Release Summary


Date: 2011-12-15


Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Contributors
  3. Closed Issues
  4. Other Changes
  5. Diffstat


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This release includes new features. For a list of new features that have been included with this release, please see the CHANGES file inside the source package. Since this is new major release, users are encouraged to do extended testing before upgrading to this version in a production environment.

The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the previous release, asterisk-1.8.


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This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker that were resolved in this release. For coders, the number is how many of their patches (of any size) were committed into this release. For testers, the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with testing a patch. Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of issues that they reported that were closed by commits that went into this release.




269 rmudgett
149 tilghman
119 dvossel
115 twilson
109 russell
100 mnicholson
69 pabelanger
55 jrose
47 qwell
45 irroot
41 oej
40 jpeeler
36 lmadsen
36 wedhorn
34 kmoore
26 seanbright
21 lathama
21 may
18 wdoekes
17 alecdavis
17 tzafrir
13 kpfleming
13 mmichelson
13 schmidts
12 bbryant
10 mjordan
7 pitel
6 jcovert
6 kobaz
6 markm
6 may213
5 cmaj
5 junky
4 kkm
4 klaus3000
4 one47
4 sperreault
4 transnexus
3 cjacobsen
3 elguero
3 igorg
3 IgorG
3 makoto
3 moy
3 pprindeville
3 rgagnon
3 RoadKill
3 simon.perreault
2 byronclark
2 clegall
2 diruggles
2 ebroad
2 espiceland
2 gareth
2 jcollie
2 jthurman
2 kshumard
2 marcelloceschia
2 nivek
2 p
2 pdugas
2 schmitds
2 sruffell
2 st
2 sysreq
2 thedavidfactor
2 zaltar
1 abelbeck
1 addix
1 alexkuklin
1 alexo
1 andrew
1 andy11
1 astmiv
1 avalentin
1 bencer
1 bernhards
1 bjm
1 bklang
1 bluecrow76
1 bobwienholt
1 camsown
1 cartama
1 Chainsaw
1 cmoye
1 crjw
1 davidw
1 denzs
1 diLLec
1 dimas
1 Dovid
1 edersohe
1 enegaard
1 festr
1 FeyFre
1 fhackenberger
1 fnordian
1 gbour
1 ghenry
1 ianc
1 Irontec
1 jeang
1 jhirsch
1 jkroon
1 jlpedrosa
1 joscas
1 jsolares
1 ks3
1 kuj
1 loic
1 malcolmd
1 malin
1 manwe
1 marquis
1 mnick
1 modelnine
1 nahuelgreco
1 navkumar
1 nic
1 Nick
1 parisioa
1 prado
1 precisenetworks
1 pruiz
1 RadicAlish
1 rcasas
1 rohanl
1 romain
1 sboily
1 schern
1 sfritsch
1 smurfix
1 snuffy
1 tbelder
1 telecos82
1 urosh
1 var
1 viraptor
1 vrban
1 whizemen
1 zvision
34 rmudgett
14 tilghman
13 alecdavis
11 lmadsen
11 seanbright
10 russell
10 twilson
8 lathama
8 mnicholson
8 salecha
8 wedhorn
7 jrose
6 dvossel
6 pabelanger
6 qwell
6 wdoekes
5 loloski
5 schmidts
5 wimpy
5 zerohalo
4 astmiv
4 cmaj
4 elguero
4 irroot
4 jthurman
4 mmichelson
4 nivek
4 vrban
3 enegaard
3 GeorgeKonopacki
3 jamicque
3 jcovert
3 klaus3000
3 kobaz
3 Marquis
3 may213
3 mkeuter
3 oej
2 adriavidal
2 Chainsaw
2 chazzam
2 cmbaker82
2 cristiandimache
2 davidw
2 ebroad
2 falves11
2 file
2 francesco_r
2 globalnetinc
2 jde
2 jmhunter
2 jmls
2 joscas
2 kkm
2 kuj
2 mdu113
2 mich
2 moy
2 MrHanMan
2 one47
2 p_lindheimer
2 pprindeville
2 ramonpeek
2 remiq
2 satish_lx
2 stever28
2 suretec
2 svinson
2 sysreq
2 tgruenberg
2 trev
2 vmikhelson
2 vois
2 ZX81
1 abelbeck
1 addix
1 afried
1 alexandrekeller
1 alexkuklin
1 alexo
1 amilcar
1 andrel
1 andrew
1 asgaroth
1 avalentin
1 bernhards
1 bertrand
1 bjm
1 bklang
1 bobwienholt
1 boroda
1 bromont
1 bunny
1 c0rnoTa
1 camsown
1 chris-mac
1 cmoye
1 darkbasic
1 DennisD
1 denzs
1 diLLec
1 dimas
1 dpetersen
1 edhorton
1 efutch
1 ernied
1 espiceland
1 festr
1 FeyFre
1 fhackenberger
1 firstsip
1 Freddi_Fonet
1 gareth
1 gbour
1 gmartinez
1 Greenlightcrm
1 Ian_Mason
1 iasgoscouk
1 Igels
1 IgorG
1 Irontec
1 IshMalik
1 isis242
1 jamesnet
1 jamhed
1 jcromes
1 jg1234
1 jkister
1 jnemeth
1 JonathanRose
1 jsolares
1 jtodd
1 junky
1 kowalma
1 ks3
1 kterzi
1 lathama bas
1 leearcher
1 lefoyer
1 leifmadsen
1 makoto
1 malin
1 manvirr
1 marcelloceschia
1 Marquis42
1 mickecarlsson
1 mmurdock
1 Netview
1 nic
1 Nic Colledge (mailing list)
1 Nick_Lewis
1 notthematrix
1 okrief
1 orn
1 ovi
1 PavelL
1 pdugas
1 pruiz
1 RadicAlish
1 ranjtech
1 rfrantik
1 rgagnon
1 rgenthner
1 ricardolandim
1 RoadKill
1 romain_proformatique
1 rossbeer
1 rymkus
1 samdell3
1 schern
1 sdolloff
1 se
1 seadweller
1 shmaize
1 smurfix
1 st
1 steve-howes
1 stevebrandli
1 sum
1 sustav
1 tbelder
1 tbsky
1 thedavidfactor
1 tpanton
1 tzafrir
1 urosh
1 wuwu
17 oej
14 wdoekes
11 irroot
11 pabelanger
9 tzafrir
8 alecdavis
8 kobaz
7 jcovert
7 lmadsen
6 cmaj
6 jmls
6 kkm
6 klaus3000
6 pitel
5 georgekonopacki
5 junky
5 salecha
5 schmidts
5 vrban
4 jamicque
4 kshumard
4 one47
4 wedhorn
3 bklang
3 byronclark
3 clegall_proformatique
3 davidw
3 igorg
3 joscas
3 lathama
3 makoto
3 marcelloceschia
3 mdu113
3 mickecarlsson
3 mrhanman
3 nivek
3 pprindeville
3 roadkill
3 russell
3 sysreq
3 vmikhelson
3 wimpy
3 zerohalo
2 afried
2 alexcr
2 bjm
2 bluecrow76
2 chazzam
2 cjacobsen
2 denzs
2 destiny6628
2 dvossel
2 ebroad
2 edhorton
2 elguero
2 enegaard
2 festr
2 gareth
2 gbour
2 jamesnet
2 jcollie
2 jkister
2 jmhunter
2 jtodd
2 leearcher
2 manvirr
2 mdavenport
2 mkeuter
2 nahuelgreco
2 nick_lewis
2 nivaldomjunior
2 outcast
2 p_lindheimer
2 pdugas
2 pj
2 pruiz
2 rain
2 remiq
2 rgagnon
2 tilghman
2 tpanton
2 var
2 wurstsalat
2 wuwu
2 zaltar
1 298
1 abelbeck
1 addix
1 adriavidal
1 alexandrekeller
1 alexkuklin
1 alexo
1 alexrecarey
1 alric
1 amazinzay
1 amorsen
1 andrew
1 andy11
1 arjankroon
1 asgaroth
1 astmiv
1 avalentin
1 b11d
1 bas
1 bchia
1 bcnit
1 benngard2
1 bernhards
1 bertrand
1 birgita
1 blkline
1 bluefox
1 bobwienholt
1 bromont
1 bunny
1 bwg
1 cabal95
1 camsown
1 capouch
1 cartama
1 chodorenko
1 coolmig
1 cristiandimache
1 danimal
1 dennisd
1 devmod
1 dillec
1 dimas
1 docent
1 dovid
1 dpetersen
1 dwery
1 edersohe
1 eeman
1 ernied
1 falves11
1 feyfre
1 ffossard
1 francesco_r
1 frawd
1 gelo
1 gicc
1 gincantalupo
1 gje
1 globalnetinc
1 grecco
1 guggemand
1 haakon
1 ian mason
1 ianc
1 iasgoscouk
1 ibc
1 igels
1 imcdona
1 ira
1 irontec
1 iskatel
1 isrl
1 jacco
1 jamhed
1 jasonshugart
1 jcromes
1 jg1234
1 jhirsch
1 jjcinaz
1 jkroon
1 jlaguilar
1 jlpedrosa
1 jnemeth
1 job
1 johnz
1 jongerenchaos
1 jpokorny
1 jthurman
1 juanmol
1 jvanvleet
1 kenji
1 kenner
1 kerframil
1 kmoore
1 ks3
1 ksn
1 kuj
1 kvveltho
1 kwemheuer
1 lazytt
1 lefoyer
1 leonardozambrano
1 lftsy
1 ljimenez
1 loic
1 loloski
1 macbrody
1 malufrj
1 manwe
1 marcbou
1 marioabajo
1 mav3rick
1 mcallist
1 mfrager
1 microlana
1 mlehner
1 mmichelson
1 mmurdock
1 mn3250
1 mnicholson
1 modelnine
1 mpiazzatnetbug
1 mrwho
1 mspuhler
1 murf
1 navkumar
1 nerbos
1 netfuse
1 netview
1 nevermind_quack
1 nic
1 nic_bellamy
1 nickb
1 notahat
1 notthematrix
1 nvitaly
1 obi van
1 orn
1 ovi
1 parisioa
1 pavell
1 pbxware
1 philipp2
1 prado
1 precisenetworks
1 raarts
1 radicalish
1 ramonpeek
1 ranjtech
1 rcasas
1 rgj
1 ricardolandim
1 rohanl
1 romain_proformatique
1 rsw686
1 rtorresduque
1 santafox
1 sboily_proformatique
1 schern
1 scramatte
1 sdolloff
1 seadweller
1 seanbright
1 seandarcy
1 sharvanek
1 shawkris
1 shihchuan
1 shin-shoryuken
1 shmaize
1 siby
1 smallet
1 smurfix
1 st
1 stevebrandli
1 stknob
1 stuarth
1 sustav
1 svinson
1 sybasesql
1 tbelder
1 tbsky
1 telecos82
1 tgruenberg
1 thedavidfactor
1 thsgmbh
1 tnakonz
1 ulogic
1 under
1 urosh
1 viraptor
1 vmarrone
1 vmikhnevych
1 voipgate
1 vois
1 wcselby
1 whizemen
1 wybecom
1 zahir_koradia
1 zvision

Closed Issues

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This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by changes that went into this release.

Category: . I did not set the category correctly.

ASTERISK-18399: When using autoload=yes in modules.conf, complaints about undefined symbol
Revision: 334231
Reporter: mickecarlsson
Coders: tilghman

Category: Addons/General

ASTERISK-16512: [patch] ERROR[7169] astobj2.c: bad magic number 0x0 for 0x8b1c3d0
Revision: 287671
Reporter: notthematrix
Testers: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

Category: Addons/app_mysql

ASTERISK-16656: [patch] Crash with autoclear=yes with MYSQL() application
Revision: 317843
Reporter: wuwu
Testers: wuwu
Coders: seanbright

Category: Addons/cdr_mysql

ASTERISK-17620: clid field empty in mysql table when using cdr_addon_mysql
Revision: 311931
Reporter: wcselby
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17643: [patch] Column names should be escaped
Revision: 316430
Reporter: festr
Coders: festr

Category: Addons/chan_ooh323

ASTERISK-16661: [patch] No audio is heard when calling from asterisk to Cisco CallManager.
Revision: 291006
Reporter: salecha
Testers: may213, salecha
Coders: may213

ASTERISK-17045: [patch] chan_ooh323 cannot register to Tandberg Gatekeeper
Revision: 298100
Reporter: mrhanman
Testers: may213, MrHanMan
Coders: may213

ASTERISK-17075: [patch] SIP calls to H323 Tandberg Endpoints are not fully answered
Revision: 299715
Reporter: mrhanman
Testers: MrHanMan, may213
Coders: may213

ASTERISK-17172: [patch] OOH323 Incoming and Outgoing Calls Fail Avaya with Asterisk
Revision: 307396
Reporter: vmikhelson
Testers: vmikhelson
Coders: may213

ASTERISK-17300: [patch] Fax with T.38 enabled doesn't work over ooh323
Revision: 310735
Reporter: benngard2
Coders: may213

ASTERISK-17919: [patch] OOH323 Unexpectedly Drops Incoming Forwarded Calls in 15 Seconds
Revision: 321529
Reporter: vmikhelson
Testers: vmikhelson
Coders: may213

Category: Addons/res_config_mysql

ASTERISK-17157: [patch] ast_update2_realtime fails to update multiple columns with MySQL driver
Revision: 299584
Reporter: makoto
Coders: makoto

ASTERISK-17158: [patch] crashes when processing "#include" with a file which doesn't exist
Revision: 300799
Reporter: makoto
Testers: makoto
Coders: makoto

ASTERISK-17665: [patch] 'voicemail show users for default' with a lot of entries in realtime voicemail cores asterisk
Revision: 317377
Reporter: mickecarlsson
Testers: mickecarlsson
Coders: seanbright

Category: Applications/General

ASTERISK-15016: [patch] incorrect playback when using say_date_with_format_es on one o'clock (spanish)
Revision: 330435
Reporter: ljimenez
Coders: kmoore

ASTERISK-17805: [patch] prependfile in __ast_play_and_record
Revision: 318194
Reporter: byronclark
Coders: byronclark

Category: Applications/NewFeature

ASTERISK-16948: [patch] MeetMe feature for caching name recordings
Revision: 296249
Reporter: parisioa
Coders: parisioa

Category: Applications/app_chanspy

ASTERISK-16355: [patch] Chanspy Keeps using G729 Encoder licenses even after the spying channel hangs up.
Revision: 279951
Reporter: manvirr
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16355: [patch] Chanspy Keeps using G729 Encoder licenses even after the spying channel hangs up.
Revision: 280459
Reporter: manvirr
Testers: manvirr, dvossel
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17029: [patch] one-way-audio when chanspy activated
Revision: 316657
Reporter: jkister
Testers: firstsip, Greenlightcrm, malin, wdoekes, boroda, dvossel
Coders: malin

Category: Applications/app_confbridge

ASTERISK-16691: 'confbridge list' and 'confbridge kick' CLI commands
Revision: 305433
Reporter: jongerenchaos
Testers: file
Coders: jcollie

ASTERISK-17986: Config inheritance doesn't work with ConfBridge() menu definitions
Revision: 323272
Reporter: russell
Coders: kmoore

ASTERISK-17988: MOH for only user not working with ConfBridge()
Revision: 323107
Reporter: russell
Coders: kmoore

ASTERISK-18040: Asterisk segfaults on shutdown when confbridge is in use
Revision: 327748
Reporter: kmoore
Coders: kmoore

Category: Applications/app_dial

ASTERISK-15731: Call that clears in same app_dial poll as answer is reported as NOANSWER but NORMAL_CLEARING
Revision: 291657
Reporter: davidw
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-16363: [patch] reset visible_indication after call answering
Revision: 281570
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: schmidts
Coders: klaus3000

ASTERISK-16649: [patch] Peer does not hang up when caller hangup while app_dial is executing - Deadagi
Revision: 313606
Reporter: mn3250
Testers: rmudgett, astmiv
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16921: [patch] Dail L(x) shows "Setting call duration limit to x seconds" in CLI
Revision: 302919
Reporter: jacco
Coders: lmadsen

ASTERISK-17026: attended transfer weird behaviour
Revision: 302732
Reporter: gincantalupo
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17228: Dial MulticastRTP channels with A option kills asterisk
Revision: 301847
Reporter: wybecom
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-17660: [patch] Change seconds to milliseconds in ast_verb line
Revision: 314204
Reporter: smurfix
Testers: lmadsen, smurfix
Coders: smurfix

ASTERISK-17707: [patch] Unclear code in app_dial.c
Revision: 314079
Reporter: oej
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17874: [patch] [regression] Revision 315643 app_dial breaks ring groups
Revision: 319530
Reporter: mspuhler
Coders: elguero

Category: Applications/app_directed_pickup

ASTERISK-16695: [patch] PickupChan() is not working with full channel name
Revision: 290377
Reporter: schern
Testers: schern, dvossel
Coders: schern

ASTERISK-17873: [patch] Crash when using PickupChan
Revision: 319998
Reporter: remiq
Testers: alecdavis, remiq, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Applications/app_externalivr

ASTERISK-17072: [patch] Segfault when ExternalIVR() app. immediately sends S command due to race condition
Revision: 300121
Reporter: stevebrandli
Testers: thedavidfactor, stevebrandli
Coders: thedavidfactor

ASTERISK-17496: [patch] Small leak in app_externalivr
Revision: 309404
Reporter: andy11
Coders: andy11

Category: Applications/app_fax

ASTERISK-16789: [patch] [regression] faxdetect now must apply to all dahdi channels; change from 1.6.2.x
Revision: 291542
Reporter: seandarcy
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Applications/app_festival

ASTERISK-14643: [patch] app_festival hangs on reading from spawned subprocess
Revision: 284282
Reporter: modelnine
Testers: gmartinez
Coders: modelnine

Category: Applications/app_followme

ASTERISK-16800: [patch] stuck channels if followme context doesnt exists
Revision: 297734
Reporter: junky
Coders: junky

ASTERISK-17112: [patch] Don't answer the incoming call until ready to bridge
Revision: 304384
Reporter: ianc
Coders: ianc

Category: Applications/app_macro

ASTERISK-16785: [patch] Report what extension called a failed macro
Revision: 291361
Reporter: prado
Testers: schmidts
Coders: prado

Category: Applications/app_meetme

ASTERISK-15816: [patch] Problems with MeetMe and RT schedule dates
Revision: 317970
Reporter: sysreq
Coders: sysreq

ASTERISK-16077: [patch] MeetMe 'L' and 'S' ignore 'C' option
Revision: 304775
Reporter: var
Coders: seanbright

ASTERISK-16077: [patch] MeetMe 'L' and 'S' ignore 'C' option
Revision: 316477
Reporter: var
Testers: seanbright
Coders: var

ASTERISK-16157: [patch] MoH not restarted after end of conference announcement is played
Revision: 285534
Reporter: sysreq
Testers: sysreq
Coders: sysreq

ASTERISK-16611: [patch] New Manager Action: MeetmeListRooms
Revision: 307359
Reporter: rcasas
Coders: rcasas

ASTERISK-16613: [patch] MeetMe PIN handling broken
Revision: 287763
Reporter: kuj
Testers: kuj
Coders: kuj

ASTERISK-16747: [regression] 'D' option of MeetMe does not work for 1st caller (PIN not asked)
Revision: 311616
Reporter: mav3rick
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-16845: [patch] useropts not initialized
Revision: 301091
Reporter: dimas
Testers: dimas
Coders: dimas

