#15654: [patch] Missing new-message notification for urgent messages
Revision: 249187
Reporter: tomo1657
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15696: [patch] Individual maxmessage/maxsecs does not work
Revision: 219412
Reporter: fhackenberger
Coders: fhackenberger

#15717: MWI is not sent to a SIP phone upon registration, but is after the mailbox is updated/checked
Revision: 213697
Reporter: natmlt
Coders: kpfleming

#15720: opendir() return code is not checked in last_message_index()
Revision: 212627
Reporter: tobias_e
Coders: tilghman

#16263: [patch] VM_DATE does not follow emaildateformat format for pager email
Revision: 232916
Reporter: andrew
Coders: andrew

#16271: [patch] message limit (maxmsg) can be exceeded in 1.6.x creating orphan voicemail
Revision: 240415
Reporter: sohosys
Testers: jsutton
Coders: tilghman

#16291: app_voicemail.c strip_control() strips more than just control chars
Revision: 233121
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: dvossel

#16415: [patch] Message forwarding with prepention does not backup original message and length as intended
Revision: 244243
Reporter: tomo1657
Coders: tomo1657

#16448: Voicemail messages flagged as urgent do not get emailed
Revision: 249187
Reporter: hevad
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16515: depreciated minmessage still referred to in warning
Revision: 236667
Reporter: ManChicken
Coders: tilghman

#16557: [patch] Asterisk produces malformed email files for voicemail
Revision: 255592
Reporter: jcovert
Testers: ebroad, zktech
Coders: tilghman

#16560: [regression] Voicemail message not recording when voicemail.conf format=wav|gsm|wav49
Revision: 238630
Reporter: goldwein
Coders: mnicholson

#16849: [patch] Voicemail attachments are sent even with attach=no
Revision: 251989
Reporter: ip-rob
Testers: ip-rob
Coders: tilghman

#16864: [patch] Voicemail minsecs is not able to be overridden per-mailbox
Revision: 254321
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: kobaz

#16921: [patch] VoiceMail(vmbox@context,s) -> Regularly segfaults asterisk
Revision: 249672
Reporter: whardier
Testers: whardier
Coders: seanbright

#16927: [patch] Segfault branches, and trunk, when DAHDI FXS port goes off hook
Revision: 249491
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: tilghman

#17302: [patch] Eliminate compiler warning in app_voicemail.c
Revision: 262152
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: tilghman

#2264: [patch] Empty messages should not result in a voicemail
Revision: 202570
Reporter: pfn
Coders: pfn

#2264: [patch] Empty messages should not result in a voicemail
Revision: 203962
Reporter: pfn
Testers: pfn
Coders: pfn

Category: Applications/app_voicemail/IMAP

#14496: [patch] IMAP crash multiple callers / callers hangup at beep
Revision: 210564
Reporter: vbcrlfuser
Testers: lmadsen, mmichelson, dbrooks
Coders: lmadsen

#14508: [patch] Usage of IMAP mailboxes still cause asterisk to crash, even after 0013653 committed patch
Revision: 193956
Reporter: tiziano
Coders: tiziano

#14597: greetings can not be retrieved from IMAP
Revision: 213404
Reporter: wtca
Testers: jpeeler
Coders: mmichelson

#14889: Thread-specific vm_state tracking issue if a voicemail is left immediately after a restart.
Revision: 195521
Reporter: jaroth
Testers: msirota, BlargMaN
Coders: msirota

#14949: [patch] Can't delete temporary greeting when using IMAP storage
Revision: 220833
Reporter: noahisaac
Coders: noahisaac

#14950: [patch] Greetings are stored as IMAP messages even when imapgreetings=no
Revision: 213833
Reporter: noahisaac
Coders: jpeeler

#15729: IMAP greetings not stored in dovecot
Revision: 213833
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: jpeeler

#15934: [patch] doesn't refresh information from database on reload
Revision: 219818
Reporter: viniciusfontes
Testers: viniciusfontes
Coders: tilghman

#16350: [patch] Deleting Multiple IMAP voicemails does not work reliably
Revision: 278275
Reporter: noahisaac
Coders: tilghman

#16945: [patch] fix getting callerid name in imap_retrieve_file() (broken callerid number announcement/reply/...)
Revision: 272148
Reporter: mneuhauser
Coders: tilghman

#17135: [patch] Message count incorrect
Revision: 263589
Reporter: edhorton
Testers: edhorton, ebroad
Coders: tilghman, ebroad

Category: Applications/app_voicemail/NewFeature

#11678: [patch] Notification email should use the voicemail's metadata
Revision: 186444
Reporter: jamessan
Testers: tilghman, lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

#14276: [patch] allow storage of vmsecret in users voicemail spool directory
Revision: 225406
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: jamesgolovich
Coders: klaus3000

#14298: [patch] per-mailbox imapfolder option
Revision: 232700
Reporter: jablko
Coders: jablko

#14333: [patch] add option to configure locale for date/time string construction
Revision: 266828
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000
Coders: tilghman, klaus3000

#14973: [patch] Add new command VMSayName()
Revision: 249889
Reporter: ghjm
Coders: jpeeler

#15053: [patch] Vietnamese support for Voicemail
Revision: 237050
Reporter: dinhtrung
Coders: dinhtrung

#15132: [patch] Voicemail "greetings only" feature
Revision: 234820
Reporter: floletarmo
Coders: floletarmo

#17566: [patch] Tweak to voicemail to put rdnis in msgxxxx.txt file
Revision: 275307
Reporter: outcast
Testers: outcast
Coders: outcast

#17628: script for use with externpasscheck
Revision: 275863
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: russell, lmadsen
Coders: russell

Category: Applications/app_voicemail/ODBC

#15186: [patch] Asterisk crash when recording busy or unavailable message while using ODBC voicemail storage
Revision: 201531
Reporter: ajohnson
Testers: ajohnson
Coders: tilghman

#16953: [patch] [regression] SQL Syntax Error - Missing Single Quote
Revision: 250913
Reporter: elguero
Coders: elguero

Category: Applications/app_waitforsilence

#15685: [patch] WaitForSilence never exits - no dsp.conf
Revision: 268690
Reporter: david_s5
Testers: danti
Coders: dant, pabelanger

Category: CDR/General

#12946: [patch] ResetCDR does not work on non-answered channel
Revision: 198072
Reporter: meral
Testers: mnicholson, dbrooks, sum
Coders: mnicholson

#13637: Missing userfield for Queue call with NO ANSWER
Revision: 194057
Reporter: atis
Testers: mnicholson, atis
Coders: mnicholson

#14167: [patch] CDR does not get produced with .call files
Revision: 258671
Reporter: jpt
Testers: dlotina, rmartinez, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#14306: CDR not written when Busy() used
Revision: 189010
Reporter: cristiandimache
Coders: mnicholson

#15180: [patch] No unique identifier for CDR
Revision: 227435
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#15751: [patch] Core dump in ast_bridge_call features.c line 2772
Revision: 213327
Reporter: atis
Coders: atis

#16180: [patch] CDR dispositions BUSY and FAILED are reported as NO ANSWER
Revision: 235660
Reporter: aatef
Coders: jpeeler

#16222: [patch] CDR always set disposition as NO ANSWER with .call files
Revision: 258671
Reporter: telles
Testers: dlotina, rmartinez, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#17334: [patch] [regression] CDRs being written where they were not before after revision 258670
Revision: 265611
Reporter: jvandal
Testers: aragon, jvandal
Coders: mnicholson

#17592: [patch] [regression] No CDR after originate from manager
Revision: 275028
Reporter: jamicque
Testers: jamicque, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

Category: CDR/NewFeature

#12876: [patch] Support for CDR's and syslogd
Revision: 203846
Reporter: bbryant
Testers: seanbright
Coders: bbryant, seanbright

#13691: [patch] Unanswered Queue() calls don't have CDR
Revision: 194057
Reporter: dferrer
Testers: mnicholson, atis
Coders: mnicholson

#16600: [patch] Add Calling and Called Subaddress to CDR record
Revision: 241581
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

Category: CDR/cdr_custom

#15471: cdr_custom produces incorrect csv format for clid
Revision: 221368
Reporter: dkerr
Testers: mnick
Coders: mnick

Category: CDR/cdr_pgsql

#17478: [patch] cdr_pgsql does not detect when a table is not found
Revision: 275626
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: kobaz, russell, lmadsen
Coders: kobaz

Category: CDR/cdr_sqlite3_custom

#15953: [patch] sqlite3 CDRs not working after a reload
Revision: 223136
Reporter: frawd
Testers: frawd
Coders: frawd

#17001: [patch] sqlite module does bad parsing of values in config file
Revision: 257065
Reporter: snuffy
Testers: snuffy
Coders: tilghman

#17017: SQLite3-3.6.23 incompatibility in asterisk-
Revision: 252314
Reporter: alephlg
Coders: seanbright

Category: CDR/cdr_tds

#17380: [patch] long waiting (over 2 min) for cdr_tds running "SELECT 1 FROM cdr" when asterisk starting with aournd 3mil cdr in table
Revision: 269007
Reporter: kkwong
Testers: kkwong
Coders: seanbright

Category: Channels/General

#14970: [patch] chan_vpb fails to catch exception on 1.4
Revision: 228080
Reporter: tzafrir
Testers: markwaters
Coders: tzafrir

#14984: segfault during attended transfer of an automatically redirected call
Revision: 192462
Reporter: gincantalupo
Coders: file

#15330: [patch] Using CHANNEL function from ZOMBIE channel stops Asterisk
Revision: 201381
Reporter: okrief
Testers: dbrooks
Coders: dbrooks

#15940: [patch] IAX does not allow CALLERID(num) contain non-numbers.
Revision: 225033
Reporter: dimas
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dimas, dvossel

#15957: Automatic progress indication breaks some scenarios
Revision: 220289
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

#16058: [patch] Crash in local_ast_moh_start / ast_indicate_data due to AST_CONTROL_HOLD with bad pointer
Revision: 231927
Reporter: atis
Coders: jpeeler

#16058: [patch] Crash in local_ast_moh_start / ast_indicate_data due to AST_CONTROL_HOLD with bad pointer
Revision: 243244
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis
Coders: jpeeler

#16242: [patch] Comfort noise frame with f->data NULL but f->datalen 160
Revision: 231491
Reporter: amorsen
Testers: amorsen, oej, dvossel
Coders: oej

#16424: [patch] ast_transfer will stall until hangup if called with a channel that doesn't support transfers.
Revision: 238492
Reporter: davidw
Coders: davidw

#16708: [patch] Introduce function for parsing ABNF name-andor-addr = name-addr / addr-spec
Revision: 256530
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: Nick

#17084: [patch] Asterisk crash in func_odbc
Revision: 267669
Reporter: falves11
Testers: falves11
Coders: falves11

Category: Channels/NewFeature

#12950: [patch] PacketCable NCS 1.0 Support for Docsis / Eurodocsis Networks
Revision: 227049
Reporter: alea-soluciones
Testers: alea-soluciones, adomjan, urtho, nahuelgreco
Coders: alea-soluciones

#8824: [patch] Remote (called) Party Identification - chan_sip & chan_skinny implementation
Revision: 186525
Reporter: gareth
Coders: mmichelson

Category: Channels/chan_agent

#14091: autologoff does not work
Revision: 189204
Reporter: evandro
Coders: dvossel

#14590: [patch] updatecdr='yes' in agents.conf is not working
Revision: 230628
Reporter: msetim
Testers: Laureano, mnicholson
Coders: Laureano

#15668: AGENTACCEPTDTMF is incorrectly spelled as AGENTACCEPTDMTF in code to recognize channel variables.
Revision: 212581
Reporter: davidw
Coders: seanbright

#15735: Asterisk Chrashes Daily
Revision: 215212
Reporter: thom4fun
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#16321: [patch] [regression] asterisk deadlocks and calls will stop queueing.
Revision: 241314
Reporter: valon24
Coders: jpeeler

Category: Channels/chan_alsa

#14673: [patch] Missing mute facility
Revision: 229753
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: qwell
Coders: Nick

#14760: [patch] fails to load with no reason given in log
Revision: 196988
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: Nick

Category: Channels/chan_dahdi

#13034: [patch] 183 response although progressinband=never
Revision: 183321
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000
Coders: tilghman, klaus3000

#13917: [patch] fxo modules incorrectly believes channel is answered, if telco reverses line polarity at off hook.
Revision: 203672
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#14163: [patch] UK (BT) lines produce uncleared red alarm on TDM400P during line tests
Revision: 250481
Reporter: jedi98
Testers: mattbrown, Chainsaw, mikeeccleston
Coders: jedi98

#14383: priexclusive parameter ignored if pri = pri_cpe ?
Revision: 203909
Reporter: mbrancaleoni
Coders: rmudgett

#14434: [patch] Dahdi does not wait for wink on outbound calls before dialing DTMF with Signalling type = em_w
Revision: 207854
Reporter: araasch
Coders: jpeeler

#14477: pseudo channel disappears after dahdi restart
Revision: 203853
Reporter: timking
Coders: jpeeler

#14577: [patch] FXO channels "hookstate" incorrect on startup
Revision: 278501
Reporter: jkroon
Testers: frawd
Coders: frawd

#14655: [patch] Wrong text for HELP DAHDI
Revision: 183701
Reporter: ulogic
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: ulogic

#14696: reload in console overwrites priindication=outofband setting
Revision: 208383
Reporter: fdecher
Coders: jpeeler

#14726: Conditional compilation of a diagnostic message needs an L modifier to %d for a 64 bit integer
Revision: 207156
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: jpeeler

#14761: [patch] 1.6.1: unidirectional PCM if (FXS?) hardware DTMF detection enabled
Revision: 203258
Reporter: tzafrir
Testers: tzafrir, dimas
Coders: dimas

#15129: [patch] Incoming DTMF causes "Cannot handle frames in 2 format" error, call dies
Revision: 219654
Reporter: bmh
Coders: tilghman

#15207: "dahdi.conf" misused in conf files
Revision: 197089
Reporter: seandarcy
Coders: seanbright

#15248: [patch] Multiple Groups Not working
Revision: 199227
Reporter: gentian
Testers: gentian
Coders: mmichelson

#15288: [patch] Aborted inbound trunk call to FXO analog port causes internal extensions (SIP or DAHDI) to ring forever.
Revision: 211908
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#15378: [patch] Crash in do_monitor() in chan_dahdi.c
Revision: 218430
Reporter: samy
Coders: jpeeler

#15381: [patch] TDM400P FXS port, doesn't ring correctly when mwisendtype=rpas
Revision: 203126
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: dbailey
Coders: dbailey

#15452: [patch] Unable to make ISDN PRI calls after upgrade.
Revision: 208267
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: jpeeler

#15486: 183 response although progressinband=never
Revision: 206767
Reporter: rmudgett
Coders: jpeeler

#15508: [patch] Segfault - Perhaps in sig_analog.c
Revision: 206998
Reporter: elguero
Testers: elguero
Coders: jpeeler

#15524: [patch] sig_pri.c Trying To Set NPI When There Is No Destination Number
Revision: 207950
Reporter: elguero
Coders: elguero

#15614: [patch] maintenance support broke compatiblity with old libpri
Revision: 209619
Reporter: fabled
Coders: jpeeler

#15655: [patch] Dialplan starts execution before call is accepted
Revision: 210640
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: rmudgett

#15678: [patch] IF ELSE and WHILE braces, plus white space cleanup
Revision: 212291
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#15683: [patch] dahdi_read unbalanced ast_mutex_lock and ast_mutex_unlock
Revision: 222463
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: jpeeler

#15684: [patch] different 'ringt' timeout counting styles througout chan_dahdi/sig_analog code
Revision: 222652
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#15718: [patch] Distinctive ring detection not working. Exits after first cadence
Revision: 277837
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: jpeeler

#15727: [patch] Message Waiting Indication(MWI) is randomly generated when FXO is set to DTMF Caller ID
Revision: 212431
Reporter: doda
Coders: doda

#15883: NewChannel AMI event on DAHDI (or Zaptel) channels contains CallerID information from previous call
Revision: 224331
Reporter: jsmith
Coders: jpeeler

#15899: crash on second 'dahdi destroy channel' if a var was set
Revision: 222298
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: jpeeler

#15909: When no callerid is recieved, cannot override callerid
Revision: 227167
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: file

#15924: pulse and hardware dtmf digits not detected in chan_dahdi/trunk
Revision: 222108
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: jpeeler

#15972: [patch] Dropping frame since I'm still dialing on Zap/... (resp. DAHDi/...) with DIGITAL calls
Revision: 232091
Reporter: udosw
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#16359: [patch] Only the last setvar is effective for a given channel
Revision: 244505
Reporter: raarts
Testers: raarts
Coders: raarts

#16389: [patch] busydetect incorrectly hangs up incoming call due to incoming DTMF seen as busy pattern.
Revision: 234897
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#16440: Setting a call-forward on an analog phone results in the analog phone still being rung when dialed
Revision: 235382
Reporter: mmichelson
Coders: jpeeler

#16460: [patch] DTMF CallerID detection without polarity reversal
Revision: 260231
Reporter: sum
Testers: sum, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

#16638: [patch] Update CDR variables that are available, before pbx starts
Revision: 241097
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#16638: [patch] Update CDR variables that are available, before pbx starts
Revision: 241416
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#17067: [patch] chan_dahdi/fxs really needringing
Revision: 260437
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#17143: hidecalleridname parameter in chan_dahdi.conf
Revision: 259307
Reporter: djensen99
Testers: djensen99
Coders: djensen99

#17216: [patch] Deadlock between ast_hangup and pri_dchannel
Revision: 261866
Reporter: lmsteffan
Coders: jpeeler

#17261: 1.4.31rc1 Deadlock: Tried and failed to get Lock #1 (chan_dahdi.c): MUTEX 1063 pri_grab &pri->lock 0xe09684
Revision: 271336
Reporter: aragon
Coders: jpeeler

#17401: [patch] [regression] Incoming overlap dialing no longer works after rev 203304
Revision: 267928
Reporter: avalentin
Testers: avalentin, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

#17414: [patch] ss_thread calls pri_grab without lock during overlap dial
Revision: 272447
Reporter: pdf
Coders: jpeeler

#17441: [patch] priexclusive in chan_dahdi.conf ignored when reloading dahdi module
Revision: 277467
Reporter: mtryfoss
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

#17623: [patch] DNID not cleared when channel hang up
Revision: 278777
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

#17653: [patch] Duplicate of 0016402 - dahdi show channels does not show an outgoing call - with patch
Revision: 279156
Reporter: amazinzay
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Channels/chan_dahdi/NewFeature

#14068: [patch] COLP/CONP support in QSIG
Revision: 213007
Reporter: nreinartz
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

#15054: [patch] span numbers in pri debug / error messages
Revision: 225836
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#16709: [patch] Added a config parameter to report span and/or channels alarms using AMI
Revision: 250392
Reporter: nahuelgreco
Coders: nahuelgreco

#17142: [patch] Enable PRI SERVICE message support in chan_dahdi
Revision: 257642
Reporter: dhubbard
Testers: elguero, dhubbard
Coders: dhubbard

#3450: [branch] adds support for SERVice maintenance messages
Revision: 188342
Reporter: cmaj
Coders: jpeeler

Category: Channels/chan_h323

#11261: [patch] chan_h323 with H323Plus for TRUNK (SVN rev. 89183)
Revision: 182722
Reporter: vhatz
Coders: jthurman

#11966: Compile Fail when enable Module Embedding
Revision: 187906
Reporter: dome
Testers: jpeeler
Coders: kpfleming

#12415: chan_h323 doesn't respect rtp packetization settings
Revision: 189993
Reporter: pj
Coders: mvanbaak

#14715: [patch] Simplify h323 Make process
Revision: 184838
Reporter: jthurman
Testers: tzafrir, russell
Coders: jthurman

#17109: [patch] [regression] openh323 log is not printed on asterisk console
Revision: 265451
Reporter: under
Coders: under

Category: Channels/chan_iax2

#12912: An issue with the IAX2 channel allows anonymous connections to cause resource starvation
Revision: 215955
Reporter: rathaus
Testers: tilghman, russell, dvossel, dbrooks
Coders: dvossel

#14207: iax2 trunked channels not being cleared
Revision: 194833
Reporter: clive18
Coders: dvossel

#14216: Random audio dropouts when jitterbuffer = yes
Revision: 195995
Reporter: Andrey Sofronov
Testers: guillecabeza
Coders: guillecabeza

#14717: [patch] chan_iax2 reports endless if a peer cannot be registered (>100 logs/sec)
Revision: 194874
Reporter: mobeck
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#14728: [patch] global mohinterpret setting is ignored
Revision: 192214
Reporter: dimas
Testers: dimas, dvossel
Coders: dimas

#14837: [patch] Add rtsavesysname to chan_iax
Revision: 201534
Reporter: barthpbx
Coders: barthpbx, dvossel

#14867: IAX2 failed registration notices are spamming the CLI until /var/log/asterisk/messages file fills hard drive 100%
Revision: 194874
Reporter: aragon
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15007: LAGRQ Warnings in 1.6.1
Revision: 191494
Reporter: hulber
Coders: tilghman

#15032: [patch] Sign problem calculating timestamp for iax frame leads to no audio on the receiving peer.
Revision: 195995
Reporter: guillecabeza
Testers: guillecabeza
Coders: guillecabeza

#15191: IAX trunk only comes up as trunk in one direction only, unless you unload and load chan_iax
Revision: 199743
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15216: after transfer negotiation, releasing doesnt work , both channels are still up....forever
Revision: 198824
Reporter: oxymoron
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15335: Need to expand number of available flags in chan_iax2
Revision: 201331
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: dvossel

#15361: [patch] AST-2009-001 breaks IAX2 RFC5456 compliance - Timestamps in POKE/PONG zero in 2 of 4 Bytes
Revision: 201994
Reporter: ffloimair
Coders: dvossel

#15404: [patch] Unrequired Debug Message
Revision: 203710
Reporter: leobrown
Coders: leobrown

#15525: [patch] Channel Unlocked Two Times
Revision: 207225
Reporter: elguero
Testers: dvossel
Coders: elguero, dvossel

#15834: [patch] iax2 encryption failed on asterisk
Revision: 217807
Reporter: karesmakro
Testers: dvossel, karesmakro
Coders: dvossel

#15997: [patch] segfault in in _ao2_find, called from chan_iax2 after approx. 75.000 calls
Revision: 245793
Reporter: exarv
Coders: dvossel

#16094: [patch] iax2 show cache, locks channels.
Revision: 230726
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, dvossel
Coders: alecdavis

#16194: IAX2 Codec negotiation fails since 227580
Revision: 228979
Reporter: habile
Coders: tilghman

#16206: [patch] Segfault in when receiving call without CallToken support
Revision: 229168
Reporter: bklang
Testers: bklang
Coders: dvossel

#16456: IAX2 Can't compress subclass 4294967295
Revision: 236144
Reporter: dvossel
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#16565: crash: in "scheduled_destroy" at chan_iax2.c:1511
Revision: 238412
Reporter: jensvb
Coders: dvossel

#16711: [patch] CHANNEL function cannot set OSP token for outbound IAX calls.
Revision: 243482
Reporter: homesick
Coders: homesick

#16904: [patch] [regression] Duplicate TXREQ packets will cause chan_iax2 to reject an unrelated call in the future
Revision: 250395
Reporter: rain
Testers: rain, dvossel
Coders: rain

#17648: [Patch] Invert the objectname in the AMI answer of the iaxpeers
Revision: 278393
Reporter: GMLudo
Coders: tilghman

Category: Channels/chan_local

#14709: [patch] chan_local generates MoH instead of just passing HOLD/UNHOLD further
Revision: 226532
Reporter: dimas
Coders: file

#14829: Mixmonitor/Monitor stops when automated dial out call files used with local channel
Revision: 197828
Reporter: licedey
Testers: mmichelson, licedey, lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

#14992: [patch] [regression] #0013747 not fixed for local channel (Indications are not passed from old peer to new peer during masquerad
Revision: 246070
Reporter: davidw
Coders: jpeeler

#15314: [patch] Seg fault in chan_local - local_pvt_destroy
Revision: 230039
Reporter: sroberts
Testers: davidw, lottc
Coders: davidw

#15787: [patch] chan_local deadlock
Revision: 214945
Reporter: tim_ringenbach
Testers: tim_ringenbach
Coders: tim

#16581: Chan Local Fails to bridge from originate
Revision: 244071
Reporter: ZX81
Testers: kobaz, atis
Coders: tilghman

#16637: [patch] Dial option 'L' does not work correctly when a local channel is involved
Revision: 250609
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: lmadsen, jsmith, mmichelson
Coders: lmadsen

#16681: [regression] .call file not connecting to context: when channel: answers
Revision: 244071
Reporter: alexr1
Testers: kobaz, atis
Coders: tilghman

#16840: [patch] Deadlock in chan_local when obtaining locks on local_pvt->lock
Revision: 256015
Reporter: bzing2
Testers: bzing2, russell
Coders: bzing2, russell

#17185: [patch] [regression] Using Local channels with queues causes deadlocks
Revision: 259870
Reporter: schmoozecom
Testers: schmoozecom, GameGamer43
Coders: dvossel

Category: Channels/chan_mgcp

#14818: [patch] "setvar" configuration option for mgcp
Revision: 219952
Reporter: alea-soluciones
Coders: alea

#16782: [patch] doesn't export a symbol, chan_mgcp will not load or will malfunction depending on gcc version
Revision: 246208
Reporter: nahuelgreco
Coders: nahuelgreco

#17144: [patch] Endpoints are not loaded when using Realtime
Revision: 272145
Reporter: nahuelgreco
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

Category: Channels/chan_misdn

#11974: external lines connected with message !! Got Busy in Connected State !?!
Revision: 204835
Reporter: fvdb
Coders: rmudgett

#12113: [patch] asterisk crash at reload
Revision: 212506
Reporter: agupta
Coders: jpeeler

#12286: [patch] immediate=yes treats s extension differently than others: doesn't return cause code 1 if doesn't exist
Revision: 196117
Reporter: lmamane
Coders: file

#13488: [patch] mISDN rejects incoming calls
Revision: 185122
Reporter: Christian_Pinedo
Testers: crich, siepkes, festr
Coders: crich

#14355: [patch] Segfault if you transfer a call into a meetme room
Revision: 206489
Reporter: sodom
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

#14692: [patch] ISDN-Transfer causes backcall attempt of attendent phone
Revision: 206489
Reporter: sodom
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

#14976: [patch] "misdn show config" segfaults asterisk, if no MSN lists
Revision: 193263
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, FabienToune
Coders: alecdavis

#15458: [patch] mISDN rejects calls - NO FREE CHAN IN STACK
Revision: 221844
Reporter: FabienToune
Testers: rmudgett, slutec18, FabienToune
Coders: rmudgett

#15490: [patch] mISDN rejects incoming calls (reopened)
Revision: 221844
Reporter: slutec18
Testers: rmudgett, slutec18, FabienToune
Coders: rmudgett

#16041: [patch] Asterisk 1.4.27-rc2 crash
Revision: 228145
Reporter: francesco_r
Coders: dbrooks

Category: Channels/chan_sip/CodecHandling

#12485: [patch] Answer preferred codec only in SIP response
Revision: 183995
Reporter: bamby
Coders: dvossel

#13243: [patch] Set(SIP_CODEC=xxxx) only applies to first inbound leg of call
Revision: 186624
Reporter: samdell3
Coders: file

#13569: Asterisk sending the wrong codec on re-invite.
Revision: 195096
Reporter: bkw918
Coders: file

#15504: [patch] G726 Codec has choppy audio on Version 1.6.1
Revision: 229282
Reporter: globalnetinc
Coders: file

Category: Channels/chan_sip/DatabaseSupport

#16683: [patch] warning about "Invalid peer port configuration" for realtime
Revision: 247787
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: tilghman

Category: Channels/chan_sip/General

#11157: Asterisk does not send a provisional response at every minute
Revision: 215758
Reporter: rjain
Testers: twilson
Coders: twilson

#11231: [patch] Many retransmits when chan_sip generates multiple outstanding requests
Revision: 204247
Reporter: flefoll
Coders: mmichelson

#12006: [patch] chan_sip fails to set contact, via, and sdp headers correctly with outboundproxy set
Revision: 188067
Reporter: mnicholson
Coders: file

#12013: SIP with canreinvite=yes through multiple Asterisk instances fails
Revision: 185846
Reporter: alx
Coders: dvossel

#12215: [patch] Asterisk returns 482 Loop Detected upon receiving re-invite
Revision: 194496
Reporter: jpyle
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: mmichelson

#12434: Handle wrong at offer/answer in sdp in media description(m=)
Revision: 207424
Reporter: mnnojd
Coders: mmichelson

#12869: [patch] 'context' doesn't change when 'sip reload' issued when driven from realtime
Revision: 213093
Reporter: bcnit
Testers: lasko
Coders: tilghman

#13136: [patch] sip peer qualified failed, asterisk lock.
Revision: 225445
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: dvossel, whys
Coders: dvossel

#13432: [patch] where domain can not be resolved silently removes the sip section
Revision: 204301
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Coders: p

#13823: [patch] Response to REGISTER is sent to wrong address when using rport
Revision: 197467
Reporter: dimas
Coders: file

#13849: problem handling race condition - reINVITE before ACK
Revision: 187488
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: mmichelson, klaus3000
Coders: mmichelson

#14059: [patch] chanvar-option for peers in sip.conf
Revision: 205086
Reporter: fnordian
Coders: tilghman

#14239: [patch] 491-request pending is sent out of dialog
Revision: 208388
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000
Coders: mmichelson

#14256: [patch] SIP Channel name is not unique
Revision: 188947
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis, file
Coders: Nick

#14309: [patch] SIP/realtime problems => 100 % CPU
Revision: 220906
Reporter: pkempgen
Testers: pkempgen, vrban
Coders: tilghman

#14464: [patch] lock during simple call processing
Revision: 202337
Reporter: pj
Testers: aragon
Coders: mmichelson

#14573: [patch] 'autodomain' doesn't work
Revision: 215891
Reporter: pj
Testers: pj
Coders: mnicholson

#14575: BYE to 408 Request Timeout
Revision: 208588
Reporter: chris-mac
Coders: mmichelson

#14659: [patch] MWI NOTIFY contains a wrong URI if Asterisk listens to non-standard port (5060)
Revision: 202672
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: dvossel, klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000, dvossel

#14686: Regression: #13867 Reject an incoming call to peer due to call limit with "603 Declined". It`s not correct.
Revision: 186837
Reporter: davidw
Coders: mmichelson

#14727: [patch] lock or crash after changing sip 'transport'
Revision: 189771
Reporter: pj
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#14727: [patch] lock or crash after changing sip 'transport'
Revision: 196416
Reporter: pj
Testers: dvossel, pj
Coders: dvossel

#14784: crash after native bridging
Revision: 187674
Reporter: pj
Coders: tilghman

#14828: Asterisk generates Ring instead of Coloring Ring Back Tone (Early Media).
Revision: 224774
Reporter: licedey
Coders: file

#14993: [patch] SIP Response 410 incorrectly mapped to Hangupcause 1, should be 22
Revision: 191560
Reporter: BigJimmy
Coders: BigJimmy

#14994: [patch] Invalid SDP connection information (c=) parsing leading to one way audio
Revision: 227759
Reporter: frawd
Testers: frawd, mnicholson, file
Coders: mnicholson

#15036: [patch] ignore both DTMF BEGIN and END from RTP when not in RFC2833 mode
Revision: 192634
Reporter: dimas
Coders: dimas

#15074: huge memory leak - sip_alloc
Revision: 197538
Reporter: pj
Coders: file

#15143: [patch] Deadlock on chan_sip
Revision: 199588
Reporter: cristiandimache
Testers: cristiandimache
Coders: mmichelson

#15213: [patch] asterisk lock in sipsock_read for several seconds and drop sip packets
Revision: 202337
Reporter: schmidts
Testers: aragon
Coders: mmichelson

#15243: wrong sip port number display
Revision: 198762
Reporter: pj
Coders: file

#15262: [patch] RFC3261 Via-header branches not done right (section
Revision: 219451
Reporter: maniax
Testers: maniax, dvossel
Coders: tweety, dvossel

#15283: [patch] CLI NOTIFY always tries to use UDP, even if the peer is connected via TCP
Revision: 199818
Reporter: jthurman
Testers: jthurman, dvossel
Coders: jthurman

#15340: [patch] Deadlock when performing directed pickup
Revision: 219371
Reporter: lmsteffan
Testers: lmsteffan
Coders: lmsteffan

#15345: [patch] SIP deadlock in 1.4 revision 199472
Revision: 202337
Reporter: aragon
Testers: aragon
Coders: mmichelson