ASTERISK-16886: [patch] Segfault with new meetme function (count callers in menu8)
Revision: 304772
Reporter: kenji
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

ASTERISK-16972: Redirect two bridged channels to the same conference
Revision: 295867
Reporter: nerbos
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16992: [patch] [regression] meetme conf_run leaks refs
Revision: 304778
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: kobaz

ASTERISK-17016: Conference with scheduler blocks on realtime ODBC connection to MSSQL database
Revision: 296468
Reporter: tnakonz
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17061: Wait for leader with Music On Hold allows crosstalk between participants
Revision: 316832
Reporter: mrhanman
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17083: [patch] leak in meetme
Revision: 304728
Reporter: junky
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

ASTERISK-17896: [patch] meetme cli cmd completion leaves conferences mutex locked
Revision: 320238
Reporter: zvision
Coders: zvision

Category: Applications/app_mixmonitor

ASTERISK-17038: [patch] Mixmonitor does not parse file path proper if it contain a . (period)
Revision: 309859
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: jrose
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-17346: [patch] MIXMON_ARGS not processed when call being monitored via chanspy
Revision: 311198
Reporter: jkister
Testers: jkister, jcovert, jrose
Coders: jrose

Category: Applications/app_privacy

ASTERISK-17839: [patch] app_privacy arguments reference invalid "options" option, interferes with "context" option
Revision: 321331
Reporter: mdavenport
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17839: [patch] app_privacy arguments reference invalid "options" option, interferes with "context" option
Revision: 321338
Reporter: mdavenport
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Applications/app_queue

ASTERISK-15684: [patch] Realtime queue does not re-read announce variable from mysql after first use
Revision: 287389
Reporter: haakon
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-15863: [patch] Improve realtime queue logging
Revision: 284474
Reporter: coolmig
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16271: [patch] queue reload clears queue statistics
Revision: 284633
Reporter: raarts
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16393: [patch] When using Local/ as members, language is not inherited
Revision: 286190
Reporter: guggemand
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-16452: [patch] reference leak when adding dynamic queue members
Revision: 280162
Reporter: bobwienholt
Testers: bobwienholt, seanbright
Coders: bobwienholt

ASTERISK-16713: potential channel/queue deadlock when setqueuevar enabled
Revision: 295671
Reporter: rain
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-16910: Newstate event contains CallerIDName/CallerIDNum of queue member
Revision: 320825
Reporter: gje
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17131: [patch] Fallthrough in get_member_status can cause unwarranted exit from queue
Revision: 306359
Reporter: zaltar
Coders: zaltar

ASTERISK-17351: [regression] changeset 298596 harm the ring/moh logic in queues
Revision: 308013
Reporter: vrban
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-17806: [patch] announce field in queue_ent is not long enough
Revision: 317337
Reporter: byronclark
Coders: byronclark

ASTERISK-17941: add queue-minute option on queues.conf example file
Revision: 321689
Reporter: juanmol
Coders: lmadsen

Category: Applications/app_readexten

ASTERISK-14196: [patch] ReadExten returns TIMEOUT in cases where it should return OK or INVALID
Revision: 281726
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: jcovert

Category: Applications/app_rpt

ASTERISK-14542: [patch] fix leaks and cppcheck warning
Revision: 317428
Reporter: junky
Coders: junky

Category: Applications/app_userevent

ASTERISK-15745: [patch] Automatic add UniqueID to user event
Revision: 317915
Reporter: jlpedrosa
Coders: jlpedrosa

Category: Applications/app_verbose

ASTERISK-17212: [patch] Indicate log level argument for Log() is not optional
Revision: 301178
Reporter: kshumard
Coders: kshumard

Category: Applications/app_voicemail

ASTERISK-14662: [patch] password change for mailboxes without user name
Revision: 285199
Reporter: 298
Testers: junky
Coders: junky

ASTERISK-16784: [patch] Message lost when sox fails to re-encode with 'volgain'
Revision: 316711
Reporter: sysreq
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

ASTERISK-16802: [patch] application not properly unregister in voicemail
Revision: 292443
Reporter: junky
Testers: pabelanger, lmadsen
Coders: junky

ASTERISK-16900: [patch] VoicemailMain Exits Without Warning
Revision: 294907
Reporter: netfuse
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: alecdavis

ASTERISK-17006: [patch] Cannot forward voicemail with file storage backend
Revision: 301048
Reporter: cabal95
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-17118: [patch] Voicemail files out of sequence
Revision: 303679
Reporter: bluefox
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-17130: [patch] [regression] Resequencing of mailbox not working as expected.
Revision: 303679
Reporter: jjcinaz
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-17226: [patch] r299990 broke file paths on Linux
Revision: 301403
Reporter: ebroad
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17299: [patch] Compile Error - odbc_storage enabled
Revision: 312212
Reporter: elguero
Testers: elguero, nivek, alecdavis
Coders: elguero

ASTERISK-17480: [patch] app_voicemail creates "general" mailbox from users.conf
Revision: 319368
Reporter: pdugas
Testers: pdugas
Coders: pdugas, seanbright

Category: Applications/app_voicemail/IMAP

ASTERISK-15015: app_voicemail appending IMAPFOLDER to 'vm-' to create filename for prompt to play.
Revision: 320178
Reporter: blkline
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-16575: [patch] greetingsfolder variable should be greetingfolder
Revision: 302835
Reporter: edhorton
Coders: lmadsen

ASTERISK-16576: [patch] IMAP with maildir formats do not handle greetings correctly
Revision: 321538
Reporter: edhorton
Testers: edhorton, fhackenberger
Coders: fhackenberger

ASTERISK-17324: [regression] Implicit declaration of copy yields broken app_voicemail when building with IMAP support
Revision: 306963
Reporter: kerframil
Coders: jpeeler

Category: Applications/app_voicemail/ODBC

ASTERISK-16514: [patch] [regression] Forwarding a voicemail with a prepended message does not work
Revision: 289876
Reporter: dpetersen
Testers: dpetersen
Coders: tilghman

Category: CDR/General

ASTERISK-16303: [patch] cdr->src variable is not set anymore in destination channels
Revision: 289180
Reporter: tbelder
Testers: tbelder
Coders: tbelder

ASTERISK-16605: [patch] empty CDR variables and everything that goes after is not shown
Revision: 287117
Reporter: under
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-17058: [patch] Asterisk 1.8.1-rc1 crashes in cdr.c line 1201 after a parked call catched with parkedcall() is hungup
Revision: 297956
Reporter: macbrody
Testers: jsolares, twilson
Coders: jsolares

ASTERISK-17096: [patch] cel.conf mentions USER_EVENT when it should be USER_DEFINED
Revision: 299313
Reporter: joscas
Testers: lathama, joscas
Coders: lathama

ASTERISK-17097: [patch] CEL PostgreSQL doesn't include logging for 'eventextra'
Revision: 317482
Reporter: joscas
Coders: snuffy, joscas

ASTERISK-18024: Incorrect data in CDRs (billsec >> durration)
Revision: 329615
Reporter: gicc
Coders: tilghman

Category: CDR/NewFeature

ASTERISK-14842: [patch] Add ability to log CONGESTION calls to CDR
Revision: 329835
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

ASTERISK-17286: [patch] Cdr_syslog loses configuration on reload
Revision: 317481
Reporter: enegaard
Testers: enegaard
Coders: seanbright

Category: CDR/cdr_adaptive_odbc

ASTERISK-16666: [patch] Negative filter values
Revision: 300045
Reporter: tilghman
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16874: [patch] CDR's being written on caller hangup
Revision: 318869
Reporter: leearcher
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

Category: CDR/cdr_odbc

ASTERISK-16067: [patch] module reload produces an error about not being able to register ODBC method with CDR.
Revision: 279413
Reporter: jnemeth
Testers: jnemeth
Coders: tilghman

Category: CDR/cdr_pgsql

ASTERISK-15724: [patch] Problem inserting CDR records when certain characters are used
Revision: 288278
Reporter: jamicque
Testers: jamicque
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17095: [patch] CDR(billsec) is not inserted properly for unanswered calls
Revision: 299132
Reporter: joscas
Testers: joscas
Coders: tilghman

Category: CEL/General

ASTERISK-17609: [patch] extra ast_strlen_zero() check in cel_odbc prevents integer eventtype in database
Revision: 311806
Reporter: mlehner
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17762: [patch] Confusing directory vestige /var/log/asterisk/cel-csv/
Revision: 317059
Reporter: bchia
Testers: lathama, Marquis42
Coders: lathama

ASTERISK-17892: [patch] Crash on load of cel_odbc
Revision: 319813
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: kobaz

Category: Channels/General

ASTERISK-16446: [patch] chan_usbradio.c fails to build with --enable-dev-mode
Revision: 280024
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16464: [patch] Error in sig_pri.c issues compiler warning and causes chan_dahdi to be unloadable - 1.8.0-beta2
Revision: 280520
Reporter: b11d
Coders: malcolmd

ASTERISK-16803: [patch] Oneway audio from SIP phone to FXS port after FXS port gets a CallWaiting pip
Revision: 296168
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16873: Channel hangs up when redirected through CLI or AMI
Revision: 295867
Reporter: zahir_koradia
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16891: [regression] Redirect function (over console or AMI) does not work anymore
Revision: 295867
Reporter: vmarrone
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17127: Segmentation fault when using dynamic hints and func_odbc
Revision: 318922
Reporter: bertrand
Testers: bertrand
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-17186: [patch] Up to 6 [DEBUG] messages forced to console on every call
Revision: 306258
Reporter: kkm
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-17211: [patch] AMI redirect from meetme - calls fail
Revision: 303551
Reporter: oej
Testers: oej, wedhorn, russell
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-17229: [patch] Get Real Channel of a Dahdi Call
Revision: 309446
Reporter: arjankroon
Testers: rmudgett, stever28
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17784: [patch] Framehook Segfaults on indicate
Revision: 316335
Reporter: irroot
Coders: irroot

ASTERISK-17818: [patch] Framehooks ast_indicate_data Incorectly uses "read" this should be "write"
Revision: 318143
Reporter: irroot
Testers: irroot
Coders: irroot

Category: Channels/NewFeature

ASTERISK-16373: [patch] Add CHANNEL(checkhangup) function
Revision: 285374
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: kobaz

Category: Channels/chan_dahdi

ASTERISK-14611: [patch] Stuck channel using FEATD_MF if caller hangs up at the right time
Revision: 313191
Reporter: jcromes
Testers: jcromes
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-15577: [patch] Unrecognized prilocaldialplan NPI modifier
Revision: 282609
Reporter: jamicque
Testers: jamicque
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-15642: [patch] Deadlock between dahdi_exception and dahdi_indicate
Revision: 291658
Reporter: shin-shoryuken
Testers: alecdavis, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-15764: alarm state not properly maintained on analog channels
Revision: 287693
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-15865: [patch] [regression] Overlap dialing to PSTN failing after #16789
Revision: 303772
Reporter: shawkris
Testers: wimpy, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16038: getting warning message every 4 seconds
Revision: 294824
Reporter: jmls
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16041: atxfer *2 channel dahdi FXS no hangup
Revision: 302178
Reporter: grecco
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16197: [patch] "setvar" can add multiple variables with the same name to a channel
Revision: 313437
Reporter: nahuelgreco
Testers: tilghman, jrose
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-16233: [patch] "dahdi show channels group" auto-completion bug
Revision: 313867
Reporter: ffossard
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-16374: [patch] Duplicate of 0016402 - dahdi show channels does not show an outgoing call - with patch
Revision: 279156
Reporter: amazinzay
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16403: [patch] I could not find an easy way to access DAHDI channel and span number from the dialplan.
Revision: 309446
Reporter: mrwho
Testers: rmudgett, stever28
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16412: [patch] [regression]context value from chan_dahdi.conf not used.
Revision: 279756
Reporter: iasgoscouk
Testers: iasgoscouk
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16579: [patch] Q931 - Sending PROGRESS after sending ALERTING is a protocol error
Revision: 283051
Reporter: nic_bellamy
Coders: nic

ASTERISK-16892: [patch] Asterisk gets killed during the live calling
Revision: 312579
Reporter: destiny6628
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16964: Asterisk does not send release message when channel requested during SETUP gets changed during Procedding Message from TELCO
Revision: 312579
Reporter: destiny6628
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17079: Ealry media is lost on accepted calls (with open r2 support, Elastix 2 flavor)
Revision: 299493
Reporter: rtorresduque
Testers: moy
Coders: moy

ASTERISK-17107: [patch] "Caller*ID failed checksum" on Wildcard TDM2400P and TDM410
Revision: 310637
Reporter: nivek
Testers: nivek
Coders: nivek

ASTERISK-17120: Asterisk does not end call properly and stops reacting to following SETUP messages
Revision: 312579
Reporter: jpokorny
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17140: [patch] chan_dahdi inserts empty COLP
Revision: 299406
Reporter: wimpy
Testers: wimpy, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17141: [patch] Sending out unnecessary PROCEEDING messages breaks overlap dialing
Revision: 303772
Reporter: wimpy
Testers: wimpy, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17202: [patch] Required support for DTMF-R2 on chan_dahdi
Revision: 300345
Reporter: leonardozambrano
Coders: moy

ASTERISK-17276: [patch] Chan_dahdi hangs up after first ring when doing dtmf cid detection without polarity reversal
Revision: 309127
Reporter: enegaard
Testers: enegaard
Coders: enegaard

ASTERISK-17440: Dialed Number Truncated in the "Dialing..." Output on the Console
Revision: 313781
Reporter: vmikhelson
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17459: [patch] dont get early media on outgoing calls
Revision: 318232
Reporter: isrl
Testers: satish_lx, cristiandimache
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17464: [patch] sig_pri_new_ast_channel should return NULL when new_ast_channel fails to create a channel
Revision: 308623
Reporter: cmaj
Coders: cmaj

ASTERISK-17483: Asterisk-R2 outgoing calls without CallerID
Revision: 309721
Reporter: malufrj
Testers: moy
Coders: moy

ASTERISK-17569: [patch] Can't return to normal ring after distinctive ring on FXS
Revision: 315002
Reporter: bromont
Testers: alecdavis, bromont
Coders: alecdavis

ASTERISK-17642: [patch] ISDN party subaddress odd_even_indicator inconsitency / undocumented
Revision: 313005
Reporter: festr
Testers: festr, alecdavis, rmudgett
Coders: alecdavis

ASTERISK-17757: [patch] dahdi_hangup() doesnt clean up / hang up the channel correctly/fully
Revision: 316240
Reporter: jg1234
Testers: jg1234
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17813: [patch] No inband progress on PRI_EVENT_RINGING even if inband flag set
Revision: 318232
Reporter: cristiandimache
Testers: satish_lx, cristiandimache
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17824: [patch] Unable to pickup ringing DAHDI call, as when ringing state is reported as DIALLING
Revision: 318500
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17834: [patch] pri early media won't ring
Revision: 318784
Reporter: tbsky
Testers: tbsky
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Channels/chan_dahdi/NewFeature

ASTERISK-14903: [patch] implement manager command DAHDIShowSpans
Revision: 314735
Reporter: dwery
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Channels/chan_gtalk

ASTERISK-17055: [patch] outbound google voice calls fail (staring approx 30Nov2010)
Revision: 297958
Reporter: nevermind_quack
Coders: dvossel

Category: Channels/chan_iax2

ASTERISK-15449: RFC2833 DTMF is not passed correctly when going SIP->IAX2->SIP
Revision: 310941
Reporter: sharvanek
Testers: globalnetinc, jde
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-15915: [patch] CallerID not properly set when using Originate and AGI
Revision: 281431
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16056: [patch] chan_iax2 ignores the port in an SRV record
Revision: 318056
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: jcovert

ASTERISK-16444: [patch] chan_iax2 produces PeerState registered event without Address and Port
Revision: 280555
Reporter: jkroon
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: jkroon

ASTERISK-16515: ACCEPT message should contain an FORMAT2 ie as well as a FORMAT ie
Revision: 282546
Reporter: tpanton
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16624: [patch] schedule_delivery calls ast_bridged_channel() on an unlocked channel
Revision: 288195
Reporter: rain
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16634: [patch] IAXregistry AMI does not return ActionID data
Revision: 284973
Reporter: alexkuklin
Testers: alexkuklin
Coders: alexkuklin

ASTERISK-16703: [patch] chan_iax2 - timing interface missing
Revision: 288158
Reporter: netview
Testers: Netview
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16783: Playback stalls when playing demo-congrats to an IAX2 channel
Revision: 294279
Reporter: tpanton
Testers: tpanton
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16831: [patch] deny=all in iax.conf results in segmentation fault
Revision: 304639
Reporter: imcdona
Testers: enegaard
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16855: [patch] Loading allocates >100M RSS
Revision: 304951
Reporter: job
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16863: [patch] IAX2 registration issues
Revision: 293497
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger, Nic Colledge (mailing list)
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-17042: IAX2 CODEC_PRES wrong (offset error?)
Revision: 296993
Reporter: birgita
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17043: [patch] segfault with 'core stop gracefully'
Revision: 296674
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-17175: [patch] IAX Incorrectly reports IAX/Registry astdb host:port invalid
Revision: 305693
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: jcovert

ASTERISK-17209: [patch] Codec negotiation fails on IAX calls from to
Revision: 301264
Reporter: jcovert
Testers: jcovert
Coders: tilghman

Category: Channels/chan_local

ASTERISK-16897: [patch] can't have a conversation between two users if the only allowed codec is speex16.
Revision: 302413
Reporter: whizemen
Coders: whizemen

ASTERISK-17414: [patch] Crashing when using local channels and realtime on asterisk 1.8.3-rc2
Revision: 315447
Reporter: nic
Testers: nic, jthurman, kterzi, steve-howes, sysreq, IshMalik
Coders: jthurman, russell

ASTERISK-17633: [patch] Chan_local crashes in fixup
Revision: 316332
Reporter: oej
Testers: oej
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17747: [patch] check_bridge(): misplaced ast_mutex_unlock
Revision: 315054
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

Category: Channels/chan_mgcp

ASTERISK-15726: [patch] chan_mgcp crash Adtran 624 asterisk 1.8.0 Beta 2
Revision: 280880
Reporter: svinson
Testers: svinson, tgruenberg
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16457: [patch] Asterisk 1.8 beta2 crash with configured MGCP/NCS when option wcardep = aaln/* is used
Revision: 280880
Reporter: tgruenberg
Testers: svinson, tgruenberg
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16943: [patch] When using Realtime gateway definitions, random crashes occur
Revision: 315350
Reporter: nahuelgreco
Coders: nahuelgreco

Category: Channels/chan_misdn

ASTERISK-17051: [patch] When a call going out an NT-PTMP port gets rejected, Asterisk crashes
Revision: 312510
Reporter: wimpy
Testers: rmudgett, wimpy
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17559: [patch] chan_misdn segfaults when DEBUG_THREADS is enabled 1.8.4-rc4
Revision: 312023
Reporter: irroot
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Channels/chan_sip/CallCompletionSupplementaryServices

ASTERISK-17014: [patch] Missing P-Asserted-Identity
Revision: 317671
Reporter: georgekonopacki
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17530: [patch] (Call Completion / SIP) PUBLISH Fails (412 Conditional Request Failed)
Revision: 310238
Reporter: georgekonopacki
Testers: GeorgeKonopacki
Coders: mmichelson

Category: Channels/chan_sip/CodecHandling

ASTERISK-16153: [patch] RTP directmedia is broken in some cases
Revision: 302048
Reporter: one47
Testers: one47, falves11
Coders: one47

ASTERISK-17764: [patch] When SIP caller does not offer video, adding video drops the call
Revision: 318400
Reporter: one47
Coders: one47

Category: Channels/chan_sip/DatabaseSupport

ASTERISK-16909: [patch] Realtime field 'fullcontact' populated with invalid data
Revision: 298483
Reporter: bcnit
Testers: trev, jthurman, elguero, zerohalo
Coders: tilghman

Category: Channels/chan_sip/General

ASTERISK-14500: [patch] SIP OPTIONS qualify message forever
Revision: 294735
Reporter: lftsy
Testers: zerohalo
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-15492: "sip show peer/user " doesn't complete correctly
Revision: 303861
Reporter: pj
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-15826: [regression][patch] SDP c and o lines contain the wrong IP address when using an externally mapped IP(extern{ip,host})
Revision: 281533
Reporter: ebroad
Testers: ebroad
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-15900: [patch] Potential malfunction due to unitialized local variable
Revision: 302415
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: jcovert

ASTERISK-16348: [patch] STUN support not reliable
Revision: 282304
Reporter: philipp2
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16356: [patch] (Regression) Pickup from Grandstream BLF button ignores the context specified in Pickup command
Revision: 282237
Reporter: urosh
Testers: dvossel, urosh, okrief, alecdavis
Coders: urosh, dvossel

ASTERISK-16365: [patch] dialplan reload deadlocks in ast_rdlock_contexts when calling ast_hint_state_changed
Revision: 280985
Reporter: zerohalo
Testers: zerohalo
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16397: [regression][patch] Core dump when loading sip peers
Revision: 279285
Reporter: outcast
Testers: elguero
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16430: TOS_SIP does not get set
Revision: 282896
Reporter: nickb
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16435: [patch] dynamic_exclude_static option results in ACL errors
Revision: 279786
Reporter: mmichelson
Testers: DennisD
Coders: mmichelson

ASTERISK-16455: [patch] sip_poke_noanswer launch ast_devstate_changed everytime even a peer is still unreachable
Revision: 284440
Reporter: schmidts
Coders: schmidts

ASTERISK-16470: Turn on ALWAYSAUTHREJECT by default
Revision: 281651
Reporter: oej
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-16472: [patch] Asterisk just reads the first "Accept" header
Revision: 284033
Reporter: ibc
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16486: [patch] SIP peers memory leak
Revision: 281433
Reporter: kkm
Coders: kkm

ASTERISK-16543: [patch] SIP domains automatically add and :: for IPv6
Revision: 285456
Reporter: oej
Testers: qwell
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16566: [patch] trustrpid and sendrpid global settings not in "sip show settings"
Revision: 284315
Reporter: jtodd
Testers: lmadsen, russell
Coders: lmadsen

ASTERISK-16597: [patch] contact header does not get ast_uri_encoded value from p->exten, but dialplan does
Revision: 289702
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: wdoekes
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16617: ao2_t_callback of dialog_needdestroy is called every loop of do_monitor
Revision: 288063
Reporter: schmidts
Testers: schmidts
Coders: schmitds

ASTERISK-16645: [patch] Mutex 'dialog' freed more times than we've locked ! and Error releasing mutex.
Revision: 294086
Reporter: bwg
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-16654: [patch] SIP peer wrong URI an to: tag
Revision: 286869
Reporter: adriavidal
Testers: mich, mnicholson, adriavidal
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-16667: [patch] Wrong URI send if P-Assterted-Identiy is sent and caller is anonymous -> leads to reject on Aastra phone
Revision: 287894
Reporter: avalentin
Testers: avalentin
Coders: avalentin

ASTERISK-16671: New calls generate ambiguous message on the Asterisk console
Revision: 293306
Reporter: globalnetinc
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16730: SIP brute force attemps having a DoS effect
Revision: 297972
Reporter: eeman
Testers: twilson
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-16739: chan_sip doesn't get built if missing OpenSSL dependencies
Revision: 288962
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16796: rtautoclear = no or rtautoclear = 0 not respected in sip.conf
Revision: 293725
Reporter: zerohalo
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16798: [patch] chan_sip loses port information for peers in memory when using bindaddr=::
Revision: 291943
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16842: [patch] record priv-recordintro as sln, not gsm
Revision: 292414
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16861: chan_sip hangs
Revision: 294086
Reporter: dennisd
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-16987: [patch] (Call Completion / SIP) INVITE Fails (Receive a 404 From Asterisk Server) When Using The URI Provided From A NOTIFY(cc-r
Revision: 299249
Reporter: georgekonopacki
Testers: GeorgeKonopacki
Coders: mmichelson

ASTERISK-16997: [patch] No answer to OPTIONS packet because Asterisk not looking for 's' in default context
Revision: 312868
Reporter: shmaize
Testers: shmaize
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16999: [patch] asterisk crash when setting outbound mwi subscription in sip.conf
Revision: 298774
Reporter: gbour
Testers: Marquis, gbour
Coders: marquis

ASTERISK-17018: [patch] asterisk crash when dialing SIP/${var} where var is empty or not set
Revision: 305255
Reporter: gbour
Coders: gbour

ASTERISK-17123: [patch] fix SIP indicate deadlocks when lots of state changes
Revision: 306216
Reporter: cmaj
Testers: cmaj
Coders: cmaj

ASTERISK-17124: Asterisk does not hangup a channel after endpoint hangs up when using FastAGI
Revision: 313606
Reporter: devmod
Testers: rmudgett, astmiv
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17135: SIP autocreated peers crash asterisk on call
Revision: 299249
Reporter: kkm
Testers: GeorgeKonopacki
Coders: mmichelson

ASTERISK-17208: [patch] Read func CHANNEL() on sip channel without arg will crash asterisk
Revision: 310089
Reporter: wuwu
Testers: jrose
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-17297: sip deadlock with explanation
Revision: 314078
Reporter: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17352: [patch] Deadlock of SIP takes out server
Revision: 325345
Reporter: jvanvleet
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17388: [patch] Deadlock sip_read check_rtp_timeout #16608
Revision: 317866
Reporter: irroot
Coders: irroot

ASTERISK-17417: [patch] fix for crash in strcompare_l in sip/reqresp_parser.c - possible null c_locale
Revision: 311613
Reporter: cmaj
Coders: cmaj

ASTERISK-17487: [patch] Large number of active sip dialogs PUBLISH in the output "sip show channels".
Revision: 322323
Reporter: obi van
Testers: loloski, Chainsaw, wimpy, se, kuj, irroot
Coders: irroot

ASTERISK-17490: [patch] ast_dsp_process logs a error about inband DTMF on faxdetect shut it up
Revision: 317430
Reporter: irroot
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-17510: [patch] uncached realtime peers are put in peers_by_ip => memory leak
Revision: 315214
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17659: [patch] "sip show settings" shows wrong values for jitter buffer settings
Revision: 317479
Reporter: rgagnon
Coders: rgagnon

ASTERISK-17682: [patch] [regression] "sip prune" does not clean the relevant peer objects -> memleak
Revision: 317282
Reporter: vrban
Coders: vrban

ASTERISK-17761: [patch] [regression] segfault in _sip_tcp_helper_thread() caused by bad merge in r314628
Revision: 319143
Reporter: stknob
Testers: vois, Chainsaw
Coders: Chainsaw

ASTERISK-17771: [patch] switching From-address mid-register breaks channel variables
Revision: 317868
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17793: [patch] sip_set_rtp_peer sometimes returns too early
Revision: 318234
Reporter: one47
Coders: one47

ASTERISK-17945: [patch] NOTICE message says what wasn't reachable, but not who couldn't reach it
Revision: 321512
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: russell
Coders: lmadsen

Category: Channels/chan_sip/IPv6

ASTERISK-16382: [patch] redirecting to IPv6 URIs
Revision: 279888
Reporter: oej
Coders: mmichelson

ASTERISK-16384: [patch] IPv6: get_refer_info
Revision: 280707
Reporter: oej
Coders: sperreault

ASTERISK-16384: [patch] IPv6: get_refer_info
Revision: 280780
Reporter: oej
Coders: sperreault

ASTERISK-16451: [patch] sip.conf lacks documentation for IPv6
Revision: 280779
Reporter: oej
Testers: mmichelson
Coders: sperreault

ASTERISK-16471: [patch] Outbound proxy set to IPv6 address in square brackets doesn't work
Revision: 281688
Reporter: oej
Testers: oej
Coders: sperreault

ASTERISK-16542: [patch] IPv6: SIp show settings doesn't show dual stack support
Revision: 285394
Reporter: oej
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16551: sip show settings: Internal IP with bindaddr=::
Revision: 286458
Reporter: oej
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16773: [patch] tos_sip and tos_audio doesn't work on IPV6
Revision: 291830
Reporter: jamesnet
Testers: dvossel, jamesnet
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16773: [patch] tos_sip and tos_audio doesn't work on IPV6
Revision: 292086
Reporter: jamesnet
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17098: [patch] IPv6 address truncated when stored in realtime
Revision: 298545
Reporter: igorg
Coders: IgorG

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Interoperability

ASTERISK-15787: [patch] Asterisk sends session-timer with "require" after 15 minutes
Revision: 285565
Reporter: alexrecarey
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16396: [patch] host not used in invite message, only the ip address.
Revision: 286869
Reporter: outcast
Testers: mich, mnicholson, adriavidal
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-16540: [patch] Registration of SIP phone denied on transport=unknown
Revision: 282578
Reporter: falves11
Testers: falves11
Coders: russell, dvossel

ASTERISK-16583: [patch] chan_sip fails to remove hold when receving a reINVITE without SDP
Revision: 294244
Reporter: frawd
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-16928: [patch] "sip notify clear-mwi" needs terminating CRLF
Revision: 295478
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000

ASTERISK-16993: regression improper sip parse when invite contains values to the left of the @ ;phone-context=+1;npdi=yes
Revision: 319939
Reporter: danimal
Testers: jrose
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-17311: "Require: timer" header still being sent
Revision: 316218
Reporter: mfrager
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17400: [patch] session-timers=refuse is not enforced for *caller*
Revision: 316618
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes, dvossel

Category: Channels/chan_sip/NewFeature

ASTERISK-17653: [patch] Add 'description' field for SIP peers
Revision: 313528
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Registration

ASTERISK-14953: [patch] Autocreated peers not deleted when unregister explicitly, become zombies
Revision: 315675
Reporter: kkm
Testers: kkm, tilghman, twilson
Coders: kkm

ASTERISK-16286: [patch] Realtime erase username when Unavailable
Revision: 286759
Reporter: ricardolandim
Testers: ricardolandim, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-16701: [patch] asterisk could not register to asterisk with pedantic=yes
Revision: 287646
Reporter: schmidts
Testers: schmidts
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17535: [patch] [regression] Cisco phones do not register
Revision: 315895
Reporter: jmls
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17535: [patch] [regression] Cisco phones do not register
Revision: 318785
Reporter: jmls
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-17880: [patch] [regression] SIP peers unregistered when asterisk restarts
Revision: 319564
Reporter: remiq
Testers: lmadsen, remiq
Coders: twilson

Category: Channels/chan_sip/SRTP

ASTERISK-16867: [patch] Hold/Unhold not possible with SIP using SRTP
Revision: 318920
Reporter: bernhards
Testers: bernhards, notthematrix
Coders: bernhards

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Subscriptions

ASTERISK-16495: [patch] Encoded URI in a subscription does not work
Revision: 288160
Reporter: ramonpeek
Testers: ramonpeek
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16500: [patch] Missing semicolon in SIP-Notify
Revision: 283883
Reporter: denzs
Testers: qwell, denzs
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16629: [patch] AST_MAX_EXTENSION limitation on hint string length
Revision: 287121
Reporter: mdu113
Testers: mdu113
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16629: [patch] AST_MAX_EXTENSION limitation on hint string length
Revision: 296752
Reporter: mdu113
Testers: schmidts
Coders: schmidts

ASTERISK-16753: [patch] Asterisk fails to recognize SUBSCRIBE retransmissions and tries to re-authenticate them, which breaks presence on polyco
Revision: 300302
Reporter: mdu113
Testers: twilson, mdu113
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-16985: [branch] No response is received if we try to subscribe for call completion after we have received a 180 Ringing
Revision: 307883
Reporter: georgekonopacki
Testers: mmichelson, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16986: (Call Completion / SIP) Asterisk Server Fails To Send A Response To A Re-Subscribe After The Expires Timer Matures
Revision: 307883
Reporter: georgekonopacki
Testers: mmichelson, rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16991: [patch] chan_sip continues to call add_peer_mwi_subs which continues to increament MWI NOTIFY's
Revision: 296353
Reporter: nivek
Testers: nivek
Coders: nivek

ASTERISK-17223: [regression] Snom BLF subscription does not work
Revision: 301684
Reporter: thsgmbh
Coders: twilson

Category: Channels/chan_sip/T.38

ASTERISK-15520: [patch] [regression] T.38 negotiation Broken
Revision: 282861
Reporter: mpiazzatnetbug
Testers: vrban, ebroad, c0rnoTa, samdell3
Coders: ebroad

ASTERISK-17478: [patch] T.38 state should be unavailable when it is rejected
Revision: 319087
Reporter: irroot
Testers: irroot, darkbasic, mnicholson
Coders: irroot

Category: Channels/chan_sip/TCP-TLS

ASTERISK-16279: [patch] TCP connection will not be closed, if device do a reregister
Revision: 317198
Reporter: marcelloceschia
Coders: st

ASTERISK-16339: [patch] wrong SRV query for TLS connection
Revision: 280553
Reporter: marcelloceschia
Testers: marcelloceschia, st, pabelanger
Coders: marcelloceschia, st

ASTERISK-16490: [patch] tcptls.c:350 Unable to connect SIP socket Connection refused
Revision: 294735
Reporter: smallet
Testers: zerohalo
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-17438: [patch] TCP TLS session open failure dumps core
Revision: 311001
Reporter: cmaj
Testers: cmaj, twilson
Coders: cmaj

ASTERISK-17472: [patch] allow storing TCP peers in ast db & alllow rtupdate=no to use them
Revision: 318918
Reporter: cmaj
Testers: cmaj
Coders: cmaj

ASTERISK-17753: [patch] [regression] Asterisk drops sip messages and/or response codes if SIP/TLS is used
Revision: 320181
Reporter: st
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Transfers

ASTERISK-15790: [patch] RTP Timestamp changes after transfer, but SSRC not and the markerbit ist not set.
Revision: 282502
Reporter: addix
Testers: addix, twilson
Coders: addix, twilson

ASTERISK-16226: [patch] response_refer() does not have a default case, so a 400 final response stalls in the Transfer() application
Revision: 281876
Reporter: davidw
Testers: davidw
Coders: davidw

ASTERISK-16847: Blind transfer failure, A calls B, B transfers to C
Revision: 295867
Reporter: kwemheuer
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17046: [patch] Deadlock on SIP blind transfer (REFER)
Revision: 301791
Reporter: jthurman
Testers: jthurman
Coders: jthurman, jpeeler

Category: Channels/chan_skinny

ASTERISK-15762: [patch] Cleanup transmit_ for handle_register and keepalives
Revision: 280589
Reporter: wedhorn
Testers: wedhorn, DEA
Coders: wedhorn

ASTERISK-16400: [patch] chan_skinny crashes asterisk when parking a call
Revision: 287644
Reporter: jmhunter
Testers: jmhunter, DEA
Coders: DEA

ASTERISK-16411: [patch] subchannel remains half-open after call transfer
Revision: 281257
Reporter: jmhunter
Testers: jmhunter, salecha, wedhorn
Coders: DEA, wedhorn

ASTERISK-16482: [patch] Asterisk is restarted to make a single ring
Revision: 281226
Reporter: salecha
Testers: salecha
Coders: wedhorn

ASTERISK-16484: [patch] Cleanup: consolidate call answering
Revision: 281227
Reporter: wedhorn
Testers: wedhorn, salecha
Coders: wedhorn

ASTERISK-16523: [patch] Cleanup: consolidate offhook (new call)
Revision: 282701
Reporter: wedhorn
Testers: salecha, wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

ASTERISK-16581: [patch] the display does not properly display the caller when a call is established. - Cisco 7910
Revision: 283287
Reporter: salecha
Testers: salecha, wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

ASTERISK-16592: [patch] When you press the redial button restarts asterisk.
Revision: 283495
Reporter: salecha
Testers: wedhorn, salecha
Coders: wedhorn

ASTERISK-16606: Asterisk is restarted by pressing the button "MSGS" during a call.
Revision: 318019
Reporter: salecha
Coders: wedhorn

ASTERISK-16612: [patch] Cleanup: consolidate new call
Revision: 313980
Reporter: wedhorn
Testers: salecha, wedhorn
Coders: wedhorn

Category: Codecs/codec_gsm

ASTERISK-16408: [patch] GCC 4.2.x optimizations result in improper behavior of GSM codec
Revision: 285820
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: mkeuter, pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

Category: Core/BuildSystem

ASTERISK-15055: [patch] Use pkg-config to find gmime libraries.
Revision: 294431
Reporter: jcollie
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-15990: [patch] Missing Menuselect Option "Compiler Flags - Development" in dev mode
Revision: 317531
Reporter: nick_lewis
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-16075: [patch] ./configure --with-pri=LIBPATH does not use libpri from LIBPRI_PATH
Revision: 290753
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16220: [patch] bashism in configure script
Revision: 316520
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

ASTERISK-16347: [patch] sounds/Makefile ignores checksum errors
Revision: 280234
Reporter: bjm
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16413: [patch] Additional Makefile cleanup
Revision: 279315
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16415: [patch] Workaround required for environments not supporting locale
Revision: 279533
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: mmichelson
Coders: pprindeville

ASTERISK-16421: AST_OPTION_ONLY tests wrong variable
Revision: 279503
Reporter: stuarth
Coders: seanbright

ASTERISK-17125: [patch] Sqlite3 requires -lpthread to build in
Revision: 298819
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: pprindeville

ASTERISK-17215: [patch] [regression] asterisk 1.8 tarball sound files ignored, Makefile re-downloads them.
Revision: 301222
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-17668: [patch] fix detection of openssl 1.0
Revision: 313280
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

ASTERISK-17904: [patch] autoconf check for iconv does not work for GNU libiconv
Revision: 320579
Reporter: rohanl
Coders: rohanl

Category: Core/CallCompletionSupplementaryServices

ASTERISK-17363: [patch] CallCompletionRequest() / Cancel() exit non-zero if no call/pending call
Revision: 312462
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Testers: p_lindheimer, rmudgett
Coders: p

ASTERISK-17385: [patch] Add Device State Information CCSS for Generic Devices
Revision: 313744
Reporter: p_lindheimer
Testers: p_lindheimer, loloski
Coders: p

ASTERISK-17857: [patch] CCSS Crash introduced in new SVN [318867]
Revision: 319146
Reporter: irroot
Coders: dvossel

Category: Core/Channels

ASTERISK-16124: [patch] ast_readstring (multiple DTMF input) doesn't transmit silence to the caller even if transmit_silence=yes
Revision: 285746
Reporter: makoto
Coders: makoto

Category: Core/CodecInterface

ASTERISK-15637: Codec translation path builder does not produce expected results with 16khz and 32khz audio
Revision: 282048
Reporter: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

Category: Core/Configuration

ASTERISK-16389: [patch] Reload logger with alternate configuration file
Revision: 300044
Reporter: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16504: [patch] segfault on dialplan reload
Revision: 285368
Reporter: pavell
Testers: PavelL
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16544: [patch] say.conf has problem with large numbers
Revision: 281765
Reporter: roadkill
Coders: RoadKill