#15349: Deadlock in do_monitor() of chan_sip
Revision: 202337
Reporter: samy
Testers: aragon
Coders: mmichelson

#15356: After a few thousand calls, or at random, Asterisk stops receiving events from the network
Revision: 234129
Reporter: falves11
Testers: falves11
Coders: tilghman

#15362: [patch] log message output is truncated
Revision: 214199
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000

#15376: SIP option (SIP_OPT_ flag) is not handled correctly
Revision: 207029
Reporter: Takehiko Ooshima
Testers: dvossel, Takehiko_Ooshima
Coders: dvossel

#15403: [patch] Session timer is not activated
Revision: 206768
Reporter: makoto
Coders: makoto

#15441: [patch] Crash when performing directed pickup
Revision: 208017
Reporter: lmsteffan
Testers: lmsteffan
Coders: mmichelson

#15596: [patch] all codecs allowed, but textsupport=no crashes on T140RED enabled call
Revision: 209516
Reporter: fabled
Coders: fabled

#15621: [patch] session-expires default timer wrong
Revision: 216695
Reporter: fnordian
Testers: atis
Coders: oej

#15716: [patch] chan_sip fails to destroy channels in INVITE when no response received
Revision: 234129
Reporter: dant
Testers: falves11
Coders: tilghman

#15731: Remote crash on Asterisk
Revision: 278465
Reporter: flop
Coders: russell

#15819: [patch] buggy output in "sip show channelstats"
Revision: 239663
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000, oej
Coders: klaus3000

#15839: [patch] caller id number is empty
Revision: 216993
Reporter: ebroad
Testers: ebroad, dvossel
Coders: ebroad, dvossel

#15868: [patch] SIPshowregistry manager action obmits ActionID from RegistryEntry events
Revision: 217593
Reporter: nic_bellamy
Coders: nic

#15949: [patch] correct auth keyword parsing in add_realm_authentication()
Revision: 223132
Reporter: ebroad
Testers: ebroad
Coders: ebroad, dvossel

#15955: [patch] p->peerauth is always empty in transmit_register()
Revision: 223088
Reporter: ebroad
Coders: ebroad

#16021: [patch] sippeers loaded with realtime are treated as type=friends, no matter what type is in the db
Revision: 265449
Reporter: Guggemand
Testers: Guggemand
Coders: Guggemand

#16091: [patch] Security Problem
Revision: 225912
Reporter: thom4fun
Coders: jpeeler

#16120: SIP peers are not being built from users.conf configuration
Revision: 227238
Reporter: jsmith
Coders: dvossel

#16212: [regression] Early audio message doesn't play over SIP
Revision: 232657
Reporter: miki
Coders: dvossel

#16268: [patch] Last line of SDP is not being parsed
Revision: 230773
Reporter: sgimeno
Coders: kpfleming

#16295: [patch] handle_incoming() incorrectly sets p->method to SIP_ACK
Revision: 236063
Reporter: omolenkamp
Coders: dvossel

#16299: [patch] pedantic sip checking needed to generate valid messages (but broken)
Revision: 243200
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: wdoekes, dvossel, Nick_Lewis
Coders: wdoekes, dvossel

#16320: [patch] Incorrect reloading of realtime peer causes mailbox list to expand indefinitely
Revision: 268817
Reporter: Marquis
Coders: tilghman

#16323: [patch] confusing description in configs/sip.conf.sample
Revision: 268988
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000

#16457: [Patch] always m=text 0 in sdp answer
Revision: 239427
Reporter: peterj
Testers: peterj
Coders: peterj, dvossel

#16459: [patch] Change in sip show channels display format allowing more digits for CID
Revision: 238405
Reporter: Rzadzins
Coders: Rzadzins

#16643: [patch] Setting "timerb" on chan_sip.conf doesn't work at all, in [general] or peer
Revision: 246724
Reporter: nahuelgreco
Testers: oej
Coders: tilghman

#16652: [patch] SIP CHANNEL(rtpqos,audio,...) variables missing.
Revision: 247124
Reporter: kkm
Coders: tilghman

#16707: [patch] Caller name lost during call redirect
Revision: 246627
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: dvossel

#16767: [patch] Deadlock between handle_request_do and do_devstate_changes
Revision: 256319
Reporter: lmsteffan
Coders: dvossel

#16815: [patch] chan_sip does not decrease module refcount on deferred BYE
Revision: 271903
Reporter: rain
Testers: rain
Coders: rain

#16936: [patch] Qualify frequency has big pauses. Asterisk stops sending SIP OPTIONS to keep NAT alive
Revision: 261496
Reporter: ib2
Testers: cappucinoking, crjw, russell
Coders: russell

#16988: [patch] small error in T.140 RTP port verbose
Revision: 258934
Reporter: frawd
Testers: russell
Coders: frawd

#16997: [patch] Chan_sip compile never completes on Mac OSX 10.6.2
Revision: 251475
Reporter: jquinn
Testers: tilghman, russell
Coders: tilghman

#17025: [patch] This is C. Indent levels do not matter in C.
Revision: 252442
Reporter: smurfix
Coders: smurfix

#17157: proxy_allocate() fails to init proxy->ip.sin_family
Revision: 265087
Reporter: stuarth
Coders: mmichelson

#17179: SDP does not get parsed when in SIP multipart body below line 64
Revision: 261560
Reporter: khw
Coders: tilghman

#17238: [patch] Improve usability of logging information for misconfigured contexts
Revision: 262414
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

#17248: [patch] it crashes handling dtmf relay
Revision: 264114
Reporter: falves11
Coders: dvossel

#17266: [patch] Failed to register peers from realtime config
Revision: 261314
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis, sberney
Coders: Nick

#17271: [patch] [regression] Segmentation fault in check_rtp_timeout
Revision: 264331
Reporter: under
Testers: dvossel
Coders: under

#17339: [patch] SIP Directed pickup can result in dead channel.
Revision: 266006
Reporter: one47
Testers: one47, dvossel
Coders: one47

#17372: [patch] [regression] Progress in band error (don't send RTP packets)
Revision: 275682
Reporter: tech_admin
Coders: jpeeler

#17437: [patch] crash when From header URI misses "sip:"
Revision: 271553
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000
Coders: dvossel

#17513: [patch] prematuremedia and progress inband
Revision: 274316
Reporter: festr
Coders: festr

#17582: [patch] Message on stale nonce give 'to' instead of 'from'
Revision: 275249
Reporter: kenner
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: kenner

#17614: [patch] IPv6 - Potential issue in via header parsing
Revision: 275308
Reporter: oej
Coders: sperreault

#17665: [patch] Regression: Externip has port set to 0
Revision: 277873
Reporter: mmichelson
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

#8855: nat=no is not RFC 3261 compliant regarding sending responses
Revision: 203735
Reporter: mikma
Testers: klaus3000, file
Coders: file

Category: Channels/chan_sip/IPv6

#17662: [patch] IPv6: sip_uri_cmp
Revision: 278980
Reporter: oej
Coders: mmichelson

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Interoperability

#13630: [patch] Potential spiral detected problem
Revision: 198856
Reporter: festr
Coders: dvossel

#14418: [patch] If a SIP URI is resolved with SRV records, the port must no be in the Request-URI
Revision: 221432
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#14446: [patch] chan_sip does not support the maddr attribute in Via headers
Revision: 230145
Reporter: frawd
Testers: frawd
Coders: frawd

#14465: [patch] Incorrect From: header information when CALLERPRES=PRES_PROHIB
Revision: 206939
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis, dvossel
Coders: Nick, dvossel

#14584: [patch] Asterisk does not stop retransmission
Revision: 202343
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000
Coders: mmichelson

#14725: Asterisk doesn't add Route headers in NOTIFY when the SUBSCRIBE came from a proxy
Revision: 205776
Reporter: ibc
Coders: mmichelson

#14725: Asterisk doesn't add Route headers in NOTIFY when the SUBSCRIBE came from a proxy
Revision: 205878
Reporter: ibc
Coders: mmichelson

#15158: [patch] Message: "Unable to handle indication 3"
Revision: 200361
Reporter: madkins
Testers: madkins
Coders: mmichelson

#15442: [patch] Asterisk cannot handle SIP 183 "Session Progress" if no SDP is contained in it
Revision: 208263
Reporter: ffloimair
Testers: tkarl, ffloimair
Coders: mmichelson

#16186: [patch] T.38 reinvite fails after receiving "415 Unsupported media type" when it could continue in audio mode
Revision: 232345
Reporter: atis
Coders: atis

#17326: [patch] Computation of Content-Length is wrong under some circumstances
Revision: 271690
Reporter: kenner
Testers: mnicholson, kenner
Coders: mnicholson

Category: Channels/chan_sip/NewFeature

#11361: [patch] serving multiple Realms with one Asterisk
Revision: 211947
Reporter: arkadia
Testers: arkadia
Coders: arkadia

#13028: [patch] Add support to handle incoming out-of-dialog SIP NOTIFY requests for "message-summary" event package
Revision: 226060
Reporter: AsteriskRocks
Coders: cmaj

#13140: [patch] Setting up a HANGUPCAUSETEXT variable for SIP channel
Revision: 215301
Reporter: cpina
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

#13385: [patch] Reason header support
Revision: 226687
Reporter: adomjan
Testers: adomjan
Coders: adomjan, mnicholson

#13926: [patch] Allow for adding message body to the SIP NOTIFY message
Revision: 224035
Reporter: jthurman
Testers: gareth
Coders: gareth

#15990: [patch] Added mohsuggest info to output for CLI: sip show peer {name}
Revision: 225245
Reporter: _brent_
Coders: brent

#16645: [patch] directmediapermit/directmediadeny support to restrict which peers can do directmedia based on ip address
Revision: 264626
Reporter: raarts
Testers: raarts
Coders: raarts

#5413: [patch] [branch] Secure RTP (SRTP)
Revision: 268894
Reporter: mikma
Testers: twilson, notthematrix, hemanshurpatel
Coders: twilson

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Registration

#14331: [patch] reg->username is parsed for each registration refresh rather than once on sip reload
Revision: 207484
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis, dvossel
Coders: Nick

#14331: [patch] reg->username is parsed for each registration refresh rather than once on sip reload
Revision: 266090
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis, dvossel
Coders: Nick, dvossel

#14344: [patch] Outbound proxy not used for registrations
Revision: 205985
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#14366: [patch] Registration expiry not compatible with some ITSP
Revision: 211876
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson, Nick

#14367: Description of registration string in sip.conf.sample is incorrect
Revision: 198791
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: file

#14438: [patch] registration query
Revision: 218586
Reporter: ravindrad
Testers: ravindrad
Coders: ravindrad

#14668: register: '/' in username not supported
Revision: 187381
Reporter: Netview
Coders: tilghman

#14754: [patch] Realtime bad Reconstruct of field 'fullcontact' after restart
Revision: 192933
Reporter: Alexei Gradinari
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

#14885: [patch] rtupdate=no not working
Revision: 188836
Reporter: deepesh
Testers: deepesh
Coders: tilghman

#14954: Trunk registration / Auth user
Revision: 223206
Reporter: tornblad
Testers: mmichelson, tornblad, dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15008: [patch] Introduce better parsing for the register line
Revision: 213098
Reporter: tilghman
Testers: lmadsen, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15052: [patch] registration fails if multiple peers are specified in sip.conf
Revision: 206280
Reporter: fsantulli
Testers: fsantulli
Coders: fsantulli

#15102: [patch] Registration Deadlock between Asterisk and Polycom Soundpoint IP 450
Revision: 205840
Reporter: Jamuel
Testers: Jamuel
Coders: Jamuel, dvossel

#15111: [patch] parsing of sip register lines is broken
Revision: 201570
Reporter: ffs
Testers: ffs, dvossel
Coders: ffs

#15118: [patch] SIP device cycles between Available for 25 seconds and Unavailable for the programmed re-registration period, maybe an h
Revision: 196721
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#15194: [patch] [SIP realtime] "sip reload" makes UNREACHABLE users behind NAT
Revision: 197621
Reporter: ibc
Testers: manwe
Coders: eliel

#15295: Registrations persist after removal and sip reload
Revision: 201344
Reporter: amorsen
Coders: dvossel

#15539: [patch] Register request line contains wrong address when domain and registrar host differ
Revision: 213716
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis, dvossel
Coders: Nick, dvossel

#15672: ? in register= string breaks registration
Revision: 213098
Reporter: test011
Testers: lmadsen, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15764: [patch] Default Extension (callback) Not Being Set
Revision: 215801
Reporter: elguero
Coders: tilghman

#15943: Registration against a SIP provider fails in
Revision: 220718
Reporter: tpsast
Coders: jpeeler

#16298: [patch] After upgrading to asterisk 1.4.27 Optipoint SIP phone can no longer register
Revision: 233472
Reporter: mgernoth
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#16908: [patch] SIP autocreate peers registered when request to unregister
Revision: 257493
Reporter: kkm
Testers: kkm
Coders: tilghman

#17276: [patch] bypass "contactdeny" with nat=yes
Revision: 270658
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Subscriptions

#14413: state of non existent extensions should not be "Idle"
Revision: 203702
Reporter: pj
Coders: russell

#15239: invalid SIP/NOTIFY header (Multiple values in single-value header Event and Content-Type)
Revision: 198498
Reporter: pj
Coders: file

#15847: [patch] NOTIFY to contains double sip:
Revision: 258305
Reporter: ebroad
Coders: ebroad

#16093: SIP subscriptions are lost after a reload
Revision: 237839
Reporter: jlaroff
Coders: dvossel

#17398: MWI NOTIFY is not being sent to phones subscribed to events
Revision: 276571
Reporter: ip-rob
Coders: jpeeler

Category: Channels/chan_sip/T.38

#12437: Asterisk negotiates only T.38 when answering even if the other end offers audio
Revision: 184948
Reporter: marsosa
Testers: pinga-fogo, okrief, file, afu
Coders: file

#14849: [patch] SendFax function not working as expected on >
Revision: 205696
Reporter: afosorio
Coders: kpfleming

#15182: [patch] T.38 invite does not always comply with RFC 2327
Revision: 209132
Reporter: CGMChris
Testers: CGMChris
Coders: mmichelson

#16025: [patch] failed to negiotate t38
Revision: 223652
Reporter: jamicque
Coders: kpfleming

#16387: [patch] Missing session level connection data (c=) breaks process_sdp()
Revision: 233394
Reporter: zalex1953
Testers: mnicholson, zalex1953
Coders: mnicholson

#16411: [patch] IP and port is not transferred for t.38
Revision: 239520
Reporter: stanusr
Coders: lmadsen

#16485: after udp error sip phones get kicked
Revision: 244443
Reporter: elsto
Coders: dvossel

#16497: [patch] [regression] T.38 no longer functions
Revision: 240078
Reporter: globalnetinc
Testers: globalnetinc
Coders: mnicholson

#16517: Segfault while setting up T.38 fax reception
Revision: 244443
Reporter: bklang
Coders: dvossel

#16634: asterisk crashes while fax sending
Revision: 244443
Reporter: krn
Coders: dvossel

#16724: coredump on T.38 Session with
Revision: 244443
Reporter: barthpbx
Coders: dvossel

#16766: [patch] T.38 negotiation fails with Patton SN2400
Revision: 245727
Reporter: raivisr
Testers: raivisr
Coders: mnicholson

#16792: [patch] 606 Not Acceptable is also a valid response to reject a T.38 re-INVITE
Revision: 249101
Reporter: vrban
Coders: vrban

Category: Channels/chan_sip/TCP-TLS

#12282: [patch] Asterisk sends SIP-over-TCP INVITE to wrong port number
Revision: 196416
Reporter: rjain
Testers: dvossel, pj
Coders: dvossel

#13865: [patch] SIP/TLS enabled - just one call possible - 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
Revision: 200946
Reporter: st
Testers: mmichelson, Kristijan, vrban, jmacz, dvossel
Coders: Kristijan, mmichelson, vrban, dvossel

#14452: in "_sip_tcp_helper_thread" Buffer is filled with dirty bytes
Revision: 203779
Reporter: umberto71
Coders: russell

#14768: TLS Client Hello handshake sent within SSLv2 header and not TLS header
Revision: 191177
Reporter: TheOldSaint
Coders: dvossel

#14770: Need ability to select TLS version in outgoing messages
Revision: 191177
Reporter: TheOldSaint
Coders: dvossel

#14919: RTP ports dont get closed with SIP over TCP
Revision: 189350
Reporter: vrban
Coders: file

#14920: Segmentation fault after almost exactly ~ 500 finished SIP over TCP calls.
Revision: 278465
Reporter: vrban
Coders: russell

#15854: [patch] with 'transport=tls' and host not dynamic, port defaults to 5060 rather than 5061.
Revision: 221697
Reporter: dvossel
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15880: [patch] Contact header port ignores transport when using externip
Revision: 222398
Reporter: ebroad
Testers: ebroad
Coders: ebroad

#15894: SIP register via tls causes lock on sip reload
Revision: 225445
Reporter: dvossel
Testers: dvossel, whys
Coders: dvossel

#15905: [patch] TCP/TLS invites(and possibly others) broken from r218504 and onward
Revision: 218933
Reporter: ebroad
Testers: ebroad
Coders: ebroad

#15939: memory leak, tcptls_session never destroyed in chan_sip for client connections
Revision: 220365
Reporter: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Transfers

#12713: [patch] SIP Protocol Violation when REFER rejected in sip_transfer (Cisco CCM, post answer), and Transfer application misclaims
Revision: 186382
Reporter: davidw
Testers: file
Coders: file

#15151: [patch] Deadlock On One-legged Transfer [SIP / REPLACES] (Call Pickup)
Revision: 219304
Reporter: irroot
Testers: irroot, dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#15618: [patch] Channel not locked when it should in local_attended_transfer
Revision: 222761
Reporter: lmsteffan
Testers: dvossel, atis, lmsteffan
Coders: dvossel

#15817: crash in local_attended_transfer, likely related to moh -
Revision: 222880
Reporter: zerohalo
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo
Coders: russell

#16862: [patch] [regression] One-legged Transfer (INVITE / Replaces) not working anymore
Revision: 248397
Reporter: pwalker
Testers: pwalker, dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#17021: On omitting the T flag from Dial() the caller can still make a blind transfer
Revision: 255504
Reporter: kovzol
Testers: lmadsen, kovzol, davidw, ebroad
Coders: lmadsen

#17284: SIP attended transfer broken
Revision: 261316
Reporter: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Video

#15121: [patch] Video support in SIP channel driver appears to be totally broken
Revision: 211347
Reporter: jsmith
Coders: file

#17016: [patch] [regression] videosupport=always acts like videosupport=no
Revision: 265842
Reporter: twilson
Testers: devmod
Coders: mmichelson

Category: Channels/chan_skinny

#15499: [patch] Manager events for Skinny
Revision: 211475
Reporter: arifzaman
Coders: mvanbaak

#16040: [patch] reference argument sub in handle_transfer_button after we check it
Revision: 233059
Reporter: ebroad
Coders: mvanbaak

#16826: [patch] Endianess problems in skinny messages
Revision: 249669
Reporter: PipoCanaja
Testers: wedhorn
Coders: PipoCanaja

#16874: [patch] Cleanup transmit_* functions
Revision: 248184
Reporter: wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

#16878: [patch] Cleanup transmit_displaymessage
Revision: 249670
Reporter: wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

#16939: [patch] Cleanup transmit_callstate handling
Revision: 251221
Reporter: wedhorn
Testers: mvanbaak, wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

#16956: [patch] Clean transmit_* for start/stop media transmission
Revision: 251222
Reporter: wedhorn
Testers: wedhorn, mvanbaak
Coders: wedhorn

#16994: [patch] Cleanup transmit_* functions
Revision: 255850
Reporter: wedhorn
Testers: wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

#17126: [patch] Softkey redial with no previous number segfaults
Revision: 255851
Reporter: wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

Category: Channels/chan_unistim

#14858: [patch] Regular segfault with chan_unistim
Revision: 189911
Reporter: barryf
Testers: barryf
Coders: tilghman

#14858: [patch] Regular segfault with chan_unistim
Revision: 192938
Reporter: barryf
Coders: tilghman

#17600: [patch] Add support for phones with less than 3 LCD lines
Revision: 275466
Reporter: minaguib
Testers: minaguib
Coders: minaguib

Category: Codecs/General

#17092: [patch] Segmentation fault when using two codec modules that register the same src and dst format
Revision: 277143
Reporter: moy
Testers: moy
Coders: moy

Category: Codecs/NewFeature

#16293: [patch] G.719 Pass-through Support for Asterisk
Revision: 270940
Reporter: malcolmd
Coders: malcolmd

Category: Codecs/codec_ilbc

#14936: Problem in iLBC Source Fetch Script on FreeBSD
Revision: 189850
Reporter: leobrown
Testers: leobrown, mvanbaak
Coders: mvanbaak

Category: Codecs/codec_speex

#17240: startup fails with
Revision: 267065
Reporter: seandarcy
Coders: jpeeler

#17501: [patch] Speex Wideband Support
Revision: 271231
Reporter: fabled
Testers: malcolmd, fabled, dvossel
Coders: fabled

#17534: [patch] Add Speex Wideband sample frames
Revision: 271625
Reporter: fabled
Coders: fabled

Category: Core/BuildSystem

#14517: [patch] signals.h - syntax error before '*' token
Revision: 227372
Reporter: asgaroth
Testers: asgaroth, snuffy, dougm, qwell
Coders: snuffy

#14737: [patch] Cannot flavour (flavor) version number because make_version_c looks in wrong directory
Revision: 234700
Reporter: davidw
Coders: tilghman

#14820: inotify header file prevents Asterisk from compiling
Revision: 186297
Reporter: phsultan
Coders: tilghman

#14846: [patch] undefined symbols - modules can't be loaded
Revision: 195370
Reporter: pj
Coders: tilghman

#14864: [patch] LSB header for init scripts
Revision: 239270
Reporter: lathama
Coders: pkempgen

#15209: make install: build_tools/mkpkgconfig: 21: [[: not found
Revision: 197260
Reporter: seandarcy
Coders: seanbright

#15344: [patch] appdocs dtd installed to ASTVARLIBDIR instead of ASTDATADIR
Revision: 213904
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#15370: [patch] Repeatedly building the asterisk directory repeatedly downloads the sounds files
Revision: 263724
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville, tilghman, seanbright
Coders: pprindeville

#15556: Symbol exports for strlcat and strlcpy
Revision: 208151
Reporter: smw1218
Coders: tilghman

#15607: [patch] set NOISY_BUILD to yes when compiling under devmode
Revision: 209623
Reporter: mvanbaak
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#15697: most cleaner alaw don't compile
Revision: 213179
Reporter: slavon
Coders: qwell

#15698: [patch] If enable DEBUG_FD_LEAKS - h323 can't start.
Revision: 213560
Reporter: slavon
Testers: slavon, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15714: [patch] Asterisk won't build with curl unless curl_config is present
Revision: 214518
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: tilghman

#16155: [patch] Use pkg-config to find gmime libraries.
Revision: 270042
Reporter: jcollie
Testers: jsmith, tilghman, pabelanger
Coders: jcollie

#16296: [patch] menuselect.makeopts: does not properly unselect an option with a leading - (minus)
Revision: 234256
Reporter: abelbeck
Testers: abelbeck, qwell, lmadsen
Coders: qwell

#16341: [patch] Fix on OpenSolaris
Revision: 262299
Reporter: bklang
Coders: bklang

#16381: [patch] Implicit declaration of 'ast_complete_source_filename' and 'ast_rtp_destroy' with LOW_MEMORY enabled in trunk
Revision: 236893
Reporter: michael_iedema
Coders: michael

#16489: [patch] Missing plus signs in MAKE/SUBMAKE calls prevent parallel make from operating correctly
Revision: 241230
Reporter: Chainsaw
Testers: Chainsaw, qwell
Coders: Chainsaw

#16596: [patch] LD (llinker) options not used by main/ and channels/ builds
Revision: 245578
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: tilghman
Coders: pprindeville

#16666: [patch] Check on ac_cv_pthread_once_needsbraces fails
Revision: 241938
Reporter: romain_proformatique
Coders: seanbright

#16685: [patch] Configured CFLAGS/LDFLAGS are used by main, but not by modules built out of tree
Revision: 269008
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: russell

#16991: [patch] Can't build asterisk using just --with-netsnmp... seems to always want to use CONFIG_NETSNMP
Revision: 272254
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: twilson
Coders: twilson

#17027: [patch] Makefile update to only build asterisk.conf
Revision: 261124
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: qwell, lmadsen, pabelanger, chappell
Coders: pabelanger

#17028: [patch] make clean: /bin/sh: /usr/bin/sw_vers: not found
Revision: 252488
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: tilghman, pabelanger
Coders: seanbright, tilghman

#17031: [patch] Makefile: remove ASTBINDIR variable
Revision: 269889
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger, tilghman
Coders: pabelanger

#17268: [patch] [Regression] non-root make install PREFIX=/tmp fails
Revision: 260663
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

#17303: [patch] pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock autoconf test is wrong
Revision: 261913
Reporter: stuarth
Testers: stuarth
Coders: tilghman

#17309: AST_EXT_LIB_CHECK doesn't use [extra cflags]
Revision: 262102
Reporter: stuarth
Coders: tilghman

#17464: When cross-compiling, menuselect is built for target, not host architecture
Revision: 268051
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#17475: [patch] Replace old stub functions with new optional_api functions
Revision: 276490
Reporter: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#17485: [patch] bashism in configure script
Revision: 270184
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#17616: [patch] Configure sets ac_cv_fork_works=no incorrectly for uclibc
Revision: 277775
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: tilghman

#17654: [patch] now breaks when running
Revision: 276830
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: qwell, pprindeville
Coders: qwell

Category: Core/Channels

#14723: ERROR[5003]: channel.c:2043 __ast_read: ast_read() called with no recorded file descriptor.
Revision: 207361
Reporter: seadweller
Coders: russell

#15152: [patch] 64 bit system channel name uniqueness
Revision: 226973
Reporter: palbrecht
Coders: dbrooks

#15152: [patch] 64 bit system channel name uniqueness
Revision: 226974
Reporter: palbrecht
Coders: dbrooks

#15609: [patch] WARNING[23025]: channel.c:952 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to Local
Revision: 236982
Reporter: aragon
Testers: aragon
Coders: tilghman

#15815: [patch][regression] LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE is not functional
Revision: 254050
Reporter: adomjan
Coders: jpeeler

#15911: [patch] Deadlock in channel masquerade handling
Revision: 222761
Reporter: russell
Testers: dvossel, atis, lmsteffan
Coders: dvossel

#15991: [patch] Channel reference leak when calling through an optimized local channel
Revision: 220995
Reporter: mmichelson
Coders: mmichelson

#16003: "core show channels" crash
Revision: 229015
Reporter: atis
Testers: twilson
Coders: twilson

#16161: [patch] incorrect 'core show channel channel-name' output
Revision: 235226
Reporter: may213
Coders: may213

#16217: [patch] #define MAX_LANGUAGE increment from 20 to 30 in include/asterisk/channel.h
Revision: 230217
Reporter: dsessions
Coders: tilghman

#16219: Crash revision 229091 in audiohook_inheritance_destroy
Revision: 229670
Reporter: aragon
Coders: dvossel

#17128: [patch] endless cycle in ast_waitfor_nandfds() for big timeouts
Revision: 261095
Reporter: under
Coders: under

Category: Core/Configuration

#14509: [patch] users.conf (and other .conf files) have incorrect whitespacing
Revision: 202753
Reporter: timeshell
Testers: awk, timeshell
Coders: tilghman

#14542: [patch] #exec lines causing failure of parsing of extensions.conf
Revision: 215567
Reporter: jtodd
Testers: jtodd, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#14796: Asterisk crashes when empty member in queues.conf
Revision: 185600
Reporter: pida
Coders: mmichelson

#15583: [patch] #exec strips too many leading and trailing quotes
Revision: 219061
Reporter: pkempgen
Testers: pkempgen
Coders: tilghman, pkempgen

#15857: [patch] Revision 152765 introduces regression in stdexten
Revision: 227162
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

#15858: [patch] Revision 152765 introduces scoping difficulties in stdexten
Revision: 227361
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: lmadsen

#16090: [patch] Add couple of useful extensions as examples
Revision: 239834
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: tzafrir, pprindeville, lmadsen
Coders: pprindeville

#16358: [patch] new option: lockconfdir for protecting conf files in /etc/asterisk during reloads
Revision: 243551
Reporter: raarts
Coders: raarts

#16564: [patch] "config reload" doesn't work correctly
Revision: 239113
Reporter: pj
Testers: pj, seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#16818: [patch] Reload command does not update the SLA configuration properly
Revision: 272109
Reporter: mbonin
Testers: twilson
Coders: twilson

#17040: [patch] Explicit context set in SIP peer overridden by default domain context
Revision: 259957
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

#17086: [patch] 'core show settings' should show all settable directories
Revision: 254162
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#17496: dnsmgr refreshes hostname, but changes SIP port to 0
Revision: 270974
Reporter: ManChicken
Testers: DennisD, gentlec, damage, wimpy
Coders: chappell

#17583: [patch] remove extra line breaks from 'core show config mappings'
Revision: 273886
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: pabelanger

Category: Core/General

#12917: It crashses every 4 minutes
Revision: 278465
Reporter: falves11
Coders: russell

#13778: asterisk blocked at startup between main/asterisk.c/loader.c/load_modules and manager.c/loader.c/ast_module_reload
Revision: 199051
Reporter: hotsblanc
Testers: p_lindheimer, seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#14373: [patch] Avoid destroying the CLI line when moving the cursor backward and trying to autocomplete.
Revision: 184220
Reporter: eliel
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: eliel

#14503: [patch] cleanup bridging from shared variables
Revision: 187211
Reporter: KNK
Testers: jpeeler
Coders: jpeeler

#14682: [patch] Race condition in ast_db_get()
Revision: 182450
Reporter: makoto
Coders: tilghman

#14730: [patch] Fix runlevels in Debian rc files
Revision: 213900
Reporter: pkempgen
Coders: tilghman

#14738: Address device state performance issues in 1.6.1
Revision: 184339
Reporter: russell
Coders: russell

#14958: Segfault Asterisk
Revision: 215212
Reporter: aragon
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#14974: [patch] erros messages astobj2.c INTERNAL_OBJ
Revision: 194060
Reporter: pj
Testers: dhubbard, eliel, mnicholson
Coders: eliel

#15020: tab completion sefault when using with CLI aliases
Revision: 192700
Reporter: junky
Coders: file

#15200: [patch] Certain console helps leaves prompt in bold mode (bright white)
Revision: 196948
Reporter: ajohnson
Testers: ajohnson
Coders: seanbright

#15273: [patch] german time (20:01:00 oh clock) is announced wrong
Revision: 214071
Reporter: Benjamin Kluck
Coders: Benjamin

#15440: Revision 203638 seems to break the update of hints
Revision: 205469
Reporter: lmsteffan
Coders: mnicholson

#15465: [patch] crash in bridging api
Revision: 266877
Reporter: fnordian
Testers: lmadsen, fnordian, peterh
Coders: fnordian

#15512: [patch] Deadlock between ast_cel_report_event and ast_do_masquerade
Revision: 222981
Reporter: lmsteffan
Coders: dvossel

#15649: T38 Faxing failing on 1.6.1 svn
Revision: 210992
Reporter: dazza76
Coders: kpfleming

#15667: LOGGER WARNING : error executing after rotate
Revision: 212574
Reporter: loic
Coders: seanbright

#15694: [patch] Add empty line after each option in documentation
Revision: 212339
Reporter: mvanbaak
Coders: mvanbaak

#15769: [patch] useless message pops hundreds of times per minute
Revision: 233046
Reporter: falves11
Testers: mnick, falves11
Coders: mnick

#15781: crash: in "ast_fdleak_fclose" at astfd.c:201
Revision: 215212
Reporter: jensvb
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#15932: [patch] Make internal_timing on by default
Revision: 264249
Reporter: dimas
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15973: [patch] Huge memory consumption after few hours of load
Revision: 221920
Reporter: atis
Coders: tilghman

#15981: Crash becouse don't check null return...
Revision: 228339
Reporter: slavon
Coders: dvossel

#15987: ao2_iterator_init() does not hold a reference to the container it is iterating
Revision: 222176
Reporter: kpfleming
Coders: kpfleming

#16106: [patch] Hangup extension executed twice in 1.6.2 RC2
Revision: 231095
Reporter: ajohnson
Testers: ajohnson
Coders: jpeeler

#16196: Core dump in audio_audiohook_write_list
Revision: 260050
Reporter: atis
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#16260: [patch] Allow execincludes within asterisk.conf
Revision: 232510
Reporter: atis
Coders: atis