ASTERISK-16546: [patch] say.conf dont have the same amount of rule's as say.c
Revision: 284319
Reporter: roadkill
Testers: RoadKill
Coders: RoadKill

ASTERISK-16547: [patch] say.conf added support for Danish
Revision: 281877
Reporter: roadkill
Coders: RoadKill

Category: Core/General

ASTERISK-14975: [patch] Asterisk crashes with "Fixup failed on channel XXX, strange things may happen."
Revision: 287756
Reporter: amorsen
Testers: ramonpeek, davidw, alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

ASTERISK-16023: [patch] UDP ports not freed/ports leaking
Revision: 318551
Reporter: kvveltho
Testers: rgagnon, twilson, wdoekes, loloski
Coders: rgagnon

ASTERISK-16398: Fix select() usage in Asterisk
Revision: 284598
Reporter: russell
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16416: CTRL-C from asterisk -vvvvvvvvc has strange results
Revision: 290865
Reporter: jmls
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16456: [patch] ast_sched_runq runs to much events if one event runs too long
Revision: 281576
Reporter: schmidts
Coders: schmidts

ASTERISK-16499: [patch] Asterisk crashes at startup on Solaris SPARC
Revision: 281086
Reporter: ian mason
Testers: Ian_Mason
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16663: VERBOSE message shows up on console when 'debug' enabled in logger.conf
Revision: 287640
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-16935: [patch] better debug message in devicestate.c
Revision: 294502
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000

ASTERISK-16937: [patch] devicestate is not aggregated from all received events
Revision: 295712
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: russell, klaus3000
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-17080: [patch] Deadlock in chan_sip
Revision: 317334
Reporter: alric
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-17147: [patch] Asterisk produces many zombie processes while under load.
Revision: 302644
Reporter: ernied
Testers: ernied
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17205: [patch] Using 'asterisk -r' no longer displays welcome_message
Revision: 307097
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-17359: [patch] astobj2.c does not report ref changes during internal_ao2_callback for refcounter util
Revision: 307274
Reporter: rgagnon
Coders: rgagnon

ASTERISK-17370: [patch] FD 32767 exceeds the maximum size of ast_fdset
Revision: 315504
Reporter: jamicque
Testers: chris-mac
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17373: [patch] asterisk -rx 'core show version' returns an ANSI string, which is not evaluated correctly with debian init.d script.
Revision: 307315
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: andrel, lathama
Coders: lathama

ASTERISK-17442: [patch] Canary failure
Revision: 309679
Reporter: viraptor
Coders: viraptor

ASTERISK-17448: [patch] Segmentation fault in strlen () from /lib64/
Revision: 320505
Reporter: sybasesql
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-1897: No way to take incoming call if another in progress
Revision: 326694
Reporter: capouch
Coders: tilghman

Category: Core/HTTP

ASTERISK-16426: [patch] HTTP always enabled, regardless of http.conf settings.
Revision: 279727
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-17224: Manager Event Interface w/Digest authentication does not work!
Revision: 316920
Reporter: ksn
Coders: seanbright

Category: Core/Internationalization

ASTERISK-17002: saynumber(1,n) in Swedish doesn't work
Revision: 295950
Reporter: oej
Coders: oej

ASTERISK-17003: saynumber() fixes for Swedish
Revision: 296393
Reporter: oej
Coders: oej

Category: Core/ManagerInterface

ASTERISK-16596: Possible memory leak in originate
Revision: 287472
Reporter: oej
Coders: oej

ASTERISK-16673: [regression] Newchannel event is missing during masquerading process
Revision: 289131
Reporter: radicalish
Testers: RadicAlish
Coders: RadicAlish

ASTERISK-16679: [patch] crash in __ast_manager_event_multichan
Revision: 291228
Reporter: vrban
Testers: vrban
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16836: [patch] A call locks when sending SIP originate from AMI script
Revision: 292597
Reporter: sustav
Testers: sustav
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-16837: [patch] Duplicated event on AMI interface
Revision: 308816
Reporter: feyfre
Testers: FeyFre, twilson
Coders: FeyFre

ASTERISK-16848: [patch] Malformed XML response
Revision: 309209
Reporter: nivaldomjunior
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16848: [patch] Malformed XML response
Revision: 310241
Reporter: nivaldomjunior
Testers: lathama
Coders: lathama, twilson

ASTERISK-16882: [patch] Missing colon in To/From headers of RTCP manager events
Revision: 317920
Reporter: clegall_proformatique
Coders: ebroad

ASTERISK-16906: [patch] sippeers command in AMI has incorrect output
Revision: 293888
Reporter: orn
Testers: orn
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16936: [patch] Manager eventfilter: black filters aren't applied properly
Revision: 306432
Reporter: telecos82
Coders: telecos82

ASTERISK-17010: [patch] bad format in post_manager_event() i.e. ParkedCallGiveUp and ParkedCallTimeOut
Revision: 302553
Reporter: clegall_proformatique
Coders: clegall

ASTERISK-17384: [patch] Security issue in originate, system permission bypassed if using async
Revision: 314666
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-17533: [patch] ActionID missing into response when action is events
Revision: 317426
Reporter: edersohe
Coders: edersohe

ASTERISK-17578: [patch] DoS through manager interface: no timeout for unauthenticated logins
Revision: 312767
Reporter: tzafrir
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-17664: [patch] FullyBooted event received even when events are disabled
Revision: 316213
Reporter: bklang
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

ASTERISK-17785: [patch] Originate action generates two error responses
Revision: 316664
Reporter: oej
Testers: seanbright
Coders: seanbright

Category: Core/ManagerInterface/NewFeature

ASTERISK-16568: [patch] Manager interface requires a space after the :
Revision: 284066
Reporter: chazzam
Testers: cmoye
Coders: cmoye

ASTERISK-16827: [patch] Add ConnectedLineNum/Name headers to output of manager action Status
Revision: 320651
Reporter: gareth
Coders: gareth

ASTERISK-16887: [patch] Events to let know which side (including CLI) of the call hangs up : HangupRequest and SoftHangupRequest
Revision: 309300
Reporter: clegall_proformatique
Coders: clegall

Category: Core/Netsock

ASTERISK-15039: [patch] ast_gethostbyname doesn't set h_length if argument is an IP Address
Revision: 302507
Reporter: thedavidfactor
Coders: thedavidfactor

ASTERISK-17081: [patch] Error building netsock library on OpenSolaris 5.11 snv_134b
Revision: 298052
Reporter: ranjtech
Testers: ranjtech
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17670: [patch] tcptls.c fails building with no SSL2 support
Revision: 314252
Reporter: tzafrir
Testers: russell, chazzam
Coders: tzafrir

ASTERISK-17852: [patch] ast_tcptls_server_start fails second attempt to bind
Revision: 320340
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17852: [patch] ast_tcptls_server_start fails second attempt to bind
Revision: 320606
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17905: [patch] Crash in netsock when attempting to resolve blank sip uri
Revision: 321101
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: kobaz, Marquis
Coders: kobaz

ASTERISK-17905: [patch] Crash in netsock when attempting to resolve blank sip uri
Revision: 321156
Reporter: kobaz
Testers: kobaz, JonathanRose
Coders: markm

Category: Core/NewFeature

ASTERISK-16178: [patch] dialplan add failing to create context if context doesn't exist
Revision: 312678
Reporter: leearcher
Testers: leearcher, kobaz, jrose
Coders: kobaz

Category: Core/PBX

ASTERISK-15901: [patch] minmemfree does not work
Revision: 317919
Reporter: loic
Coders: loic

ASTERISK-16607: [patch] Asterisk 1.8.0-beta3 DNSMGR address corruption
Revision: 287896
Reporter: afried
Testers: russell
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-16607: [patch] Asterisk 1.8.0-beta3 DNSMGR address corruption
Revision: 290379
Reporter: afried
Testers: afried, russell, dvossel
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-16615: Debian init script does not work
Revision: 287196
Reporter: wurstsalat
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-16684: Issues with DTMF triggered attended transfers
Revision: 302178
Reporter: iskatel
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16961: [patch] hint state changes deadlock/race
Revision: 302270
Reporter: one47
Coders: one47

Category: Core/Portability

ASTERISK-16752: [patch] failure to cross compile asterisk-1.8.0-rc3
Revision: 291792
Reporter: ovi
Testers: ovi
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17031: [patch] main/asterisk.c compile errors
Revision: 296535
Reporter: bjm
Testers: tilghman, bjm
Coders: bjm, tilghman

ASTERISK-17360: [patch] Null values in format strings lead to segfault
Revision: 311373
Reporter: bklang
Coders: bklang

Category: Core/RTP

ASTERISK-14589: [patch] Fix for Sonus DTMF issues
Revision: 310941
Reporter: jasonshugart
Testers: globalnetinc, jde
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-16154: [patch] [regression] audio delay when bridging calls related to timestamp mismatch
Revision: 281914
Reporter: sdolloff
Testers: sdolloff
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16851: RFC2833 DTMF generation broken due to SSRC change on bridges channels
Revision: 297826
Reporter: marcbou
Testers: cmbaker82
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16942: MutlicastRTP makes asterisk crash
Revision: 301847
Reporter: voipgate
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-17001: SSRC is changing when DTMF sent
Revision: 297826
Reporter: rsw686
Testers: cmbaker82
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-17378: [patch] SEGFAULT in remote_bridge_loop after a SIP to SIP attended transfer with external IAX2 or DAHDI call
Revision: 310288
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, ZX81
Coders: alecdavis

ASTERISK-17431: [patch] Deadlock with attended transfer of SIP call
Revision: 308946
Reporter: alecdavis
Testers: alecdavis, Irontec, ZX81, cmaj
Coders: alecdavis

Category: Documentation

ASTERISK-15279: [patch] SIP Realtime SQL Table
Revision: 317807
Reporter: pabelanger
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16469: What is ccss.conf ?
Revision: 280550
Reporter: oej
Coders: russell

ASTERISK-17082: [patch] doc/tex dir removed, but corresponding entries in Makefile & README still exists
Revision: 305561
Reporter: bas
Testers: lathama bas
Coders: lathama

ASTERISK-17161: [patch] Note more settings in users.conf.sample to guide the user
Revision: 300434
Reporter: lathama
Testers: lathama
Coders: lathama

ASTERISK-17167: [patch] MySQL table definitions are broken (wrong commas and a wrong name)
Revision: 317487
Reporter: denzs
Coders: denzs

ASTERISK-17203: [patch] Adjusted source comment to real situation about inheritance of a category or template in config files
Revision: 302836
Reporter: astmiv
Coders: astmiv

ASTERISK-17248: [patch] Remove reference to "priorityjumping" configuration option in extensions.conf.sample
Revision: 302418
Reporter: kshumard
Coders: kshumard

Category: Features

ASTERISK-17040: C should not receive request call again after C cancel if B blind transfer using atxfer call C
Revision: 302178
Reporter: shihchuan
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17264: [patch] [regression] Call Pickup Hangs Asterisk (deadlock?)
Revision: 318672
Reporter: docent
Testers: lmadsen, francesco_r, amilcar, isis242, alecdavis, irroot, rymkus, loloski, rmudgett
Coders: alecdavis

Category: Features/Parking

ASTERISK-13943: Parking extension number is not overriden in custom parking lots
Revision: 286939
Reporter: vmikhnevych
Coders: mnick

ASTERISK-14691: Park application expects timeout to be in Milliseconds
Revision: 299089
Reporter: mmurdock
Testers: mmurdock, seanbright
Coders: lmadsen

ASTERISK-16642: [patch] Minor fixes to multiparking
Revision: 307229
Reporter: bluecrow76
Coders: bluecrow76

ASTERISK-16642: [patch] Minor fixes to multiparking
Revision: 307231
Reporter: bluecrow76
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-17374: [patch] Enhancement to allow retreival from specific parking lot
Revision: 318141
Reporter: cartama
Coders: cartama

ASTERISK-17397: features reload does not clear old configuration and always include 700 on parkedcalls
Revision: 313049
Reporter: mickecarlsson
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-17453: Free parking slot logic broken if randomising start - stops early and doesn't recognize it failed (#16428 is not complete fix)
Revision: 319867
Reporter: davidw
Testers: jrose
Coders: jrose

Category: Formats/format_wav

ASTERISK-14063: [patch] Add 16khz WAV support (format_wav16.c)
Revision: 284702
Reporter: andrew
Testers: qwell, andrew
Coders: andrew

ASTERISK-15435: [patch] [OpenSolaris] wav format produces garbage files
Revision: 304098
Reporter: bklang
Testers: bklang, asgaroth, efutch
Coders: crjw

ASTERISK-16957: [patch] Asterisk does not play wav files with unknown chunk types
Revision: 315260
Reporter: jhirsch
Coders: jhirsch

Category: Functions/General

ASTERISK-16519: [patch] Function CONNECTEDLINE causes Asterisk to exit
Revision: 284699
Reporter: jtodd
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Functions/NewFeature

ASTERISK-16431: [patch] Add FIELDNUM() function, returns position of a field in a list
Revision: 280810
Reporter: gareth
Testers: gareth, tilghman
Coders: gareth

Category: Functions/func_channel

ASTERISK-17554: [patch] Duplicated info in 'rtpqos' description
Revision: 314207
Reporter: igorg
Coders: IgorG

ASTERISK-17625: Allow R/W of pickupgroup channel variable
Revision: 320772
Reporter: irroot
Coders: irroot

Category: Functions/func_curl

ASTERISK-16727: [patch] func_curl CURLOPT lacks a querycomponent (+-decoding) hashcompat mode
Revision: 300840
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16727: [patch] func_curl CURLOPT lacks a querycomponent (+-decoding) hashcompat mode
Revision: 301008
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16830: [patch] crashing func_curl hashcompat with invalid data
Revision: 294990
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16830: [patch] crashing func_curl hashcompat with invalid data
Revision: 316095
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: wdoekes
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_dialgroup

ASTERISK-16766: [patch] dialgroup fills database with duplicates
Revision: 298479
Reporter: bunny
Testers: bunny
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_env

ASTERISK-17335: [path] func_env.c FILE estatement left file descriptors open
Revision: 305845
Reporter: marioabajo
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_odbc

ASTERISK-16722: Crash when assigning 2 return vallues to an ARRAY with FUNC_ODBC call
Revision: 288714
Reporter: asgaroth
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16902: [patch] Random segfault when querying MySQL via func_odbc
Revision: 300624
Reporter: ks3
Testers: ks3
Coders: ks3

ASTERISK-16946: [patch] Call to SQLDescribeCol returns an invalid ColumnSize paramenter on x64 (Patch included)
Revision: 310143
Reporter: pruiz
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17392: [patch] func_odbc insertsql option may not work
Revision: 307838
Reporter: irroot
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17411: [patch] func_odbc insertsql option may not work on SQL_NODATA
Revision: 308992
Reporter: irroot
Coders: irroot

ASTERISK-17527: [patch] There is a resource leak in func_odbc when inserting the previous handle not released
Revision: 310416
Reporter: irroot
Coders: tilghman

Category: Functions/func_shell

ASTERISK-17630: [patch] Concatenates uninitialized buffer causes garbage data prior result also may cause crash
Revision: 314781
Reporter: johnz
Coders: russell

Category: Functions/func_strings

ASTERISK-16707: [patch] func_strings would like a STRREPLACE function
Revision: 320040
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: jrose

ASTERISK-16737: [patch] func_string FILTER contains an infinite loop
Revision: 293160
Reporter: wdoekes
Testers: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

Category: General

AGUI-276: [patch] Asterisk HTTP response contains wrong Content-type
Revision: 305084
Reporter: alexo
Testers: alexo
Coders: alexo

ASTERISK-13501: [patch] Bridging patches
Revision: 305433
Reporter: jcollie
Testers: file
Coders: jcollie

ASTERISK-14859: [patch] CLI to honor user's ~/.editrc file
Revision: 317395
Reporter: kkm
Testers: seanbright
Coders: kkm

ASTERISK-16422: [patch] Asterisk 1.8-beta1 crash on "logger reoad"
Revision: 279391
Reporter: vrban
Testers: vrban
Coders: pabelanger

ASTERISK-16425: [patch] Upgrading from to 1.8-beta1 did not work with the original modules.conf
Revision: 284628
Reporter: ira
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16723: [patch] inefficient strlen() in ast_uri_decode loop
Revision: 302556
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-16804: [regression] DTMF on agent channel causes high CPU
Revision: 301505
Reporter: rgj
Coders: jpeeler

ASTERISK-16838: Channel redirect doesn't work
Revision: 295867
Reporter: santafox
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17085: [patch] Configuring settings in /etc/defaults/asterisk cause the init.d process to stay on STDOUT
Revision: 298833
Reporter: lathama
Testers: lathama
Coders: lathama

ASTERISK-17129: [patch] Asterisk Crashing/Hangs
Revision: 309090
Reporter: vois
Testers: vois, rossbeer, kowalma, Freddi_Fonet
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-17177: [patch] main/xmldoc.c error message is backwards -- fix that, and remove the sources of the error while we're at it
Revision: 300522
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: jcovert

ASTERISK-17552: [patch] 'core show locks' should show Thread ID in HEX, then would match up with GDB's backtrace
Revision: 310833
Reporter: alecdavis
Coders: alecdavis

ASTERISK-17555: [patch] Remove extra quote in indications.conf
Revision: 311051
Reporter: igorg
Testers: IgorG
Coders: IgorG

ASTERISK-17769: [patch] sometimes ntohs in place of htons
Revision: 316337
Reporter: wdoekes
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17782: [patch] bug in contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk
Revision: 317105
Reporter: lefoyer
Testers: wdoekes, lefoyer
Coders: wdoekes

ASTERISK-17801: Adding the Move to Front Hash functionality
Revision: 316962
Reporter: schmidts
Coders: schmidts

ASTERISK-17861: [regression] Big Endian breakage (regression since gcc 4.6 fix)
Revision: 319084
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: dvossel

ASTERISK-18141: "make menuselect" in does not alphabetically sort options
Revision: 329775
Reporter: ulogic
Testers: leifmadsen
Coders: seanbright

Category: NewFeature

PRI-122: Option needed for IE_TIME_DATE to be optional on connect
Revision: 319427
Reporter: kenner
Coders: rmudgett

Category: PBX/General

ASTERISK-15693: [patch] Incorrect pattern specificity in new dial pattern functions
Revision: 285712
Reporter: nick_lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis
Coders: Nick

ASTERISK-16121: [patch] strange extension pattern matching
Revision: 290256
Reporter: murf
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16587: Crash in ast_frame_free
Revision: 288008
Reporter: seanbright
Testers: seanbright
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-17703: [patch] 'e' special extension fails to trigger in at least two cases
Revision: 315649
Reporter: kshumard
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

Category: PBX/pbx_ael

ASTERISK-17113: [patch] Contexts with a 'switch' statement in a 's' extension adds MSet to the beginning of the Context
Revision: 299450
Reporter: nivek
Testers: nivek
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17334: [patch] [regression] Dial() and Queue() with a macro argument are broken by AEL macro compilation change
Revision: 307751
Reporter: kkm
Testers: kkm
Coders: tilghman, kkm

ASTERISK-17497: [patch] AELsub() for calling routines that will remain stable between internal changes
Revision: 310500
Reporter: alexandrekeller
Testers: alexandrekeller
Coders: tilghman