#16290: ast_ouraddrfor doesn't do htons() on the port
Revision: 232351
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: dvossel

#16407: [patch] potential buffer overflow in say_date_with_format()
Revision: 237574
Reporter: qwell
Coders: tilghman

#16427: [patch] remainder ast_expr2 func misspelt as reminder
Revision: 236713
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

#16434: [patch] Background() when called from AGI script no longer gives digit code when interrupted
Revision: 237406
Reporter: rickead2000
Testers: rickead2000
Coders: tilghman

#16452: [patch] Lots of crashes after upgrading to latest
Revision: 236802
Reporter: corruptor
Testers: corruptor
Coders: tilghman

#16494: crash around 100 SIP call setup with media
Revision: 278465
Reporter: Hubguru
Coders: russell

#16607: [patch] ast_event_cmp always return 1.
Revision: 240411
Reporter: ddv2005
Coders: ddv2005

#16749: [patch] DSP progress detection unable to detect SIT
Revision: 263950
Reporter: dant
Testers: dant
Coders: dant

#16784: [patch] 99.9 cpu when asterisk started with init.d script
Revision: 251310
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger, mnick, davidw, mutineer612, jlpedrosa
Coders: lmadsen

#16784: [patch] 99.9 cpu when asterisk started with init.d script
Revision: 269346
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16786: [patch] Remove coloring escape sequences from log files.
Revision: 248584
Reporter: dodo
Testers: tilghman
Coders: dodo

#16837: [patch] core show sysinfo shows invalid (negative value) for ram on systems whith a lot of ram
Revision: 265316
Reporter: jlpedrosa
Coders: tilghman

#16979: contributed init.d file has wrong pid location
Revision: 268534
Reporter: jw-asterisk
Coders: tilghman

#17049: [patch] CLI commands via asterisk -rx may not return all output
Revision: 253357
Reporter: russell
Testers: russell
Coders: russell

#17065: [patch] Real-time Priory
Revision: 255952
Reporter: globalnetinc
Testers: frawd, globalnetinc
Coders: makoto

#17076: [patch] [regression] fix for #16802 forces change of astrundir ownership, breaking socket perms
Revision: 272926
Reporter: stuarth
Testers: stuarth
Coders: tilghman

#17152: [patch] CLI command logger set level auto complete
Revision: 256821
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

#17160: [patch] CLI prompt interfers with CLI output
Revision: 266592
Reporter: coolmig
Testers: coolmig
Coders: tilghman

#17199: Core dumped
Revision: 278465
Reporter: aleksey2000
Coders: russell

#17235: [patch] asterisk dsp always reports detected DTMF length to be 0ms
Revision: 264204
Reporter: frawd
Testers: frawd
Coders: frawd, tilghman

#17308: [patch] trivial patch to notifiy CLI when module loaded / unloaded.
Revision: 262800
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger, russell
Coders: pabelanger

#17325: Asterisk randomly crashes
Revision: 278465
Reporter: glwgoes
Coders: russell

#17407: [patch] DEADLOCK_AVOIDANCE can actually generate dealocks
Revision: 273830
Reporter: pdf
Coders: tilghman

#17438: Asterisk cores @ 110 calls
Revision: 278465
Reporter: dcabot
Coders: russell

#17472: [patch] parser mangles #include
Revision: 272923
Reporter: seandarcy
Testers: nivan
Coders: nivan

#17474: [patch] Crash in dsp.c when entering digits from SpeechBackground
Revision: 268456
Reporter: kenner
Coders: tilghman

Category: Core/HTTP

#15026: Asynchronous Javascript Asterisk Manager (AJAM) , not able to log in in internet explorer
Revision: 192525
Reporter: rajnishgiri
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#15495: [patch] Asterisk runs over end of buffer reading manager input over HTTP and segfaults
Revision: 226159
Reporter: pdf
Testers: pdf
Coders: tilghman

Category: Core/Internationalization

#15346: [patch] TW is not an ISO Language Code
Revision: 204470
Reporter: volivier
Testers: volivier
Coders: tilghman

#15799: [patch] say.conf for french
Revision: 253028
Reporter: sathieu
Coders: lmadsen

#17548: [patch] Localizattion for spanish in say.conf
Revision: 272243
Reporter: cjacobsen
Coders: cjacobsen

Category: Core/Jitterbuffer

#15560: Crash on chan_local
Revision: 228410
Reporter: jvandal
Coders: file

#15709: segmentation fault when using mixmonitor with two calls
Revision: 228410
Reporter: covici
Coders: file

#16917: jblog=yes does not create jblog like expected
Revision: 251631
Reporter: Artem
Coders: jpeeler

Category: Core/ManagerInterface

#14596: [patch] Provide timestamp with pong response
Revision: 203783
Reporter: JimDickenson
Coders: JimDickenson

#14705: [patch] Deadlock when manipulating module_list over AMI and CLI
Revision: 187483
Reporter: jamessan
Testers: jamessan
Coders: tilghman

#14930: [patch] Detect pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock() before usage
Revision: 190093
Reporter: tilghman
Testers: mvanbaak, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15000: [patch] CoreStatus Data
Revision: 196907
Reporter: sum
Coders: seanbright

#15001: [patch] CoreShowChannels Response does not honor actionid
Revision: 196945
Reporter: sum
Coders: sum

#15088: [patch] Asterisk crash when logging out from a manager session.
Revision: 194060
Reporter: eliel
Testers: dhubbard, eliel, mnicholson
Coders: eliel

#15144: Errors on manager.c when DEBUG_THREADS is enabled
Revision: 195021
Reporter: cristiandimache
Coders: russell

#15316: [patch] Segfault after Manager Bridge
Revision: 219139
Reporter: vmarrone
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#15397: [patch] segfault in action_coreshowchannels() at manager.c
Revision: 210914
Reporter: caspy
Testers: caspy
Coders: tilghman

#15730: [patch] manager keeps creating /tmp/ast-ami-XXXXXX files (without deleting) when a single manager client remains logged in
Revision: 212764
Reporter: zmehmood
Testers: zmehmood
Coders: junky

#15774: [patch] AJAM causing Asterisk Seg Fault when attempting login
Revision: 215069
Reporter: lasko
Testers: lasko
Coders: tilghman

#15786: [patch] asterisk crash when including nonexistent file from /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
Revision: 214514
Reporter: a_villacis
Coders: a

#15861: Responce for Action 'Ping' do not complete in tcp stream
Revision: 217408
Reporter: Ivan
Coders: seanbright

#16241: [patch] issues in processing "Action: Events" eventmask
Revision: 238916
Reporter: vnovy
Coders: vnovy

#16264: [patch] UserEvent manager action is not ACKed
Revision: 232582
Reporter: dimas
Coders: dimas

#16275: [patch] response to "Action: Events" is not finished by empty line
Revision: 232576
Reporter: vnovy
Coders: vnovy

#16343: [patch] [branch] New CLI command: manager show settings
Revision: 261180
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger, tilghman, lmadsen
Coders: pabelanger

#16506: [patch] Segmentation fault using manager http MXML
Revision: 278024
Reporter: nik600
Coders: tilghman

#16965: [patch] DBGet response does not end with a 'Complete' event
Revision: 269938
Reporter: rrb3942
Coders: rrb3942

#17023: [regression] Manager Events Exit Early
Revision: 257146
Reporter: nblasgen
Coders: mnicholson

#17087: [patch] Segfault in manager event after fax receipt
Revision: 269083
Reporter: bklang
Testers: bklang
Coders: mnicholson

#17100: AMI IAXpeers not "complete," no actionID
Revision: 258344
Reporter: secesh
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: lmadsen

#17231: [patch] Manager cookies isn't compatible with rfc2109
Revision: 263457
Reporter: ecarruda
Testers: ecarruda, russell
Coders: ecarruda

#17234: [patch] Memory leak in manager.c
Revision: 266682
Reporter: mav3rick
Testers: mav3rick, davidw
Coders: tilghman

#17234: [patch] Memory leak in manager.c
Revision: 268454
Reporter: mav3rick
Coders: tilghman

#17365: Race condition causes manager session event list to underflow causing null pointer de-ref and crash.
Revision: 266682
Reporter: davidw
Testers: mav3rick, davidw
Coders: tilghman

#17504: [patch] ShowDialPlan does not end with ShowDialPlanComplete Event if manager events are off
Revision: 273054
Reporter: rrb3942
Testers: rrb3942
Coders: rrb3942

#17520: [patch] EventList start and EventList end manager variables do not match
Revision: 272252
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: kobaz

#17550: [patch] Wrong check for privilege in Originate action
Revision: 273144
Reporter: kenner
Testers: kenner
Coders: kenner

#17636: Manager GetVar on unset variable causes segfault
Revision: 277263
Reporter: bklang
Coders: tilghman

Category: Core/ManagerInterface/NewFeature

#14635: [patch] Changes to manager interface for registering event hooks
Revision: 227448
Reporter: jozza
Coders: dbrooks

#15853: [patch] Posibility to send two channels in different direcitons
Revision: 235265
Reporter: haakon
Testers: jpeeler
Coders: haakon

#16769: [patch] Send manager event on AMI command Bridge
Revision: 249105
Reporter: syspert
Coders: syspert

Category: Core/Netsock

#15627: [patch] Asterisk runs out of sockets
Revision: 234129
Reporter: falves11
Testers: falves11
Coders: tilghman

#15827: [patch] dnsmgr: problem handling A and SRV record changes/problem with multiple A/SRV records returned
Revision: 270974
Reporter: DennisD
Testers: DennisD, gentlec, damage, wimpy
Coders: chappell

#16270: [patch] Asterisk doesn't free udp ports
Revision: 234129
Reporter: corruptor
Testers: falves11
Coders: tilghman

#17565: [patch] IPv6 support - SIP and RTP
Revision: 274783
Reporter: russell
Coders: russell

#17617: [patch] main/netsock2.c fails to build do to missing constants
Revision: 275587
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

Category: Core/NewFeature

#10961: [patch] Add HTTP Basic & Digest Auth (rfc2617) for manager web interface.
Revision: 190349
Reporter: ys
Testers: ys, twilson, tilghman
Coders: ys

#14695: [patch] Add Hangupcause to manager action Hangup
Revision: 185704
Reporter: mneuhauser
Coders: mneuhauser

#14861: [patch] filter for manager events
Revision: 271868
Reporter: fnordian
Coders: fnordian

#14899: [patch] Add environment variables to #exec for config files, add new AST_BUILD dialplan function
Revision: 266385
Reporter: jmls
Testers: jmls
Coders: tilghman

#16009: [patch] Exten channel request hangup to accept "all" and hangup all channels
Revision: 264117
Reporter: moy
Testers: moy, russell
Coders: moy

#16153: [patch] Extend slin16 support to SIP calls
Revision: 271261
Reporter: kfister
Testers: kfister, malcolmd
Coders: kfister, malcolmd

Category: Core/PBX

#14615: exten => ANSWER not found when extenpatternmatchnew=yes
Revision: 188901
Reporter: steinwej
Testers: mmichelson
Coders: mmichelson

#14708: CID matching is wrong
Revision: 218868
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: dbrooks

#14895: [patch] Asterisk crashes when extenpatternmatchnew=yes
Revision: 190352
Reporter: chris-mac
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

#14979: don't warn, when pipe is used in app_system
Revision: 190726
Reporter: pj
Coders: tilghman

#15057: [patch] hints with 2+ devices that include ONHOLD are often set wrong
Revision: 199298
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Testers: p_lindheimer, dvossel
Coders: dvossel, p

#15079: Segfault on Transfer
Revision: 195698
Reporter: barryf
Coders: file

#15091: [patch] digit timeout problem with 1.4 pbx.c rev 193119
Revision: 194138
Reporter: andrew
Testers: andrew
Coders: tilghman

#15189: [patch] #exec script can't access manager on first asterisk load
Revision: 199051
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Testers: p_lindheimer, seanbright
Coders: seanbright

#15242: [patch] log does not indicate which function is missing closing parenthesis
Revision: 213971
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: dbrooks, loloski

#15303: new_find_extension arguments in wrong order
Revision: 199957
Reporter: JimDickenson
Coders: dbrooks

#16035: [patch] Status of dahdi/zap channels incorrectly reported unavailable instead of idle
Revision: 277331
Reporter: francesco_r
Testers: francesco_r, agx, lawbar
Coders: viniciusfontes

#16479: "sip show peers" returns notice
Revision: 237699
Reporter: alexrecarey
Coders: russell

#16623: [patch] ExtensionState should resolve dynamic hints
Revision: 264779
Reporter: tilghman
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

#16802: [patch] Unable to open pid file '/var/run/asterisk/': No such file or directory
Revision: 248861
Reporter: Brian
Testers: tzafrir
Coders: tilghman

#16957: [patch] Rogue Newchannel events for failed Originate calls
Revision: 259023
Reporter: atis
Coders: mmichelson

#17371: [patch] [regression] DAHDI analog FXS port segfaults after dialling 2nd DTMF digit
Revision: 268456
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: tilghman

Category: Core/Portability

#13404: [patch] Commands issued to asterisk using a remote console on OSX have no effect
Revision: 182847
Reporter: agalbraith
Testers: russell, vadim
Coders: russell

#14714: Compilation Errors on Mac OS X 1.5.6 - Asterisk ( also confirmed on trunk )
Revision: 184147
Reporter: ygor
Coders: russell

#14790: chan_h323 build fails with gcc 3
Revision: 190057
Reporter: stuarth
Coders: jpeeler

#15402: [patch] Cannot find XML documentation under non linux platforms
Revision: 278708
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

#16395: Build fails on OpenBSD4.2 in utils.o
Revision: 233239
Reporter: jtodd
Coders: tilghman

#16416: [patch] Portability tweaks to contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk
Revision: 239308
Reporter: bklang
Testers: bklang
Coders: bklang, tilghman

#16572: [patch] "core show codecs" segfaults on Solaris.
Revision: 239074
Reporter: crjw
Coders: crjw

#16673: [patch] TLS socket file descriptor fails to open (with no error message in log)
Revision: 246980
Reporter: michaesc
Coders: dvossel

#16696: [patch] Solaris sed fails on generating ael_lex.c
Revision: 262422
Reporter: bklang
Testers: qwell
Coders: qwell

#17297: [patch] [regression] hangs during initial module load on Darwin
Revision: 262152
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: tilghman

Category: Core/RTP

#14029: [patch] Asterisk is using wrong clock frequency in text T140
Revision: 188413
Reporter: epicac
Coders: file

#14460: Asterisk plays a continuous tone forever if it never receives a 2833 end packet
Revision: 194209
Reporter: moliveras
Testers: geoff2010, file, dimas, ZX81, moliveras
Coders: dimas

#14546: [patch] Patch to improve NAT handling for Polycoms behind proxy
Revision: 184566
Reporter: acunningham
Coders: file

#14729: [patch] Added ability to specify different SIP and media addresses
Revision: 225003
Reporter: _brent_
Coders: brent

#14729: [patch] Added ability to specify different SIP and media addresses
Revision: 225089
Reporter: _brent_
Coders: brent

#14815: [patch] DTMF Appears to be broken from certain sources on asterisk 1.4.24 - double digit.
Revision: 194209
Reporter: geoff2010
Testers: geoff2010, file, dimas, ZX81, moliveras
Coders: dimas

#14827: early media playback doesn't work
Revision: 190421
Reporter: pj
Coders: file

#15105: [patch] Random loss of sound when using G.729
Revision: 195207
Reporter: bamby
Coders: bamby

#15711: [patch] Only deprecated "rtp debug ip " works, not "rtp set debug ip "
Revision: 218107
Reporter: davidw
Testers: davidw
Coders: mvanbaak

#15807: rtt should be stored as double in struct ast_rtp_instance_stats
Revision: 268773
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: tilghman

#16543: [patch] sin_family not set to AF_INET when running trunk on Solaris nevada
Revision: 241098
Reporter: crjw
Testers: crjw, qwell
Coders: crjw

#16774: [patch] [regression] and UDP ports not freed
Revision: 257191
Reporter: kowalma
Testers: falves11, jamicque
Coders: tilghman

#17469: [patch] rt(c)p set debug ip takes wrong argument
Revision: 273233
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: wdoekes, pabelanger
Coders: wdoekes

#17571: [patch] [regression] RFC 2833 frame out of order detection does not properly handle numeric overflow
Revision: 274164
Reporter: mdeneen
Testers: richardf, maxochoa, JJCinAZ
Coders: mmichelson

Category: Documentation

#15107: AstXML Documentation System Has No Ability To Include Documentation Sections
Revision: 194982
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: eliel

#15112: AstXML documentation system can't handle nested enum lists
Revision: 194635
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: eliel

#15515: [patch] Update to coding guidelines
Revision: 209958
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

#15516: [patch] Note about using unixODBC
Revision: 209959
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

#15518: iax.conf, IP-based access control
Revision: 206873
Reporter: pkempgen
Coders: dvossel

#15644: Update docs to state that canreinvite does NOT stop Asterisk from issuing reinvites for non-direct-media purposes.
Revision: 226384
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

#15734: [patch] CALLINGSUBADDR incorrectly stated as "Called PRI Subaddress"
Revision: 226378
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#15755: Description in queues.conf on call recording is slightly misleading
Revision: 213494
Reporter: trendboy
Coders: qwell

#15814: [patch] git-asterisk-howto: document a local git-svn repository of asterisk
Revision: 225483
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#15902: [patch] Document to describe workflow of Asterisk open source issue tracker
Revision: 219895
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

#15946: Phone number change in doc/lang/language-criteria.txt
Revision: 219951
Reporter: jtodd
Testers: jparker, tilghman, jtodd, russell, mmichelson, seanbright, kpfleming, and the rest of the usual suspects
Coders: jtodd

#16007: [patch] Clean valgrind output by suppressing false errors
Revision: 225485
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis, amorsen
Coders: atis

#16064: [patch] README has old help information
Revision: 225515
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Coders: thedavidfactor

#16145: Literal values wrapped in documentation
Revision: 249950
Reporter: tilghman
Coders: lmadsen

#16198: WARNING channel.c __ast_channel_alloc_ap: Channel allocation failed: Can't create alert pipe!
Revision: 228897
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis
Coders: lmadsen

#16211: [patch] Event collision in ExternalIVR resolved by documenting issue
Revision: 229228
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Coders: thedavidfactor

#16220: [patch] Fix ExternalIVR Documentation in 1.4
Revision: 229356
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Coders: thedavidfactor

#16223: [patch] "requirecalltoken" config directive not respected globally
Revision: 233280
Reporter: bklang
Coders: bklang

#16225: [patch] Remove features from ExternalIVR documentation
Revision: 229568
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Coders: thedavidfactor

#16237: [patch] Building Queues with Asterisk - A How-to Guide
Revision: 240039
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: pdhales, lmadsen, cmdrwalrus
Coders: lmadsen

#16267: [patch] unanswered has no effect
Revision: 250045
Reporter: elsto
Testers: davidw, elsto
Coders: lmadsen

#16743: [patch] Missing description of the PARKINGLOT variable in XML documentation
Revision: 249925
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

#16798: [patch] Update DUNDi to XML docs
Revision: 249912
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

#16855: Template examples in documentation imply well defined overriding semantics, but this is not true
Revision: 250037
Reporter: davidw
Coders: lmadsen

#16961: UserEvent Documentation is incorrect
Revision: 253345
Reporter: jlpedrosa
Coders: lmadsen

#17035: Conflict in sample configurations with TRUNK, etc.
Revision: 252534
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: lmadsen

#17054: strange documentation of tlsbindaddr in sip.conf
Revision: 255021
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: lmadsen

#17058: [patch] Freenum-in-a-can configuration for configs/extensions.conf.sample
Revision: 258147
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: pprindeville

#17159: [patch] HowTo: Collecting Debug Information
Revision: 256901
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: tzafrir, pabelanger, lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

#17171: [patch] sip-friends.sql Missing 'useragent'
Revision: 258106
Reporter: thehar
Testers: pabelanger, thehar
Coders: thehar

#17175: [patch] Updated Mantis Work Flow Documentation
Revision: 259438
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: pabelanger, lmadsen
Coders: pabelanger

#17190: [patch] Update the doc/backtrace.txt documentation
Revision: 257427
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: lmadsen, pabelanger
Coders: lmadsen

#17220: [patch] Add ability to generate an ASCII document from the TeX files
Revision: 258351
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: lmadsen, pabelanger
Coders: lmadsen, pabelanger

#17263: [patch] Freenum-in-a-can dialplan correction for failing pattern match
Revision: 260280
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

#17282: UPGRADE-1.6.txt doesn't mention insecure=very/yes removal
Revision: 261867
Reporter: stuarth
Testers: stuarth
Coders: lmadsen

#17287: [patch] update chan_sip.c for AST_CLI_YESNO and AST_CLI_ONOFF
Revision: 262613
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: russell
Coders: pabelanger

#17336: [patch] Fix some doxygen warnings
Revision: 268969
Reporter: snuffy
Testers: russell
Coders: snuffy

#17373: no cdr records if no cdr.conf since 1.6.2 branch
Revision: 267624
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: lmadsen

#17511: [patch] typos fixed in channelvariables.tex
Revision: 270801
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: klaus3000

#17557: [patch] voicemail_odbc_postgresql step 11 typo
Revision: 272568
Reporter: cmaj
Coders: tilghman

Category: Features

#17589: [patch] applicationmap groups do not work (either lack of documentation, or feature incomplete)
Revision: 275424
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: russell, lmadsen
Coders: russell

Category: Features/Parking

#15103: [patch] At the end of an attended transfered, on hangup, Asterisk crashes.
Revision: 194477
Reporter: lmsteffan
Coders: lmsteffan

#15538: [patch] Multi-tenant parking broken in - does not allocate to designated parking spaces
Revision: 215462
Reporter: gracedman
Testers: gracedman, mvanbaak
Coders: mvanbaak

#16234: [patch] Call parking via AMI causes announcment and ringback to caller channel
Revision: 235822
Reporter: yeshuawatso
Testers: yeshuawatso
Coders: tilghman

#16428: [patch] park() function takes 100% of CPU
Revision: 238583
Reporter: Yasuhiro Konishi
Coders: jpeeler

#16429: [patch] Callee on outside line can take parking and forwarding rights
Revision: 243391
Reporter: Yasuhiro Konishi
Testers: dvossel
Coders: Yasuhiro

#16641: [patch] main/feature: additional parking lots not reading needed variables
Revision: 244598
Reporter: bluecrow76
Coders: bluecrow76

Category: Formats/General

#14842: [patch] Typo on format wav and wav_gsm ... must read frequency instead of freqency
Revision: 186842
Reporter: jvandal
Coders: jvandal

Category: Functions/General

#15394: [patch] Memory leak in func_audiohookinherit.c
Revision: 228268
Reporter: boroda
Testers: dbrooks, boroda
Coders: dbrooks

#15450: [patch] If function MEETME_INFO() is run on a conference with no participants, return is not numeric
Revision: 228191
Reporter: JimVanM
Testers: JimVanM
Coders: dbrooks

#16309: segfault in "core show functions"
Revision: 240717
Reporter: asgaroth
Coders: seanbright

Category: Functions/NewFeature

#16461: [patch] for reading and writing to text file
Revision: 276114
Reporter: skyman
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16464: [patch] Set time for use in evaluating holiday dialplans
Revision: 239957
Reporter: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_base64

#15271: [patch] BASE64_DECODE() adds garbage end end of decoded string
Revision: 228620
Reporter: chappell
Testers: kobaz
Coders: chappell

Category: Functions/func_callerid

#15476: callerid(num) is wrong when username is missing
Revision: 206702
Reporter: viraptor
Coders: dvossel

Category: Functions/func_cdr

#16289: [patch] core show function CDR reports wrong disposition values
Revision: 238231
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_cut

#15208: [patch] The CUT function does not show the leading field-separators until it finds a value.
Revision: 197209
Reporter: ramonpeek
Coders: tilghman

#15320: [patch] CUT() returns empty string for fields other than the 1st
Revision: 201745
Reporter: chappell
Coders: chappell

Category: Functions/func_devstate

#15413: [patch] Mapping of extension state to device state is incorrect
Revision: 204710
Reporter: legart
Testers: dvossel, legart, amilcar
Coders: dvossel

Category: Functions/func_env

#17644: funcs/func_env.c fails to compile because of missing definition for LLONG_MAX in
Revision: 276769
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_groupcount

#16642: [patch] Support for GROUP_MATCH_COUNT regex matching on category
Revision: 247295
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: kobaz

Category: Functions/func_iconv

#15169: When building with uClibc, configure script mistakenly assumes iconv is always available
Revision: 214152
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_lock

#14859: [patch] lock is not released on channel masquerade
Revision: 221044
Reporter: atis
Testers: atis, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_math

#15025: [patch] Functions INC and DEC
Revision: 198725
Reporter: greenfieldtech
Testers: greenfieldtech, lmadsen
Coders: greenfieldtech

#16667: [patch] func_math MATH off by one's
Revision: 244331
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

Category: Functions/func_odbc

#14716: Crash using func_odbc
Revision: 186021
Reporter: sum
Testers: sum
Coders: tilghman

#14848: [patch] func_odbc not returning expected results
Revision: 187050
Reporter: john8675309
Testers: john8675309
Coders: tilghman

#15039: [patch] Function ODBC_FETCH returns more than one row
Revision: 193006
Reporter: jims
Testers: jims
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_realtime

#15517: [patch] memory leak in func_realtime
Revision: 206808
Reporter: adomjan
Coders: adomjan

#16029: [patch] sip peers loaded with realtime doesnt load useragent
Revision: 273078
Reporter: Guggemand
Testers: Guggemand
Coders: Guggemand

#16138: [patch] realtime function does not return pair when database value is null
Revision: 233050
Reporter: sohosys
Testers: sohosys
Coders: tilghman

#17369: [patch] realtime shows 2x fullcontact if delimited by ';'
Revision: 277773
Reporter: gkservice
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_strings

#15223: [patch] New asterisk function REPLACE
Revision: 230994
Reporter: ajohnson
Testers: lmadsen, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16900: [patch] patch for LISTFILTER to properly handle delimiter
Revision: 251682
Reporter: bluecrow76
Coders: bluecrow76

Category: Functions/func_timeout

#15513: TIMEOUT(absolute) return negative value
Revision: 206877
Reporter: ys
Coders: dvossel

Category: Functions/func_uri

#15439: [patch] URIENCODE() throws a warning when passed an empty string
Revision: 207946
Reporter: pkempgen
Coders: tilghman

Category: General

#13207: National prefix inserted even when caller ID not available
Revision: 188647
Reporter: shawkris
Coders: dvossel

#14562: [patch] safe_asterisk can get multiple instances if killproc escalates to SIGKILL in service asterisk restart
Revision: 226812
Reporter: davidw
Testers: davidw
Coders: tilghman, davidw

#15017: [patch] armv5tel: ast_expr2.c op_func.c implicit declerations
Revision: 219007
Reporter: tzafrir
Testers: tzafrir
Coders: tilghman

#15019: [patch] live_ast: edit asterisk.conf instead of creating it
Revision: 217015
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#15093: [patch] astcanary: race when asterisk daemonizes
Revision: 195320
Reporter: tzafrir
Testers: tzafrir
Coders: tilghman

#15104: [patch] Asterisk Manager API Action Originate / OriginateResponse
Revision: 223273
Reporter: nblasgen
Testers: nblasgen, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

#15106: Routing Extensions between 2 asterisk servers in 2 directions fails with "482 Loop Detected"
Revision: 195089
Reporter: timeshell
Coders: file

#15225: make config on slackware
Revision: 198000
Reporter: pdavis
Coders: seanbright

#15226: [patch] Simplify main/Makefile removing the list of objects to compile
Revision: 198139
Reporter: eliel
Coders: eliel

#15245: [patch] Move static docs to the new AstXML form
Revision: 199547
Reporter: eliel
Coders: lmadsen

#15570: [patch] install_prereq does not work on Debian 5
Revision: 208542
Reporter: mvanbaak
Coders: mvanbaak

#15571: [patch] 'received' typos in trunk, in 6 files
Revision: 209098
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: dbrooks

#15595: [patch] fix spelling for typos, mainly in comments.
Revision: 209554
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: dbrooks

#15762: [patch] Frame.c adjustment for Speex
Revision: 269976
Reporter: nblasgen
Testers: nblasgen
Coders: pabelanger

#15838: Please remove IAXy's firmware from the main tarball
Revision: 218799
Reporter: paravoid
Coders: russell

#16062: [patch] Asterisk crashes after "core stop gracefully"
Revision: 228798
Reporter: alexanderheinz
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16113: [patch] Auto-fallthrough when attempting to enter DTMF using Background() in a Macro()
Revision: 235422
Reporter: OrNix
Testers: OrNix
Coders: tilghman

#16272: [patch] Language code collisions for certan languages
Revision: 232854
Reporter: patrol-cz
Coders: tilghman

#16446: segfault error 4
Revision: 235053
Reporter: nicchap
Coders: tilghman

#16454: [patch] ASTARGS in sysconfig not inherited as startup options
Revision: 239231
Reporter: syspert
Testers: syspert
Coders: tilghman

#16887: /etc/init.d/asterisk.debian consumes 100% CPU
Revision: 251310
Reporter: jlpedrosa
Testers: pabelanger, mnick, davidw, mutineer612, jlpedrosa
Coders: lmadsen

#17013: ./configure -help describes wrong default behavior
Revision: 267775
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: tilghman

#17051: main/test.c reports erroneous cli message
Revision: 253205
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: lmadsen

#17052: chanspy on channel in MeetMe conference results in a crash
Revision: 260050
Reporter: dvossel
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

#17331: [patch] segfault on logging
Revision: 263904
Reporter: under
Testers: under, dvossel
Coders: under, dvossel

#17477: [patch] [regression] Constantly heard "beep" on PC speaker and Asterisk use maybe 10 time more CPU when CONSOLE=yes
Revision: 269636
Reporter: jvandal
Coders: tilghman

Category: NewFeature

#13760: [patch] Block Reverse Calls
Revision: 204749
Reporter: mrgabu
Coders: seanbright

#15604: [patch] Support for called_party_subaddr, currently only calling_party_subaddr is supported
Revision: 225357
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, rmudgett
Coders: alecdavis

#17318: [patch] FXS Polarity Reversal on Hangup or Answer
Revision: 278809
Reporter: armeniki
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

#9096: [patch] DTMF CID without polarity reversal implementation in wctdm for Denmark, Brazil, etc
Revision: 216094
Reporter: fleed
Testers: cyberplant, sum, maturs
Coders: dbailey

Category: PBX/General

#15392: [patch] Memory handling error in main/pbx.c (pbx_extension_helper)
Revision: 229499
Reporter: yrashk
Coders: dbrooks

#15460: Asterisk Crashed When made a attended Transfer
Revision: 215212
Reporter: marhbere
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#16166: [patch] Setting dialplan hint and using a global variable gives incorrect warning.
Revision: 233093
Reporter: rmudgett
Testers: mnick, rmudgett
Coders: mnick

#16528: [patch] Bridge application fails when both channels have a similar name
Revision: 238134
Reporter: telecos82
Coders: telecos82

#16539: [patch] call pickup can pickup caller instead of callee
Revision: 240179
Reporter: syspert
Testers: syspert
Coders: jpeeler

#16816: [patch] Attended transfer broken in
Revision: 249538
Reporter: jamhed
Testers: jamhed, corruptor
Coders: jpeeler

Category: PBX/pbx_ael

#14941: Using '@' to specify a context in AEL will cause parse errors
Revision: 189464
Reporter: bpgoldsb
Testers: bpgoldsb
Coders: seanbright

#16053: [patch] Crash on deeply nested while/if statements in AEL
Revision: 271483
Reporter: diLLec
Testers: jpeeler
Coders: jpeeler

#16053: [patch] Crash on deeply nested while/if statements in AEL
Revision: 271554
Reporter: diLLec
Coders: jpeeler

#16684: [patch] AEL2 parser messages missing a final \n
Revision: 267041
Reporter: Silmaril
Coders: Silmaril

#17215: [patch] Segfault on ael parsing
Revision: 272260
Reporter: vazir
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

Category: PBX/pbx_config

#14983: [patch] include contexts based on time causes asterisk to loop on startup
Revision: 194430
Reporter: teox
Testers: teox
Coders: tilghman

#15421: [patch] Serious problem in pattern matching
Revision: 229361
Reporter: jsmith
Testers: jsmith, thedavidfactor
Coders: tilghman

#16303: [patch] Some warnings when parsing extensions.conf fail to include line numbers
Revision: 262419
Reporter: dant
Testers: dant, lmadsen, pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