Category: PBX/pbx_config

ASTERISK-17712: [patch] Asterisk CLI command 'dialplan save' not available
Revision: 315395
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: lmadsen

Category: PBX/pbx_lua

ASTERISK-14943: support hints in pbx_lua
Revision: 309493
Reporter: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-17279: [patch] Command 'module load' failed
Revision: 309449
Reporter: igels
Testers: Igels
Coders: mnicholson

ASTERISK-17635: [patch] asterisk crashes on unattended transfer
Revision: 317477
Reporter: jamhed
Testers: mnicholson, jamhed
Coders: mnicholson

Category: PBX/pbx_realtime

ASTERISK-15123: eswitch does not substiotute variables when using Local Channel
Revision: 299627
Reporter: jlaguilar
Coders: tilghman

Category: PBX/pbx_spool

ASTERISK-16097: [patch] [regression] flooding /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ No such file or directory
Revision: 285390
Reporter: loloski
Testers: mkeuter
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16608: [patch] Call file errors in Asterisk 1.8beta
Revision: 285390
Reporter: mkeuter
Testers: mkeuter
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16608: [patch] Call file errors in Asterisk 1.8beta
Revision: 290067
Reporter: mkeuter
Testers: abelbeck
Coders: abelbeck

ASTERISK-16764: [patch] Call files generate two warning logs after each successful completion
Revision: 294570
Reporter: abelbeck
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/General

ASTERISK-16595: [regression][patch] RTP Packets Not Set With QOS
Revision: 283458
Reporter: elguero
Coders: elguero

ASTERISK-17454: [patch] support gmime-2.4
Revision: 319086
Reporter: tzafrir
Testers: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

Category: Resources/res_agi

ASTERISK-14492: [patch] Add voicefile and dtmf options to res/res_agi.c
Revision: 295554
Reporter: dillec
Testers: diLLec, espiceland
Coders: diLLec

ASTERISK-14952: [patch] AGI returns bogus "510 Invalid or unknown command"
Revision: 302550
Reporter: notahat
Coders: fnordian

ASTERISK-16144: [patch] AGISTATUS bug in Asterisk
Revision: 313606
Reporter: siby
Testers: rmudgett, astmiv
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16686: [patch] GET DATA problem with pipes
Revision: 290577
Reporter: jamicque
Testers: jamicque
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17520: [patch] HANGUP is not sent to AGI in time
Revision: 313606
Reporter: nvitaly
Testers: rmudgett, astmiv
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17823: [patch] Crash when using hagi and no servers are available
Revision: 321393
Reporter: byronclark
Coders: rmudgett

Category: Resources/res_calendar

ASTERISK-16487: [patch] HTTP redirect support for calendars
Revision: 287272
Reporter: pitel
Coders: pitel

ASTERISK-16493: [patch] If EWS request fails, asterisk crashes because of double free
Revision: 287272
Reporter: pitel
Coders: pitel

ASTERISK-16496: [patch] Events are visible after they were removed from EWS calendar
Revision: 287272
Reporter: pitel
Coders: pitel

ASTERISK-16582: [patch] Merging events for Exchange web service doesn't work as expected, resulting in only one event in calendar
Revision: 286618
Reporter: pitel
Coders: pitel

ASTERISK-17153: [patch] Memory leaking in calendars
Revision: 300215
Reporter: pitel
Coders: pitel

ASTERISK-17517: [patch] Typo on res_calendar.c - "Cartegories"
Revision: 310045
Reporter: pdugas
Coders: pdugas

Category: Resources/res_calendar/NewFeature

ASTERISK-16548: [patch] Support for priorities and categories according to RFC 5545
Revision: 284851
Reporter: pitel
Coders: pitel

ASTERISK-16904: [patch] adding the CLI: calendar show types
Revision: 317483
Reporter: junky
Coders: junky

Category: Resources/res_config_curl

ASTERISK-17056: [patch] Using static extensions.conf with res_config_curl segfaults on startup
Revision: 318058
Reporter: jmls
Testers: jmls
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_config_ldap

ASTERISK-12789: [Patch] Allow realtime_multi_ldap to behave like other realtime_multi functions
Revision: 279602
Reporter: navkumar
Testers: suretec
Coders: navkumar, bencer

ASTERISK-13036: [patch] ERROR[23999]: res_config_ldap.c:1292 update_ldap: Couldn't modify ... Undefined attribute type
Revision: 292788
Reporter: scramatte
Testers: lmadsen, jcovert, suretec, rgenthner
Coders: lmadsen

ASTERISK-14720: [patch] Memory leak in res_config_ldap when using realtime
Revision: 304867
Reporter: zaltar
Coders: zaltar

ASTERISK-16130: [patch] res_ldap.conf points md5secret to RealmedPassword, but the schema uses AstAccountRealmedPassword
Revision: 292559
Reporter: jcovert
Coders: jcovert

Category: Resources/res_config_odbc

ASTERISK-16932: [patch] res_odbc using ^ separator in M(macro) option as argument separator in Dial app gives control characters
Revision: 298483
Reporter: zerohalo
Testers: trev, jthurman, elguero, zerohalo
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_config_pgsql

ASTERISK-16652: [patch] merging categories from with static config to have realtime feature for register
Revision: 316428
Reporter: marcelloceschia
Testers: tilghman
Coders: marcelloceschia

ASTERISK-16748: [patch] res_config_pgsql needs db reconnection support
Revision: 300882
Reporter: kobaz
Coders: markm

ASTERISK-17230: [patch] [regression] Crash with "realtime show pgsql cache"
Revision: 304600
Reporter: romain_proformatique
Testers: romain_proformatique
Coders: romain

Category: Resources/res_fax

ASTERISK-16950: Asterisk not send fax to fax extension
Revision: 295867
Reporter: lazytt
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-17114: [patch] *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/asterisk: free(): invalid pointer on shutdown
Revision: 298441
Reporter: pabelanger
Testers: pabelanger
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_fax_spandsp

ASTERISK-16433: [patch] cli cmd 'fax set debug on' has no effect. Dont get any spandsp debug
Revision: 279567
Reporter: vrban
Testers: vrban
Coders: pabelanger

Category: Resources/res_features

ASTERISK-15876: C keeps ringing when hanging A and B after blind transfer using atxfer
Revision: 302178
Reporter: gelo
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: rmudgett

ASTERISK-16919: [patch] No MOH When Call Parked
Revision: 303108
Reporter: francesco_r
Testers: francesco_r, rfrantik, one47
Coders: cjacobsen

ASTERISK-17690: [patch] Crash while transfering a call during DTMF feature timeout.
Revision: 320058
Reporter: irontec
Testers: rmudgett
Coders: Irontec

ASTERISK-17935: [patch] Parking lot hint and mohclass
Revision: 321334
Reporter: sboily_proformatique
Testers: russell
Coders: sboily

Category: Resources/res_jabber

ASTERISK-16138: [patch] Memory corruption from iksemel
Revision: 290414
Reporter: jmls
Testers: jmls
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16925: [patch] distributed device state does not work
Revision: 296355
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: klaus3000, Marquis
Coders: klaus3000

ASTERISK-16933: EID is not copied when event is received from XMPP and forwarded into Asterisk's core
Revision: 295712
Reporter: klaus3000
Testers: russell, klaus3000
Coders: russell

Category: Resources/res_musiconhold

ASTERISK-15555: [patch] 'moh reload' doesn't reload moh directory content
Revision: 285528
Reporter: pj
Testers: qwell
Coders: qwell

ASTERISK-15696: [patch] moh files install under datadir, at runtime: under varlibdir
Revision: 292052
Reporter: tzafrir
Coders: tzafrir

ASTERISK-16441: [patch] res_musiconhold does not use generic timing interfaces
Revision: 283771
Reporter: lmadsen
Testers: tilghman
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-16518: Music on hold doesn't recover very cleanly when it can't play a file
Revision: 285641
Reporter: kshumard
Coders: bbryant

ASTERISK-17092: [patch] moh reload leaks file descriptors to dahdi timing channel
Revision: 305474
Reporter: mcallist
Testers: qwell, loloski
Coders: qwell

Category: Resources/res_odbc

ASTERISK-16616: ODBC connection to mssql does not work
Revision: 283562
Reporter: wurstsalat
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17751: [patch] Random crashes (NULL reference) at res_odbc.c:1358
Revision: 316216
Reporter: pruiz
Testers: pruiz, seanbright
Coders: pruiz

ASTERISK-17817: [patch] Asterisk res_odbc causes SEGFAULT's if unable to connect to server.
Revision: 320446
Reporter: seadweller
Testers: seadweller, sum
Coders: tilghman

Category: Resources/res_phoneprov

ASTERISK-14947: [patch] Polycom 000000000000.cfg template uses old parameter separator
Revision: 300385
Reporter: cjacobsen
Testers: lathama
Coders: cjacobsen

ASTERISK-16780: [patch] Add Undocumented Variables to phoneprov.conf.sample
Revision: 291287
Reporter: lathama
Coders: lathama

ASTERISK-17232: [patch] Static entry for Polycom 331 split firmware
Revision: 301732
Reporter: cjacobsen
Testers: lathama
Coders: cjacobsen

Category: Resources/res_realtime

ASTERISK-17501: [patch] PATCH: Fixes to MySQL sql files
Revision: 317485
Reporter: dovid
Coders: Dovid

Category: Resources/res_srtp

ASTERISK-16298: [patch] SRTP (SRTP unprotect: authentication failure)
Revision: 284479
Reporter: alexcr
Testers: twilson
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-16298: [patch] SRTP (SRTP unprotect: authentication failure)
Revision: 287057
Reporter: alexcr
Testers: twilson
Coders: sfritsch

ASTERISK-16811: SRTP enable disable from dialplan
Revision: 292310
Reporter: chodorenko
Coders: twilson

ASTERISK-17710: [patch] Debian removing support for SSLv2 from openssl
Revision: 314252
Reporter: chazzam
Testers: russell, chazzam
Coders: tzafrir

Category: Resources/res_timing_timerfd

ASTERISK-17867: [patch] Random entire asterisk deadlock when use builtin_atxfer when use res_timing_timerfd module
Revision: 325674
Reporter: microlana
Coders: kobaz

Category: Sounds

ASTERISK-16175: [patch] Australian Accent core sounds submission
Revision: 292231
Reporter: camsown
Testers: camsown, lmadsen, jtodd, qwell
Coders: camsown, lmadsen

ASTERISK-17330: Russian Sounds
Revision: 315766
Reporter: pbxware
Coders: lmadsen

Category: Utilities/General

ASTERISK-17032: ast_expr2.y undefined references with DEBUG_FD_LEAKS
Revision: 296430
Reporter: cmaj
Coders: tilghman

ASTERISK-17485: [patch] debian init script not lsb compliant
Revision: 319366
Reporter: manwe
Coders: manwe

Category: Utilities/NewFeature

ASTERISK-15818: [patch] Perl script to import CDR text file to ODBC database table
Revision: 317916
Reporter: precisenetworks
Coders: precisenetworks

Commits Not Associated with an Issue

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This is a list of all changes that went into this release that did not directly close an issue from the issue tracker. The commits may have been marked as being related to an issue. If that is the case, the issue numbers are listed here, as well.