#16482: [patch] Serious problem with pattern matching (regression in #15421)
Revision: 237494
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: wdoekes, tilghman
Coders: wdoekes, tilghman

#17440: dialplan remove a@b tab completion seg fault
Revision: 272014
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: dvossel

Category: PBX/pbx_dundi

#14804: Crash with DUNDi
Revision: 186321
Reporter: jvandal
Coders: file

#15322: [patch] DUNDILOOKUP() does not accept comma as argument separator
Revision: 213975
Reporter: chappell
Coders: chappell

#17056: [patch] peer section does not allow to configure a port
Revision: 271762
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000

Category: PBX/pbx_realtime

#16521: [patch] Optimize queries to cache matches
Revision: 266238
Reporter: tilghman
Testers: Hubguru, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/General

#14412: [patch] 1.6.1 Choppy sound in Dual Xeon 2.8 GHz
Revision: 198146
Reporter: dome
Testers: DennisD, russell
Coders: russell

#14697: race condition in res/timing_* interfaces
Revision: 184762
Reporter: moy
Coders: kpfleming

#15624: res_ais, communication ok, but wrong state send and receive.
Revision: 209835
Reporter: ffossard
Testers: russell
Coders: russell

#15656: [patch] res_calendar.c does not compile in devmode
Revision: 212343
Reporter: mvanbaak
Coders: mvanbaak

#16178: res_pktccops.c using MSG_NOSIGNAL
Revision: 232950
Reporter: oej
Coders: tilghman

#16778: [patch] Calendar SIGSEGV with iCal
Revision: 244945
Reporter: pitel
Testers: twilson, pitel
Coders: twilson

#17564: [patch] Asterisk "locks up" the system when an external process is called from the 'h' extension with a lower priority than Aste
Revision: 273718
Reporter: ramonpeek
Testers: ramonpeek
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/NewFeature

#13165: [patch] Add various app_dial features to app_bridge
Revision: 220344
Reporter: tim_ringenbach
Coders: tim

#14771: [branch] Asterisk Calendar Integration
Revision: 197738
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: lmadsen, twilson, Shivaprakash
Coders: twilson

#15135: [patch] Dynamic parking lots
Revision: 247248
Reporter: IgorG
Testers: eliel, IgorG, acunningham, mvanbaak, zktech
Coders: IgorG, mvanbaak, dvossel

Category: Resources/res_agi

#14985: Asyncagi break missing
Revision: 192171
Reporter: nikkk
Testers: nikkk
Coders: tilghman

#15184: [patch] trunk no longer compiles in dev-mode
Revision: 196270
Reporter: andrew
Coders: seanbright

#16297: [patch] Timeout in SPEECH RECOGNIZE not working.
Revision: 237323
Reporter: semond
Coders: jpeeler

#16302: [patch] Asterisk crashes with Asyc AGI when hangup
Revision: 238754
Reporter: yahsyn
Testers: yahsyn
Coders: tilghman

#16504: Segfault in res_agi with no second paramter to EXEC
Revision: 236186
Reporter: bklang
Coders: tilghman

#16689: [patch] Crash in res_agi when trying to send application usage
Revision: 246030
Reporter: bklang
Coders: tilghman

#17093: [patch] AGI SPEECH SET bugs
Revision: 254446
Reporter: gpatri
Testers: pabelanger, mmichelson
Coders: gpatri

#17506: MSG_OOB flag on HANGUP packet misused
Revision: 270936
Reporter: brycebaril
Testers: pabelanger, tilghman
Coders: pabelanger

Category: Resources/res_agi/NewFeature

#14775: [patch] Added ability to perform SRV lookups for AGI URIs
Revision: 241188
Reporter: _brent_
Testers: _brent_
Coders: tilghman, brent

Category: Resources/res_calendar

#17391: [patch] latest trunk doesn't compile
Revision: 265747
Reporter: loloski
Coders: tilghman

#17391: [patch] latest trunk doesn't compile
Revision: 265793
Reporter: loloski
Testers: twilson
Coders: pabelanger

Category: Resources/res_calendar/NewFeature

#17022: [patch] Exchange Web Service calendaring support
Revision: 265317
Reporter: pitel
Testers: pitel, twilson
Coders: pitel

Category: Resources/res_config_ldap

#13725: [patch] ERROR[7387]: res_config_ldap.c:1292 update_ldap: Couldn't modify dn:cn=1001,dc=xxx,dc=xxx because Invalid syntax
Revision: 211767
Reporter: macogeek
Testers: suretec
Coders: xvisor

#15155: [patch] SIP Call-Limit
Revision: 197409
Reporter: scramatte
Testers: suretec
Coders: scramatte

#15155: [patch] SIP Call-Limit
Revision: 197431
Reporter: scramatte
Testers: suretec
Coders: ghenry

#15156: [patch] When lastms was added to realtime_update_peer in chan_sip the necessary ldap changes were not made
Revision: 197406
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: ghenry

#15710: Typo in LDAP schema files on line 598
Revision: 212027
Reporter: suretec
Coders: ghenry

#15874: [Patch] Asterisk updated LDAP Schema
Revision: 229050
Reporter: Medozas
Testers: Medozas, suretec
Coders: Medozas

#16257: [patch] Memory leak in res_config_ldap when using realtime extensions
Revision: 240271
Reporter: nito
Coders: seanbright

#16397: [patch] Segfault in res_config_ldap
Revision: 239473
Reporter: bklang
Testers: applsplatz
Coders: applsplatz

Category: Resources/res_config_odbc

#15870: [patch] res_config_odbc.c compilation fix for non-Unicode UnixODBC versions
Revision: 217638
Reporter: nic_bellamy
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_config_pgsql

#16000: [patch] Schema problem with res_pgsql
Revision: 222309
Reporter: jamicque
Testers: jamicque
Coders: tilghman

#16011: [patch] Crash on unregister SIP realtime peer - double free
Revision: 229093
Reporter: cristiandimache
Coders: dvossel

#17062: [patch] Meaningless extension warnings logging
Revision: 265923
Reporter: drookie
Coders: tilghman

#17392: [patch] pgsql realtime module not using local unix socket
Revision: 265894
Reporter: dps
Testers: dps
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_convert

#15181: [patch] file convert leaks input file descriptor
Revision: 196843
Reporter: jkroon
Coders: russell

Category: Resources/res_features

#13794: [patch] CDR for picked up parked call gives answer time < start time and no record for parking
Revision: 203376
Reporter: davidw
Testers: murf, dbrooks
Coders: murf

#14555: When i park a call after the slot announcement the call is not hangup
Revision: 192861
Reporter: francesco_r
Coders: jpeeler

#14663: [patch] Adding two variables for dynamic features (applicationmap)
Revision: 214309
Reporter: tamiel
Testers: tamiel
Coders: tamiel

#15459: [regression] parking c-e-p is missing, so timed-out parked call never returns to parker
Revision: 239839
Reporter: djrodman
Coders: mnick

#16646: [patch] Its not possible to pass more than one agrument in custom features.
Revision: 257262
Reporter: pinga-fogo
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#17444: Stuck channel after asterisk feature attended transfer
Revision: 271831
Reporter: corruptor
Coders: dvossel

Category: Resources/res_indications

#14990: [patch] Missing error message if indications.conf is not found
Revision: 190993
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

#17359: [patch] 'stutter' and 'dialrecall' indications for NZ missing comma's between tones.
Revision: 264031
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

Category: Resources/res_jabber

#14352: [patch] Adding JabberJoin and an argument to JabberSend for groupchats
Revision: 233468
Reporter: fiddur
Testers: fiddur
Coders: phsultan

#14876: [patch] Missing \r\n in response to JabberSend manager action
Revision: 198371
Reporter: srt
Coders: seanbright, srt, phsultan

#15232: [patch] XML parse errors related to buffer size, and not handled properly
Revision: 198375
Reporter: lp0
Testers: seanbright, lp0
Coders: seanbright

#15359: [patch] Remove unused defines
Revision: 218973
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

Category: Resources/res_jabber/NewFeature

#12569: [branch] Receiving Text from res_jabber
Revision: 220457
Reporter: eech55
Testers: phsultan, asannucci, lmadsen, jtodd, maxgo
Coders: phsultan

#15228: [patch] Disable automatic subscribe accept
Revision: 235342
Reporter: lp0
Coders: jpeeler

#15757: [branch] Add support for distributing device state and MWI via XMPP PubSub
Revision: 270519
Reporter: Marquis
Testers: Marquis, lmadsen, marcelloceschia
Coders: lmadsen

#16760: [patch] Adding manager event JabberStatus
Revision: 247500
Reporter: fiddur
Testers: fiddur, phsultan
Coders: fiddur

#16760: [patch] Adding manager event JabberStatus
Revision: 253261
Reporter: fiddur
Testers: fiddur, phsultan
Coders: fiddur

Category: Resources/res_limit

#15851: [patch] res_limit.c: refinition of _XOPEN_SOURCE
Revision: 217033
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_monitor

#15313: [patch] incorrect comparation in ast_monitor_change_fname() leads to deletion of recorded files
Revision: 227945
Reporter: caspy
Coders: jpeeler

#16376: [patch] Incorrect path passed to MONITOR_EXEC application after 'Monitor()' call finishes.
Revision: 235941
Reporter: bcnit
Coders: dant

#16377: res_monitor.c chan->monitor->filename_base has duplicated path
Revision: 235941
Reporter: galeras
Coders: dant

#16590: [patch] Monitor resumes recording after SIP transfer despite StopMonitor() having been called
Revision: 258776
Reporter: kkm
Coders: kkm

Category: Resources/res_musiconhold

#14661: MOH Realtime crash
Revision: 187421
Reporter: sum
Coders: mmichelson

#14831: Issue starting Asterisk with LinuxHA
Revision: 191283
Reporter: chris-mac
Testers: chris-mac
Coders: tilghman

#15051: [patch] Moh class set in the dialplan is ignored with realtime moh
Revision: 209197
Reporter: alexh
Testers: alexh
Coders: mmichelson

#15080: MOH not closing calls correctly
Revision: 193718
Reporter: dvossel
Testers: dvossel
Coders: russell

#15109: [patch] Abort by memory allocator, possibly in moh_files_generator
Revision: 215212
Reporter: jvandal
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#15123: out of bounds crash and core dump
Revision: 215212
Reporter: axisinternet
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#15195: double free or corruption (!prev) in moh_files_generator
Revision: 215212
Reporter: amorsen
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo, marhbere, rgj, amorsen
Coders: russell

#15279: music on hold digit=X non-functional
Revision: 217730
Reporter: mbeckwell
Testers: mnick
Coders: mnick

#15358: [patch] Remove unneeded define for Solaris
Revision: 214611
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

#15845: Crash during attended transfer occurs
Revision: 222880
Reporter: marhbere
Testers: aragon, russell, zerohalo
Coders: russell

#15865: [patch] musiconhold crash on unload
Revision: 221201
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: kobaz
Coders: tilghman

#16207: [patch] asterisk keeps starting new processes for streaming audio MOH
Revision: 232660
Reporter: dcabot
Testers: parisioa, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16279: [patch] asterisk reload causes mpg123 streams to be recreated
Revision: 232660
Reporter: parisioa
Testers: parisioa, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16279: [patch] asterisk reload causes mpg123 streams to be recreated
Revision: 233718
Reporter: parisioa
Testers: parisioa, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16388: [patch] New music on hold patches cause asterisk + full system hard lock
Revision: 233718
Reporter: parisioa
Testers: parisioa, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16390: Asterisk lockup when caller hangs up in StartMusicOnHold()
Revision: 233718
Reporter: acunningham
Testers: parisioa, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#16499: [patch] Added musiconhold class in manager event
Revision: 238795
Reporter: syspert
Coders: syspert

#16875: [patch][regression] Cannot specify http:// URL in music-on-hold class directory statement
Revision: 250787
Reporter: raarts
Coders: raarts

#16982: [patch] MusicOnHold ignores realtime when no musiconhold.conf classes configured.
Revision: 272332
Reporter: dmitri
Testers: atis
Coders: dmitri

#16993: [patch] MusicOnHold produces a crash
Revision: 269271
Reporter: dmitri
Testers: dmitri
Coders: dmitri, dvossel

#17470: [patch] sort=alpha does not start at position 0
Revision: 270332
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: pabelanger

Category: Resources/res_odbc

#17245: [patch] segfault caused by error in SQL
Revision: 261917
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Testers: murraytm
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_phoneprov

#16680: [patch] causes Asterisk to crash on ${MAC}-phone.cfg file
Revision: 242607
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: seanbright

#16682: Hundreds (thousands?) of WARNING messages when data sent via res_phoneprov
Revision: 270692
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: twilson

#17239: [patch] Provisioning failure
Revision: 270660
Reporter: cjacobsen
Testers: lathama, cjacobsen
Coders: cjacobsen

Category: Resources/res_realtime

#15357: [patch] Documentation fix for CLI usage of update2
Revision: 208052
Reporter: snuffy
Coders: snuffy

#17560: Parsing error in extconfig.conf results in seg fault
Revision: 273142
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_smdi

#14561: When using SMDI Asterisk crashes after message is left
Revision: 198312
Reporter: cmoss28
Coders: russell

#15996: [patch] change the order for ACF registration for SMDI
Revision: 266735
Reporter: junky
Coders: junky

#17237: module unload errors
Revision: 268653
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_snmp

#14671: [patch] NET-SNMP configure test fails; libraries passed in LDFLAGS instead of LIBS
Revision: 192132
Reporter: Chainsaw
Coders: Chainsaw

Category: Resources/res_speech

#16368: [patch] Asterisk crash when SpeechCreate() is used in dialplan without exact name of the module, using the default.
Revision: 247841
Reporter: thirionjwf
Coders: thirionjwf

Category: Resources/res_timing_dahdi

#15234: [patch] If dahdi timing interface is not registered, when we try to unload res_timing_dahdi asterisk crash.
Revision: 198437
Reporter: eliel
Coders: eliel

Category: Resources/res_timing_pthread

#15014: [patch] Asterisk loses SIP phones, possible deadlock,
Revision: 192808
Reporter: madkins
Coders: file

#15406: Asterisk crashes at approx 70-80 calls per second
Revision: 278465
Reporter: kowalma
Coders: russell

#15915: crash when calling ao2_unlock inside pthread_timer_disable_continuous
Revision: 278465
Reporter: keiron
Coders: russell

#17118: Random crashes
Revision: 278465
Reporter: erikje
Coders: russell

#17187: crash when calling ao2_unlock inside pthread_timer_disable_continuous - NOT FIXED PLEASE RE-OPEN
Revision: 278465
Reporter: Eddie Edwards
Coders: russell

Category: Sounds

#15034: [patch] ast_say_number_full_ur function in main/say.c
Revision: 192772
Reporter: nasirq
Coders: nasirq

#15771: [patch] New submission guidelines for language additions
Revision: 216006
Reporter: jtodd
Coders: jtodd

#16200: sound files missing for say_enumeration: digits/h-hundred
Revision: 259527
Reporter: murf
Coders: lmadsen

#17137: Conference sound files re-recorded
Revision: 259527
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

Category: Tests/General

#17277: [patch] The heap data structure can't cope with a removal and reinsert
Revision: 261496
Reporter: cappucinoking
Testers: cappucinoking, crjw, russell
Coders: russell

Category: Tests/NewFeature

#16809: [patch] Design functionality test for dialplan pattern matching
Revision: 246942
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: mmichelson
Coders: mmichelson

Category: Utilities/General

#10812: [patch] safe_asterisk includes bashisms
Revision: 196658
Reporter: paravoid
Coders: tzafrir

#16602: [patch] astcanary does not exit when asterisk 1.6.2 dies => reopen of #14538
Revision: 240499
Reporter: frawd
Testers: frawd
Coders: tilghman

Category: Utilities/aelparse

#16828: [patch] DEBUG_THREADS - Compile errors on OS/X Snow Leopard
Revision: 255796
Reporter: oej
Coders: tilghman

#17145: AEL warning when using Return() application is misleading
Revision: 262796
Reporter: okrief
Coders: lmadsen

Category: wcb4xxp

#16151: [patch] DIGITAL calls across a B410P connect, but no data transfer
Revision: 231058
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

Commits Not Associated with an Issue

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This is a list of all changes that went into this release that did not directly close an issue from the issue tracker. The commits may have been marked as being related to an issue. If that is the case, the issue numbers are listed here, as well.

RevisionAuthorSummaryIssues Referenced
182362russellUpdate UPGRADE.txt and CHANGES for 1.6.3
182408rmudgettOPENR2 uses an incorrect string value if the extension delimiter is not present.
182521seanbrightDon't include a space before the optional extra text that may follow a help
182525kpflemingImprove behavior of ast_answer() to not lose incoming frames
182530kpflemingcorrect logic flaw in ast_answer() changes in r182525
182553russellTweak the handling of the frame list inside of ast_answer().
182607dvosselFixing CHANGES in rev 182596.
182762russellAdd support for the "name" option in the CHANNEL() function.
182826kpflemingImprove the build system to *properly* remove unnecessary symbols from the runtime global namespace. Along the way, change the prefixes on some internal-only API calls to use a common prefix.
182848kpfleminga few more namespace updates... res_ael_share still needs some work before this can be merged to other release branches
182883kpflemingfix another symbol namespace issue (reported by Andrew on asterisk-dev)
182960tilghmanFixing a lost symbol in manager.c
183028jpeelerAdd some code removed by mistake from commit 182722 that works around a file
183032kpflemingallow this module to export everything for now
183057fileFix an issue where a T38 control frame would get dropped.
183108fileImprove our triggering of a T38 switchover internally when triggered by a received reinvite.
183117mmichelsonFix an issue where cancelled outgoing SIP calls would erroneously report the device as "in use."
183124russellAllow the CallerID API to work again.
183148russellAdd missing semicolon in exports script.
183196tilghman2 symbols defined when DEBUG_THREADS
183239russellAllow the AES API to work.
183242russellRemove the use of RTLD_NOLOAD, as it is not behaving like expected.
183312qwellExport some more required symbols.
183345tilghmanReordering, to change prior to unlocking
183436dvosselCleaning up a few things in detect disconnect patch #11583
183511elielRemove duplicate inside the xml documentation.
183553mmichelsonAdd some missing symbols to main/asterisk.exports
183554mmichelsonRemove symbols I just added to main/asterisk.exports and instead rename the functions.
183555mmichelsonFix chan_sip so it builds.
183560russellFix a crash in IAX2 registration handling found during load testing with dvossel.
183652fileFix a minor logic flaw with the bridge generic thread.
183766mmichelsonFix a memory leak in res_monitor.c
183831rmudgettRemoved trailing whitespace in chan_misdn files.
183865tilghmanAllow browsers to cache images and other static content.
183914tilghmanAdditionally note that the operator option needs an 'o' extension. #14731
184037russellExclude slin16, siren7, and siren14 from bandwidth=low and =medium
184043russellPut siren7 and siren14 in ast_best_codec() just so they're in there somewhere.
184079mmichelsonChange NULL pointer check to be ast_strlen_zero.
184151russellChange poll() to ast_poll().
184219russellInclude poll-compat.h
184280fileFix issue with a T38 reinvite being sent even if not configured to do so.
184344russellRemove unneeded AST_LIST_ENTRY() and comment on the purpose of ast_event_ref.
184448kpfleminguse new, improved 8kHz prompts
184512russellPass more useful information through to lock tracking when DEBUG_THREADS is on.
184515russellDon't act surprised if we get a -1 indication.
184531russellFix some issues with rwlock corruption that caused deadlock like symptoms.
184628fileFix a potential race condition when creating a software based mixing bridge.
184630russellChange g_eid to ast_eid_default.
184639fileRemove a cast that is not needed.
184673fileFix speech structure leak in the AGI speech recognition integration.
184677fileFix a potential timer leak in bridge_softmix.
184693russellChange global_app_buf to ast_str_thread_global_buf.
184726russellUse ast_random() instead of rand() to ensure we use the best RNG available.
184798lmadsenUpdate commit message guidelines in re: to punctuation.
184910russellFix build error when chan_h323 is not being built.
185123rmudgettUpdate the channel allocation method documentation.
185363dbrooksFix incorrect parsing in chan_gtalk when xmpp contains extra whitespaces
185432russellImprove performance of the code handling the frame queue in chan_iax2.
185581kpflemingOptimizations to the stringfields API
185604mmichelsonFix trunk's compilation.
185664kpflemingignore copied (generated) file
185741russellFix dev-mode build on my box.
185772russellFix a case where DTMF could bypass audiohooks.
185777mmichelsonAddress Russell's comments regarding rev 185704.
185912tilghmanMerge changes from str_substitution that are unrelated to that branch.
185953kpflemingthe DAHDI_GETCONF, DAHDI_SETCONF and DAHDI_GET_PARAMS ioctls were recently corrected to show that they do, in fact, read data from userspace as part of their work. due to this fix, valgrind now reports a number of cases where chan_dahdi passed an uninitialized (or partially) buffer to these ioctls, which could lead to unexpected behavior.
186060tilghmanFix for AST-2009-003
186078fileMerge in the RTP engine API.
186101kpflemingensure that the buffer passed to DAHDI_SET_BUFINFO is fully initialized
186175mmichelsonFix instructions in one-step parking comment to make more sense.
186230russellFix a memory leak in cdr_radius.
186379dvosselaudio_audiohook_write_list() did not correctly update sample size after ast_translate.
186447tilghmanFound a conflict in the last commit, due to multiple targets
186461kpflemingFix a bug where DAHDI/Zaptel channels would not properly switch formats when requested
186537rmudgettRemove merged branch properties accidentally merged to trunk.
186563filePass the correct value to sizeof when copying address information. #14827
186620mmichelsonSilly svn. These files didn't get merged over in the merge of the issue8824 branch.
186653fileFix problem when authenticating a non-RTP dialog.
186687fileFix a log message getting output when it should not have been.
186799tilghmanFix Macro documentation to match current (and intended) behavior.
186899tilghmanAdd lastms to the require API call.
186928russellUpdate some comments and resolve potential memory corruption in chan_sip.
186953russellStart splitting up miscellaneous doxygen documentation into separate files.
186957russellAdd some additional notes on release numbering.
186985mmichelsonMake a couple of changes with regards to a new message printed in ast_read(). #14723
187036fileTurn a warning message into a debug message and do not treat two situations as errors when they are not.
187046mmichelsonFix a small logical error when loading moh classes.
187105russellRemove duplicate prototype for temp_peer().
187108fileFix a bug where we would native bridge when we did not want to.
187179russellAdd documentation for reviewboard usage and guidelines.
187210tilghmanBackport resolution for file descriptor leak in 1.6.0 to 1.4.
187269kpflemingadd a dedicated log channel for modules to be able report security-related events, so that they can be fed into external processes for analysis and possible mitigation efforts
187302tilghmanAdd debugging mode for diagnosing file descriptor leaks. #14625
187360fileAdd support for allowing the channel driver to handle transcoding.
187361fileDo not try to send the format read/format write/make compatible options over IAX2.
187363tilghmanPermit zero-length text messages in SIP.
187424mmichelsonUse safe macro practices even though they really aren't necessary.
187426dvosselFixes deadlock caused by calling get_cid_name with chan locked.
187556dvosselMore changes concerning r187426. Revised where locks are placed.
187560mmichelsonAdd a new option, mwi_from, to sip.conf.
187599tilghmanModify headers and macros, according to Russell's suggestions on the -dev list
187634rmudgettMake chan_misdn_log() avoid generating the log message if logging is disabled.
187635rmudgettMiscellaneous minor changes to chan_misdn.
187636kpflemingrevert addition of LOG_SECURITY log channel; after further discussion, a much better solution will be used
187673dvosselEven more changes concerning r187426. Revised where locks are placed yet once again. ast_call() should not be called with a channel locked. could cause deadlock issues with local channels.
187675russellDisable test modules by default.
187680mmichelsonDon't let ast_channel_alloc fail if explicitly passed NULL cid_name or cid_number.
187714mmichelsonast_strdup failures aren't really failures if the original value was NULL.
187721kpflemingclean up some patterns for files to remove
187764tilghmanAdd lastms column to the contributed table designs
187770mmichelsonMake sure tc is unlocked before calling ast_call since calling a Local
187772fileFix some uninitialized memory notices that appeared under valgrind.
187773fileChange how we set the local and remote address.
187830mmichelsonIndicating connected line or redirecting updates were missing a call to lock the local_pvt.
188032mmichelsonSet all queue variables on both the caller and member channels.
188102mmichelsonFix another crash related to cached realtime music on hold.
188210tilghmanAs suggested by Russell, warn users when their dialplan arguments contain pipes, but not commas.
188247fileFix a bug with the change I made yesterday to outbound proxy support.
188283oejMaking sure we have references to external libraries.
188284oejNew actions should go under "New Actions", not "new events"
188378jpeelerchange some capitalization
188470mmichelsonFix a couple of queue member reference leaks.
188515jpeelerDon't try to do anything in pri_check_restart with service messages unless
188544mmichelsonMake the cancellation of the dial timeout on a call forward optional.
188585mmichelsonUpdate ast_readvideo_callback to match ast_readaudio_callback.
188705fileFix a bug with the dahdi_setoption callback in chan_dahdi.
188742dvosselSIP state notify reorganization
188938fileFix a situation where the DAHDI channel private structure lock was not unlocked when it should have been.
188942mmichelsonFix a spacing issue that I claimed I would when I committed this code.
189077seanbrightFix copy/paste error with 'transmit silence' flag.
189097mmichelsonPrevent a crash when SIP blonde transferring an unbridged call.
189137rmudgettOnly disable mISDN DSP if Asterisk DSP is enabled. Leave jitter setting alone.
189278mmichelsonMove the check for chan->fdno == -1 to after the zombie/hangup check. #14723
189419dbaileyClean up problem with manager implementation of mmap where it was not testing against MAP_FAILED response.
189495twilsonDon't treat a NOANSWER like a CHANUNAVAIL
189516twilsonUpdate CDR appropriately when AST_CAUSE_NO_ANSWER is set
189539tilghmanUse nanosleep instead of poll.
189629dbaileyAdd check in configure script to check for GLOB_NOMAGIC and GLOB_BRACE in glob.h
189665dbaileyRemove daemon call on systems that do not support forking.
189735rmudgettAdded CCBS/CCNR Party A support and enhanced COLP support.
189813tilghmanDetect liblua on SuSE, and add libm for linking for Fedora.
189951russellFix call parking callback. Pipes -> Commas.
190000twilsonAdd funcs for manipulating delimited lists in the dialplan
190154twilsonFix example that could fail in certain circumstances
190287fileFix a bug in chan_local glare hangup detection.
190357russellRemove a bogus ast_channel_unlock().
190423russellConvert the ast_channel data structure over to the astobj2 framework.
190457russellFix a build error.
190484russellAdd \since tag for new API calls.
190516rmudgettUpdate comment.
190517rmudgettThere is no need to use the struct ast_party_connected_line.source update values.
190545dvosselTLS/SSL private key option
190577mmichelsonRemove nonexistent option from sip.conf.sample.
190586fileFix a bug where we tried to send events out when no sessions container was present. #14974
190622mmichelsonUpdate warning message to not have pipes and contain all options.
190626mmichelsonAllow for a position to be specified when entering a queue.
190663russellResolve a crash in res_smdi when used with chan_dahdi.
190725kpflemingFix 'inconsistent line endings' when autoconf 2.63 is used
190735rmudgettMake PTP DivertingLegInformation3 message behavior closer to the specifications.
190797rmudgettFix a small memory leak on error in ast_channel_alloc().
190830transnexusUpdated for OSP Toolkit 3.5.
190861kpflemingRemove Makefile rules for bison and flex sources
190865kpflemingBuild XML documention from *only* the source files that have docs in them
190904tilghmanUniqueID column has a maximum size of 150
190946mattfMake sure that we do not clear the down flag on the BRI during PTMP link transients
190947mattfAdd support setting CPC from channel variable
190989russellResolve Solaris build issues and add some API documentation. #14981
191028dvosselConsistent SSL/TLS options across conf files
191136dbrooksRemoving crufty code that is no longer necessary. Code cleanup.
191140tilghmanMerge str_substitution branch.
191175rmudgettOutgoing PTP redirected calls did not wait for the COLR from the redirected-to party.
191211tilghmanPart of the merge did not happen correctly, which resulted in a compile error
191213jpeelerfix typos
191219tilghmanMake H.323 compile with FDLEAK detection code enabled
191221tilghmanAllow H.323 to compile with FDLEAK checking enabled.
191300transnexusFixed not report source network ID and not export destination network ID issues.
191332transnexusAdded routing number support.
191367tilghmanDetect eaccess (or euidaccess) before using it.
191411kpflemingAdd buffer and echo canceller control to CHANNEL() dialplan function for DAHDI channels
191418transnexusMade security features optional.
191419fileDrop my IRC nickname.
191489jpeelerFix DTMF not being sent to other side after a partial feature match
191700seanbrightUpdate copyright year to 2009
191739seanbrightConditional include ioctl's to change EC policy based on DAHDI caps.
191775kpflemingFix an error in queue_log file rotation optimization code
191785kpflemingRemove rarely-used event_log/LOG_EVENT support
191848russellDo a bit of code cleanup.
191884russellRemove unnecessary compiler flag
191919kpflemingAdd 'bitflags'-style information elements to event framework
191955kpflemingEnsure that by default only one console channel driver is loaded
191997kpflemingMinor changes in test modules
192032elielDo not re-define _POSIX_C_SOURCE if it was already defined.
192059kpflemingEnsure that astobj2 memory allocations are properly accounted for when MALLOC_DEBUG is used
192096lmadsenCommit documentation changes related to issue #14801. #14801
192279kpflemingEnsure that string pools allocated to hold stringfields are properly accounted in MALLOC_DEBUG mode
192318kpflemingProperly account for memory allocated for channels and datastores
192357kpflemingCorrect some flaws in the memory accounting code for stringfields and ao2 objects
192362kpflemingAdd a more efficient way of allocating structures that use stringfields
192387fileFix a bug with setting t38pt_udptl at the user or peer level.
192427mattfRevert CPC patch for now, until I decide whether or not it all should be merged into libss7/1.0 (It's still in the bug13495 branch and in libss7/trunk)
192590rmudgettFixed crashes from issue8824 review board channel locking changes.
192736fileMake the code that prevents an infinite loop from happening into a case insensitive check.
192853jpeelerIf no extension was found in the pattern tree, don't crash.
193077rmudgettGive a more helpful message when an incoming call's dialed extension does not match.
193194kpflemingMake absolute paths for logger channels work properly
193274seanbrightFix the spelling of UNAVAILABLE in func_devstate CLI completion.
193387dvosselTCP not matching valid peer.
193459russellDeclare private data as static.
193461russellMinor documentation update for ast_event_queue().
193502fileFix a bug where receiving a control frame of subclass -1 would cause certain channels to get hung up.
193545lmadsenDocument CHANNEL(transfercapability) in CLI documentation. #15073
193614rmudgettSent wrong message to clear a call we started if the other end has not responed yet.
193757tilghmanFound and fixed a memory leak
193832kpflemingadd 'const' qualifiers in various places where they should have been
193870tilghmanConvert a THREADSTORAGE object into a simple malloc'd object (as suggested by Russell on -dev)
193954mmichelsonUpdate spiral support in trunk and 1.6.X to match what is in 1.4. #13630
194101tilghmanTwo fixes found while debugging with ast_backtrace():
194283elielDo not lock the 'sessions' container, lock the allocated 'session'.
194479rmudgettAdd outgoing_colp misdn.conf port parameter.
194520kpflemingUpdate URL to Reviewboard
194610kpflemingAdd ability for modules to dynamically register logger levels
194649mvanbaakadd eliel
194714russellActually force running make for g722.
194718russellFurther simplify codec_g722 build.
194722russellShuttle some bits around to address some gain issues with G.722.
194765russellFix some spelling fail.
194945elielFix a missing unlock in case of error, and a missing free().
195075elielDo not avoid loading the XML documentation if not XInclude substitution is done.
195165seanbrightAllow cdr_custom to write to multiple files instead of just one.
195210seanbrightConst-ify a string, fix a log message, and use the correct signature for the
195266rmudgettThe facilityenable parameter does not have anything to do with pritimer parameters.
195279seanbrightRemove some unused code.
195365elielMove AGI documentation from static to the XML form.
195367elielAvoid autocompleting passed the action name argument in the CLI command.
195368elielRollback commit 195367.
195369elielFix the CLI command 'manager show command' documentation and functionality.
195449fileFix a bug where direct RTP setup would partially occur even when disabled if the calling channel was answered. #13545, #14244
195589mmichelsonAdd basic support for handling connected line-related UPDATE requests.
195763mmichelsonPlug a memory leak in app_dial.
195798mmichelsonGet rid of some duplicated code and correct a connected line error.
195839tilghmanIf a variable had a blank value upon the initial setting, then it would do nothing.
195949seanbrightRework the cdr_custom.conf.sample header a bit to reflect the changes in
195992mmichelsonPass connected line updates along during a bridge.
196072kpflemingConst-ify the world (or at least a good part of it)
196114elielAvoid using prototypes when not necessary (it is already defined in the header
196187rmudgettMake chan_misdn compile.
196188rmudgettFix constify the world compile problem.
196227seanbrightFix build under dev mode and remove some casts that are no longer necessary as
196246russellresolve compiler warning
196272tilghmanTwo more minor fixes due to constification
196308elielImplement a new element in AstXML for AMI actions documentation.
196344elielMoved static documentation to the AstXML form.
196381seanbrightDon't crash if an RTP instance can't be created. This could occur when an
196417seanbrightCall ast_stun_init() when we're initializing to get the 'stun debug set'
196456moyset MFCR2_CATEGORY just when starting the pbx
196488kpflemingCorrect example for CLI autocompletion (generation)
196520seanbrightFix errors in cdr_custom that cause reference errors when non-CDR variable
196554elielMove static AGI commands documentation to XML.
196585elielMove AGI static documentation to the new AstXML form.
196622seanbrightUse a properly allocated channel for substitution in cdr_manager.
196725seanbrightUse a properly allocated channel for substitution in cdr_sqlite3_custom.
196758seanbrightAdd new ast_complete_applications function so that we can use it with the
196792seanbrightAdd a missing unref for queues in handle_statechange.
196893mmichelsonRemove some redundant or unnecessary connected line-related function calls.
197189seanbrightRemove a file sample configuration file that is no longer used.
197266oejAdding some generic handling of error codes sent to us in replys to requests.
197335kpflemingEnsure that this header includes xmldoc.h, since it depends on it.
197338russellDon't do a pointer comparison before setting the remote address.
197374tilghmanRevert commit 192032. This define is needed on Mac OS X.
197528seanbrightRemove a bunch of trailing whitespace in preparation for reformatting/cleanup.
197535seanbrightRemove a bunch of trailing whitespace in preparation for reformatting/cleanup.
197570fileFix an incorrect call to ast_string_field_free_memory which caused a crash in the logger.
197606mmichelsonAllow for media to arrive from an alternate source when responding to a reinvite with 491.
197697fileFix a bug where the trunkmtu setting was not set to the default value of 1240 on load but was on reload.
197701mmichelsonAdd missing lock to local_indicate function for connected line frames.
197740mmichelsonTreat 405 responses the same way we would a 501.
197775kpflemingEnsure that accidental calls to ast_string_field_free_memory() on embedded stringfield pools are safe.
197777twilsonMake note of Exchange calendar support limitations
197824seanbrightUpdate references to and to the new URLs.
197861seanbrightUpdate references to to its new URL.
197926twilsonAdd some TeX docs for calendaring.
197959mmichelsonA few fixes to SIP with regards to connected line updates during transfers.
197960russellTrim trailing whitespace so that I can work on this bug without it bothering me. :-)
197996fileFix a bug where the default setting did not perform a remote bridge when it should have.
198064fileFix a memory leak of the write buffer when writing a file.
198083elielApply anti-spam obfuscation to an email address.
198088jpeelerNew signaling module to handle analog operations in chan_dahdi
198182twilsonAdd a couple of TODO items so I don't forget
198183russellImprove handling of trying to ACK too many timer expirations.
198186russellSuggesting that only a single timing module be loaded is no longer necessary.
198217elielRemove not used code in the Agent channel.
198248fileWhen removing all packets from a dialog we also need to free the data if present.
198434russellConstify the ast_frame arg to ast_queue_frame().
198438russellConstification and remove some unused code.
198442elielFilter the say.o object, it is being added later.
198470tilghmanFix documentation for FIELDQTY.
198500mmichelsonRemove documentation for the 'exten' argument to the AGENT function.
198511mmichelsonAdd missing unlock of local pvt.
198529mmichelsonRemove extra lock from local_indicate in connected line case.
198530mmichelsonRemove extra lock from app_queue.
198558dvosselFixed an issue in the threadstorage cli functions resulting from the constification of struct ast_cli_args in r196072.
198561elielMove static documentation of E|Dead|AGI() application and manager action to XML.
198565elielMove JabberSend manager action from static docs to the AstXML form.
198597elielDo not add say.o in a separate line.
198626tilghmanAdd information for new meetme realtime fields
198661elielMoved more static documentation to the new AstXML form.
198670russellMinor whitespace fix.
198727mmichelsonAdd the ability to execute connected line interception macros.
198729russellTell the IAX2 parser about more control frame types.
198954dvosselast_call_forward() todo notes and originate flag copy.
199091elielMove static docs to the new AstXML form. #15245
199139dvosselAdditional updates to AST-2009-001
199368russellSwitch from "echo -n" to printf. On my mac, the -n was just getting printed out.
199370russellConstify a string and strip trailing whitespace.
199372russellminor tweak
199374elielMove function SYSINFO documentation to XML. #15245
199376elielMove function MINIVMACCOUNT and MINIVMCOUNTER static documentation to XML. #15245
199409elielMove function MEETME_INFO documentation to XML. #15245
199411elielMove function PP_EACH_USER and PP_EACH_EXTENSION documentation to XML. #15245
199413elielMove music on hold related applications documentation to XML. #15245
199446elielMove AGI command 'gosub' static documentation to XML. #15245
199479russellGlobal var cleanup - constification and removing unused vars.
199514elielMove application ExternalIVR static documentation to XML. #15245
199696tilghmanAdd sigaction janitor
199781seanbrightFix all of the parallel build warnings issued when running make -j#.
199857seanbright__WORDSIZE is not available on all platforms, so use sizeof(void *) instead.
199923mmichelsonUse ast_channel_unref to instead of ast_free on a newly created channel.
199958mmichelsonOnly try to use the invite_branch on outgoing INVITEs with auth credentials.
200000seanbrightRemove some trailing whitespace and steal revision 200000.
200039lmadsenFix path for .flavor and .version #14737
200108elielRelease the allocated channel decreasing the reference counter.
200146mmichelsonFix a crash due to a potentially NULL p->options.
200254seanbrightCall chgrp instead of chown when setting run directory group ownership. #13153
200290mmichelsonFix a potential crash from trying to access a NULL channel pointer.
200326mmichelsonFix some bad locking stemming from trying to forward a call to a non-existent
200428seanbrightFirst shot at an upstart script for asterisk on Ubuntu.
200430seanbrightInclude basic installation and usage instructions for upstart script.
200477moyadded openr2 to, recent commit in menuselect made me realize this was never done but was working anyways
200514mmichelsonAdd INFO to our allowed methods so that endpoints know they may send it to us.
200519kpflemingRedesigned 'optional API' support.
200584kpflemingSome minor structure size improvements in sip_pvt and sip_peer.
200587kpflemingConvert a number of global module variables to 'static'.
200620kpflemingMore 'static' qualifiers on module global variables.
200656kpflemingLast batch of 'static' qualifiers for module-level global variables.
200689kpflemingAccept T.38 re-INVITE responses with invalid SDP versions.
200726kpflemingDocument the new automatic 'ignoresdpversion' behavior.
200762russellAdd missing closure of verbatim environment.
200764kpflemingEnsure that configure-script testing for compiler attributes actually works.
200799moykeep backwards compatible chan_dahdi with older openr2 versions by not using the new skip category feature unless supported
200805russellDon't claim a char * is a mansession object.
200841elielShow the interface name on error, if it is not found.
200878elielShow the interface name on error, if it is not found.
200942russellAdd Sean Bright to CREDITS - Thanks, Sean!
200985kpflemingFix problems with new compiler attribute checking in configure script.
201056kpflemingImprove support for media paths that can generate multiple frames at once.
201090kpflemingAnother minor fix to compiler attribute checking.
201135kpflemingWhen compiling in an Emacs-spawned shell, always print directory names.
201137kpflemingExplicitly test for 'static weakref' support.
201139kpflemingEnable applications to enable/disable digit and tone detection.
201190seanbrightUpdate my e-mail address (thanks for the props, russell :))
201223dvosselfix issue with build_contact introduced by the "SIP trasnport type issues" commit
201262kpflemingCorrect AST_LIST_APPEND_LIST behavior when list to be appended is empty.
201453dvosselast_channel_datastore_alloc is no longer used. updating datastores.txt to reflect that.
201458mmichelsonChange the datastore traversal in ast_do_masquerade to use a safe list traversal.
201462mmichelsonFix problem with no audio due to ignoring the SDP.
201583mmichelsonTrunk implementation of setting an alternate RTP source.
201610russellFix memory corruption and leakage related reloads of non files mode MoH classes. #15109, #15123, #15195
201717mnicholsonAdded deadlock protection to try_suggested_sip_codec in chan_sip.c.
201783tilghmanOne of the changes in 1.6.1 was to allow app_directory to use functionality
201829tilghmanIf the "h" extension fails, give it another chance in main/pbx.c.
201902fileAdd support for allowing an RTP engine to decide on whether it is possible for specific formats to be transcoded for an RTP instance.
201904tilghmanFix 2 typos and add support for wide character types.
201944twilsonAdd note about the addition of calendar support
202039mnicholsonUse sched_yield() instead of usleep(1)
202109russellRemove unnecessary usleep() from a couple of module unload callbacks.
202223russellLeave a note about some unsafe code in cdr_manager
202258russellStandardize return values of load_config() so reload() doesn't report an error on success.
202262russellFix possibility of crashiness during reload in custom fields handling.
202301russellNote a bug in cdr_sqlite3_custom so I don't forget about it.
202410dvosselattempting to load running modules
202415russellMake Polycom subscription type override check more explicit.
202417seanbrightFix lock usage in cdr_sqlite3_custom to avoid potential crashes during reload.
202497russellReport CallerID change during a masquerade.
202755rmudgettMake outgoing_colp=2 misdn.conf port parameter not send redirecting or transfer messages.
202761mattfI could have sworn I committed this patch ages ago, but... bug fix with setting NAI properly on linksets in certain situations.
202804russellClean up section hierarchy for the CDR chapter.
202840seanbrightRemove some trailing whitespace before making content changes.
202841seanbrightChange some section names in the CDR tex documentation.
202887seanbrightUpdate sample cdr_tds configuration to try and eliminate some confusion.
202889seanbrightIgnore some files generated when asterisk.pdf is created.
202925fileEnsure the default settings are applied for T.38 when we set it up for a peer.
202967mmichelsonUse the handy UNLINK macro instead of hand-coding the same thing in-line.
203037rmudgettImproved chan_dahdi.conf pritimer error checking.
203116russellResolve a crash related to a T.38 reinvite race condition.
203188seanbrightPass a logmsg to ast_log_vsyslog instead of separate arguments.
203304jpeelerNew signaling module to handle PRI/BRI operations in chan_dahdi
203338twilsonDon't try to free NULL
203381twilsonI didn't see that Mark already fixed the underlying issue!
203402jpeelerRemove some unnecessary code and update sample config file with respect to GR-303.
203443rmudgettPicking nits
203444dvosselfixes a few redundant conditions #15269
203479jpeelermake sure chan_dahdi compiles with only libss7 and not libpri installed
203508seanbrightMove syslog utility functions into a separate file so they can be re-used.
203525russellConvert spaces to tabs for indentation.
203534russellOne more formatting nit ... use spaces for inline indentation.
203569seanbrightAdd checks in configure for non-POSIX syslog facilities.
203605seanbrightAdd functions to map syslog facilities and priorities constants to strings.
203638russellMerge the new Channel Event Logging (CEL) subsystem.
203640russellNote a new API call, and one that changed in doxygen.
203699fileImprove T.38 negotiation by exchanging session parameters between application and channel.
203960russellMinor tweaks and spelling fixes for CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt.
203985seanbrightAnother CHANGES spelling fix.
204069tilghmanRemove invalid entries in the config.
204118tilghmanAllow trunk to once again compile under MALLOC_DEBUG
204119seanbrightAdd common headers to CEL related configs.
204143seanbrightGet app_rpt compiling again. I doubt seriously that it actually works.
204217seanbrightReorganize this adaptive CEL config a bit.
204355seanbrightA few const changes in app_meetme.c that I noticed while browsing the source.
204413russellMove Asterisk-addons modules into the main Asterisk source tree.
204415kpflemingAdd-ons related build system improvements.
204417russellRename app_addon_sql_mysql to app_mysql
204418russellRename cdr_addon_mysql to cdr_mysql
204419russellRename mysql.conf to app_mysql.conf, make module support both names
204420russellMake addons build last - this is for Qwell.
204422russellRename res_mysql.conf to res_config_mysql.conf, make module support both
204423russellRename mobile.conf to chan_mobile.conf, make module support old name, too
204428russellRename ooh323.conf to chan_ooh323.conf, make module support both names
204440russellRename res_config_sqlite.conf to res_config_sqlite.conf.sample (missing .sample).
204475qwellFix ast_say_counted_noun to correctly handle Polish. Fix a comment typo in passing.
204530mmichelsonRemove some bogus deadlock avoidance code from local_attended_transfer.
204532mmichelsonMove the masquerade in local_attended_transfer to a point where we hold the channel lock.
204561seanbrightRemove an unnecessary #ifdef
204622seanbrightA bunch of CODING_GUIDELINES related fixes. Not even close to done.
204807mnicholsonMoved trigger for BRIDGE_END CEL event so that it is more accurate.
204893seanbrightWrap rtp_engine.h header comments to 80 characters.
204919seanbrightAdd a configure check for Reverse Charging Indication support in LibPRI.
204948kpflemingImprove handling of AST_CONTROL_T38 and AST_CONTROL_T38_PARAMETERS for non-T.38-capable channels.
205014mnicholsonAdd CEL transfer events to analog (chan_dahdi) transfers.
205047mnicholsonFix a deadlock in sig_analog
205118rizzoFreeBSD now has autoconf 2.62 in the ports, 2.61 has disappeared.
205120russellMove OpenSSL initialization to a single place, make library usage thread-safe.
205151russellUse tabs instead of spaces for indentation.
205196tilghmanAdd redirection warnings for the invalid language codes previously removed.
205214seanbrightFix a few compilation problems found when building Asterisk against uClibc.
205216dvosselast_samp2tv needs floating point for 16khz audio
205221tilghmanOops, fixing build
205291qwellUpdate config.guess and config.sub from the git repo.
205410dvosselmissing comma in devstatestring array
205412dvosselmoving ast_devstate_to_extenstate to pbx.c from devicestate.c
205479dvosselFixes 8khz assumptions
205532mvanbaakpthread_self returns a pthread_t which is not an unsigned int on all
205562mvanbaakmake this compile again under devmode
205600dvosselChanging ast_samp2tv to not use floating point.
205666mnicholsonConvert func_odbc to use ast_dummy_alloc_channel()
205780kpflemingEliminate extraneous LOG_DEBUG messages generated by app_fax.
205939kpflemingUpdate comments about the level of T.38 support in Asterisk.
206021russellAdd an API for reporting security events, and a security event logging module.
206049russellnote the security events API in CHANGES
206092kpflemingMake the menuselect category for Add-Ons consistent with the other directories (uppercase).
206094kpflemingBump up cleancount so that existing checkouts will update themselves properly for the 'Addons' -> 'ADDONS' change.
206225seanbrightMake sure that since we are passing -c to asterisk that we have a console.
206341rmudgettFix some memory leaks in chan_misdn.
206386russellEnsure apathetic replies are sent out on the proper socket.
206455mmichelsonReset the sentringing indication when redirects occur.
206490mmichelsonI AM A TERRIBLE PERSON
206566jpeelerRestore some missing functionality to sig_analog.
206603jpeelerfix a typo in sample config file for option change
206636seanbrightOnly print debug info in codec_dahdi if we are asking for it.
206707rmudgettMerged revision 206700 from
206868dvosselavoid segfault caused by user error
207095jpeelerUpdate some missing allowed options for overlapdial
207224tilghmanDocument the "flag" field in the voicemessages table.
207255tilghmanAdd flag here, too (as requested by jsmith)
207317tilghmanFlag field in wrong position.
207318rmudgettMerged 207316 from
207522mmichelsonInitialize connected line instance when doing a directed pickup.
207551mmichelsonOkay, that didn't fix the crash. It didn't really do anything useful.
207680kpflemingEnsure that user-provided CFLAGS and LDFLAGS are honored.
207723mmichelsonDocument default timeout for AMI originations.
207902jpeelerFix my_is_off_hook to check rxbits only for FXS signaling
207925russellNote that we use tabs instead of spaces for indentation.
207934jpeelerwhitespace fix only
208018russellRemove trailing whitespace.
208155jpeelerReset the fax buffers back to default settings regardless of signaling in use -
208193russellResolve compiler warning on mac.
208229mmichelsonFix potential crash if p->owner is NULL.
208314mmichelsonRemove inaccurate XXX comment.
208464kpflemingRework of T.38 negotiation and UDPTL API to address interoperability problems
208504kpflemingT.38 change note is not necessary in this branch
208548kpflemingResolve a T.38 negotiation issue left over from the udptl-updates merge.
208593russellDo not log an ERROR if autoservice_stop() returns -1.
208693russellDon't log a warning for something that does not affect operation.
208706russellNote that "reload" needs to be added back.
208709russellRemove trailing whitespace.
208749jpeelerFix compiling under dev-mode with gcc 4.4.0.
208813mvanbaakadd default alias reload to run module reload.
208848mvanbaaklibxml2-dev is needed as well by default.
208886mvanbaakadd OpenBSD to the install_prereq script
208924jpeelerFix logic errors from 208746
209056kpflemingRestore explicit export of ASTCFLAGS/ASTLDFLAGS and underscore-variants to sub-makes.
209235mmichelsonGracefully handle malformed RTP text packets.
209256kpflemingMake T.38 switchover in ReceiveFAX synchronous.
209279kpflemingCleanup T.38 negotiation changes.
209317tilghmanPublish French extra sounds
209331tilghmanRegex FTL
209400kpflemingDefine side-effect-safe MIN and MAX macros and remove duplicate definitions from various files.
209453mnicholsonFixed a comment for hfp_parse_clip
209673mmichelsonImprove chan_sip's ability to determine what methods should and should not be used in a dialog.
209674mmichelsonAdd configuration sample code for previous commit.
209711russellFix some places where ast_event_type was used instead of ast_event_ie_type.
209760kpflemingMinor changes inspired by testing with latest GCC.
209761kpflemingRevert accidental Makefile change.
209887russellResolve a valgrind warning about a read from uninitialized memory. #15396
210027mmichelsonFix order and redundancy of channel rename manager events in ast_do_masquerade.
210094rmudgettTrim trailing whitespace.
210154rmudgettChanges from chan_dahdi that did not make it into sig_pri.