RevisionAuthorSummaryIssues Referenced
279063russellAdd branch-1.8-merged and branch-1.8-blocked properties to trunk.
279084russellRemove old properties.
279115tilghmanSilly 64-bit compilers (who uses 64-bit anyway?)
279116russellStart a new section in CHANGES for 1.10.
279118russellShuffle UPGRADE.txt files for 1.10.
279245rmudgettSIP promiscuous redirect could fail to dial the redirect.
279274pabelangerDefault sin_family to AF_INET for TCP / TLS Bindaddress.
279443pabelangerAdd trailing backslash to silence warning message.
279473tilghmanFormats need to load before apps, because some apps call ast_format_str_reduce() at load time.
279564tilghmanUse a special Makefile for noobs who still have GNU Make 3.80.
279569dvosseltransaction matching using top most Via header
279600ghenryApply all patches in:
279624tilghmanDunno why this worked on my machine, but it works better this way.
279659qwellReally fix sounds Makefile (and make it readableish).
279692pabelangerUpdated documentation for FAX logger level.
279725russellMake a formatting change. (Demonstrating the commit IRC bot to pabelanger)
279816russellIgnore a control subclass of -1 in ast_waitfordigit_full().
279818dvosselfix sip transaction match with authentication, fix confusing log message when using getaddrinfo
279851qwellSimply sounds/Makefile some more.
279917russellFix inband DTMF detection on outgoing ISDN calls.
279954russellAdd --enable-coverage option to configure script.
280059russells/init keys/keys init/
280091lmadsenUpdate help text to be less confusing.
280093oejFormatting changes
280196qwellRemove unnecessary subshells. Attempt to make checksumming work. ASTERISK-16347
280226twilsonDo rtp/rtcp debugging when it is turned on w/o filtering
280247rmudgettAdd missing enum value "unknown" to the SS7 called_nai and calling_nai config options.
280270jpeelerGive test category missing leading slash
280308mnicholsonImplement support for ast_channel_queryoption on local channels. Currently only AST_OPTION_T38_STATE is supported.
280340mnicholsonMake chan_usbradio.c build on 64bit platforms.
280342mnicholsonUse PRId64 with format_t
280344mnicholsonUse PRIx64 instead of PRId64 in format string.
280395russellDon't blow up if get_codec() was not provided in the RTP glue.
280415pabelangercrypto_loaded_test depends on res_crypto, else test will fail.
280416jeangFix a dsp structure leak occuring when a local channel is put into a meetme
280447pabelangerRemove res_crypto dependency.
280518dvosselrespond with 481 when request requiring totag has no totag to match against
280559mnicholsonFix regression introduced in r1664. Give the fax stack time to shutdown and populate the FAXOPT output variables.
280626tilghmanApparently, the values in makeopts are sometimes 1:1 and sometimes 1. Compensate for this.
280627dvosselif totag is not present for an ACK request, do not send an error response
280629tilghmanMake this a little more deterministic... we want the latest value, not just a 1 somewhere.
280673tilghmanAllow the pipe, but also allow the comma
280706simon.perreaultBetter documentation related to IPv6.
280741tilghmanDocument -B and -W flags and regenerate manpage from sgml
280743russellRemove the MP3 decoder source code and replace it with a small shell script.
280745simon.perreaultReverted r280706 and r280707. Will commit in branch 1.8 and merge to trunk properly.
280910mnicholsonInitialize FAXOPT() status variables in sendfax and receivefax instead of when the details structure is created.
281054russellCleanup default option value handling for cdr.conf [general].
281295russellReorder some options in cdr.conf.sample.
281326russellAdd a couple of default values to the documentation of cdr.conf.
281357simon.perreaultAdded comment about IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses and the output of netstat.
281359mnicholsonValidate minrate, maxrate, and modem settings before attempting a fax session.
281467jpeelerAdd some more stuff to copy from 281429.
281498transnexusFixed the issue caused by EXTEN including user parameters.
281530russellResolve a problem with channel name tab completion.
281761mnicholsonAvoid a deadlock in add_header_max_forwards().
281871rmudgettFix a call to analog_set_pulsedial() not setting 0 or 1 only.
281983russellRemove debugging output from verbose messages.
282016russellPut back pointer value output for ast_debug(), such that it is only removed for verbose output.
282067russellAdd a "core reload" CLI command.
282099rmudgettSeparate call completion config parameter allocation and default initialization.
282132qwellRegister CLI commands before parsing config, in case there is a config error.
282202twilsonDetect when libsrtp cannot be linked in a shared library
282270dvosselres_stun_monitor for monitoring network changes behind a NAT device
282272dvosselres_stun_monitor and corresponding options CHANGES documentation
282335rmudgettPRI CCSS may use a stale dial string for the recall dial string.
282367tilghmanFix our FRACKing issue with chan_iax2 a different way.
282397tzafrirSupport for GNU/kFreeBSD
282471lmadsenAdd information about creating sounds files using
282544dvosselfixes truncated uint64_t value in put_unaligned_uint64_t() function ASTERISK-16515
282640mnicholsonProperly handle 200 and unknown responses conatined in NOTIFY requests received in response to REFER requests. ASTERISK-16226, ASTERISK-12074
282673rmudgettUse the correct operator when calculating the PRI span devstate.
282751twilsonAdd some documentation about codec negotiation to sip.conf
282798russellAdd a todo item for CEL.
282827tilghmanOnly output debugging if the debug level is on.
282892dvosselfixes sip peer memory leaks in the peer_by_ip table ASTERISK-16509
282980russellSplit _all_ arguments before parsing them.
282981russellAdd an argument missing from the CELGenUserEvent documentation.
283015russellFix a typo in a column name.
283174russellExpand cel_custom.conf.sample.
283176tilghmanDon't fail to start if the config file is missing.
283178russellCut down on excessive quotation.
283208russellTack on ${eventextra} to the sample cel_custom.conf.
283210russellDon't blow up on an invalid AMA flag.
283232russellMake the AST_CEL_AMA enum match up with the AST_CDR_ ama flag values.
283242russellAdd sample configuration for cel_radius.
283288wedhornAdd additional AST_CONTROL_ states to control2str.
283289wedhornHack to allow easy debugging of skinny in trunk.
283320tilghmanCDR drivers depend upon res_odbc, not directly on the ODBC libraries
283351russellDon't attempt to release a NULL ODBC handle.
283383dvosselThis fix makes sure the ast_channel hangs up correctly when the dialog's PENDING_BYE flag is set.
283456dvosselThis fix downgrades the ERROR message indicating no res_stun_monitor.conf to a WARNING message.
283494dvosselChanges the default behavior for sip.conf's pedantic option from "no" to "yes".
283528russellConvert ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, ...) to ast_debug(...)
283560dvosselAsterisk will not advertise session timers are supported when 'session-timers=refuse' is used. ASTERISK-15787
283596dvosselAdd to and from tags to NOTIFY dialog-info xml body so pickup can occur.
283628russellMove httptimeout out from in between port and bindaddr.
283630russellRemove public keys that are no longer useful.
283660russellSlight improvement to a debug message.
283693dvosselFixed how Asterisk destroys a dialog on channel hangup before invite receives a response.
283803oejDoxygen formatting changes
283958russellPrint exten@context:priority in verbose messages from pbx_realtime.
284097tilghmanRename CEL adaptive driver to plain driver, since there isn't another ODBC driver
284128tilghmanAlso ignore the checksums
284159tilghmanMissed adding this file
284189oejAdd doxygen documentation
284217oejDoxygen formatting
284247oejClean upp doxygen documentation
284248oejSmall doxygen fix and doc addition
284562dvosselDuring request to dialog matching, verify init_ruri is present before comparing.
284667tilghmanFixing build.
284700tilghmanFixing build
284706dvosselRemoved relatedpeer code from sip_autodestruct
284782rmudgettMade output libpri event names if pri debugging is enabled when sig_pri processes them.
284853pitelMerge of strdupa() fix for calendars categories priorities
284922twilsonProperly detect when a sound file doesn't exist
284951dvosselauthenticate OPTIONS requests just like we would an INVITE
284953dvosselDuring OPTIONS authentication, the authpeer does not need to be returned for any reason.
285007dvosselDisables auth_options_request option by default.
285029twilsonCall correct lock function as transferer is a sip_pvt not a channel
285058russellAdd a C++ compatible version of AST_CLI_DEFINE().
285091tilghmanSilly convenience script for BSD platforms.
285163russellFix libsrtp -fPIC check for when non-standard prefix is used.
285269tilghmanUse poll, if indicated to do so, in the ast_poll2 implementation.
285337tilghmanFix build on FreeBSD 8.0, take 2.
285372rmudgettFix cut-n-paste error.
285485tilghmanDocumentation only
285531qwellFollow coding guidelines in moh rescan fix. Also fix the documentation that got me in trouble.
285569dvosselIn retrans_pkt, do not unlock pvt until the end of the function on a transmit failure.
285932tilghmanFix Mac OS X build.
285963tilghmanAnother fix for Mac OS X.
285993dirugglesAdded missing documentation for ExternalIVR feature added in January 2010
286119rmudgettAn outgoing call may not get hung up if a pre-connect incoming ISDN call is disconnected.
286121pabelangerLoad iax.conf before registering any functions/applications/actions.
286271oejFormatting changes.
286272oejHandle error response when we can't make file compatible
286329oejWhitespace cleanup and reformatting with { and }
286342oejWhitespace cleanup
286427rmudgettUpdate chan_dahdi.conf.sample to reflect new libpri T309 default value.
286498russellRate limit calls to fsync() to 1 per second after astdb updates.
286529tilghmanRefactor conversion to ast_poll() to fix callparking regression.
286559tilghmanC precedence got me
286589tilghmanAdd documentation on missing backend tables for Voicemail
286648rmudgettCorrected documented CONNECTED_LINE and REDIRECTING party manipulation macro names.
286683mnicholsonOnly drop duplicate answer frames if the channel is bridged. ASTERISK-2311
286835dvosselSets subscribed type for outgoing MWI subscriptions so correct Event header is used.
286906rmudgettUnable to originate calls using E&M over T1.
287016jpeelerEnsure mailbox is not filled to capacity before doing message forwarding.
287018rmudgettMerged revision 287014 from
287021jpeelerfix uninintialized variable
287086oejAdd doxygen docs for indications.c
287087oejWe do not handle AST_CAUSE_INTERWORKING which we set on a lot of incoming
287194russellSet the default for "autofill" and "shared_lastcall" to "yes" in queues.conf.
287310mnicholsonUse ast_strdup() instead of ast_strdupa() while processing in ast_hint_state_changed(). ASTERISK-16629
287560mnicholsonUse ast_str when processing hint state changes ASTERISK-16629
287648dvosselAddition of the FrameHook API (AKA AwesomeHooks)
287761twilsonAdd merge properties back.
287762twilsonAdd alecdavis' commit to merged props
287764twilsonAvoid infinite loop with certain local channel connected line updates
287834twilsonDon't generate connected line buffer twice for comparison
287864russellFix a regression in verbose logger processing.
287898rmudgettCut-n-paste error in builtin_blindtransfer().
287930dvosselSend a "415 Unsupported Media Type" after failure to process sdp due to unknown Content-Encoding header.
287932twilsonRevert change in favor of a more targeted fix
287936tilghmanLess than zero is an error, not any non-zero value.
288081rmudgettProtect channel access in CONNECTED_LINE and REDIRECTING interception macro launch code.
288083rmudgettAdd note in party manipulation chapter on interception macros.
288342russellFix a 100% CPU consumption problem when setting console=yes in asterisk.conf.
288346dvosselDuring check_pendings, if the dialog is terminated with a CANCEL, change the invitestate to INV_CANCEL like in sip_hangup.
288419dvosselRFC3261 section 12.2 explicitly says out of order requests are responded with a 500 Server Internal Error response.
288519twilsonDon't let a Local channel get bridged to itself
288573twilsonMake AMI honor enabled=no
288607tilghmanAdd note about the checkhangup option of ${CHANNEL()}
288639tilghmanSolaris compatibility fixes
288641tilghmanExport timersub for platforms which do not have it
288749twilsonDon't fail a masquerade if it is already being hung up
288822dvosselInspect Require header on BYE transaction according to RFC3261 section
288853dvosselAppend Retry-After header on 500 error response to Re-INVITE according to RFC3261 section 14.2.
288893maysmall correction for verbose print h.323 packets
288926russellFix a documentation spelling error.
288928russellFix some documentation typos and spelling errors.
288992oejFormating changes
288993oejFormatting fixes
289023dvosselFor an INVITE transaction, treat all 2XX responses the same as a 200.
289056rmudgettBreak up long ast_manager_event_multichan() event lines.
289058rmudgettAvoid deadlock processing incoming AOC-E messages.
289112tilghmanSolaris compatibility fixes
289254rmudgettMake development error message indicate which channel.
289269mnicholsonUpdate the CDR record when ast_channel_set_caller_event() is called ASTERISK-16303
289301mnicholsonAdd 'ecm' to the sample fax config file
289335russellDon't completely ignore md5secret from LDAP if the value does not begin with {md5}.
289337lmadsenUpdate sample documentation to note md5secret requirements.
289354qwellAllow a manager originate to succeed on forwarded devices.
289427russellFix a crash in app_sms.
289552rmudgettMerged revision 289547 from
289555mnicholsonProperly handle channel allocation failures duing invites with replaces.
289588tilghmanMore Solaris compatibility fixes
289623schmitdsdon't iterate through all dialogs to find and delete old subscribes
289732pabelangerDisable debugging by default
289841jpeelerChange RFC2833 DTMF event duration on end to report actual elapsed time.
289952oejAdd documentation for undocumented option to AMI action originate
290027kpflemingAllow users to pass additional arguments to the Subversion command that
290103tilghmanAutomatically re-run configure test for menuselect, when the relevant makeopts settings change.
290218tilghmanFixing Mac OS X auto-builder.
290291tilghmanRestore run directory for OS X, as well as standardizing some other paths to Mac OS X.
290480dvosselFixes chan_gtalk to work with gmail client
290509dvosselFixes uninitialized memory problem in 'iax2 set debug peer' option.
290543twilsonDon't try to send RTP when remote_address is null
290615rmudgettMerged revision 290613 from
290649dvosselFixes gtalk outbound DTMF to work properly.
290677dvosselFixes commented out code to use #if 0 instead.
290714russellDon't crash when Set() is called without a value.
290830dvosselOutbound gtalk calls now work correctly.
290831dvosselAdd Philippe Sultan to chan_gtalk author list.
290939espicelandAdd option to res_config_mysql and app_mysql to specify a character set that
290974dvosselMake outbound Google Voice calls.
291039tilghmanAdd missing option to set calls to be logged in GMT/UTC.
291076rmudgettFixed infinite loop in verbose/debug message output.
291114rmudgettAdd missing unlock to an exception condition in reload_config().
291115rmudgettAdd todo comment about handle_incoming() calling assumption.
291193dvosselGtalk enhancements and general code cleanup.
291195dvosselUpdate CHANGES to reflect new gtalk.conf options.
291231lmadsenAdd documention that mentions options are defined but not used.
291266tilghmanOops, incorrect range (although unallocated at ARIN)
291395russellLock pvt so pvt->owner can't disappear when queueing up a frame.
291470rmudgettMerge revision 291468 from
291508rmudgettMerged revision 291504 from
291576twilsonAdd a simple AMI client web page
291579dvosselMore fixup for chan_gtalk.
291726russellFix a typo - s/seucre/secure/
291760pabelangerAdd the ability for ast_find_ourip to return IPv4, IPv6 or both.
291828dvosselSafer xml parsing, treat all clients the same, and better local candidate selection.
291906twilsonDon't crash or deadlock on module unload
291941pabelangerClean up formatting.
292017twilsonRef/unref res_srtp when we create/destroy a session
292084jpeelerDisable use of inotify for call file handling as it is not working properly.
292124mnicholsonFix the cmgr parser.
292156dvosselFixes build error for systems not supporting IPV6_TCLASS.
292189russellResolve some compiler errors in ast_sockaddr_is_any().
292228jpeelerFix improper operator key acceptance and clean up temp recording files.
292345pabelangerAdd resample and imap_tk dependencies.
292377tilghmanOops. This module uses the generic timer and no longer uses DAHDI.
292490rmudgettSend CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE for CIS calls too.
292524russellAdd var=value to log message on update failure, and add newline.
292630pabelangerFix typo in SUSE init script.
292668tilghmanCompile correctly on Linux (asterisk/localtime.h depends upon asterisk/autoconfig.h loading first).
292705rmudgettConnected line is not updated when chan_dahdi/sig_pri or chan_misdn transfers a call.
292742mmichelsonPrevent multiple runs of event_sub_test from producing false failure results.
292743twilsonAdd TLS cert helper script
292808twilsonMake files readable only by the owner
292826twilsonDon't create directories without at least o+x
292869dvosselThis patch turns chan_local pvts into astobj2 objects.
292915tilghmanAllow the DAHDI driver to compile, even with a sufficiently older version of libpri.
292970tilghmanSeveral more defines that need to be altered for compiling against an older version of libpri
293047rmudgettAllow the DAHDI driver to compile, even with a sufficiently older version of libpri.
293082rmudgettNo need to define the struct if there are no users.
293120jpeelerFix inprocess_container in voicemail to correctly restrict max messages.
293198tilghman"!00" evaluated as false, which is incorrect. Fixing.
293273mmichelsonEnable IPv6 for the built-in HTTP server.
293342rmudgettRemove some code that serves no purpose.
293419rmudgettRemove some more code that serves no purpose.
293531rmudgettAnalog 3-way call would not connect all parties if one was using sig_pri.
293577mmichelsonAdd to the CHANGES file that the HTTP server supports IPv6 addressing.
293578pabelangerNew CLI command 'gtalk show settings'.
293612pabelangerIf manager and tls are disabled, do not display TCP/TLS Bindaddress.
293649rmudgettMake warning message have more useful information in it.
293808rmudgettParty A in an analog 3-way call would continue to hear ringback after party C answers.
293809twilsonAvoid valgrind warnings for ast_rtp_instance_get_xxx_address
293971sruffellcodecs/codec_dahdi: Prevent "choppy" audio when receiving unexpected frame sizes.
294046dvosselFixes ringback tone on sip semi-attended transfer.
294048twilsonTell people to use the correct common name for clients as well
294050twilsonCorret spelling and example
294083dvosselPerform proper handling of forked outbound INVITE requests.
294127rmudgettvalgrind reported references to freed memory during a mISDN hangup collision.
294208twilsonSet a default waittime, and make sure to convert it to milliseconds
294314jpeeleradd missing unlock not present in 294277
294351rmudgettAnalog lines do not transfer CONNECTED LINE or execute the interception macros.
294467rmudgettAllow ast_do_masquerade() failure to be reported again.
294536russellTweak a couple of CLI commands back to their original form.
294606tilghmanFixing the Mac OS X build (bamboo warning)
294741russellRemove most of the contents of the doc dir in favor of the wiki content.
294749russellRemove CCSS architecture PDF.
294912jpeelerReturn correct error code if lock path fails. The recent changes to open_mailbox actually caused it to be fixed, but let's be consistent.
295079tilghmanCreate test verifying results of expression parser
295125russellRemove a trailing space.
295165russellCheck for in PATH and give a useful error message if not found.
295202russellRemove intentional typo I had added when testing the check. oops.
295279russellCheck for pdftotext and give a useful error if not found.
295283rmudgettDead code elimination in channel.c:ast_channel_bridge() variable who.
295364pabelangerUncomment settings under [global], to surpress warning when loading Asterisk.
295405pabelangerAdd RedHat specific dependencies
295442pabelangerFix compiler warnings when using openssl-dev 1.0.0+
295517rmudgettBring sig_analog extraction more into alignment with orig-trunk/v1.6.2 chan_dahdi.
295674twilsonDiscard responses with more than one Via
295748rmudgettOne way audio before answering call waiting call on analog port.
295789espicelandRevert to the previous behavior of AGI command WAIT FOR DIGIT, since the
295870seanbrightChange some documentation to suggest dahdi_monitor instead of ztmonitor.
296034russellHandle failures building translation paths more effectively.
296085russellFix false reporting of an error by set_format().
296235russellMake Asterisk less crashy.
296585rmudgettMerged revision 296575 from
296630russellComplete some error handling in transmit_publish() in chan_sip.c.
296788tilghmanDOC: Conference number can be omitted; if omitted, all users in a meetme are listed.
296826tilghmanAdd a comment on why the reserved bit is reserved.
296871jpeelerProperly restore backup information file when hanging up during message prepending.
296952tilghmanMissed initializations caused startup errors on Mac OS X (and possibly others, too).
297076jpeelerFix not stopping MOH when transfered local channel queue member is answered.
297248russellAdd "DAHDI" to a couple of app_meetme error messages.
297356twilsonInitialize offset for adaptive jitter buffer
297407pabelangerResolve compile error under FreeBSD
297496mnicholsonChanged some NOTICE and WARNING messages to DEBUG messages.
297536seanbrightThe CLI command should not contain s, these are for descriptions.
297608jpeelerImprove handling of REGISTER requests with multiple contact headers.
297822tilghmanUse non-deprecated APIs for CoreAudio
297910tilghmanUse inheritance to get correct results for SIPFROMDOMAIN.
298055mnicholsonPrevent a memcpy overlap in GENERIC_FAX_EXEC_SET_VARS
298137jpeelerAdd support for several platforms to obtain the real thread ID.
298201rmudgettOutgoing PRI/BRI calls cannot do DTMF triggered transfers.