210190kpflemingRename 'canreinvite' option to 'directmedia', with backwards compatibility.
210302jpeelerFix broken call pickup
210353rmudgettRemoved some dead code.
210354rmudgettInitial minimum ast_party_caller support.
210387rmudgettFix CALLERID() values for sig_pri on incoming calls.
210478mvanbaakignore the .i files when compiling in 'DONT_OPTIMIZE' in the addons/mp3 directory
210522russellRevert some silly code that snuck into trunk from my working copy. Sorry!
210696rmudgettMore changes from chan_dahdi that did not make it into sig_pri.
210732rmudgettFix potential deadlock issue with USERUSERINFO channel variable.
210866rmudgettSanity adjustments to pri_ss_thread for sig_pri environment.
210869rmudgettMiscellaneous minor fixes to sig_analog.
211113russellResolve a deadlock involving app_chanspy and masquerades.
211191rmudgettFix static on line when PRI does overlap dialing.
211197rmudgettFixed some unsafe down cast pointer operations for sig_pri.
211275tilghmanSmall oops. Clear the flags which have been checked.
211390russellFix up some issues with getting a channel by "name".
211392rmudgettRestoring some code to sig_pri. Not sure if it is really needed.
211435jpeelerFix PRI/BRI channels when in alarm condition to only be marked for hangup if
211584tilghmanConversion specifiers, not format specifiers
211675rmudgettEncapsulate testing for which signaling styles are used by sig_pri.
211732russellAlways specify which RTP engine is desired for a new RTP instance.
212067fileCheck an actual populated variable when seeing if we need to do video or not.
212113kpflemingEnsure that T38FaxVersion is put into outgoing SDP in the proper case.
212161fileAdd an API call for retrieving the engine in use by an RTP instance.
212199rmudgettSend a generic return result when we receive a CallDeflection facility message in chan_misdn.
212249tilghmanAdd SSL_VERIFYPEER, as requested on the -users list
212287jpeelerMore code that somehow got left out of sig_analog
212390fileAdd two more API calls for getting the current glue and channel in bridging code.
212463kpflemingDefine our desires for POSIX and X/OPEN API features properly.
212672kpflemingRelax check for XOPEN_VERSION.
212758rmudgettRemoved some deadwood and added some doxygen comments.
212844oejSmall doxygen changes
212857tilghmanMake the default extconfig.conf match entries with the sample res_mysql.conf.
212883tilghmanClarify some of the error messages, to help upgraders.
212922kpflemingConvert this branch to Opsound music-on-hold.
212939kpflemingRemove some accidentally-committed properties.
213046russellDon't blow up on a NULL cdr.
213216moyfixed bug caused by calling ast_request without calling ast_call on an R2 channel, ie, CHANISAVAIL
213284jpeelerMake all the symbols for the C-client callbacks global
213450twilsonMake LOAD_ORDER actually work
213454moyincrement the mfcr2 monitor count when clearing the call request
213635dvosselfixes sip register parsing when user@domain is used #15008, #15672
213738tilghmanClarifying comments in sip_register, and removing a dead section
213748rmudgettUpdate configure script for libpri COLP feature dependency requirements.
213790moyimprove handling of openr2_chan_disconnect_call API failure, unlikely, but happened on openr2 library bug
214272rmudgettMinor punctuation change.
214355jpeelerAdd forgotten documentation for new channel variables added in 214309.
214360tilghmanMake autoheader descriptions render correctly in our autoconfig.h file. #14906
214466tilghmanOne more build system change, to make the descriptions look better, if we have better information.
214650mmichelsonFix some incorrect documentation of sched_thread functions.
214654rmudgettMove discardremoteholdretrieval test so it applies only to the specific notification indicator values.
214696kpflemingEnsure that CFLAGS and/or LDFLAGS provided to configure script are preserved.
214702tilghmanModify comment to be a bit more accurate.
214777russellUpdate configure script so that CONFIG_CFLAGS and CONFIG_LDFLAGS doesn't break the build.
214819tilghmanIf lua is detected with the lua5.1 prefix (or not), adjust the include path accordingly.
214863tilghmanVarious patches, to enable Asterisk to once again compile on Mac OS X.
214898tilghmanForce Darwin on ppc platforms to compile with a target level that supports aliasing.
215023oejBy copying this code I got bad comments in reviewboard... Better fix the original.
215070tilghmanFix a trunk compilation warning.
215110oejRemoving whitespace that causes red dots in reviewboard
215161kpflemingEnsure that frame dumps of AST_CONTROL_T38_PARAMETERS frames are properly
215222tilghmanFix register such that lines with a transport string, but without an authuser, parse correctly.
215382oejAdding MUTEAUDIO() dialplan function and MuteAudio AMI action (pinepeach)
215419mvanbaakLet's compile again on OpenBSD
215466dvosselSIP support for keep-alive event #15084
215479mvanbaaklike in chan_sip's sip_new skinny should copy the configured parkinglot from a line to the newly created channel.
215522dvosselSIP uri parsing cleanup
215608dbaileyFix issue where DTMF CID detect was placing channels into signed linear mode
215622mvanbaak- lock channel before looking for a channel variable
215665mvanbaakadd Parkinglot info to sip show peer and skinny show line
215681dvosselport string to int conversion using sscanf
215757rmudgettMade chan_dahdi able to ignore incoming calls that are not in a MSN list for ISDN PTMP CPE spans.
215800tilghmanRevert attempt to standardize with _POSIX_C_SOURCE.
215838mvanbaakDocument that SIPshowpeer and SKINNYshowline now include
216009russellAdd IAX2 security document related to AST-2009-006.
216092russellAdd a note about IAX2 to UPGRADE.txt.
216186rmudgettLets try not to use C++ keywords for variable names.
216222mvanbaakmake sure 'start' is always initialized.
216264russellAdd a plain text version of the IAX2 security document.
216335oejAdding to the janitor list.
216368russellDo not treat every SIP peer as if they were configured with insecure=port.
216431mvanbaakMake sure 'start' is always initialized.
216433mvanbaakmake chan_sip compile under devmode again
216437mvanbaakmake sure canlog is set so we can compile with DEBUG_THREADS enabled on OpenBSD
216438oejMake apps send PROGRESS control frame for early media and fix too early media issue in SIP
216506mvanbaakmake asterisk compile under devmode with DEBUG_THREADS enabled on OpenBSD
216547tilghmanEnable turning off the application delimiter warning with the 'dontwarn' option.
216551tilghmanFix trunk breakage.
216593seanbrightUse ast_free() instead of free().
216594dvosselsip peer matching by address only with TCP/TLS
216652oejSimplify the code in this function
216694oejUpdate sip.conf.sample documentation, reorganize a bit
216735oejFix typo
216748oejAdd some doxygen
216769oejDon't send MESSAGE with sendtext() if recepient doesn't allow MESSAGE requests
216802oejRemove unneeded header files (tested on Linux and OS/X)
216803oejAfter many years, remove VOCAL_DATA_HACK definition
216804oejadd doxygen and remove duplicate declaration of variable
216805oejSince it's possible to have more than 999 calls, I'm changing the call counter roof to something higher.
216806oejDoxygen updates
216826oejMove contact_ha to sip_cfg structure
216834oejMove global_regcontext into the sip_cfg structure
216841oejMove capability into sip_cfg. While at it, make sure we reset it at channel reload.
216842oejMake sure we reset global_exclude_static at channel reload
216846tilghmanAllow multiple rows to be fetched within the normal mode of operation.
216883oejClean up the "offered_media" code
216905oej- Doxygen additions
216912oejMove "deprecated_username" to a flag like the others - unsigned int blah:1
216917oejMoving another function declared in the middle of forward declarations.
216955oejAdd new actions under "new actions" and not in the top of the document
216956oejFixing formatting
217074kpflemingEnsure that the default autoconf CFLAGS are not used.
217158mmichelsonAdd doxygen to ast_event_subscribe for the description.
217236rmudgettRemove duplicate entry in the sig_pri_pri private pointer array.
217286seanbrightFix compilation of app_meetme.
217331rmudgettMiscellaneous minor code cleanup in mkintf().
217332rmudgettFix memory leak of sig_xxx private structures.
217367oejFormatting and doxygen updates
217368oejNot having any TLS session to write to is a serious XMIT_ERROR.
217445tzafrirgcc 4.4 fix: union instead of cast
217482oejDon't report transfer success until we actually know. 1xx messages are not final.
217524moyast_log replaced for ast_verbose in MFCR2 event notifications
217560rmudgettFix available() for SS7, MFC/R2, and pseudo channels.
217663oejDon't assign UINT_MAX to an INT.
217744jpeelerStop caller id transmission when offhook event detected.
217804jpeelerFix crash during attended transfer over PRI.
217873rmudgettMiscellaneous minor changes.
217912rmudgettCleaned up chan_dahdi iflist handling and locking.
217916tilghmanMake calltoken support work with realtime users and peers.
217954jpeelerAllow do not disturb to be set on analog channels via the CLI and AMI.
217987jpeelerCleanup approach in 217804 and don't reach inside the sig_pvt.
217990tilghmanDon't ring another channel, if there's not enough time for a queue member to answer.
218050tilghmanCheck the origination priority for more matches, not the current priority.
218150moyget rid of mfcr2 monitor thread condition, is problematic
218184tzafrirgcc 4.4: Remove a nop memset size 0 that annoys gcc
218295fileDo not attempt to add a parking extension if an error occurred while reading the configuration.
218361tilghmanDon't say "Please try again" if we don't give the user another chance to try again. #15055
218365rmudgettAdd support for multiple interface lists.
218465tzafrirFix false error message on DAHDI_EVENT_REMOVED (RESULT_SUCCESS == 0)
218499mmichelsonFix off-by-one error when reading SDP sent over TCP.
218500kpflemingUse proper hostname for downloading sound files.
218504mmichelsonEnsure that SDP read from TCP socket is null-terminated.
218566mmichelsonUse a better method of ensuring null-termination of the buffer
218583jpeelerAdd some changes related to 218430.
218687dvosselupward bound checking for port string to int conversion
218918fileOn TCP and TLS connections do not attempt to stop retransmission of the packet internally.
219230seanbrightGet this compiling under dev-mode.
219264fileEnsure no spaces exist before "refresher=" when doing the comparison.
219324mmichelsonSend a 100 Trying response when we detect a spiral.
219520dvosseliax2 frame double free
219587russellMake sure the iax_pvt exists before dereferencing it. #15609
219721dvosselReverting merge 219520. This change was not necessary.
220028mvanbaakmkpkgconfig does not need bash so make it use /bin/sh
220100seanbrightRemove the remaining bashisms in the Makefile/mkpkgconfig
220174mnicholsonEnsure the numeric portion of the P-Asserted-Identity header is properly escaped.
220217seanbrightResolve parallel build warnings.
220295oejDocumentation in the commit messages is soon forgotten, please add it to the docs in the product.
220417tilghmanChange the default behavior of Set, AGI, and pbx_realtime to 1.6 behavior by default (starting in 1.6.3).
220494kpflemingDon't use hash-based lookups for ast_channel_get_by_name_prefix().
220495kpflemingCorrect sense of logic test committed in revision 220494.
220496kpflemingEliminate unnecessary include of version.h in manager.c.
220543rmudgettReduce indentation in sig_pri_available().
220586tilghmanAllow AES to compile, when OpenSSL is not present.
220629mvanbaakadd name argument for the CALLERID dialplan function to the xml documentation.
220672rmudgettLocking issues dealing with service_lock.
220721seanbrightWhen selecting DONT_OPTIMIZE in menuselect, explicitly pass -O0 to the compiler
220792rmudgettMiscellaneous minor changes.
220920mmichelsonGet rid of annoying and cryptic debug messages.
221085seanbrightClarify documentation for VoiceMailMain()'s a() option. #14740
221266twilsonChange the SSRC by default when our media stream changes
221278twilsonUse rtp properties instead of adding a callback
221300twilsonRemove spurious debug
221436mnickPrevents from division by zero
221484mnicholsonCleaned up merge from r221432
221554oejSimplify code for porturi, use TRUE/FALSE constructs when it's just TRUE or FALSE.
221589mnicholsonUse unsigned ints for portinuri flags.
221592kpflemingRemove ability to control T.38 FAX error correction from udptl.conf.
221627kpflemingSync up UPGRADE.txt with the 1.6.2 version.
221701rmudgettPrevent deadlock if chan_dahdi attempts to change PRI channel names.
221705tilghmanRevision 220906 (a merge from 1.4) was not merged correctly, causing a problem with non-dynamic peers.
221709rmudgettMove DAHDI/ISDN channel naming note from CHANGES to UPGRADE.txt.
221777tilghmanFix a bunch of off-by-one errors
221781tilghmanOne more off-by-one in trunk
221880rmudgettWhitespace change.
221881rmudgettWhitespace change.
221971tilghmanEnsure the result of the hash function is positive. Negative array offsets suck.
222030dvosselRemoves unnecessary unlock, clarifies a memcpy.
222110kpflemingAllow non-compliant T.38 endpoints to be supportable via configuration option. #15586
222237tzafrirMake sure digit events are not reported as "ERROR"
222273tilghmanWhen we call a gosub routine, the variables should be scoped to avoid contaminating the caller.
222351jpeelerFix 222298 (crash during destruction of second channel when variable set with
222399dvosselUpdates CHANGES to reflect the new externtcpport and externtlsport sip options
222543dvosselcrash on transfer #16027
222614oejUse extref for doxygen references to external libraries (in this case PostgreSQL)
222615oejFormatting, moving error messages to ERROR, removing references to unexisting debug output. No functionality changes.
222692rmudgettchan_misdn.c:process_ast_dsp() memory leak
222799rmudgettFix memory leak if chan_misdn config parameter is repeated.
222873dvosselfixes an ast_netsock_list memory leak.
222947dvosselmakes externtcpport and externtlsport static variables
223015dvosselfixed comment line for do_magic_pickup
223016twilsonRemove global variable that makes dlopen unhappy
223053twilsonDon't add Attendees during copy, replace them
223211mmichelsonFix potential memory leaks.
223215mmichelsonFix potential memory leak in app_dial.c
223370twilsonProperly return "free" on confirmed events that are free
223413oejAdding some information on TLS support
223414oejAdd an additional note on TLS support
223415oejAdding note about TLS usage
223449twilsonFix handling of floating times and dates
223487russellDon't use data outside of its scope.
223553russellRemove a duplicate ao2_iterator_destroy().
223617mmichelsonCheck the proper page for the SENDRPID flag.
223693kpflemingRemove automatic switching from T.38 to voice mode in chan_sip. #16025
223756dvosselClarifies trunkmaxsize, trunkfreq, and trunkmtu iax2 options
223874twilsonFix handling of notification calls w/ the dialing api
223875twilsonRevert inadvertant code commit to app_originate
223911rmudgettFix compiler warning.
223912rmudgettFix some doxygen format problems and trim trailing whitespace.
223992twilsonuse Calendar: instead of Calendar/ for devstate
224074twilsonAdd missing 'getnum' field
224109twilsonProperly handle PUT requests for CALENDAR_WRITE()
224144dbaileychan_dahdi.conf.sample changes for DTMF CID detect #9096
224225tilghmanCreate an API for adding an optional time unit onto the ends of time periods.
224261rmudgettNever released PRI channels when using Busy() or Congestion() dialplan apps. #14292
224335jpeelerfix typo, sorry
224403tilghmanRemove unnecessary typedef
224446tilghmanClarify that "forcecommit" is NOT an alias for "autocommit", but instead controls the default disposition of uncommitted transactions.
224448tilghmanAllow ODBC storage to be queried with multiple mailboxes, and remove multiple goto's.
224491fileAdd a callback to sig_pri which is called when sig_pri is going to queue a control frame on a channel.
224527tilghmanRemove a completed project and add another
224562kpflemingRemove useless debugging message.
224637mnicholsonAdd dynamic range compression support for analog channels.
224671kpflemingCorrect timestamp calculations when RTP sample rates over 8kHz are used.
224738mnicholsonAdded information to CHANGES about the dynamic range compression feature added to dahdi.
224856tilghmanPay attention to the return value of the manipulate function.
224930rmudgettMake PRI_SUBCMD_xxx handling subaddress friendly.
224932russellIsolate frames returned from a DSP instance or codec translator.
225034fileRevert media_address commit, I'm going to roll a fix to the SDP generation in the next version.
225048tilghmanTurn on DENOISE filter for all conference participants.
225102tilghmanApparently, I don't need to specify the ".so" suffix to get a match
225170russellIsolate the frame returned from ast_translate().
225172russellRevert 225169, as this doesn't account for the possibility of a list of frames.
225244kpflemingFinish implementaton of astobj2 OBJ_MULTIPLE, and convert ast_channel_iterator to use it.
225307dvosselIAX2: VNAK loop caused by signaling frames with no destination call number
225405kpflemingFix a refcount error introduced by yesterday's OBJ_MULTIPLE commit.
225440seanbrightAdd the programs in utils/ to menuselect.
225446rmudgettSearch for the subaddress only within the extension section of the dial string.
225582kpflemingDon't force menuselect.makeopts to be rebuilt on every build.
225650dvosselFixes an iterator memory leak and uninitialized memory
225690seanbrightOptionally build and install the sample AGIs in the agi/ directory.
225692rmudgettAdd to chan_dahdi ISDN HOLD, Call deflection, and keypad facility support.
225727kpflemingImprove performance of pedantic mode dialog searching in chan_sip.
225767tzafrirMake chan_dahdi build even without PRI / SS7
225803tzafrirRe-arange code a bit to build in dev-mode without ss7
225872rmudgettMake conditionals create previous code when libpri/ss7 are present.
225955kpflemingCorrect broken logic from revision 225405.
225956kpflemingFix building in REF_DEBUG mode.
226018tzafrirdetect ARM Linux EABI OSARCH as linux-gnu instead of linux-gnueabi
226099twilsonDon't prepend the URI prefix to the post directory
226184oejAdding compile time flags for Snow Leopard, Leopard and some other animals
226227tzafriranother variation of the upstart script
226270tzafrirRemove extra cleanup in case we have more than one Asterisk.
226305tilghmanFix documentation (pointed out by TheDavidFactor on #-dev)
226453tzafrirremove empty awk pattern (//)
226490oejDoxygen documentation update
226606russellAdd an "Asterisk Architecture Overview" section to the doxygen documentation.
226648rmudgettCleanup some flags on DAHDI PRI channel hangup.
226882rmudgettDAHDI ISDN channel names will not allow device state to work. (Interim solution.)
226970oejAdding external reference for doxygen
227091oejUse proper response code when violating Contact ACL's.
227237oejAdding some clarifications to func_speex doxygen docs.
227276tilghmanCode guidelines fixes only
227277rmudgettMake sure the outgoing flag is cleared if a new channel fails to get created for outgoing calls.
227298mnicholsonFixed a spelling error in the q850 reason header option in the output of sip show settings.
227462russellResolve some dev-mode warnings.
227463russellResolve a warning from gcc 4.4.1.
227464russellResolve another warning.
227509tilghmanDon't crash when state_interface is NULL.
227545oejAdd destruction of iterators to avoid problems with refcounters
227579tilghmanchan_misdn will fail to compile if the redirect_dn member is missing
227580tilghmanExpand codec bitfield from 32 bits to 64 bits.
227614tilghmanFix trunk building
227615tilghmanTwo other trunk build fixes (reported by seanbright on #asterisk-dev)
227643jpeelerfix trunk building
227645tilghmanmmichelson reported a compilation error related to codec bit expansion that should be resolved with a simple include of frame_defs.h
227646mmichelsonAdd a couple more casts so that code compiles correctly.
227712fileFix a security issue where sending a REGISTER with a differing username in the From
227739fileFix a security issue where it may be possible for someone to execute a cross-site
227824tilghmanFixes for gcc 4.4
227914jpeelerUpdate chan_ooh323 to support the expanded codec bitfield from 227580.
228049tilghmanRework codecs command to comply with the 64-bit scheme
228196tilghmanYet another error message in the dialplan (thanks, rmudgett/russellb)
228233mmichelsonFix XML in func_cdr.c
228420dvosselfixes segfault in iLBC #16979
228441dvosselFixes merging issue from 1.4, frame data is held in data.ptr in trunk
228499fileFix the localchannel.tex file.
228548fileDon't overwrite caller ID name on a trunk with the configured fullname when using users.conf
228616tilghmanMissed these two channel drivers on the codec_bits merge
228621rmudgettFix compiler warning gcc 4.2.4 found
228658mmichelsonGet chan_ooh323 to compile with gcc 4.2.
228659mmichelsonMake compilation of chan_ooh323 disabled by default.
228661dbrooksami_testhooks.c automatically registers hook
228691rmudgettCreated standard location to add options to chan_dahdi for ISDN dialing.
228766tzafrirAdd LSB headers to the Debian init.d script #14864
229102mnicholsonReverted revision 201717.
229431lmadsenUpdate CHANGES file. #15874
229606oejClarify some security issues early in the sample configuration
229639lmadsenUpdate sip.conf.sample.
229750qwellFix mute toggling on OSS channels.
229754qwellUpdate sample config for ALSA mute and noaudiocapture
229788transnexusAdded full number portability parameter support.
229819oejAdd the capability to require a module to be loaded, or else Asterisk exits.
229840oejIf CDR logging is disabled, it's considered a FAILURE
229871oejFixing trunk in a way so that it compiles again.
229912fileFix T.38 negotiation regression introduced with the SDP parser changes.
230111tilghmanDisplay a list of channel variables in each channel-oriented event.
230247kpflemingCorrect mistaken option name in error message.
230314transnexus1. Added SIP Diversion support.
230343kpflemingEnsure that only one end of a T.38 session initiates teardown at completion.
230381kpflemingFix another buglet in T.38 session teardown at the end of FAX sessions.
230438dirugglesBasic cleanup of ExternalIVR: cleaned up argument parsing; implemented good coding practices where applicable; replaced most notice level logging with verbose logging; replaced warning messages that terminated with error messages; fixed memory leak identified by russellb
230583dvosselaudiohook signal trigger on every status change #14618
230584dirugglesFix/Implement error events for non-existing files
230697tilghmanRevert code in error and include the gcc suggested workaround for the original problem, while gcc investigates.
230877kpflemingCorrect fix for issue #16268... the reporter's original patch was very close to correct. #16268
230881fileChange fax detection in chan_sip so it behaves as one would expect.
231025mnicholsonUpdated CHANGES file to describe the new 'd' option to app_followme added in r230964 #14155
231189mnicholsonLoad pbx_lua with global symbols to allow linking with other lua libraries.
231299tilghmanAfter a frame duplication failure, unlock the channel before returning.
231369tilghmanReorder option flags. Change guidelines so that example code is consistent with guidelines
231401transnexus1. Modified exported variable names.
231436fileFix a bug where an immediate masquerade would cause a queued unhold frame to get lost. Now we just
231556dvosselapp_queue crashes randomly, often during call-transfers
231637mnicholsonReverted 231616
231692kpflemingAnother round of UDPTL stack fixes/improvements:
231741mnicholsonIgnore unknown formats in ast_format_str_reduce() and return an error if no know formats are found.
231814tilghmanFormats need to be able to represent all 64 codec bits.
231850tilghmanMore 32->64 bit codec conversions.
231867dvosselWaitExten m option with no parameters generates frame with zero datalen but non-null data ptr
232008russellFix a warning pointed out by buildbot.
232012russellFix a build error on FreeBSD.
232017russellUse __builtin_ffsll() from gcc instead of ffssll() to fix a FreeBSD build error.
232164tilghmanSo apparently, some platforms don't have ffsll(3).
232230fileFix a bug where a scheduled item ID would get retained on registrations in a certain scenario
232365mmichelsonDo not change the exten string field or rebuild the contact header
232661tilghmanRemove debugging line
232738transnexusAdded custom info support.
232771transnexusReplaced two deprecated functions of OSP Toolkit.
232853mayjitterbuffer setup correction
232982tilghmanBuildbot complained
233089mvanbaakLet's unlock the lines list after the AST_LIST_TRAVERSE instead of inside it.
233100russellOnly do frame payload check for HOLD frames.
233197dvosselchanges penaltymemberslimit to use scanf for config value parsing
233198dvosselupdate CHANGES for new queue option, penaltymemberslimit.
233235dvosselupdate CHANGES file for .m3u support in Mp3Player application
233358tilghmanMove implementation of closefrom(3) from app.c to strcompat.c
233577atisFix compatibility with valgrind 3.3 and older. #16388
233611dvosselfixes incorrect logic in ast_uri_encode #16299
233692russellSet a module load priority for format modules. #16412
233732tilghmanTypo pointed out on #asterisk-dev (by atis_work)
233967russellRemove an entry from CHANGES that is already in UPGRADE.txt (where it should be).
234008russellFix up the faxdetect entry in CHANGES.
234028russellRemove a feature from CHANGES that was listed twice for 1.6.2.
234051russellProvide a real description of LOCAL_PEEK().
234053russellMove an entry from CHANGES that should be in UPGRADE.txt.
234055russellMove an entry from CHANGES to UPGRADE.txt.
234210tilghmanMissed a case that emits a WARNING where none is warranted.
234458tilghmanTrim leading/trailing spaces from the filename, to deal with common user error.
234526oejStop sending 183's after call hangup.
234572seanbrightThe default rate for 'timing test' is actually 50/sec, not 100/sec as advertised.
234631lmadsenUpdate IMAP build documentation. #16433
234976alecdavisSupport option 'n', as applications like Playback, Background etc.
235010kpflemingspandsp does in fact support V.17 modulation at 14.4 kilobits per second,
235132dvosselreverse minor sip registration regression #14331, #15539
235229tilghmanIs it Friday yet?
235298jsmithAdd a line showing that we can use CIDR notation.
235521fileRemove some old code for going to the 'fax' extension when a T.38 switchover occurs. This would have
235573tilghmanPoint to the typical missing package, not the cryptic "termcap support".
235656tilghmanRevise verbiage, per #asterisk-dev discussion
235774alecdavisrestarts busydetector (if enabled) when DTMF is received after call is bridged.
235904kpflemingChange all refererences to 1.6.3 to be 1.8, since that will be the next feature release
236027dvosselUnit Test Framework API
236028dvosselupdate CHANGES to reflect the addition of the test framework
236183tilghmanActually use tmp for something (brings trunk back into sync with 1.6 branches).
236185tilghmanAllow test_heap.c to compile when AST_DEVMODE is true, but TEST_FRAMEWORK is false
236306dvosselupdate CHANGES to reflect new 'R' app_queue option plus a minor optimization to the feature patch #16384
236312dvosselUpdate CHANGES to reflect new QUEUE_MEMBER option, "ready"
236358kpflemingupdate to latest releases with zero uid/gid
236434tilghmanTurn on colors in the daemon, since there's many requests for it on Ubuntu.
236613seanbrightTry a test compile to see if PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT requires extra braces.
236756transnexus1. Updated for OSP Toolkit 3.6.0.
236847tilghmanWhen the field is blank, don't warn about the field being unable to be coerced, just skip the column.
236902jpeelerOne more LOW_MEMORY compile fix.
237136oejRelease memory of the contact acl before unloading module
237213tilghmanglobal_contact_ha was renamed in trunk
237250transnexus1. Added reporting operator names in AuthReq.
237284oej- Disable res_pktccops by default
237319tilghmanIt's also possible for the Local channel to directly execute an Application.
237414tilghmanOops, didn't compile (thanks, kpfleming)
237749russellFix build of utility apps that include utils.c.
237802mmichelsonSpell "aficionado" like someone who isn't stupid.
237803mmichelsonAdd a missing part of the connected line work into trunk.
237804rmudgettRemoved unused parameters from analog_available() and sig_pri_available().
237882mmichelsonMismerged a bit.
237968tilghmanWhoa, duplicate setting (dead code).
238091dvosselfixes test.c compile issue when TEST_FRAMEWORK is not enabled
238313tzafrirDocument the usefulness of explicit udp:// in the register string
238527rmudgettFix using the wrong pointer type in do_idle_thread().
238716mnicholsonAdded a test for ast_format_reduce_str(). #16560
238835jpeelerStop a crash when no peer is passed to masq_park_call. #16406
239000tilghmanIt's been long enough -- make the behavior introduced in 1.6 the default.
239037mayadd docallbacks flag in q931decode function because
239111seanbrightFix spelling of 'category.'
239114seanbrightPass NULL for the ao2_callback function pointer instead of duplicating cb_true.
239191tilghmanIncluding bundle1.o breaks Tiger and Leopard #16449
239245tilghmanSocket level option is SOL_SOCKET, not SO_SOCKET. #16580
239389oejAdding Tilghman's documentation from asterisk-dev to the actual file.
239525alecdavisadd Dialed Number Identifier (DNID) field to cdr records.
239571tilghmanBlank callerid and NULL callerid should not compare equal.
239624transnexusUpdated XML doc for OSP.
239625transnexusUpdated channel variable list of osplookup application.
239665oejMAX() moved to utils.h
239797tilghmanCode previously added to ast_expr2f.c warranted a change in the source file ast_expr2.fl.
239920tilghmanFlex uses fwrite incorrectly, which breaks the build. Providing a workaround.
239996tilghmanOops, missed a closing tag
239997tilghmanOops, another tag error
240129tilghmanEnsure that the callerid is NULL when the parent is effectively NULL.
240175tilghmanSimilarly, ensure that matchcid is duplicated correctly when merging contexts.
240226seanbrightIf we aren't running on a machine that support CLOCK_MONOTONIC, don't load.
240328kpflemingClarify RTP NAT handling a bit.
240329russellUpdate configure script for an OSP toolkit related change.
240368seanbrightConvert a few places to use ast_calloc_with_stringfields where applicable.
240419tilghmanMake sure that the limit is N, not N - 1.
240420mmichelsonMake sure to set owner_line, ownder_func, and owner_file in ast_calloc_with_stringfields.
240500tilghmanOops, missed an include
240505seanbrightClarify error message in res_timing_timerfd.
240548russellFix a spelling error in the asterisk.conf sample.
240552russellNote where empty lines should reside in commit messages.
240629tilghmanErr, oops, it was already the way I intended.
240667seanbrightGet MoH building on OpenSolaris.
240842dvosselfixes spelling error. s/memeber/member
240887dvosselupdated transmit_silence option documentation in asterisk.conf
240971dvosseltransmit_silence_during_record replaced by transmit_silence
240973dirugglesUpdated ExternalIVR documentation
240974dirugglesExternalIVR information for UPGRADE.txt
241012tilghmanMake HASHes inheritable across channel creation.
241016seanbrightPlug a memory leak when reading configs with their comments. #16554
241187alecdavisUpdate CDR variables before pbx starts (overlap dial) #16638
241315jpeelersmall correction from 241314
241364tilghmanEnable SendText to send strings in encoded format.
241503kpflemingFix up compile breakage from ast_tvdiff_ms() API change.
241627dvosselfixes parsing error in Makefile.
241714dvosselrtp timestamp to timeval calculation fix
241766tilghmanGuard against division by zero.
241855russellModify test results XML format to match the JUnit format.
241856russellPoint to a useful reference on the XML output format.
241896tilghmanFormats are inconsistent between even 32-bit and 64-bit Linux. Use casts to ensure both compile.
242043oejMake sure we initialize the ast_ha structure with ast_calloc
242092mmichelsonAdd missing argument to ast_calloc calls.
242184russellAdd test API usage example to test_skel.c.
242185russellConvert scheduler API entry order test to the test API.
242186russellUpdate the doxygenification of some comments.
242227oejInitialize notify_types to NULL
242317tilghmanThe irony of not compile-testing a test program before committing is killing me.
242424tilghmanRebuild from flex, bison sources when necessary. #14629
242521tilghmanOnly rebuild bison and flex source files on demand, if bison and flex are detected by the configure script.
242645mayAST_CONTROL_CONNECTED_LINE frame type processing added to setup DisplayIE field
242719tilghmanMake the build of the Asterisk expression parser match that of the AEL parser.
242724tilghmanOops, should have used CMD_PREFIX, not ECHO_PREFIX, for the commands.
242729tilghmanBuildbot pointed out an error (thanks, buildbot!)
242812twilsonFix INTERNAL_OBJ error on stop when calendars.conf missing
242857tilghmanRestore FreeBSD to able-to-compile-ish-mode
242904oejReport error when writing to functions returns error in AMI setvar action
242919oejChange api for pbx_builtin_setvar to actually return error code if a function can't be written to.
242933maysmall corrections in call clearing
242954russellConvert test_substitution module to the unit test API.
242965russellMake unit test modules depend on TEST_FRAMEWORK instead of off by default.
242967tilghmanOnly rebuild parsers by an option in menuselect
242971tilghmanErr, and use the new menuselect define, too.
243075tilghmanWish I had gotten to the review before this got submitted, because there's failures we need to address.
243076tilghmanUsing a dummy channel causes CDR() testing to fail.
243077tilghmanFixing last errors in the conversion, though it appears that the AES_* functions are still broken.
243118russellUpdate func_aes to its pre-ast_str_substitution state.
243157russellUpdate test_substitution to show failures in the test log.
243158russellLog the variable name being tested.
243242dvosselmodify 'test show registered' cli output format
243266jpeelerRemove unnecessary code in ast_read as issue 16058 has been fully solved now.
243346dirugglesCode clean up in app_senddtmf
243487mmichelsonUse a safe list traversal while checking for duplicate vars in pbx_builtin_setvar_helper.
243652jpeelerexpand code based appreviation of AST_CONFIG_DIR to configuration directory
243693jpeelerRevert 243570, I should have looked at this closer. Will reopen the issue, but #16488
243780russellFix a bogus third argument to ast_copy_string().
243860russellAdd a missing line terminator for T.38 SDP.
243943tilghmanInformational message, not an error.
243986jpeelerOptimization to manager events. #16455
244547mmichelsonInitialize counters in ast_sched_report so that resulting data is not bogus.
244597dvossel-----Changes -----
244647rmudgettAdd ignore *.i files property to the new channels/sip directory.
244688dvosselfix truncated format string in 'test show registered'
244728tilghmanDefine a small set of constant return values
244768tilghmanTry to make ast_format_str_reduce fail...
244769dvosselparse_moved_contact tries to parse contact_name twice
244887dvosselfixes memory leak in astobj2 test
244924dvosselfixes issue with sip registry not having correct default expiry
244927seanbrightUpdate main copyright date.
245006dvosseladds total call numbers available to 'iax2 show callnumber usage' cli output
245046tilghmanMerge tests that verify the same thing. (Oops.)
245090jpeelerRemove contrib/firmware directory as it is empty
245147dvosselfixes astobj2 unlinking of multiple objects when OBJ_MULTIPLE was disabled
245192mmichelsonRemove useless sip options related to hash table size.
245230mmichelsonRemove parsing of constantssrc from reload_config.
245268russellRemove an extra space.
245269russellTweak formatting and add minor updates to some comments.
245306russellFix a couple of spelling errors, and add format module dependencies.
245307russellAdd an MD5 test module.
245344russellRemove unnecessary include, ast_md5_hash() comes from utils.h.
245345russellAdd a SHA1 test module.
245382russellMake chan_usbradio compile.
245383russellAdd more packages required for building Asterisk modules.
245384russellAdd a todo for pbx_gtkconsole for updating to gtk2.
245385russellAdd the libvpb-dev package as a dependency.
245497qwellRemove reference of documentation in source directory.
245597russellRemove object files from the channels/sip/ directory on make clean.
245610russellUse memmove() instead of memcpy() for a case where the buffers overlap.
245623russellUNREGISTER instead of REGISTER in unload_module().
245624russellFix return value of get_ie_str() and get_ie_str_hash() for non-existent IE.
245680kpflemingDon't offer MMR or JBIG transcoding during T.38 negotiation.
245804dvosselfixes a merging error for the iaxs and iaxsl off by one fix
245864russellVarious updates to the unit test API.
245945tilghmanInclude examples of FILTER usage in extension patterns where a "." may be a risk.
246022tilghmanEnable warnings on atypical conditions for the FILTER function (suggested by mmichelson on the -dev list).
246200tilghmanFix weird issue with unit tests on optimized build - turned out to be a signing issue.
246204tilghmanFussy compiler on another machine...
246249dvosseladditional parse_uri test and documentation
246260russellAdd a test module for the event API, test_event.c.
246299dvosselastobj2 unit test and bug fix
246338dvosselfixes some test description formatting inconsistencies so log file looks nice
246382transnexusUpdated doc for OSP lookup application.
246420dvosselfixes areas where port should be removed from domain during parsing
246667tilghmanInstead of just automatically filtering out in the Makefile, give an indication of dependencies in menuselect.
246669rmudgettRestore triedtopribridge flag code removed in -r211197.
246710tilghmanMake the menuselect instructions correct by allowing 'make menuselect' to actually solve dependency problems.
246789tilghmanChange the blanket rules to delete .lastclean on all CFLAGS menuselect targets to be more particular.
246827tilghmanAdd a few more targets for DEBUG_THREADLOCALS
246863tilghmanRevert changes for now, pending discussion
246899dvosselfixes sample rate conversion issue with Monitor application
246981dvosselswap openssl with OpenSSL in warning message. #16673
246985mmichelsonAdd some clarifying documentation to the ast_str_set and ast_str_append functions.
247035maygenerate connected line info update from info in h.323 packets
247076mmichelsonAdd va_end calls to __ast_str_helper.
247125tilghmanRTP documentation states that you can pass NULL as the module, so make sure that's really the case.
247169mmichelsonMake sure that when autofill is disabled that callers not in the front of the queue cannot place calls.
247262dvosselunit test for combined device state mapping and device to exten state mapping
247282dvosselmodified device2extension_test's category
247335mmichelsonFix two problems in ast_str functions found while writing a unit test.
247380mmichelsonTab completion for test categories and names for "test show registered" and "test execute" CLI commands.
247381mmichelsonFix a couple of bugs in test tab completion.
247423russellTweak argument handling for wget in the sounds Makefile.
247503lmadsenAdd best practices documentation. #16808, #16810
247509lmadsenAdd additional link to best practices document per jsmith.
247609rmudgettFix placing ISDN calls on hold preventing native bridging from being reexamined after a transfer.
247914rmudgettMerged revision 247904 from
247915dvosselhandle_request_invite revise comment, fix coding guideline issues
248003moymfcr2 issue 0016844 - Fix portability bit fields and make mfcr2_immediate_accept work again, reported and patched by korihor
248108oejImprove support for RTCP reports without report blocks
248225russellTweak copyright and author lines.
248226russellMinor tweaks to comment blocks and includes.
248347mmichelsonMove the REF_DEBUG comment higher in the include list.
248489mmichelsonUnit test for ast_str API.
248533russellAdd ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION macro.
248534russellRemove unnecessary warning message, make a couple of formatting tweaks
248667tilghmanAlso kill the .i files, or else the build process will not recreate them, when we
248793jpeelerEnsure that monitor recordings are written to the correct location.
248946mmichelsonFix incorrect ACL behavior when CIDR notation of "/0" is used.
248952jpeelerEnsure that monitor recordings are written to the correct location (again)
249009russellconstification and remove unnecessary include
249010russellRemove unnecessary includes, formatting tweak
249011russellconstification, remove include
249012russellremove include
249013russelltrivial formatting tweak (working on reducing diff against trunk for cdr-q)
249050russellTrim trailing whitespace, convert lists of defines to enums
249056russellTrim trailing whitespace (to help reduce diff against cdr-q branch)
249058russellformatting tweaks and constification
249186dvosseladds Time field to "test show results" cli command
249235kpflemingadd a reference to the now-published IAX2 RFC
249320alecdavisoverlap receiving: automatically send CALL PROCEEDING when dialplan starts #16789
249405tilghmanProperly document voicemail API documents. Also fix a crash reported via the -dev list.
249449alecdavismake unit test check for NULL folder, which then defaults to INBOX #16927
249623tilghmanConstify a bit of app_voicemail, to make ODBC and IMAP compile once again.
249759alecdavisfix asterisk setting of pritimers from chan_dahdi.conf #16909
249801alecdavisfixes ability to exit echo app #16880
249891jpeelerfix build by checking result of symlink in test_voicemail_vmsayname
249892lmadsenFix several XML documentation validate errors.
249893dvosselfixes adaptive jitterbuffer configuration
249947alecdavisrevert ability to exit echo app #16880
250042lmadsenUpdate documentation to not imply we support overriding options. #16855
250051lmadsenUpdate IMAP documentation. #16704
250190mnicholsonMerge res_fax and res_fax_spandsp.
250213mnicholsonMerge missed files from res_fax/res_fax_spandsp merge.
250235dvosselbase64 unit test
250237dvosselfixes assumption that test failed if it did not pass when generating results
250246dvosselfixes signed to unsigned int comparision issue for FaxMaxDatagram value.
250302mnicholsonUpdated CHANGES file to mention res_fax and res_fax_spandsp.
250303tilghmanEliminate remaining libedit warnings (shown in bamboo)
250346tilghmanOne more fix to editline
250478dvosselChanges 0ms to <1ms in cli END results during 'test execute'
250565rmudgettRemoved cdrflags from ast_channel structure.
250614lmadsenUpdate existing Local channel documentation. #16637
250730mmichelsonAdjust XML for func_channel to indicate that rtpdest can take a "text" argument.
250871russellFix up the ast_rtp_property enum.
250917russellFix up some of chan_sip's usage of the RTP engine API.
251022russellRemove pbx_gtkconsole and related gtk1 checks.
251038dvosselPITCH_SHIFT dialplan function
251087dvosselfixes xml error in func_pitchshift
251137russellFix a crash in SIP blind transfer handling found by an automated external test.
251181maysmall log issue from bug 0016664
251262tilghmanChange needed to make Mac OS X 10.6 happy
251263tilghmanRemove portions that weren't meant to be committed for the OS X compat fix
251538rmudgettReduce the amount of database access for HAVE_PRI_SERVICE_MESSAGES.
251585rmudgettSimplified dahdi_request() channel selection failed reason/cause code.
251677tilghmanIt's amazing what writing a test will find. #16900
251680lmadsenBe less ambiguous in Record() app docs.
251736jpeelerAdd new unit test for stringfields.
251821rmudgettMinor tweaks and comment updates to chan_dahdi.
251881tilghmanFix tests on 32-bit systems.
251946rmudgettDoxegen this chan_dahdi lock.
251987rmudgettMake chan_dahdi wakeup_sub() prototype not conditional.
252088moyadd missing mfcr2_skip_category setting
252089twilsonOnly change the RTP ssrc when we see that it has changed
252133tilghmanTest script to verify that timezone cache is properly removed on zonefile alteration.
252229russellResolve compiler warning by paying attention to system() return value.
252241russellResolve unit test failure that occurred on Mac OSX.
252362tilghmanLaunch Asterisk on Mac OS X with launchd.
252619tilghmanUh, yeah. Umask. I'm stupid.
252623seanbrightResolve a crash in SLATrunk when the specified trunk doesn't exist.
252627russellTell the RTP engine API about the initial read and write format.
252709kpflemingImprove handling of values supplied to FAXOPT(ecm).
252759russellDisable this test on non-Linux for now.
252760tilghmanOSARCH is not inherited to this directory
252762lmadsenAdditional extensions.ael global variable fixes. #17035
252767russellDon't treat warnings as errors for muted.
252846tilghmanFix test_time on Mac OS X (and other platforms without inotify)
252848seanbrightInclude an extra newline after "Aliased CLI command" to get back the prompt. #16978
252849russellRe-enable test_time on non-Linux.
252980tilghmanFix bamboo compile error by calculating an integer with the same size as a pointer.
253032lmadsenFix a typo.
253113tilghmanSwitch to using intptr_t, as suggested by Kevin Fleming on the -dev list
253255tilghmanJust in case of a race, send the signal on interrupt.
253256lmadsenUpdate to new Local channel documentation. #16963
253378russellUpdate comment to reflect new timeout value.
253490alecdavisprevent segfault if bad magic number is encountered. #17037
253536russellUse SHRT_MAX instead of MAXSHORT.
253537russellResolve a compiler warning on FreeBSD.
253538russellResolve compiler warnings on FreeBSD.
253539russellInclude sys/wait.h on FreeBSD to get the WEXITSTATUS() macro.
253540russellResolve more compiler warnings on FreeBSD.
253579russellFix memory corruption found by unit tests.
253712tilghmanAccomodate equal signs in DSNs and add documentation, based upon mmichelson's feedback.
253755tilghmanReturn the list for later manipulation. This fixes an issue with the update procedure.
253758tilghmanUpdate query should be an UPDATE, not a SELECT.
253800mnicholsonUnconditionally copy the caller's account code to the called party. #16331
253872mmichelsonInitialize channels prior to loading "preload" modules.
253917kpflemingChange per-file debug and verbose levels to be per-module, the way
253958twilsonDon't act like an http write failed when it didn't
254001tzafrirChange the name of the category 'TEST' to match the name of the subdir
254159russellPut test output for a failure in a CDATA section in the XML results.
254277jpeelerEnsure that monitor recordings are written to the correct location (again)
254362mmichelsonFix potential invalid reads that could occur in pbx.c
254406tzafrirremove unneeded explicit channel in dahdi ioctls
254450kpflemingImprove handling of T.38 re-INVITEs that arrive before a T.38-capable
254453twilsonHandle new SRCCHANGE control message here too
254454mmichelsonSeveral fixes regarding RFC2833 DTMF detection.
254551mmichelsonAdd new rtpsource options to the CHANNEL function.
254553mmichelsonAdd doxygen for acl.h
254557mmichelsonAdd unit test for testing ACL functionality.
254636kpflemingGet chan_ooh323 building again after recent build system changes.
254637kpflemingRemove no-longer-used (and unsafe) field in ast_channel for linked lists.
254638kpflemingBump cleancount due to ast_channel change.
254718russellchan_usbradio depends on alsa.
254799russellFix chan_ooh323 so it works on Mac OS X, as well.
254801russellResolve compiler warning on FreeBSD.
254802qwellDon't remove local copies of utils in uninstall.
254884russellFix a number of other build problems on Mac OS X.
254931kpflemingUse "local" instead of "system" header file inclusion.
254976seanbrightWork around a bug in dash on Ubuntu by checking the number of arguments before shift'ing.
255066lmadsenReplace some documentation from 1.6.x back into trunk. #17054
255117tilghmaninotify support for pbx_spool
255158seanbrightWe need to inclde sys/wait.h on OpenBSD to get WEXITSTATUS.
255199maycorrections in gk interface, small fixes in call clearing.
255240russellRemove a debugging log entry.
255323russellDon't make Asterisk not start if pbx_dundi fails to initialize.
255410russellDon't kill Asterisk if the H323 listener does not start.
255701mmichelsonFix improper comaparison of anonymous URI when getting P-Asserted-Identity.
255751mnicholsonRemoved documentation of the non existent 'both' option to 'faxdetect' in sip.conf
255906kpflemingAllow symbol export filtering to work properly on platforms that have symbol prefixes.
256010russellRemove extremely verbose debug message.
256103rmudgettUsing the Dial application f option when the call is forwarded will likely crash.
256104rmudgettConsolidate ast_channel.cid.cid_rdnis into ast_channel.redirecting.from.number.
256161lmadsenFix for localchannel.tex to allow PDFs to be generated again.
256265rmudgettDAHDI/PRI call to pri_channel_bridge() not protected by PRI lock.
256370tilghmanMac OS X does not support comparing a mutex to its initializer. Create a test for this.
256428kpflemingEnsure that linker version scripts (used for symbol export control) always exist.
256485mmichelsonfunc_srv and explicit specification of a remote IP for SIP.
256528mmichelsonMerge Call completion support into trunk.
256529mmichelsonFix some compiler errors that popped up after the CCSS merge.
256569rmudgettRemove PRI CCSS BUGBUG message and update configure script.
256608rmudgettMerge CCSS architecture document from CCSS branch.
256646mmichelsonPrevent crash when originating a call to a local channel.
256661mmichelsonRemove status_response callbacks where they are not needed.
256704tzafrirfix hyphen vs. minus in man pages
256745russellAdd ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION() macro
256783russelltest_substitution expects func_curl to be present to work.
256823dvosselgives channel reference before unlocking it and using setvar helper.
256860lmadsenRemove silly debug message that is not useful. #17159
256985mmichelsonFix issue where recall would not happen when it should.
257025mmichelsonAddress Russell's comments on func_srv from reviewboard.
257032mmichelsonUpdate sample dialstrings in sip.conf.sample file.
257343lmadsenUpdate address of the bug tracker.
257560tilghmanAllow application options with arguments to contain parentheses, through a variety of escaping techniques.
257646mmichelsonMake sure to fail a monitor if we receive a negative response for a CC SUBSCRIBE.
257768tilghmanRemoving unused configuration parameters
257810twilsonFix incomplete CDR merge from r195881
257851mmichelsonCommit compromise I suggested on review 608.
257883tilghmanBad merge fix
257947qwellDon't consider a missing indications.conf to be a critical error.
257949qwellChange log message to match severity.
257988lmadsenUpdate supported file extensions in doxygen.
258065jpeelerPlay correct prompt when voicemail store failure occurs after attempted forward.
258149lmadsenAdd 'soft hangup' alias per Steve Johnson on asterisk-users.
258227jmlsAdded CHANGES entry for new MixMonitorMute AMI command.
258228jmlsAdded NEW ACTIONS entry for new MixMonitorMute AMI command.
258256jmlsfix whitespace issue
258265lmadsenFix the \brief description in the res_calendar_*.c files.
258345mmichelsonAdd small documentation update to func_callcompletion.c.
258383lmadsenFix change in asterisk.tex that got merged in after testing. #17220
258387lmadsenMissed this when reverting the bad version change in asterisk.tex.
258433jpeelerFix looping forever when no input received in certain voicemail menu scenarios.
258515russellAdd MEETMEBOOKID from r256019.
258517elielAsterisk data retrieval API.
258557qwellRemove ABI differences that occured when compiling with DEBUG_THREADS.
258595elielPass interactive = 0 and fix a compile error.
258632russellAdd ast_event subscription unit test and fix some ast_event API bugs.
258673qwellLet utils/ dir compile when DEBUG_THREADS is not enabled.
258674qwellMake utils/ stuff *actually* compile this time.
258675mnicholsonFix previous commit.
258685qwellAdd another random function that does nothing to make the utils/ dir happy.
258855mayadditional checking related to issue 17186
258896mnicholsonUpdate res_fax and res_fax_spandsp to be compatible with Fax For Asterisk 1.2.
258974dirugglesLine 24 missed in compatibility fix in revision 233577
259105mmichelsonLet compilation succeed warning-free when DONT_OPTIMIZE is turned off.
259189tilghmanAdd missing file (pointed out by TheDavidFactor on #asterisk-dev) referenced by revision 239231.
259229rmudgettRe-fix dahdi_request() iflist locking since CCSS merged.
259353qwellSupport the silly OSes that don't have ar and strip.
259357mmichelsonChange cc_ref and cc_unref from macros to inline functions.
259439qwellAdd gar to the check for AR for those silly OSes (Solaris) that don't have ar.
259442qwellAdd gar to the check for AR for those silly OSes (Solaris) that don't have ar.
259451qwellBlock 259441 instead of recording it as merged.
259533mmichelsonShuffle some casts to make builds on bamboo happier.
259538rmudgettDAHDI "WARNING" message is confusing and vague
259587qwellBe more explicit about field naming in a test.
259617qwellFix compile on systems without HAVE_NULLSAFE_PRINTF defined.
259672jpeelerDo not play goodbye prompt after timeout of message review.
259760qwellRemove usage of `id` since it isn't useful and was causing breakge.
259837qwellMissed this when removing $ID
259848qwellAdd AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR to configure script, so systems without install can use install-sh from our source dir.
259853lmadsenUpdate config.guess.
260007rmudgettFix comment.
260148tilghmanPattern match fail.
260344mmichelsonFix logic reversal error when queue callers join the queue.
260346mmichelsonFix potential crash from race condition due to accessing channel data without the channel locked.
260435rmudgettSeparate the uses of NUM_DCHANS and MAX_CHANNELS into PRI, SS7, and MFCR2 users.
260521elielAvoid making AstData depend on libxml2 to compile.
260570lmadsenMinor typo pointed out by pabelanger on IRC.
260802qwellFix fallout from removing from configure script. Pointed out by philipp64 on #asterisk-dev
260924jpeelerVoicemail transfer to operator should occur immediately, not after main menu.
261007rmudgettThe inalarm flag is not passed up from the sig_analog and sig_pri submodules.
261313mmichelsonPrevent unnecessary warnings when getting rtpsource or rtpdest.
261364russellRestore previous asterisk.conf syntax, where the directories aren't commented out.
261405rmudgettAvoid a crash on SS7 channels.
261451tzafrirWhen failing to configure, don't destroy 'cfg' twice
261500russellAdd test case for removing random elements from a heap. #17277
261609qwellUse the versioned MOH tarballs, now that we have them.
261736jpeelerOnly allow the operator key to be accepted after leaving a voicemail.
261822rmudgettSome code optimizations.
261964tilghmanFix build on Linux
262005alecdavisVoicemailMain and VMauthenticate, allow escape to the 'a' extension when a single '*' is entered
262048tilghmanUse CPPFLAGS to pass PTHREAD_CFLAGS for vpb only
262236dvosselfixes crash in chan_console
262330tilghmanFix issue #17302 a slightly different way (mad props to Qwell) #17302
262569rmudgettDialing an invalid extension causes incomplete hangup sequence. #17104
262661rmudgettForgot some conditionals around the callrerouting facility help text.
262743rmudgettDon't crash when destroying chan_dahdi pseudo channels.
262798lmadsenRevert previous WARNING message removal. #17145
262852tilghmanAdd kqueue(2) implementation to Asterisk in various places.
262895russellFix build on linux.
262896russellFix build on linux.
262897russellFix an off by one error that causes a crash.
262940tilghmanHmmm, probably should have read the manpage more thoroughly.
262987tilghmanFor FreeBSD
263028tzafrirRemove "untested" feature PRI_VERSION
263069rmudgettFix inverted logic in cli command: ss7 set debug on/off
263151dvosselfix iax_frame double free
263208kpflemingImprove some very confusing structure names in astobj2.c
263250tzafrirlive_ast: add commands 'rsync' and 'gen-live-asterisk'
263294dvosselUpdate CHANGES to reflect DAHDI buffer dialstring option backport to 1.6.2
263460lmadsenMissing newlines added to Set-Cookie line in manager.c #17231
263541mmichelsonEnhancements to connected line and redirecting work.
263640mmichelsonFix logic error when checking for a devstate provider.
263807jpeelerModify directory name reading to be interrupted with operator or pound escape.
263808jpeelerput changes with the correct version
263810mmichelsonFix memory leaks in redirecting structures in chan_sip.c
263858tilghmanMake happy green color come back
263860mmichelsonBe sure to heap-allocate the redirecting to tag so as not to cause crashiness.
263905tilghmanAdd an sha1sum-workalike for platforms which don't have it (like Mac OS X)
264160kpflemingAdd ability for logger channels to include *all* levels.
264161lmadsenFix compilation problem with previous commit. #16009
264379mnicholsonCast an unsigned int to a signed int when comparing it with 0.
264400dvosselfixes infinite loop during udptl.c's decode_open_type #17352
264452mmichelsonFix transcode_via_sln option with SIP calls and improve PLC usage.
264497kpflemingCorrect 'all logger levels' patch to work properly.
264540kpflemingIgnore pre-processed source files generated during DONT_OPTIMIZE dev-mode builds.
264669rmudgettDial and queue connected line update macro not always run when expected.
264711rmudgettAvoid crash in generic CC agent init if caller name or number is NULL.
264828rmudgettast_callerid_parse() had a path that left name uninitialized.
264905twilsonTake dup'd code for directmedia ACLs and make utility func
264953mmichelsonLog spandsp's fax debug output to the FAX logger level.
264997mmichelsonAllow ast_safe_sleep to defer specific frames until after the sleep has concluded.
265000mmichelsonFix grammatical error in comment.
265174rmudgettChannel initialization failure causes crashes.
265227maysmall changes to avoiding 'freeing unused memory...'
265273dvosselfixes segfault when using generic plc
265320twilsonAdd the FullyBooted AMI event
265366dvosselreverses incorrect logic introduced by r243200
265367rmudgettMake app_rpt.c able to compile again.
265467twilsonMerge the rest of the FullyBooted patch
265525tzafrirTypos: 'succesful' (lintian)
265608rmudgettMemory leak in connected line data when SIP blond transfer done.
265698mmichelsonProperly use peer's outboundproxy for outbound REGISTERs.
266092mmichelsonFix misspelling of macro args.
266094mmichelsonRemove unrelated MOH change from previous commit.
266098mmichelsonRemove redundant ast_conntected_line_free call.
266240jpeelerfix compile error
266289twilsonMore build fixes for ical/neon and res_calendar_ews
266337tilghmanOnly report swap on platforms which can examine those statistics
266386twilsonFix ical library handling (again)
266438tilghmanReverting patch and reopening issue #16784, as patch breaks color display. #16784
266522tilghmanNeeds to be wrapped in
266832twilsonUse the correct ical.h file
266926rmudgettAdd ETSI Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) support.
267008rmudgettAdd ETSI Advice Of Charge (AOC) event reporting.
267093russellSilence a compiler warning.
267096rmudgettGeneric Advice of Charge.
267097mmichelsonPrevent use of uninitialized values.
267138russellAdd a CLI command that blocks until Asterisk has fully booted.
267181dvosselUpdate CHANGES and aoc help doc to reflect AOC additions
267261rmudgettAdd ETSI Call Waiting support.
267303russellEnsure the -Wno-strict-aliasing flag makes it, even if ASTCFLAGS has been specified.
267305russellFix a build error on mac.
267350rmudgettAdd ETSI Malicious Call ID support.
267352russelltry to fix some random chan_h323 compilation failures
267399rmudgettAdd ETSI Message Waiting Indication (MWI) support.
267445russellComment out a rule that likes to run implicitly unnecessarily, breaking builds
267490russellRemove a line that was killing Asterisk on startup.
267492mmichelsonRemove unnecessary code relating to PLC.
267537russellDon't stop Asterisk if chan_usbradio isn't configured.
267622rmudgettMake compile again.
267714russellRemove a LOG_WARNING.
267819tilghmanIf there's a default, turn it on, even when the option isn't specified.
267863twilsonSend an ACK for every final response received for an INVITE
267972tilghmanAs-fixiate the build process
268127tilghmanAC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS has a bad side-effect on cross-compiles.
268205dvosselRFC3261 compliant sip unreliable retransmit timing + 'registerattempts' option tweak
268281dvosselfixes compile error from uninitialized variable
268321tilghmanRest In Peace
268395kpflemingGrammatical error fix.
268417kpflemingTypo fix.
268495tilghmanFinally track down and eliminate the "FRACK! warnings from chan_iax2".
268578rmudgettSuppress warning in waitstream_core().
268731tilghmanEvent well was going dry. #17234
268734rmudgettMoved AOC request code out of the middle of code parsing the dialed number.
268774rmudgettExtract sig_ss7 out of chan_dahdi.
268818tilghmanUse the mailbox destructor function, instead.
268857rmudgettMake SIP tests compile again.
268896tilghmanFix trunk build on Mac OS X.
268933tilghmanRelease list lock before returning on error.
269119tilghmanFix build on Mac OS X (and maybe FreeBSD, too)
269187russellAdd libgtk2.0-dev to the packages list for install_prereq.
269196russellAdd libmysqlclient-dev to install_prereq.
269197russellAdd libbluetooth-dev to install_prereq.
269198russellAdd libradiusclient-ng-dev to install_prereq.
269199russellAdd freetds-dev to install_prereq.
269200russellAdd libcurl to install_prereq.
269201russellAdd an "install-unpackaged" command to install_prereq for installing unpackaged dependencies (such as NBS and libresample).
269202russellAdd libopenais-dev to install_prereq.
269203russellAdd libnewt-dev to install-prereq.
269204russellAdd libpopt-dev, libical-dev, and libspandsp-dev to install_prereq.
269205russellAdd libjack-dev to install_prereq.
269238tzafrirdial by name in chan_dahdi
269307rmudgettEliminate deadlock potential in dahdi_fixup().
269308rmudgettAdd missing API function to sig_ss7: sig_ss7_fixup().
269417russellResolve an invalid memory read on an event.
269497russellDon't stop Asterisk if chan_oss fails to register 'Console' (due to another channel driver already claiming it).
269569russellAttempt to fix FreeBSD build problem.
269602russellAttempt to fix a FreeBSD build error by including sys/stat.h.
269707kpflemingEnsure that 'logger show channels' works properly when wildcards are used in logger.conf.
269711russellFix an off by one error that caused a unit test to occasionally crash.
269749mmichelsonAdd documentation explaining PLC in Asterisk.
269822mmichelsonFix potential crash when writing raw SLIN audio on a PLC-enabled channel.
269936tilghmanRemove lines from the output related to the backtrace itself.
270079pabelangerFix typo in example
270151pabelangerReverting patch and reopening issue #16155, as patch breaks #16155
270219rmudgettAdd digit manipulation tag support to chan_dahdi/sig_pri like chan_misdn.
270260qwellAdd option to get untruncated channel name from AGENT function.
270298rmudgettExtract sig_ss7_init_linkset() to sig_ss7.
270443lmadsenMove information about zonemessages into the [zonemessages] section.
270552tilghmanArgh, mixed declarations and code.
270584tilghmanVariables have always been case-sensitive, so we should not be removing case-insensitive matches.
270726russellDon't blow up if an ast_channel doesn't get allocated.
270836jpeelerFix no call waiting caller ID
270867dvosselfixes chan_iax2 race condition
270981qwellNeed to lock the agent chan before access its internal bits.
270983qwellFix the actual place that was pointed out, for previous commit.
270987pabelangerFixed typo in macro-page
271056dvosseladdition of more parse_uri test cases
271192jpeelerChange expected operation from error to debug message
271262dvosselretransmit response to BYE requests until timer J expires
271300dvosselfixes some coding guideline issue
271341dvosselfile.c was truncating audio file formats to the lower 32bits.
271551dvosselfixes logic error introduced by slin16 sip support
271657tilghmanConflict kqueue on OS X, since it doesn't work there yet, anyway.
271764mnicholsonUpdated the CHANGES file documenting the addition of a configurable port in the dundi config file.
271833russellChange the method of retrieving the Asterisk version string.
271867russellResolve some errors that occur on a graceful shutdown.
271905dvosselminor fixes for white/black event filters
271977dvosselignore CANCEL request after having already received final response to INVITE
272052russellDon't try to lock/unlock an uninitialized lock on a dahdi_pri.
272090mmichelsonAdd extra protection for reinvite glare scenario.
272146twilsonDon't start the sla thread unless we realy need it
272150tilghmanD'oh! Defaultenabled FTL.
272218tringenbachAdd new AMI command LocalOptimizeAway.
272256twilsonUpdate configure when changing autconf m4 files...
272259pabelangerFix previous merge. ast_test_flag != ast_test_flag64
272370russellResolve some errors produced during module unload of chan_iax2.
272533tilghmanSymlink sounds files, to save disk space, when multiple tarballs/checkouts are on the same system.
272557dvosselchan_sip: more accurate retransmissions
272558mnicholsonImplemement support for handling multiple documents when sending.
272652dvosselcode guidelines cleanup for retrans_pkt() function
272684russellUse the underscore package so that underscores do not need to be escaped.
272805mmichelsonDecode URI in contact header of 302 response.
272880dvosselrfc compliant sip option parsing + new unit test
272981dvosselsend a 400 Bad Request on malformed sip request
273055tilghmanExclude libical for insufficient versions.
273058tilghman_Really_ skip the channel... don't just retry for another 200 cycles.
273197rmudgettMisc doxygen cleanup in config.h
273198rmudgettRemove unnecessary if test in CV_DSTR()
273270mnicholsonSet TCP_NODELAY on manager TCP sockets to prevent delays on outgoing packets. This regression was introduced in r48338.
273350mnicholsonAltered my comment about TCP_NODELAY
273352mnicholsonFixed whitespace problems
273427dvosselcorrect handling of get_destination return values
273464mnicholsonProperly handle failures of fax->start_session()
273566russellDon't return a partially initialized datastore.
273641tzafrirFix various typos reported by Lintian
273714tilghmanThe switch fallthrough could create some errorneous situations, so best to force directly to the default case.
274053tilghmanUh, yeah.
274243mnicholsonProperly detect and report invalid maxrate and maxrate values in the FAXOPT dialplan function. Also make fax_rate_str_to_int() return an unsigned int and return 0 instead of -1 in the event of an error.
274281tilghmanStatus shows all non-CRC4 lines as "yellow", even if "yellow" was not in the bitfield.
274284twilsonAdd option to not do a call forward on 482 Loop Detected
274491tilghmanAlso run the externnotify script when the pollmailboxes thread notices a change.
274492transnexusChanged OSP TCP port from 1080 to 5045.
274539mmichelsonUse the relatedpeer field of a sip_pvt during INVITE processing.
274540mnicholsonSet proper FAXOPT(status), FAXOPT(statusstr), and FAXOPT(error) values where possible. Previously some failure cases did not result in proper FAXOPT values.
274595rmudgettClose the DAHDI FD on error when processing chan_dahdi toneduration config parameter.
274639rmudgettAdd missing conditional around chan_dahdi mfcr2_skip_category config parameter.
274686dvosselFixes some ref count issues introduced by r274539
274727elielImplement AstData API data providers as part of the GSOC 2010 project,
274773rmudgettFix trunk compile.
274782rmudgettGenerate a correct AstData string for ast_callerid.cid_ton
274785mmichelsonDelete properties I merged during v6-new merge.
274786mmichelsonAnd the automerge property.
274827rmudgettFix compile of chan_ooh323.c from IPv6 integration.
274828rmudgettFix calls of ast_sockaddr_from_sin() from IPv6 integration.
274866oejMake it possible to disable individual cdr files per accountcode in cdr_csv
274907russellExtend length limit on country name in indications.conf.
274909simon.perreaultSadly we can't dereference a pointer cast and use it as an lvalue without getting this
274947simon.perreaultCopy the address into the peer structure after we set the default port
274984mmichelsonFix sip_uri_parse test comparison.
275022russellDocument that a leading and trailing slash is expected for test categories.
275104mmichelsonReturn logic of sip_debug_test_addr() to its original functionality.
275105tilghmanKill some startup warnings and errors and make some messages more helpful in tracking down the source.
275144mnicholsondon't unload modules that returned AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINE when they were loaded
275147russellMove parking lot sample config out from the middle of dynamic features sample config.
275172tilghmanAdd some diagnostic feedback to our data tests
275186mnicholsongive a better error message when attempting to unload a module that is not loaded
275227tilghmanWeird, no output and Bamboo still fails...
275294mmichelsonFix an issue where the port for p->ourip was being set to 0.
275309russellFix compile error.
275310russellAdd missing ao2_iterator_destroy().
275312tilghmanGet more information about the Bamboo test failures
275385mmichelsonFix error in parsing SIP registry strings from ASTdb.
275467russellMake indentation consistent, move some queue features to the queue section.
275509elielWhen creating a conference for a unit test, it is not mandatory to open a
275551transnexusAdded support for indirect work mode.
275725rmudgettAdd which ITU spec specifies the numbering plan.
275816twilsonDon't try to ref authpeer when it isn't set
275910tilghmanMove SQL scripts into their own database-specific directories.
275995russellAccess peer->cdr directly instead of through a saved off reference.
275998twilsonDestroy RTP fds when we schedule final dialog destruction
276118tilghmanWeird compiler error on Bamboo.
276120tilghmanIt really cannot fail in the places below, but the stupid compiler doesn't know that.
276122tilghmanOops, XML documentation fix.
276124russellUse chan->cdr instead of chan_cdr (just like peer->cdr instead of peer_cdr in the last commit).
276127russellOnly reset a CDR that exists.
276206twilsonRevert early destruction of RTP sessions
276219dvosselchan_sip: RFC compliant retransmission timeout
276268lmadsenUpdate documentation for voicemail.conf externpass option.
276347rmudgettast_callerid restructuring
276349tringenbachFix documentation for pgsql cel and cdr, and slightly improve pgsql_cel.
276389jpeelerDo not skip sending MWI for a peer if an address is defined. Really just a merge mistake from IPv6
276391rmudgettMake compile again.
276392dvosselcollapse debug code in retrans_pkt into separate lines
276393rmudgettExpand the caller ANI field to an ast_party_id
276439dvosselhandle special case were "200 Ok" to pending INVITE never receives ACK
276441kpflemingDon't try to call an embedded module's backup_globals() function until
276493tilghmanOops, merge reverted this fix.
276531rmudgettMake compile again.
276570mmichelsonFix errors where incorrect address information was printed.
276616russellAdd lua5.1 to the handy dandy list of packages.
276653jpeelerIn a perfect world, the frame source would never be NULL. In the meantime, don't crash when it is.
276731tilghmanFix linking asterisk on CentOS 5, which is using gcc 4.1.1. Gcc 4.1.2 has the real fix.
276788jpeelerCorrect not setting the bindport before attempting to open the socket.
276869tilghmanAllow ipaddress to contain the maximum IPv6 address.
276870tilghmanFix trunk build for Mac OS X 10.6
276871tilghmanFix build on FreeBSD
276908tilghmanDetect the --dynamic-list flag a bit better
276909mmichelsonFix reversed logic of if statement.
276910tilghman"Item may be used uninitialized in this function."
276911tilghmanAnd yet one more
276950oejAdd a dialplan function to check if a queue exists: QUEUE_EXISTS
276951oejAdd ability to configure the Max-Forwards header in the dialplan, as well as in
276952oejAdding a few more credits
276989oejFormatting changes (guideline corrections)
277027oejAdding a few more to the list of CREDITS
277028oejClarify syntax changes
277065oejFormatting fixes
277102oejFormatting changes
277103elielAdd (my main sponsor) to the CREDITS file.
277175mmichelsonFix up some weird indentation problems in reqresp_parser.c
277250mnicholsonFor pass through DTMF tones, measure the actual duration between the begin and end packets on the wire. If it is detected to be less than AST_MIN_DTMF_DURATION, trigger dtmf emulation.
277262mnicholsonPrint f->subclass.integer instead of f->subclass.
277409mnicholsonupdated devicestate test for device state changes
277452tilghmanAdd documentation for MOH realtime fields
277484tilghmanFinally, a method that really fixes the assertions in chan_iax2.c related to cancelling lagid.
277530mnicholsonDefault to no udptl error correction so that error correction will be disabled in the event that the remote end indicates that they do not support the error correction mode we requested.
277657tringenbachSave and restore AST_FLAG_BRIDGE_HANGUP_DONT on attended transfer.
277667snuffyUpdate res_fax.c to be a good xml citizen.
277703russellAllow xmllint to be used for XML docs validation.
277814mmichelsonMake ACLs IPv6-capable.
277872mmichelsonRemove the fe80:1234::1234 test case from test_acl.c
277945jeangAvoid trying to pickup a parked extension before the park operation is completed.
278051russellOnly call ast_channel_cc_params_init() if allocating a channel succeeds.
278096russellAdd a package to install_prereq.
278132tilghmanAdd load priority order, such that preload becomes unnecessary in most cases
278168mnicholsonThis commit contains several changes to the way output channel variables are handled.
278234dvosselfixes sip CANCEL race condition
278272tilghmanDo not queue up DTMF frames while a call is on hold.
278274rmudgettReference correct struct member for unlikely event PRI_EVENT_CONFIG_ERR.
278361jpeelerinclude stat.h for everybody, needed for device2chan
278425russellUpdate documentation for 'comebacktoorigin' in featuers.conf.
278426mnicholsonDon't print failure status when the remote end hangs up, it may not be an actual failure.
278461mnicholsonProperly set the port number for UDPTL media sessions.
278462mnicholsonProperly show the current page being transfered for 'fax show session'
278536dvosselsend "423 Interval too small" Response to Subscribe with Expires less that min allowed
278538twilsonRemove built-in AES code and use optional_api instead
278539dvosselmake func_file unit test's category consistent with other tests
278579tilghmanAdd the full current set of CDR drivers
278619dvosselupdate sip subscription debug message to a warning message
278620mmichelsonAllow PLC to function properly when channels use SLIN for audio.
278841alecdavismissed FXS kewl start polarityswitch when finally on hook. #17318
278873pabelangerPortability updates for Makefiles. #17436
278875oejMinor corrections to the LDAP realtime driver
278908mmichelsonAllow IPv6 addresses for UDPTL streams.
278942rmudgettRename sig_pri_pri to sig_pri_span. More descriptive of concept.
278943mmichelsonWell, who knew chan_ooh323 used udptl? I sure didn't!
278944russellDisable SIP support by default for Asterisk 1.8.
278945russell... just kidding. Enable SIP by default. :-)
278947tzafrirSome left-over hyphen-minus fixes in the man page
278957tilghmanMerge the realtime failover branch
278985tilghmanEstablish a maximum version for openh323 (i.e. not opal), because chan_h323 will fail to load, even if it links. #17679
279063russellAdd branch-1.8-merged and branch-1.8-blocked properties to trunk.
279084russellRemove old properties.
279115tilghmanSilly 64-bit compilers (who uses 64-bit anyway?)
279116russellStart a new section in CHANGES for 1.10.
279118russellShuffle UPGRADE.txt files for 1.10.