298288rmudgettPost AMI hold events on PRI spans when the remote party HOLD/RETRIEVEs the call.
298599jpeelerFix improper hangup when doing an attended transfer to queue.
298686jpeelerAfter recording only silence for a voicemail prepending, restore backup files.
298961tilghmanLet Asterisk find better backtrace information with libbfd.
299005tzafrirTypos: recieved => received
299091russellSome scheduler API cleanup and improvements.
299133russellFix some build errors in addons due to sched API changes.
299134russellFix chan_misdn build after sched API changes.
299135dvosselNew astobj2 flag for issuing a callback without locking the container.
299142tilghmanDocumentation fix
299355mnicholsonRespond as soon as possible with a 202 Accepted to refer requests.
299754tilghmanProperly quote path on Darwin.
299795tilghmanMac OS X spaces-in-pathnames fix.
299824tilghmanMore space-in-pathname issues.
299866pabelangerDocumentation typo
299908pabelangerProperly quote varibles for MAC OS X
299949pabelangerOnly remove /tmp/astdatadir, not /var/lib/asterisk
299990tilghmanQuote arguments, just in case there's a space in a pathname.
300000seanbrightRemove some trailing whitespace and steal revision 300000.
300083lmadsenIncrease side of mapping response field.
300168rmudgettUse correct variable for atxfercallbackretries config option.
300212rmudgettOptional HOLD/RETRIEVE signaling for PTMP TE when the bridge goes on and off hold.
300432russellUpdate the autosupport script from Digium support.
300576pabelangerChange deprecated message to LOG_WARNING
300716rmudgettMerged revision 300711 from
300761dirugglesupdate safe_asterisk script
300841tilghmanXML validation
300959jpeelerEnsure good bye prompt in voicemail is played at the correct time.
301135rmudgettThe DTMF attended transfer feature cannot callback a chan_dahdi BRI phone.
301309mnicholsonPrevent buffer overflows in ast_uri_encode()
301319pabelangerFix a logic issue when passing context ARG
301445schmidtsfix wrong text of rerun menuselect after user interface warning
301447dvosselRemoval of unused variables so Asterisk will compile.
301596mnicholsonRemoved a usleep(1) that shouldn't be necessary in session_do, and removed the
301729pabelangerAdd dialplan variables for asterisk.conf directories
301846lathamaAdd relationships to function documentation.
301850lathamaAdd relationships to function documentation.
301858bbryantChanging previous revisions 301845/301847 to use ast_sockaddr_setnull() instead
301947rmudgettDeadlock between dahdi_request() and pri_dchannel() processing an incomming call.
302006twilsonDocument "encryption" option in sip.conf.sample
302268russellDon't enable AO2_DEBUG by default if AST_DEVMODE is on.
302315mnicholsonURI encode the user part of the contact header.
302319rmudgettUse the expanded format type instead of plain int.
302463pabelangerHandle 'Resource temporarily unavailable' error more gracefully.
302601qwellFix typo pointed out on asterisk-users list.
302686tilghmanAdd some API documentation
302786russellResolve a memory leak with the manager interface is disabled.
302790russellTurn a noisy verbose message into a debug message.
302832pabelangerAdd binutils-dev for BETTER_BACKTRACES
302838russellOnly check container count if it exists.
302879tilghmanOn systems which have LLVM, use that compiler. Should result in a massive speed increase.
302922russellResolve a compiler warning.
303011jpeelerAdd new queue strategy to preserve behavior for when queue members moved to ao2.
303154rmudgettMerged revision 303098 from
303198tilghmanAdd DB_KEYS.
303235tilghmanReally use llvm-gcc, when available.
303288qwellReset configuration before parsing users.conf.
303376qwellTemporarily revert r303288
303418russellRevert default compiler change.
303468qwellReset configuration before parsing users.conf.
303509mnicholsonAccording to section 19.1.2 of RFC 3261:
303547russellAdd gsm-devel as a package to install on redhat based systems.
303638mnicholsonUse unsigned char in comparison for UTF8 check to quiet a compiler warning.
303963twilsonGuard against retransmitting BYEs indefinitely
304008rmudgettDTMF attended transfers sometimes fail for no apparent reason.
304151rmudgettUpdate documentation for DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility() application.
304152mnicholsonReimplemented fax session reservation to reverse the ABI breakage introduced in r297486.
304195seanbrightMake sure the sample queues.conf is properly commented.
304246mnicholsonThis patch modifies chan_sip to route responses to the address the request came from. It also modifies chan_sip to respect the maddr parameter in the Via header.
304252mmichelsonGet rid of unused 'verbose' field in ast_udptl
304340jpeelerChange delimiter used internally for GOTO_ON_BLINDXFR to commas to match 76703.
304342kpflemingAdd ability to disable T.38 usage for specific SendFAX/ReceiveFAX sessions.
304385rmudgettMerged from revision 304341
304422kpflemingRename the SendFAX/ReceiveFAX 'force audio' option.
304463qwellRerun with no changes, so that it is more obvious what my next commit changes.
304467qwellFix default prefix=/usr regression on non-Linux systems. ASTERISK-15796
304555rmudgettWarning message if CALLCOMPLETION(cc_callback_macro or cc_agent_dialstring) are empty.
304599kpflemingFix bug with 'F' option for ReceiveFAX and SendFAX.
304684seanbrightDon't leak references if we can't create a pseudo channel for mixing in MeetMe.
304913lathamaAdd Function and Application Relationships to documentation
304989tilghmanFix compilation when ODBC_STORAGE is defined.
305041tilghmanUse the non-specific API aliases, to avoid a problem with building the utils directory.
305132qwellSet file descriptors to -1 on creation, so that we don't see weirdness later.
305203qwellFix compile error. pseudofd no longer exists.
305248qwellAdd alternative name for config option.
305344rmudgettObtain the pri lock for PRI queue counters.
305604bbryantAdd a possible solution to a customer problem with reloading
305650lathamaSIP Configuration Documentation
305759lathamaReplace link to old doc with new wiki page.
305799lathamaReplacing doc/* with wiki links
305843lathamaReplacing doc/* and asterisk.pdf with wiki links
305939rmudgettMinor AST_FRAME_TEXT related issues.
305988lathamares_phoneprov add snom 300, 320, 360, 370, 820, 821, 870 support ASTERISK-17320
306010dvosselAsterisk media architecture conversion - no more format bitfields
306053dvosselFixes output of "core show codecs" to display image types correctly.
306086qwellModify alignment of 'core show codecs', since the ID is no longer a huge int.
306125jpeelerSet exception on channel in parking thread when POLLPRI event detected.
306128twilsonSet hangup cause in local_hangup
306257dvosselFix compile error in codec ilbc translator.
306292pabelangerRevert changes to extconf.c
306325rmudgettDon't send redirecting updates to the caller if the dialplan forked the call.
306326rmudgettFix compiler warning.
306396rmudgettAdd ISDN display ie text handling options to chan_dahdi.conf.
306464rmudgettIgnore voice frames in chan_dahdi native bridging. Hardware is handling them.
306499mayfix trivial issue after dvossel patch, initial zero fill user and peer
306541dvosselFixes use of ast_format_cap_append where ast_format_cap_copy is necessary.
306576mmichelsonRearrange a bit of code in the generic CC recall operation.
306670twilsonDon't allow a REFER w/replaces to replace its own dialog
306675twilsonDon't try to pickup a call in the middle of a masquerade
306755rmudgettPass a MCID request to the bridged channel.
306791rmudgettUse correct conditional for MCID send.
306793rmudgettDefine the MCID acronym in chan_dahdi.conf.sample.
306827lathamaDocumentation Updates. ASTERISK-15358
306867jpeelermake this safer and fully correct, pointed out by Steve Davis
306968jpeelerfix this line again
307041lathamaDocumentation Updates ASTERISK-15358
307061twilsonFix comparison for REFER Replaces tags with pedantic=yes
307071mmichelsonAdd a couple of useful channel variables for the CC recall macro.
307143tilghmanInitialize tracking variable in structure properly. Fixes a memory leak.
307192tzafrirclarify warning when no loadable module support
307433dvosselFixes bug in chan_sip where nativeformats are not set correctly.
307468mmichelsonFix a gaffe in the CCSS sample configuration.
307537qwellRemove color when executing commands via a remote console. ASTERISK-17373
307677maychange malloc to ast_calloc calls to prevent crash of asterisk
307713maylc not found - it's warning, not error,
307752tilghmanMaking trunk compile again.
307795tilghmanIncrement usage count at first reference, to avoid a race condition with many threads creating connections all at once. ASTERISK-16815
307927dvosselFixes compile error in chan_phone for big endian
307963rmudgettDon't crash when forcing caller id.
307964rmudgettAdd CLI "pri show channels" command. PRI-27
307969mayinclude tcp keepalive socket calls only on linux, freebsd and others
308099mayifdef __linux__ keepalive variables also
308157pabelangerFix FreeBSD builds.
308205rmudgettAdd more verbage to CLI command 'pri show channels' usage.
308243mayadded g729onlyA option for announce only AnnexA g.729 codec in
308289tilghmanA few more (copies of) files to ignore in this directory.
308331lathamaAdd CSS MIME Type
308371tzafrirfix a memory leak in device state
308372lathamaAdd HTTP URI Debug logging and update notice
308417mnicholsonProperly check the bounds of arrays when decoding UDPTL packets. Also, remove broken support for receiving UDPTL packets larger than 16k. That shouldn't ever happen anyway.
308527lathamaUse ast_debug for console logging
308582dvosselMedia Project Phase2: SILK 8khz-24khz, SLINEAR 8khz-192khz, SPEEX 32khz, hd audio ConfBridge, and other stuff
308624rmudgettFix compiler warning.
308680twilsonUse remotesecret to authenticate with a remote party
308724mnicholsonsilence gcc 4.2 compiler warning
308904rmudgettInvalid read in ast_channel_set_caller_event().
309036tilghmanA later version of flex already includes the fwrite workaround code, which if used twice causes a compilation error.
309171rmudgettDocument CHANNEL(keypad_digits) and CHANNEL(no_media_path).
309257qwellFix usage of "hasvoicemail=yes" and "mailbox=" in users.conf for SIP.
309491russellFix a buglet that prevented chan_nbs from loading (and subsequently stopped Asterisk).
309496mnicholsonremove mysterious lua_pushvalue() that is never used
309543mnicholsonCheck for errors from fseek() when loading config file, properly abort on errors from fread(), and supply a traceback for errors generated when loading the config file.
309587mnicholsonRestore mysterious lua_pushvalue() call removed in r309494. The mystery has been solved.
309640twilsonAdd setvar option to calendaring
309766mmichelsonIndicate that Asterisk uses the Allow header to determine if MESSAGE requests should be sent.
309809tilghmanRevert previous 2 commits, and instead conditionally redefine the same macro used in flex 2.5.35 that clashed with our workaround.
309996rmudgettMake pri parameter description consistent.
310332kpflemingUse "-march=native" when possible.
310373jroseMix Monitor: Now with r and t options.
310547jroseFixes null reference bug introduced by audio hook changes that affects various OS distributions. Thanks David.
310588jroseAdds 'p' as an option to func_volume. When it is on, the old behavior with DTMF controlling volume adjustment will be enforced.
310835tilghmanFix branch compile.
311000twilsonDon't keep trying to write to a closed connection
311142mnicholsonDon't write items to the manager socket twice.
311296rmudgettMerged revision 310986 from
311298rmudgettRace condition when ISDN CallRerouting/CallDeflection invoked.
311343mnicholsonProperly populate the LOCALSTATIONID channel variable.
311385dvosselRemove libresample dependency from codec_resample.c
311427jroseAdds an option to FollowMe that isn't useful for the bug it was made to solve. Still, due to the nature of FollowMe, it makes sense to have this option since it keeps apps bound to channels that would otherwise go away from being lost.
311498dvosselFixes memory leak in MeetMe AMI action
311559twilsonDon't use static declared buf in parse_name_andor_addr
311688maycorrect return values in ooh323_indicate for AST_CONTROL_T38_PARAMETERS
311752russellCross-reference VoiceMail() and VoiceMailMain() in the xml docs.
311875rmudgettUpdate some setup_dahdi_int() comments.
311981rmudgettFix function reference in comment.
312118alecdavisapp_voicemail: close_mailbox needs to respect additional messages while mailbox is open.
312289tilghmanReload must react correctly against a possibly changed table, so dropping the conditional reload flag. ASTERISK-17553
312384jroseNew Feature for chan_dahdi. 4 length pattern matching.
312423jroseFixing bad line break from 312384
312680jroseIn handle_cli_dialplan_add_extension, const char pointer *into_context is used instead of a->argv[5] to improve readability.
312716rmudgettRemove the channel parameter from sig_pri_handle_subcmds().
312756jroseMinor change to 'L' option for meetme to include some verb statements for the option.
312897rmudgettAdd 416 response to OPTIONS packet.
312950rmudgettCrash if ISDN span layer 1 is down on initial load.
313003alecdavisapp_voicemail: close_mailbox change LOG_WARNING to LOG_NOTICE
313100rmudgettAdd private lock deadlock avoidance callback to PRI and SS7.
313143mayfix trivial bug in ooh323_indicate on AST_CONTROL_SRC...
313367rmudgettAdded "Connected Line ID" and "Connected Line ID Name" to "core show channel" output.
313383rmudgettBackport a restructuring change from trunk to make the next change stand out.
313438jroseblocking fix from 313436 that was already made in this commit
313482mayIPv6 support for chan_ooh323 ASTERISK-16931
313527rmudgettBring the dumpchan application inline with "core show channel".
313629rmudgett* Add missing channel lock to handle_cli_agi_add_cmd().
313659rmudgettMiscellaneous AGI diagnostic message cleanup and code optimization.
313701rmudgettRevert flushing stale AsyncAGI commands from -r313615.
313822twilsonSets video mark bit on format field correctly
313907mayfix trivial error with set_max_datagram on pvt->udptl
313944mayfix compile error from r313907
314018dvosselsip codec negotiation of dynamic rtp payloads error fix
314080rmudgettThe AsyncAGI command loop is lax in the value it returns for the return status.
314116rmudgettProblems with ISDN MWI to phones.
314158oejAdd explanation of strange flag setup in app_meetme (stolen from Mark's message to asterisk-dev)
314359twilsonInitialize track pointer
314415dvosselFixes error with frame datalen being calculated from samples when this is not allwaya accurate.
314418rmudgettAST_CONTROL_XXX comment changes.
314471sruffellcodec_dahdi: DAHDI still advertises formats using the old bitfields.
314509dvosselIntroduction of the JITTERBUFFER dialplan function.
314551twilsonDon't allocate more space than necessary for a sip_pkt
314598dvosselNew HD ConfBridge conferencing application.
314733rmudgettCorrect DAHDIShowChannels XML documentation.
314734rmudgettSimplify sig_pri.c:build_status().
314824tzafrirFix a few typos (shown by Lintian)
314960mnicholsonDon't hold the pvt lock while streaming a file.
315453rmudgettAdd missing set of name valid flag when dialing.
315670twilsonAllow transfer loops without allowing forwarding loops
315674twilsonMake sure to create the caps structure for autocreated peers
315811russellSet the copyright year to 2011 in the startup message.
315855dvosselClears exception flag during ast_read when func_jitterbuffer is enabled
315856dvosselMakes the new ConfBridge join and leave sounds be used by default rather than beep and beeperr.
316054pabelangerFormatting change, remove red blobs
316293russellFix a bunch of compiler warnings generated by gcc 4.6.0.
316333russellResolve another warning.
316519wedhornCleanup skinny callinfo.
316552wedhornMake skinny_answer use setsubsate_connected.
316584wedhornAdd setsubstate_ringin.
316798dvosselReverts rev 316218 as it breaks parsing the [general] section of sip.conf. ASTERISK-16652
316885wedhornAdd setsubstate_ringout (equivalent to AST_STATE ringing).
316994wedhornAdd setsubstate_busy.
317026wedhornAdd setsubstate_congestion and setsubstate_progress.
317197dvosselFixes reliability issues with func_jitterbuffer's usage in the new ConfBridge application.
317382wedhornMove hold stuff to the setsubstate arrangement.
317475russellFix more "set but unused" warnings.
317596twilsonRe-fix queue round-robin
317721mnicholsonDetect Goto in pbx_lua.
317722mnicholsonUpdated CHANGES for hints support in pbx_lua
317723mnicholsonUse two spaces after periods for the recent pbx_lua change descriptions
317802mnicholsonAdded note about changes in pbx_lua's behavior when applications do dialplan jumps
317803mnicholsonMake pbx_lua handle managing the autoservice better.
317806mnicholsonDefault to starting an autoservice in pbx_lua. The autoservice is
317818mnicholsonUpdated the sample pbx_lua config file to reflect autoservice changes.
317833mnicholsonUpdated CHANGES to note the autoservice changes for pbx_lua
317968russellFix some more "set but unused" compiler warnings.
317996wedhornMove the hookstate from line to device.
318018wedhornRename sub->parent to sub->line.
318106wedhornAdd setsubstate_callwait.
318162jroseDocumenting an observed behavior of features in features.conf. Since parkinglots use an
318193jroseMinor change to 318141 to improve parsing behavior.
318283rmudgettHangup extension executed twice. ASTERISK-15017, ASTERISK-15399
318352rmudgettRemove references to res_features and its export file.
318437russellchan_iax2: change LOG_NOTICE to LOG_DEBUG in iax2_read().
318552twilsonComment out the REF_DEBUG that slipped in during debugging
318600wedhornAdd setsubstate_onhook.
318635wedhornConsolidate setsubstate_* into setsubstate and use a switch.
318833wedhornMove exten used for dialing from device to subchannel.
319024wedhornAdd activatesub and dialandactivate sub.
319212twilsonUnlink a peer from peers_by_ip when expiring a registration
319260rmudgettDeadlock between generic CCSS agent and native ISDN CCSS.
319262jroseMakes busy detection in dsp.c always allow for at least one frame (20ms) of error so that 200ms tone lengths don't get ignored by single frame error lengths.
319316wedhornFix up skinny hints.
319470wedhornRemove extraneous line variables.
319471rmudgettMerged revision 319468 from
319661twilsonMake sure everyone gets an unhold when a transfer succeeds
319759rmudgettCCSS generic agent with POTS and ISDN phones fail caller busy call-back test.
320013rmudgettChange some variable names to make pickup code easier to understand.
320060rmudgettMisc comment cleanup in features.c.
320561kpflemingDon't generate spurious "No: command not found" messages when running the
320717twilsonCast data as char * before using S_OR
320820rmudgettGive zombies a safe channel driver to use. ASTERISK-17690, ASTERISK-17873
320884rmudgettNative SIP CCSS sends bad CC cancel SUBSCRIBE message.
320946twilsonUse va_copy for stringfields
321003russellRemove some variables that were set but unused.
321043twilsonInitialize stack-allocated ast_sockaddrs before use
321045rmudgettUpdate ast_sockaddr comment with an important note.
321212alecdavisFix *8 directed pickup locks system during pickupsound play out ASTERISK-17264, ASTERISK-17748
321289jrosemarkm committed a patch I was working on yesterday, this fixes it to mesh up with suggestions by mnicholson.
321332rmudgettAdd note about PrivacyManager to UPGRADE.txt
321445rmudgettSome hagi launch cleanup.
321516dvosselChan_local locking cleanup. ASTERISK-16711
321518rmudgettUpdate some comments.
321546russellSupport routing text messages outside of a call.
321548rmudgettCDR comment tweaks.
321617russellFix message destination extension.
321752russellFix some astobj2 iterator breakage, add another unit test.
321814rmudgettCorrect IAX2 and SIP event subscription description string.
321872rmudgettEvent subscription fixes.
321925rmudgettBe more explicit for CCSS generic device state event subscription.
321927rmudgettAsterisk crash when unloading cdr_radius/cel_radius.
322070jroseFixes level toggling for logger set levels since it was reversed ASTERISK-17850
322111irrootRefactor rt_handle_member_record
322128irrootRemove Unused Var Warning rt_handle_member_record
322190pabelangerUse correct syntax for 'sip notify snom-reboot' ASTERISK-17915
322244russellActually check the "sendtodialplan" option setting for xmpp. ASTERISK-17978
322284rmudgettCorrect some whitespace and a reference debug message.
322381wedhornRemove skinny do_monitor and use ast_sched_start instead
322426rmudgettSRV lookup attempted for SIP peers listed as an IP address. ASTERISK-17815
322485rmudgettRing all queue with more than 255 agents will cause crash.
322544wedhornAdd autoanswer to skinny.
322750rmudgettRemove potential deadlock in call pickup race.
322808mnicholsondon't drop any voice frames when checking for T.38 during early media ASTERISK-17705
322866twilsonCorrect ast_db_deltree documentation
322940twilsonAdd some astdb unit tests
322982twilsonAvoid a DB1 infinite loop bug
323041mnicholsonUnlock the sip channel during fax detection like chan_dahdi does to prevent a deadlock with ast_autoservice_stop. ASTERISK-17798
323106kmooreConfBridge: Use of bridge or user profiles that don't exist
323155lmadsenTweak documentation for AGI Hangup command. ASTERISK-17999
323212dvosselAddition of "outofcall_message_context" sip.conf option.
323214lmadsenAvoid dividing by zero with L() option to Dial()
323325dvosselStore sip peer name as var data on a outofcall msg.
323372jroseChanges contact use in build_peer to use the FORCE_RPORT flag instead of RPORT_PRESENT ASTERISK-17789
323374twilsonAdd rtpkeepalives back to 1.8 ASTERISK-17304
323397rmudgettAdd more strict hostname checking to ast_dnsmgr_lookup().
323457rmudgettAdd missing break in ast_event_get_cached().
323517kmooreCONFBRIDGE_INFO function to get conference data
323609seanbrightResolve a segfault/bus error when we try to map memory that falls on a page ASTERISK-15359, ASTERISK-16460
323621jroseAdds PQclear calls on result to various parts of res_conf_pgsql ASTERISK-17812
323671rmudgett[regression] Voicemail MWI is no longer sent. ASTERISK-18002, ASTERISK-18019
323673twilsonCast ARRAY_LEN to size_t for ast_logging
323760twilsonFix DYNAMIC_FEATURES ASTERISK-17914
323860twilsonFix more ARRAY_LEN format string issues
323864twilsonMake ARRAY_LEN() return the same type on x86 and x86_64 systems
323867twilsonRemove now-useless cast of ARRAY_LEN
323933twilsonDon't assume ASTDBDIR exists
323991rmudgettThe test_event unit test is occasionally failing.