Diffstat Results

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This is a summary of the changes to the source code that went into this release that was generated using the diffstat utility.

.cleancount                                            |    4
BUGS                                                   |    2
CHANGES                                                |  619
CREDITS                                                |   27
LICENSE                                                |   11
Makefile                                               |  485
Makefile.moddir_rules                                  |   36
Makefile.rules                                         |   66
README                                                 |    4
README-SERIOUSLY.bestpractices.txt                     |  295
README-addons.txt                                      |   27
UPGRADE-1.4.txt                                        |    4
UPGRADE-1.6.txt                                        |   12
UPGRADE-1.8.txt                                        |  264
UPGRADE.txt                                            |  100
addons/Makefile                                        |   51
addons/app_mysql.c                                     |  617
addons/app_saycountpl.c                                |  136
addons/cdr_mysql.c                                     |  685
addons/chan_mobile.c                                   | 4591 +
addons/chan_ooh323.c                                   | 4357 +
addons/chan_ooh323.h                                   |  123
addons/format_mp3.c                                    |  325
addons/mp3/MPGLIB_README                               |   39
addons/mp3/MPGLIB_TODO                                 |    2
addons/mp3/Makefile                                    |   24
addons/mp3/README                                      |   24
addons/mp3/common.c                                    |  267
addons/mp3/dct64_i386.c                                |  335
addons/mp3/decode_i386.c                               |  153
addons/mp3/decode_ntom.c                               |  219
addons/mp3/huffman.h                                   |  332
addons/mp3/interface.c                                 |  323
addons/mp3/layer3.c                                    | 2029
addons/mp3/mpg123.h                                    |  132
addons/mp3/mpglib.h                                    |   75
addons/mp3/tabinit.c                                   |   81
addons/ooh323c/COPYING                                 |  341
addons/ooh323c/README                                  |   95
addons/ooh323c/src/                         |  564
addons/ooh323c/src/context.c                           |  170
addons/ooh323c/src/decode.c                            | 1053
addons/ooh323c/src/dlist.c                             |  259
addons/ooh323c/src/dlist.h                             |  204
addons/ooh323c/src/encode.c                            | 1111
addons/ooh323c/src/errmgmt.c                           |  265
addons/ooh323c/src/eventHandler.c                      |  125
addons/ooh323c/src/eventHandler.h                      |  284
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES.h       |  690
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/H235-SECURITY-MESSAGESDec.c    | 1800
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/H235-SECURITY-MESSAGESEnc.c    | 1269
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/H323-MESSAGES.c                |  112
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/H323-MESSAGES.h                | 6510 ++
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/H323-MESSAGESDec.c             |27200 ++++++++++
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/H323-MESSAGESEnc.c             |22596 +++++++++
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/MULTIMEDIA-SYSTEM-CONTROL.c    |   40
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/MULTIMEDIA-SYSTEM-CONTROL.h    |10937 ++++
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/MULTIMEDIA-SYSTEM-CONTROLDec.c |42170 +++++++++++++++++
addons/ooh323c/src/h323/MULTIMEDIA-SYSTEM-CONTROLEnc.c |26599 ++++++++++
addons/ooh323c/src/memheap.c                           | 1351
addons/ooh323c/src/memheap.h                           |   62
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCalls.c                           |  956
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCalls.h                           |  890
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCapability.c                      | 3153 +
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCapability.h                      |  798
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCmdChannel.c                      |  425
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCmdChannel.h                      |   94
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCommon.h                          |  125
addons/ooh323c/src/ooDateTime.c                        |  176
addons/ooh323c/src/ooDateTime.h                        |   58
addons/ooh323c/src/ooGkClient.c                        | 2855 +
addons/ooh323c/src/ooGkClient.h                        |  570
addons/ooh323c/src/ooLogChan.c                         |  396
addons/ooh323c/src/ooLogChan.h                         |  193
addons/ooh323c/src/ooSocket.c                          |  761
addons/ooh323c/src/ooSocket.h                          |  410
addons/ooh323c/src/ooStackCmds.c                       |  617
addons/ooh323c/src/ooStackCmds.h                       |  186
addons/ooh323c/src/ooTimer.c                           |  196
addons/ooh323c/src/ooTimer.h                           |  128
addons/ooh323c/src/ooUtils.c                           |   43
addons/ooh323c/src/ooUtils.h                           |   53
addons/ooh323c/src/ooasn1.h                            | 1830
addons/ooh323c/src/oochannels.c                        | 2020
addons/ooh323c/src/oochannels.h                        |  219
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh245.c                            | 4378 +
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh245.h                            |  657
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh323.c                            | 2463
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh323.h                            |  187
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh323ep.c                          |  869
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh323ep.h                          |  678
addons/ooh323c/src/oohdr.h                             |   15
addons/ooh323c/src/ooper.h                             |   22
addons/ooh323c/src/ooports.c                           |  112
addons/ooh323c/src/ooports.h                           |   91
addons/ooh323c/src/ooq931.c                            | 3752 +
addons/ooh323c/src/ooq931.h                            |  775
addons/ooh323c/src/ootrace.c                           |  134
addons/ooh323c/src/ootrace.h                           |  153
addons/ooh323c/src/ootypes.h                           |  268
addons/ooh323c/src/perutil.c                           |  290
addons/ooh323c/src/printHandler.c                      |  280
addons/ooh323c/src/printHandler.h                      |   47
addons/ooh323c/src/rtctype.c                           |  171
addons/ooh323c/src/rtctype.h                           |   86
addons/ooh323cDriver.c                                 |  711
addons/ooh323cDriver.h                                 |   45
addons/res_config_mysql.c                              | 1782
agi/Makefile                                           |   14
agi/agi.xml                                            |   14
agi/eagi-sphinx-test.c                                 |    2
agi/eagi-test.c                                        |    2
apps/Makefile                                          |    2
apps/app_adsiprog.c                                    |   78
apps/app_alarmreceiver.c                               |   62
apps/app_amd.c                                         |   19
apps/app_authenticate.c                                |    6
apps/app_cdr.c                                         |    4
apps/app_celgenuserevent.c                             |   98
apps/app_chanisavail.c                                 |   20
apps/app_channelredirect.c                             |   12
apps/app_chanspy.c                                     |  584
apps/app_confbridge.c                                  |   25
apps/app_controlplayback.c                             |    6
apps/app_dahdibarge.c                                  |   18
apps/app_dahdiras.c                                    |    4
apps/app_dahdiscan.c                                   |  378
apps/app_db.c                                          |    9
apps/app_dial.c                                        | 1016
apps/app_dictate.c                                     |   12
apps/app_directed_pickup.c                             |  211
apps/app_directory.c                                   |  110
apps/app_disa.c                                        |   35
apps/app_dumpchan.c                                    |   14
apps/app_echo.c                                        |    8
apps/app_exec.c                                        |   38
apps/app_externalivr.c                                 |  509
apps/app_fax.c                                         |  423
apps/app_festival.c                                    |    9
apps/app_flash.c                                       |    2
apps/app_followme.c                                    |   72
apps/app_forkcdr.c                                     |    9
apps/app_getcpeid.c                                    |    2
apps/app_ices.c                                        |    4
apps/app_image.c                                       |    2
apps/app_ivrdemo.c                                     |   10
apps/app_jack.c                                        |   72
apps/app_macro.c                                       |   85
apps/app_meetme.c                                      | 1679
apps/app_milliwatt.c                                   |   17
apps/app_minivm.c                                      |  698
apps/app_mixmonitor.c                                  |  347
apps/app_morsecode.c                                   |   14
apps/app_mp3.c                                         |   36
apps/app_nbscat.c                                      |    6
apps/app_originate.c                                   |    4
apps/app_osplookup.c                                   | 3050 -
apps/app_page.c                                        |   42
apps/app_parkandannounce.c                             |   18
apps/app_playback.c                                    |   11
apps/app_playtones.c                                   |    4
apps/app_privacy.c                                     |   89
apps/app_queue.c                                       | 1785
apps/app_read.c                                        |    8
apps/app_readexten.c                                   |   42
apps/app_readfile.c                                    |    4
apps/app_record.c                                      |   18
apps/app_rpt.c                                         |  358
apps/app_saycounted.c                                  |  202
apps/app_sayunixtime.c                                 |    2
apps/app_senddtmf.c                                    |   78
apps/app_sendtext.c                                    |   29
apps/app_setcallerid.c                                 |    8
apps/app_skel.c                                        |   10
apps/app_sms.c                                         |   27
apps/app_softhangup.c                                  |   26
apps/app_speech_utils.c                                |   25
apps/app_stack.c                                       |  148
apps/app_system.c                                      |   19
apps/app_talkdetect.c                                  |   19
apps/app_test.c                                        |   63
apps/app_transfer.c                                    |    4
apps/app_url.c                                         |   10
apps/app_userevent.c                                   |    4
apps/app_verbose.c                                     |    8
apps/app_voicemail.c                                   | 3551 +
apps/                          |   20
apps/app_waitforring.c                                 |   17
apps/app_waitforsilence.c                              |   21
apps/app_waituntil.c                                   |    4
apps/app_while.c                                       |   18
apps/app_zapateller.c                                  |    8
autoconf/ast_c_compile_check.m4                        |    2
autoconf/ast_c_define_check.m4                         |    2
autoconf/ast_check_openh323.m4                         |   13
autoconf/ast_check_osptk.m4                            |   67
autoconf/ast_check_pwlib.m4                            |   16
autoconf/ast_ext_lib.m4                                |   76
autoconf/ast_ext_tool_check.m4                         |    8
autoconf/ast_func_fork.m4                              |    2
autoconf/ast_gcc_attribute.m4                          |   12
autoconf/libcurl.m4                                    |  244                                           |   44
bridges/bridge_builtin_features.c                      |    2
bridges/bridge_softmix.c                               |   40
build_tools/cflags-devmode.xml                         |    3
build_tools/cflags.xml                                 |    9
build_tools/embed_modules.xml                          |   25
build_tools/get_documentation                          |    2
build_tools/make_build_h                               |    2
build_tools/make_linker_version_script                 |    5
build_tools/make_version_c                             |    9
build_tools/make_version_h                             |   17
build_tools/                         |   14
build_tools/mkpkgconfig                                |    4
build_tools/prep_tarball                               |    4
build_tools/sha1sum-sh                                 |   71
build_tools/strip_nonapi                               |   38
cdr/cdr_adaptive_odbc.c                                |  113
cdr/cdr_csv.c                                          |   25
cdr/cdr_custom.c                                       |  211
cdr/cdr_manager.c                                      |   63
cdr/cdr_odbc.c                                         |   41
cdr/cdr_pgsql.c                                        |   99
cdr/cdr_radius.c                                       |   28
cdr/cdr_sqlite.c                                       |   51
cdr/cdr_sqlite3_custom.c                               |  111
cdr/cdr_syslog.c                                       |  279
cdr/cdr_tds.c                                          |  111
cel/Makefile                                           |   20
cel/cel_adaptive_odbc.c                                |  792
cel/cel_custom.c                                       |  217
cel/cel_manager.c                                      |  176
cel/cel_pgsql.c                                        |  569
cel/cel_radius.c                                       |  258
cel/cel_sqlite3_custom.c                               |  365
cel/cel_tds.c                                          |  584
channels/Makefile                                      |   52
channels/chan_agent.c                                  |  686
channels/chan_alsa.c                                   |  187
channels/chan_bridge.c                                 |   17
channels/chan_console.c                                |   86
channels/chan_dahdi.c                                  |13558 ++---
channels/chan_gtalk.c                                  |  242
channels/chan_h323.c                                   |  337
channels/chan_iax2.c                                   | 3815 +
channels/chan_jingle.c                                 |  208
channels/chan_local.c                                  |  321
channels/chan_mgcp.c                                   | 2282
channels/chan_misdn.c                                  | 8691 +++
channels/chan_multicast_rtp.c                          |  191
channels/chan_nbs.c                                    |   22
channels/chan_oss.c                                    |   90
channels/chan_phone.c                                  |   96
channels/chan_sip.c                                    |18447 ++++---
channels/chan_skinny.c                                 | 1416
channels/chan_unistim.c                                |  381
channels/chan_usbradio.c                               |   91
channels/                                   |  128
channels/console_gui.c                                 |    4
channels/h323/                              |   11
channels/h323/README                                   |    2
channels/h323/ast_h323.cxx                             |  188
channels/h323/ast_h323.h                               |   28
channels/h323/chan_h323.h                              |    5
channels/h323/compat_h323.cxx                          |    1
channels/h323/compat_h323.h                            |    2
channels/iax2-parser.c                                 |  263
channels/iax2-parser.h                                 |   11
channels/iax2-provision.c                              |    4
channels/iax2.h                                        |   18
channels/misdn/Makefile                                |    2
channels/misdn/chan_misdn_config.h                     |   26
channels/misdn/ie.c                                    |  136
channels/misdn/isdn_lib.c                              | 2864 -
channels/misdn/isdn_lib.h                              |  289
channels/misdn/isdn_lib_intern.h                       |   35
channels/misdn/isdn_msg_parser.c                       | 1580
channels/misdn/portinfo.c                              |    2
channels/misdn_config.c                                |  218
channels/sig_analog.c                                  | 3689 +
channels/sig_analog.h                                  |  377
channels/sig_pri.c                                     | 7741 +++
channels/sig_pri.h                                     |  518
channels/sig_ss7.c                                     | 1648
channels/sig_ss7.h                                     |  267
channels/sip/config_parser.c                           |  777
channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c                      |  409
channels/sip/include/config_parser.h                   |   56
channels/sip/include/dialog.h                          |   76
channels/sip/include/dialplan_functions.h              |   41
channels/sip/include/globals.h                         |   42
channels/sip/include/reqresp_parser.h                  |  168
channels/sip/include/sdp_crypto.h                      |   82
channels/sip/include/sip.h                             | 1769
channels/sip/include/sip_utils.h                       |   83
channels/sip/include/srtp.h                            |   57
channels/sip/reqresp_parser.c                          | 2280
channels/sip/sdp_crypto.c                              |  310
channels/sip/srtp.c                                    |   51
channels/vcodecs.c                                     |    4
channels/xpmr/xpmr.c                                   |    8
codecs/Makefile                                        |   13
codecs/codec_adpcm.c                                   |   22
codecs/codec_alaw.c                                    |   22
codecs/codec_dahdi.c                                   |   80
codecs/codec_g722.c                                    |   26
codecs/codec_g726.c                                    |   69
codecs/codec_gsm.c                                     |   24
codecs/codec_ilbc.c                                    |    5
codecs/codec_lpc10.c                                   |   23
codecs/codec_speex.c                                   |   90
codecs/codec_ulaw.c                                    |   48
codecs/ex_adpcm.h                                      |    2
codecs/ex_alaw.h                                       |    2
codecs/ex_g722.h                                       |    2
codecs/ex_g726.h                                       |    2
codecs/ex_gsm.h                                        |    2
codecs/ex_ilbc.h                                       |    2
codecs/ex_lpc10.h                                      |    2
codecs/ex_speex.h                                      |   39
codecs/ex_ulaw.h                                       |    2
codecs/g722/Makefile                                   |   18
codecs/g722/g722_decode.c                              |    6
codecs/g722/g722_encode.c                              |    6
codecs/gsm/Makefile                                    |   21
codecs/gsm/src/gsm_destroy.c                           |    2
codecs/lpc10/Makefile                                  |    2
codecs/lpc10/pitsyn.c                                  |    2
config.guess                                           |  301
config.sub                                             |  160
configs/adtranvofr.conf.sample                         |   39
configs/agents.conf.sample                             |   28
configs/ais.conf.sample                                |    4
configs/alarmreceiver.conf.sample                      |   10
configs/alsa.conf.sample                               |   16
configs/app_mysql.conf.sample                          |   24
configs/asterisk.adsi                                  |   10
configs/asterisk.conf.sample                           |   83
configs/calendar.conf.sample                           |  102
configs/ccss.conf.sample                               |  150
configs/cdr.conf.sample                                |   29
configs/cdr_custom.conf.sample                         |   14
configs/cdr_mysql.conf.sample                          |   59
configs/cdr_odbc.conf.sample                           |    3
configs/cdr_pgsql.conf.sample                          |    4
configs/cdr_sqlite3_custom.conf.sample                 |    3
configs/cdr_syslog.conf.sample                         |   83
configs/cdr_tds.conf.sample                            |   78
configs/cel.conf.sample                                |  104
configs/cel_adaptive_odbc.conf.sample                  |   99
configs/cel_custom.conf.sample                         |   21
configs/cel_pgsql.conf.sample                          |   62
configs/cel_sqlite3_custom.conf.sample                 |   11
configs/cel_tds.conf.sample                            |   69
configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample                         |  376
configs/chan_mobile.conf.sample                        |   69
configs/chan_ooh323.conf.sample                        |  178
configs/cli_aliases.conf.sample                        |   11
configs/console.conf.sample                            |   11
configs/dbsep.conf.sample                              |    1
configs/dundi.conf.sample                              |   28
configs/extconfig.conf.sample                          |   24
configs/extensions.ael.sample                          |   90
configs/extensions.conf.sample                         |  225
configs/extensions.lua.sample                          |   14
configs/extensions_minivm.conf.sample                  |    4
configs/features.conf.sample                           |   87
configs/festival.conf.sample                           |   12
configs/followme.conf.sample                           |    8
configs/func_odbc.conf.sample                          |   12
configs/gtalk.conf.sample                              |    6
configs/h323.conf.sample                               |   22
configs/http.conf.sample                               |   23
configs/iax.conf.sample                                |  167
configs/iaxprov.conf.sample                            |    2
configs/indications.conf.sample                        |   10
configs/jabber.conf.sample                             |   60
configs/jingle.conf.sample                             |    6
configs/logger.conf.sample                             |   34
configs/manager.conf.sample                            |   60
configs/meetme.conf.sample                             |    4
configs/mgcp.conf.sample                               |   38
configs/minivm.conf.sample                             |   74
configs/misdn.conf.sample                              |  242
configs/modules.conf.sample                            |   18
configs/musiconhold.conf.sample                        |    4
configs/osp.conf.sample                                |   87
configs/oss.conf.sample                                |    9
configs/phone.conf.sample                              |    4
configs/phoneprov.conf.sample                          |   54
configs/queuerules.conf.sample                         |   14
configs/queues.conf.sample                             |  101
configs/res_config_mysql.conf.sample                   |   40
configs/res_config_sqlite.conf                         |   11
configs/res_config_sqlite.conf.sample                  |   11
configs/res_fax.conf.sample                            |   24
configs/res_ldap.conf.sample                           |   31
configs/res_odbc.conf.sample                           |   76
configs/res_pgsql.conf.sample                          |    7
configs/res_pktccops.conf.sample                       |   32
configs/res_snmp.conf.sample                           |    2
configs/rpt.conf.sample                                |   16
configs/rtp.conf.sample                                |    2
configs/say.conf.sample                                |   82
configs/sip.conf.sample                                |  534
configs/sip_notify.conf.sample                         |   23
configs/skinny.conf.sample                             |   10
configs/sla.conf.sample                                |   22
configs/smdi.conf.sample                               |    4
configs/udptl.conf.sample                              |   14
configs/unistim.conf.sample                            |    4
configs/usbradio.conf.sample                           |    7
configs/users.conf.sample                              |    4
configs/voicemail.conf.sample                          |  195
configs/vpb.conf.sample                                |    4                                           |  575
contrib/asterisk-ng-doxygen                            |    3
contrib/editors/asterisk.vim                           |    2
contrib/init.d/etc_default_asterisk                    |   42
contrib/init.d/org.asterisk.asterisk.plist             |   47
contrib/init.d/rc.archlinux.asterisk                   |   13
contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk                      |   63
contrib/init.d/rc.gentoo.asterisk                      |   12
contrib/init.d/rc.mandriva.asterisk                    |   14
contrib/init.d/rc.redhat.asterisk                      |   68
contrib/init.d/rc.slackware.asterisk                   |   12
contrib/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk                        |   54
contrib/realtime/mysql/iaxfriends.sql                  |   57
contrib/realtime/mysql/meetme.sql                      |   21
contrib/realtime/mysql/musiconhold.sql                 |   19
contrib/realtime/mysql/queue_log.sql                   |   24
contrib/realtime/mysql/sipfriends.sql                  |   55
contrib/realtime/mysql/voicemail.sql                   |   64
contrib/realtime/postgresql/realtime.sql               |  143
contrib/scripts/ast_grab_core                          |    2
contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldap-schema                   |  277
contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif                          |  170
contrib/scripts/astgenkey.8                            |   15
contrib/scripts/autosupport.8                          |    2
contrib/scripts/dbsep.cgi                              |    8
contrib/scripts/                     |    2
contrib/scripts/iax-friends.sql                        |   54
contrib/scripts/install_prereq                         |   70
contrib/scripts/live_ast                               |   89
contrib/scripts/meetme.sql                             |   12
contrib/scripts/realtime_pgsql.sql                     |  145
contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk                          |   78
contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk.8                        |    4
contrib/scripts/sip-friends.sql                        |   54
contrib/scripts/vmdb.sql                               |   66
contrib/scripts/                    |   65
contrib/upstart/asterisk.upstart-0.3.9                 |   37
contrib/upstart/asterisk.user.conf                     |   40
contrib/valgrind.supp                                  |   41
default.exports                                        |    4
doc/CODING-GUIDELINES                                  |   75
doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt                |   89
doc/IAX2-security.txt                                  |  440
doc/advice_of_charge.txt                               |  189
doc/appdocsxml.dtd                                     |   43
doc/asterisk.8                                         |  106
doc/asterisk.sgml                                      |   12
doc/backtrace.txt                                      |  132
doc/building_queues.txt                                |  823
doc/chan_sip-perf-testing.txt                          |    2
doc/codec-64bit.txt                                    |   47
doc/datastores.txt                                     |    6
doc/distributed_devstate-XMPP.txt                      |  433
doc/externalivr.txt                                    |  166
doc/jabber.txt                                         |  118
doc/janitor-projects.txt                               |   18
doc/lang/language-criteria.txt                         |  492
doc/ldap.txt                                           |    4
doc/manager_1_1.txt                                    |  126
doc/osp.txt                                            |    6
doc/res_config_sqlite.txt                              |    2
doc/tex/Makefile                                       |   34
doc/tex/ael.tex                                        |    4
doc/tex/asterisk.tex                                   |   24
doc/tex/backtrace.tex                                  |    2
doc/tex/billing.tex                                    |   10
doc/tex/calendaring.tex                                |  206
doc/tex/ccss.tex                                       |  414
doc/tex/cdrdriver.tex                                  |  140
doc/tex/cel-doc.tex                                    |  958
doc/tex/celdriver.tex                                  |  451
doc/tex/chan-mobile.tex                                |  262
doc/tex/channelvariables.tex                           |   80
doc/tex/configuration.tex                              |   32
doc/tex/enum.tex                                       |    6
doc/tex/imapstorage.tex                                |   43
doc/tex/localchannel.tex                               |  536
doc/tex/manager.tex                                    |   20
doc/tex/misdn.tex                                      |    2
doc/tex/mp3.tex                                        |    2
doc/tex/odbcstorage.tex                                |    1
doc/tex/phoneprov.tex                                  |    8
doc/tex/plc.tex                                        |  139
doc/tex/realtime.tex                                   |   11
doc/tex/secure-calls.tex                               |   45
doc/tex/security-events.tex                            |  250
doc/valgrind.txt                                       |   14
doc/video_console.txt                                  |    2
doc/voicemail_odbc_postgresql.txt                      |   11
formats/format_g719.c                                  |  139
formats/format_g723.c                                  |    6
formats/format_g726.c                                  |   10
formats/format_g729.c                                  |    8
formats/format_gsm.c                                   |   10
formats/format_h263.c                                  |   16
formats/format_h264.c                                  |   12
formats/format_ilbc.c                                  |    8
formats/format_jpeg.c                                  |    8
formats/format_ogg_vorbis.c                            |    9
formats/format_pcm.c                                   |   10
formats/format_siren14.c                               |    9
formats/format_siren7.c                                |    8
formats/format_sln.c                                   |    8
formats/format_sln16.c                                 |    8
formats/format_vox.c                                   |    8
formats/format_wav.c                                   |   10
formats/format_wav_gsm.c                               |   12
funcs/Makefile                                         |    2
funcs/func_aes.c                                       |    9
funcs/func_audiohookinherit.c                          |    2
funcs/func_base64.c                                    |   63
funcs/func_blacklist.c                                 |   25
funcs/func_callcompletion.c                            |  117
funcs/func_callerid.c                                  | 1523
funcs/func_cdr.c                                       |   62
funcs/func_channel.c                                   |  233
funcs/func_curl.c                                      |  158
funcs/func_cut.c                                       |  157
funcs/func_db.c                                        |    1
funcs/func_devstate.c                                  |   10
funcs/func_dialgroup.c                                 |    1
funcs/func_dialplan.c                                  |   11
funcs/func_enum.c                                      |    6
funcs/func_env.c                                       | 1064
funcs/func_extstate.c                                  |    1
funcs/func_global.c                                    |   35
funcs/func_groupcount.c                                |   17
funcs/func_lock.c                                      |  213
funcs/func_logic.c                                     |   47
funcs/func_math.c                                      |  211
funcs/func_md5.c                                       |    1
funcs/func_module.c                                    |    1
funcs/func_odbc.c                                      |  311
funcs/func_pitchshift.c                                |  506
funcs/func_rand.c                                      |    5
funcs/func_realtime.c                                  |   13
funcs/func_sha1.c                                      |    1
funcs/func_speex.c                                     |   32
funcs/func_sprintf.c                                   |    4
funcs/func_srv.c                                       |  277
funcs/func_strings.c                                   |  663
funcs/func_sysinfo.c                                   |   68
funcs/func_timeout.c                                   |    5
funcs/func_vmcount.c                                   |    3
funcs/func_volume.c                                    |    6
include/asterisk.h                                     |   38
include/asterisk/_private.h                            |   27
include/asterisk/abstract_jb.h                         |   17
include/asterisk/acl.h                                 |  206
include/asterisk/adsi.h                                |  132
include/asterisk/aes.h                                 |   67
include/asterisk/aes_internal.h                        |  170
include/asterisk/agi.h                                 |   37
include/asterisk/aoc.h                                 |  584
include/asterisk/app.h                                 |  121
include/asterisk/ast_expr.h                            |   16
include/asterisk/astmm.h                               |    3
include/asterisk/astobj2.h                             |  386
include/asterisk/audiohook.h                           |   42
include/asterisk/autochan.h                            |  112
include/asterisk/                       |  753
include/asterisk/bridging.h                            |    4
include/asterisk/bridging_technology.h                 |    6
include/asterisk/calendar.h                            |  200
include/asterisk/callerid.h                            |  296
include/asterisk/causes.h                              |  213
include/asterisk/ccss.h                                | 1585
include/asterisk/cdr.h                                 |  269
include/asterisk/cel.h                                 |  276
include/asterisk/channel.h                             | 2372
include/asterisk/channelstate.h                        |   53
include/asterisk/cli.h                                 |   46
include/asterisk/compat.h                              |   35
include/asterisk/compiler.h                            |   12
include/asterisk/config.h                              |  232
include/asterisk/crypto.h                              |   81
include/asterisk/data.h                                |  817
include/asterisk/datastore.h                           |    5
include/asterisk/devicestate.h                         |   21
include/asterisk/dnsmgr.h                              |   13
include/asterisk/doxygen/architecture.h                |  716
include/asterisk/doxygen/asterisk-git-howto.h          |  237
include/asterisk/doxygen/commits.h                     |  118
include/asterisk/doxygen/licensing.h                   |  153
include/asterisk/doxygen/mantisworkflow.h              |  206
include/asterisk/doxygen/releases.h                    |  298
include/asterisk/doxygen/reviewboard.h                 |  127
include/asterisk/doxyref.h                             |  633
include/asterisk/dsp.h                                 |   12
include/asterisk/event.h                               |  152
include/asterisk/event_defs.h                          |  203
include/asterisk/extconf.h                             |    4
include/asterisk/features.h                            |   63
include/asterisk/file.h                                |   28
include/asterisk/frame.h                               |  323
include/asterisk/frame_defs.h                          |   38
include/asterisk/global_datastores.h                   |    5
include/asterisk/heap.h                                |   10
include/asterisk/http.h                                |  121
include/asterisk/image.h                               |    4
include/asterisk/indications.h                         |   12
include/asterisk/io.h                                  |    4
include/asterisk/jabber.h                              |   31
include/asterisk/linkedlists.h                         |  798
include/asterisk/localtime.h                           |   26
include/asterisk/lock.h                                | 1538
include/asterisk/logger.h                              |   60
include/asterisk/manager.h                             |   62
include/asterisk/mod_format.h                          |    3
include/asterisk/module.h                              |   46
include/asterisk/monitor.h                             |   29
include/asterisk/netsock.h                             |    2
include/asterisk/netsock2.h                            |  542
include/asterisk/optional_api.h                        |  155
include/asterisk/options.h                             |   28
include/asterisk/pbx.h                                 |  472
include/asterisk/pktccops.h                            |   82
include/asterisk/poll-compat.h                         |   30
include/asterisk/pval.h                                |    2
include/asterisk/res_fax.h                             |  272
include/asterisk/res_odbc.h                            |   45
include/asterisk/res_srtp.h                            |   57
include/asterisk/rtp.h                                 |  416
include/asterisk/rtp_engine.h                          | 1747
include/asterisk/sched.h                               |   18
include/asterisk/security_events.h                     |  114
include/asterisk/security_events_defs.h                |  470
include/asterisk/slin.h                                |  114
include/asterisk/slinfactory.h                         |    4
include/asterisk/smdi.h                                |   59
include/asterisk/speech.h                              |   24
include/asterisk/srv.h                                 |   54
include/asterisk/stringfields.h                        |  132
include/asterisk/strings.h                             |  103
include/asterisk/stun.h                                |   71
include/asterisk/syslog.h                              |   93
include/asterisk/taskprocessor.h                       |   39
include/asterisk/tcptls.h                              |   37
include/asterisk/term.h                                |    2
include/asterisk/test.h                                |  220
include/asterisk/threadstorage.h                       |   16
include/asterisk/time.h                                |    8
include/asterisk/timing.h                              |   71
include/asterisk/translate.h                           |   71
include/asterisk/udptl.h                               |   74
include/asterisk/unaligned.h                           |   46
include/asterisk/utils.h                               |   85
include/asterisk/xml.h                                 |  182
include/asterisk/xmldoc.h                              |    7
main/Makefile                                          |  100
main/abstract_jb.c                                     |   42
main/acl.c                                             |  370
main/adsistub.c                                        |   77
main/aescrypt.c                                        |  321
main/aeskey.c                                          |  473
main/aesopt.h                                          | 1029
main/aestab.c                                          |  236
main/alaw.c                                            |    1
main/aoc.c                                             | 1607
main/app.c                                             |  352
main/ast_expr2.c                                       |    8
main/ast_expr2.fl                                      |   63
main/ast_expr2.y                                       |   18
main/ast_expr2f.c                                      |  164
main/asterisk.c                                        |  531
main/asterisk.dynamics                                 |   14
main/                               |   48
main/astfd.c                                           |  280
main/astmm.c                                           |    4
main/astobj2.c                                         |  407
main/audiohook.c                                       |  199
main/autochan.c                                        |   94
main/autoservice.c                                     |   83
main/bridging.c                                        |   78
main/callerid.c                                        |  317
main/ccss.c                                            | 4200 +
main/cdr.c                                             |  322
main/cel.c                                             |  668
main/channel.c                                         | 5183 +-
main/cli.c                                             |  483
main/config.c                                          |  306
main/cryptostub.c                                      |   68
main/data.c                                            | 3297 +
main/datastore.c                                       |   34
main/db.c                                              |   75
main/db1-ast/Makefile                                  |    4
main/db1-ast/mpool/mpool.c                             |    6
main/db1-ast/recno/rec_open.c                          |    2
main/devicestate.c                                     |  145
main/dial.c                                            |   41
main/dns.c                                             |    2
main/dnsmgr.c                                          |   57
main/dsp.c                                             |  218
main/editline/                              |    2
main/editline/configure                                |  109
main/editline/                             |    2
main/editline/sys.h                                    |    2
main/enum.c                                            |    6
main/event.c                                           | 1072
main/features.c                                        | 1797
main/file.c                                            |  307
main/fixedjitterbuf.c                                  |    2
main/frame.c                                           |  382
main/global_datastores.c                               |   26
main/heap.c                                            |   37
main/http.c                                            |  846
main/image.c                                           |    8
main/indications.c                                     |   70
main/io.c                                              |    3
main/loader.c                                          |  419
main/lock.c                                            | 1372
main/logger.c                                          |  795
main/manager.c                                         | 4268 +
main/netsock.c                                         |    3
main/netsock2.c                                        |  504
main/pbx.c                                             | 1681
main/poll.c                                            |   28
main/rtp.c                                             | 4865 -
main/rtp_engine.c                                      | 1754
main/say.c                                             | 1006
main/sched.c                                           |   28
main/security_events.c                                 |  647
main/slinfactory.c                                     |   37
main/srv.c                                             |   98
main/ssl.c                                             |  100
main/stdtime/localtime.c                               |  362
main/strcompat.c                                       |  236
main/strings.c                                         |   38
main/stun.c                                            |  475
main/syslog.c                                          |  166
main/taskprocessor.c                                   |   30
main/tcptls.c                                          |  224
main/tdd.c                                             |    4
main/term.c                                            |   29
main/test.c                                            |  897
main/threadstorage.c                                   |    4
main/timing.c                                          |  140
main/translate.c                                       |  148
main/udptl.c                                           |  654
main/ulaw.c                                            |    3
main/utils.c                                           |  466
main/xml.c                                             |  122
main/xmldoc.c                                          |  157                                            |   38
pbx/Makefile                                           |    7
pbx/dundi-parser.c                                     |    2
pbx/dundi-parser.h                                     |    2
pbx/pbx_ael.c                                          |   10
pbx/pbx_config.c                                       |  144
pbx/pbx_dundi.c                                        |  559
pbx/pbx_gtkconsole.c                                   |  510
pbx/pbx_loopback.c                                     |    2
pbx/pbx_lua.c                                          |   14
pbx/pbx_realtime.c                                     |  132
pbx/pbx_spool.c                                        |  216
res/Makefile                                           |   31
res/ael/ael.flex                                       |    2
res/ael/                                      |  765
res/ael/ael.y                                          |   11
res/ael/ael_lex.c                                      |    8
res/ael/pval.c                                         |  253
res/ais/clm.c                                          |   25
res/ais/evt.c                                          |  108
res/res_adsi.c                                         |  387
res/                                |   33
res/                           |    4
res/res_agi.c                                          | 1403
res/                                 |   10
res/res_calendar.c                                     | 1701
res/                            |    7
res/res_calendar_caldav.c                              |  697
res/res_calendar_ews.c                                 |  839
res/res_calendar_exchange.c                            |  760
res/res_calendar_icalendar.c                           |  488
res/res_clialiases.c                                   |   16
res/res_clioriginate.c                                 |   40
res/res_config_curl.c                                  |  292
res/res_config_ldap.c                                  |  377
res/res_config_odbc.c                                  |  138
res/res_config_pgsql.c                                 |  137
res/res_config_sqlite.c                                |    9
res/res_convert.c                                      |    2
res/res_crypto.c                                       |  158
res/                              |   17
res/res_curl.c                                         |   10
res/res_fax.c                                          | 2530 +
res/                                 |   12
res/res_fax_spandsp.c                                  |  772
res/                            |   13
res/res_http_post.c                                    |   92
res/res_jabber.c                                       | 2498 -
res/                              |   14
res/res_limit.c                                        |    8
res/res_monitor.c                                      |  512
res/                             |   11
res/res_musiconhold.c                                  |  543
res/res_mutestream.c                                   |  347
res/res_odbc.c                                         |  208
res/                                |   20
res/res_phoneprov.c                                    |  282
res/res_pktccops.c                                     | 1507
res/                            |    6
res/res_realtime.c                                     |   10
res/res_rtp_asterisk.c                                 | 2783 +
res/res_rtp_multicast.c                                |  275
res/res_security_log.c                                 |  163
res/res_smdi.c                                         |  250
res/                                |   18
res/res_snmp.c                                         |    4
res/res_speech.c                                       |   22
res/                              |   21
res/res_srtp.c                                         |  404
res/                                |    4
res/res_timing_dahdi.c                                 |   12
res/res_timing_kqueue.c                                |  394
res/res_timing_pthread.c                               |  172
res/res_timing_timerfd.c                               |   22
res/snmp/agent.c                                       |   93                                            |    6
sounds/Makefile                                        |  153
sounds/sounds.xml                                      |   36
static-http/astman.js                                  |    4
static-http/prototype.js                               | 2332
tests/Makefile                                         |    2
tests/test_acl.c                                       |  381
tests/                      |   47
tests/test_amihooks.c                                  |  158
tests/test_aoc.c                                       |  690
tests/test_app.c                                       |  243
tests/test_ast_format_str_reduce.c                     |  136
tests/test_astobj2.c                                   |  379
tests/test_devicestate.c                               |  288
tests/test_event.c                                     |  540
tests/test_func_file.c                                 |  394
tests/test_gosub.c                                     |  165
tests/test_heap.c                                      |  212
tests/test_locale.c                                    |  183
tests/test_logger.c                                    |  209
tests/test_pbx.c                                       |  333
tests/test_sched.c                                     |   83
tests/test_security_events.c                           |  625
tests/test_skel.c                                      |   44
tests/test_stringfields.c                              |  308
tests/test_strings.c                                   |  265
tests/test_substitution.c                              |  305
tests/test_time.c                                      |  120
tests/test_utils.c                                     |  365
utils/Makefile                                         |   57
utils/ael_main.c                                       |    5
utils/astcanary.c                                      |   21
utils/conf2ael.c                                       |    5
utils/extconf.c                                        |  110
utils/frame.c                                          |   14
utils/muted.c                                          |    6
utils/smsq.c                                           |    2
utils/stereorize.c                                     |    3
utils/utils.xml                                        |   43
873 files changed, 366947 insertions(+), 54288 deletions(-)