324050twilsonLock the channel before calling the setoption callback
324131lmadsenFix grammar in documentation for Goto() and GotoIf() ASTERISK-18023
324175rmudgettAdd header string to libpri debug output.
324177lmadsenFix typo in documentation.
324179lmadsenAdd Username and Secret fields to manager Login action.
324238twilsonIgnore media offers with a port of 0 ASTERISK-17845
324242lmadsenRemove extra 'the'.
324302dvosselFixes issue with finding correct extension when message context is used.
324304kmooreConfBridge does not handle hangup properly
324365dvosselFixes locking inversion issue in ast_async_goto()
324422dvosselFixes issue with channel write format being incorrectly restored when MOH is used in confbridge.
324480rmudgettComments and whitespace in chan_sip.c
324482rmudgettr324481 | rmudgett | 2011-06-22 13:41:20 -0500 (Wed, 22 Jun 2011) | 19 lines ASTERISK-17901
324487twilsonStop sending IPv6 link-local scope-ids in SIP messages ASTERISK-17711
324495rmudgettUse correct variable for text SRTP media.
324558twilsonRemove tests for parsing address with invalid port
324664dvosselAddresses AST-2011-010, remote crash in IAX2 driver
324689dvosselFixes sip crash when calling remove_uri_parameters with NULL ASTERISK-18017
324708kmooreAddresses AST-2011-008, memory corruption and remote crash in SIP driver.
324709kmooreConfBridge: redundant code cleanup
324769jroseDTMF wasn't being logged on connected consoles when enabled in logger.conf ASTERISK-17974
324850rmudgettSyntax errors in dialplan do not display the file name. ASTERISK-17985
324915rmudgettWhen subscribing MWI to an unsolicited mailbox the first notification is incorrect. ASTERISK-17997
324961tilghmanSave and restore errno from within signal handlers.
325046twilsonDon't forget to build the Via when sending MESSAGE
325092lmadsenRemove line from prep_tarball that kills mkrelease.
325151dvosselFixes issue with video and text not being reinvited correctly with directmedia
325153jroseFixes moh reload breaking custom mode moh classes when the config file is untouched ASTERISK-17730
325213rmudgettUse the device name and not the channel name to initialize the device state. ASTERISK-11323
325417kpflemingFix random misspelling noticed on asterisk-users.
325483irroot ASTERISK-17421, ASTERISK-17391
325538mnicholsondon't do native/remote bridging if a framehook is active on the channel
325547mnicholsonmake framehooks prevent native bridging (for real this time)
325611rmudgettResponse to QueueRule manager command does not contain ActionID if it was specified.
325616rmudgettFixed some error exit cleanup in app_queue.c.
325741kmoorechan_sip: cleanup from the introduction of ast_str
325815mnicholsoncopy all flags on asterisk frames instead of just the timing flag
325816mnicholsonFax gateway functionality (i.e. translating between a T.30 terminal and a T.38
325864jroseFixes an issue with Music on Hold classes losing files in playlist when realtime is used. ASTERISK-17875
325900mjordanPatched voicemail user option for emailbody / emailsubject ASTERISK-16795
325931dvosselVideo support for ConfBridge.
325936rmudgettMisc minor changes in chan_sip.
325937dvosselFixes warning message caused by confbridge playback chan not being answered.
326006mnicholsonupdated irroots info for the authors section
326056irrootChange CHANGES move the commits to the right place in the file missed in review
326101irrootChange CHANGES move the commits to the right place
326145rmudgettBetter way to get chan and pvt lock for issue ASTERISK-17431. ASTERISK-17431
326210mjordanUpdated filestream destructor to block until move is complete when cache is used ASTERISK-17724
326267markmNew feature: AMI Action FilterAdd ASTERISK-16795
326321rmudgettUsed auth= parameter freed during "sip reload" causes crash. ASTERISK-17939
326368kmoorePrompt conversion script
326412tilghmanAdd the attribute "type" to each "" for menuselect.
326485dvosselReverts fix for timerfd locking issue.
326544dvosselFixes newlines from being stripped from out of dialog sip MESSAGES.
326589twilsonReplace Berkeley DB with SQLite 3
326636tzafrirlive_ast: valgrind: run asterisk under valgrind
326682mnicholsonmake the uri parameter used in reply digests more standards compliant in
326684mnicholsonuse sips: or sip: depending on the transport in use when building reply digest
326750twilsonUse older functions out of deference to older distros
326782dvosselUpdates confbridge.conf video documentation and adds dtmf action for releasing video src.
326842tilghmanlibgen.h is also needed on Darwin for basename(3)
326855dvosselAdds pass-through support for codec CELT.
326856dvosselFixes spelling errors in CHANGES as well as adding a few entries for CELT and confbridge.
326900dvosselAdds missing celt.h file from celt pass-through support patch.
326904dvosselAdds the format_attr_celt file which was also missing from the CELT pass through patch.
326943qwellI think reviewboard broke this. The whole file was doubled.
327000rmudgettSome code cleanup in pbx.c
327045russellResolve some set-but-unused-variable warnings.
327047russellFix an error and add more log message info to help see why this fails on FreeBSD.
327107mnicholsonReset our ast_str before passing it on to dialplan function backends. ASTERISK-17878
327116dvosselMoves celt and silk format attribute files into res folder.
327137dvosselSupport for writing and reading raw slin files 8khz-192khz.
327148dvosselUpdates CHANGES log to reflect new slinear read/write file interpreters.
327168dvosselAdds entry in UPDATES.txt for removal of formats/format_sln16.c. Fixes typo in CHANGES as well.
327212rmudgettINVITE 403 Forbidden response always retransmits the maximum times.
327246qwellAdd .o files to svn:ignore property, since it's only ignored if locally configured to do so.
327359mayFull T.38 handshaking and fax detection ASTERISK-17754
327413tzafrirfix building the Debian armhf (HardFloat) port
327469mnicholsonfixed wording in a comment
327511mnicholsonDelay sending an CED tone generated T.38 reinvite to give the CED tone
327513mnicholsonreset our buffer each iteration when doing variable substitution
327514mnicholsonwrite silence on the channel during t.38 negotiation
327570mnicholsonactually do something with the ced timeout, also added more debug output
327598mnicholsonrenamed fax_gateway_send_ced() to fax_gateway_request_t38()
327640dvosselUpdates follow_talker video_mode in confbridge application.
327683twilsonUpdate chan_gtalk to work with changed GMail-based calls ASTERISK-18084
327684mnicholsonuse printf instead of echo -n in substitution test
327749dvosselSend video update frame to new video source in follow_talker correctly.
327769mnicholsondo v21 detection instead of CED detection for the fax gateway
327794tilghmanUse 'printf' (POSIX issue 4) instead of 'echo -n', for portability.
327856mjordanAdded additional checks for mailbox / password beginning with '*' character ASTERISK-17443
327889qwellFix uninstall target, so that modules dir gets cleared again.
327891mnicholsonsearch in the current context for 'a' and 'o' instead of 'default'
327953kpflemingCorrect double-free situation in manager output processing.
328016rmudgettAdd ATXFER_NULL_TECH note in features.conf.sample.
328075russellremove 1.8 merge properties
328076russellset 1.10 merge properties
328079lmadsenAdd UPGRADE-1.10.txt file from UPGRADE.txt.
328121dvosselPreserve sample rate quality of wideband mixmonitor recordings.
328163mnicholsontune the v21 preamble detector to properly detect the desired sequence of hits
328208jroseMonitor application arguments requirements fixed.
328259lmadsenIntroduce tags in MODULEINFO.
328318rmudgettMissing SIP pvt and channel unlock in sip_set_rtp_peer().
328344rmudgettMake hint watcher callback take const strings for context and exten parameters.
328381wedhornAdd SLA to skinny. ASTERISK-17947
328449lmadsenUpdate UPGRADE.txt and CHANGES files.
328459lmadsenBuild app_macro by default because things depend on it.
328502maysmall gk processing fixes:
328610markmFixed invalid read and null pointer deref on asterisk shutdown. ASTERISK-17927
328612markmIf the sip private structure is null, sip_setoption() will defref the null pointer and crash. ASTERISK-17909
328665markmapp_dial may double free a channel datastore ASTERISK-17917
328718twilsonMake AST_LIST_REMOVE safer
328772kmooreMeetMe requests a PIN twice in some circumstances
328825kmooreRTP bridge away with inband DTMF and feature detection
328877russellFix properties after twilson's change so merges still work
328880kpflemingEdit the merge properties to match their names.
328881kpflemingRevert partial attempt at handling pathnames with spaces.
328937kmooreInband DTMF regression
328996twilsonWe can't guarantee an eth0 is present
329056pabelangerAsterisk now requires libpri 1.4.11+ for PRI support.
329105russellFix merge properties to reflect Asterisk 10 branch
329106qwellRemove another 2.0 property.
329130qwellFix UPGRADE.txt files for Asterisk 10.
329146rmudgettDialplan bridge() app mutex 'current_dest_chan' freed more times than we've locked! ASTERISK-17772
329201rmudgettUpdate PickupChan documentation. ASTERISK-17494, ASTERISK-18144
329205rmudgettDocument parkinglot in chan_dahdi.conf.sample.
329332rmudgettDeadlocks dealing with dialplan hints during reload. ASTERISK-17666, ASTERISK-17760
329335rmudgettMake use less redundant loop construct for iterating over hints.
329391irroot ASTERISK-17866
329473pabelangerDecrease verbose messages to debug, to help clean up CLI.
329530jroseFixes some voicemail forwarding behavior based around prepend mode.
329564jroseChanges sound file for prepend "then-press-pound" to "vm-then-pound" which is the same
329671seanbrightSort the module list so that 'module show' is alphabetical.
329711jroseFix New Zealand indications profile based on ASTERISK-16263
329856jrosereverting 329840 due to failing tests. Going to change this feature to be purely optional.
329897seanbrightMake the output of Externhost in 'sip show settings' more consistent.
329951seanbrightCorrect the spelling of 'conference.'
329953seanbrightThe default conf-usermenu says that '8' can be used to leave the conference, so
329993mnicholsoncheck for CONFIG_STATUS_FILE_INVALID when loading the res_fax config file ASTERISK-18161
329996qwellFix a SIP transfer deadlock.
330052rmudgettDatacalls with B410P fail.
330109twilsonMake console colors work for TERM=xterm-256color
330163pabelangerFix typo pointed out on #asterisk
330205seanbrightOnly write to wav files that were opened to be written to.
330221seanbrightCorrect the check for O_RDONLY.
330273russellastobj2: Avoid using temporary objects + ao2_find() with OBJ_POINTER.
330313irrootprevent double masqurading channels when one is been hung up and deadlock avoidance is used.
330370rmudgettRemove some redundant locking code in ast_do_masquerade().
330379rmudgettFixed compiler warning and a couple prototype mismatches.
330577dvosselFixes uninitialized string buffer in log message. ASTERISK-17200
330580dvosselOptimization to buffer initialization fix.
330593dvosselFixes crash in chan_iax2. ASTERISK-17610
330650kpflemingConvert an error message to actually be helpful.
330707kmooreCall pickup broken for DAHDI channels when beginning with #
330764kmooreediting files in main/editline does not ensure rebuild of libedit.a ASTERISK-16221
330845twilsonMake libsrtp instructions more explicit when linking fails ASTERISK-18139
330903maychange gk client behaivour on rrq/grq failures to setup timers
330941dvosselThe slin resampler is no longer dependent on an external library, but the dependency was not removed correctly.
331000kmooreapp_queue: Add StateInterface to output of "queue show" and "QueueStatus" ASTERISK-18071
331037kmooreLog queue member name when state_interface is set for ADDMEMBER and REMOVEMEMBER events ASTERISK-14769
331040kmooreIn-queue MOH stops after a periodic announcement ASTERISK-18077
331042twilsonReplace AMI Unlink events with Bridge events ASTERISK-17455
331098twilsonBump the AMI protocol version to 1.2
331140qwellRevert merge of r306999, due to merge conflict.
331141qwellDocumentation Updates ASTERISK-15358
331144qwellRegenerate asterisk man page from sgml.
331201kmooreAllow ENUM query functions to report lookup errors ASTERISK-13769
331202maymove ast_cond_signal for admitted call after all data filled/freed ASTERISK-18218
331266rmudgettMisc minor items found in code.
331317kmooreAMI action ModuleReload returns Error if Module: missing or empty
331371jroseSIP display-name needed to be empty for Avaya IP500 ASTERISK-16198
331419rmudgettRevert -r318141. It was a band-aid that only partially fixed parking. ASTERISK-17374
331421rmudgettMake sure feature_request_and_dial() initializes outstate if passed in.
331463rmudgettOutput of queue log not started until logger reloaded. ASTERISK-15863, ASTERISK-17036, ASTERISK-18208
331519kmooreSIP Notify via AMI or CLI leaks SIP PVTs ASTERISK-18091
331577rmudgettSegfault in shell_helper in func_shell.c. ASTERISK-18109
331580qwellUse proper values for 64-bit option flags. ASTERISK-18239
331657kmooreLogger does not warn of failure to open logging channels ASTERISK-16231
331660twilsonFix netsock2 multiple zero-expansion test
331716rmudgettAMI actions DAHDIHangup and DAHDITransfer have no effect.
331717jroseFixes 32bit compilation warnings brought on by 331634 in app_dial and app_meetme
331773rmudgettSuppress warning message when using DAHDITransfer or DAHDIHangup.
331776mnicholsonUnlock the channel before calling update_queue.
331830oejFormatting guideline fixes
331869dvosselFixes locking inversion issues present in the handling of the sip REFER method. ASTERISK-18082
331903pabelangerFix noisy message when briding channels ASTERISK-18270
331957rmudgettFix some minor chan_dahdi config load issues.
332023mnicholsonIn 10 and trunk this option is disabled by default.
332024oejFormatting changes while working with DTMF...
332028mnicholsonuse DEFAULT_STORE_SIP_CAUSE to set the default value for the 'storesipcause' option
332033mnicholsonMoved notes about 'storesipcause' to UPGRADE.txt from CHANGES
332044mnicholsonfix a code comment
332117rmudgettFix multiple parking issues. ASTERISK-17183, ASTERISK-17870, ASTERISK-17430, ASTERISK-17452, ASTERISK-15792
332120jroseASTERISK-18067 ASTERISK-15479 - White Space affects mailbox value, multiple MWI subs ASTERISK-18067, ASTERISK-15479
332178pabelangerFlag test modules as 'core'
332270rmudgettOutgoing BRI calls fail when using Asterisk 1.8 with HA8, HB8, and B410P cards.
332337twilsonDon't read from a disarmed or invalid timerfd ASTERISK-18142, ASTERISK-18166, ASTERISK-18197
332388tilghmanRe-add support for spaces in pathnames, including now spaces in DESTDIR. ASTERISK-18290
332448tilghmanMove BETTER_BACKTRACES out of development mode, as it's useful when DEBUG_THREADS is enabled.
332505kmooreCRC4 in "dahdi show status" gives wrong impression to T1 users
332561twilsonFix possible error on stringification of IPv4-mapped addrs ASTERISK-18289
332615rmudgettFix infinite loop releasing the same memory in ldap_loadentry().
332655kmooreMake CONFBRIDGE_INFO behave more nicely
332701pabelangerFix outgoing calls in chan_gtalk ASTERISK-18301
332757mnicholsonadd a way to disable and/or modify the gateway timeout ASTERISK-18219
332760jroseAdd option for logging congested calls as CONGESTION instead of NO_ANSWER in CDR ASTERISK-14842
332762rmudgettMemory leak reading realtime database variable list. ASTERISK-18277, ASTERISK-18265
332831rmudgettMemory leaks in realtime_multi_xxx() when database access returns error.
332879rmudgettFix merge 10 branch merge properties.
332880pabelangerRevert previous commit ASTERISK-18301
332881rmudgettFix merge property. ASTERISK-18265
332941rmudgettMinor code optimizations.
333014rmudgettMemory Leak in app_queue ASTERISK-15862, ASTERISK-18265
333070oejAdd manager event for local channel semi-bridge
333071oejAdd documentation for new manager event in chan_local
333075oejFormatting changes - Removing some red white space and adding some curly brackets.
333117mnicholsonChanged the "timeout" option to "gwtimeout". ASTERISK-18219
333159qwellFix typo from r333070
333204qwellFix installation into directories containing spaces. ASTERISK-18290
333269qwellFix for DESTDIR spaces patch.
333276jroseSegfault when publishing device states via XMPP and not connected ASTERISK-18078
333371mjordanBug fixes for voicemail user emailsubject / emailbody. ASTERISK-16795, ASTERISK-16781
333428jrose[patch] Buddies are always auto-registered when processing the roster ASTERISK-14233
333509tzafrirchan_vpb: remove unused variables (gcc4.6) ASTERISK-18336
333571jroseAccidental use of variable client->status instead of client->state in from ASTERISK-18078 ASTERISK-18078
333632mjordanFixed improperly formatted TestEvent AMI message in app_voicemail
333689twilsonUse realtime text when it is negotiated ASTERISK-17937
333736mnicholsonIt is possible for the gateway to be attached when the channel is still ASTERISK-18329
333789rmudgettFix deadlock potential of chan_mobile.c:mbl_ast_hangup().
333838twilsonRefresh peer address if DNS unavailable at peer creation ASTERISK-18000
333896mnicholsonReplaced FAXOPT(gwtimeout) with a second parameter to FAXOPT(gateway). ASTERISK-18219
333963maycleanups in ACF/ARJ GK replies processing
334008kmooreCorrect an AMI protocol violation with SIPshowpeer ASTERISK-17486
334011rmudgettCall pickup race leaves orphaned channels or crashes. ASTERISK-18222, ASTERISK-18273
334014rmudgettNo DAHDI channel available for conference, user introduction disabled. ASTERISK-17398
334067mnicholsononly alter the gateway_timeout when attching the gateway to a channel ASTERISK-18219
334115rmudgettOptimize chan_sip.c check_rtp_timeout() function. ASTERISK-18319
334158mnicholsonDisable T.38 when we get a invite with image media port set to 0 ASTERISK-17678
334236tilghmanRemove 1.6 compatibility documentation from 1.8, as it no longer applies.
334304rmudgettFix potential memory allocation failure crashes in config.c.
334358rmudgettMusicOnHold has extra unref which may lead to memory corruption and crash. ASTERISK-18346
334472irroot ASTERISK-18255
334515irrootRevert r334472 due to properties going missing
334517pabelangerauthdebug is now disabled by default
334519irroot ASTERISK-18255
334574tilghmanImplement the '!' negation element to negate codecs directly in the allow keyword.
334618alecdavisPrevent segfault if call arrives before Asterisk is fully booted.
334619alecdavislog Asterisk Version number, Build etc into each log file
334623alecdavisperoid typo
334683schmidtsAdding the Feature to sent a Reason Header in a SIP Cancel message by set the flag AST_FLAG_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE before doing a masquerade in the pickup function.
334712schmidtsAdding the Feature to sent a Reason Header in a SIP Cancel message by set the flag AST_FLAG_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE before doing a masquerade in the pickup function.
334744schmidtsclean up wrong merged stuff
334792schmidtsAdding the Feature to sent a Reason Header in a SIP Cancel message by set the flag AST_FLAG_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE before doing a masquerade in the pickup function.
334842rmudgettFix AMI action Park crash.
334845pabelangerCleanup chan_iax2.c log messages
334907jroseRemoves colorful verb statements erroneously commited with r332760
334955rmudgettFix crash with res_fax when MALLOC_DEBUG and "core stop gracefully" are used.
335079mjordanUpdated SIP 484 handling; added Incomplete control frame ASTERISK-17288
335129twilsonAdd SQLite 3 realtime support
335170pabelangerIterate though cdr.conf setting
335212pabelangerBe more specific on which section has changed.
335261schmidtsbuild_peer doesnt unlink a peer object from peers_by_ip container which leads to a wrong refcounter value.
335322kmoorePrevent IAX2 from getting IPv6 addresses via DNS ASTERISK-18090
335324oejLock the peer->mvipvt to avoid crashes with SIP history enabled ASTERISK-18288
335325oejNew sip.conf option for setting default tonezone for channel or individual devices ASTERISK-18497
335349oejSmall documentation updates
335354kmooreEnsure frames are not written to dialed channel if ringback is requested ASTERISK-18083
335385oejDocumentation updates
335435mnicholsonProperly set caller_warning and callee_warning before we try to use them. ASTERISK-18199
335511russellFix a crash in res_ais.
335555pabelangerClean up dnsmgr.conf parsing
335556pabelangerClean up cdr.conf parsing for [csv] section
335603pabelangerClean up dsp.conf parsing
335654mnicholsonDon't limit the size of appdata for manager originate actions. ASTERISK-17709
335657tilghmanMove mandatory checks closer to the beginning of the file.
335718tzafrirdo parse defaultlanguage from asterisk.conf
335719pabelangerAdditional updates for parsing dnsmgr.conf
335722rmudgettRemove obsolete todo comment about PICKUPRESULT.
335792mnicholsonThe tech and data members of fast_originate_helper are not string fields. ASTERISK-17709
335853rmudgettFixed cut-n-paste regression using the wrong variable. ASTERISK-18496
335913rmudgettRemove unnecessary libpri dependency checks in the configure script. ASTERISK-18535
335993irrootlock the channel before calling ast_bridged_channel() to prevent a seg fault. ASTERISK-18092
336043oejMeetme: Introducing a new option "k" to kill a conference if there's only a single member left. ASTERISK-18234
336092dvosselRemoves some no-op code found in format_cap.c.
336095irroot ASTERISK-18101, ASTERISK-18487
336168irrootThe round robin routing routine in chan_misdn.c is broken. ASTERISK-18413
336236seanbrightMake a note that inotify won't work with an NFS mounted spooler directory.
336311jroseFix bad RTP media bridges in directmedia calls on peers separated by multiple Asterisk nodes. ASTERISK-18340, ASTERISK-17725
336315twilsonAdd missing frame types to func_frame_trace
336317twilsonWhitespace fix
336382oejAdd missing unlock at MWI message sending time ASTERISK-18573
336453oejMake sure manager_debug option is reset at reload
336503irrootA long time ago in a galaxy far far away a IPv6 update was made, ASTERISK-17278, ASTERISK-17500
336505oejAdd diversion header to a 302 redirect response if we have diversion data ASTERISK-18143
336571rmudgettRework sig_pri_hangup() to be simpler and clearer.
336574lmadsenUpdate script to work again.
336600qwellRemove weird mergeinfo props that make merges annoying sometimes.
336660rmudgettRestore 10 branch merge properties.
336661rmudgettUpdate merge 10 branch merge propterty.
336662rmudgettMade Dial d and H options no longer immediately auto-answer the calling leg. ASTERISK-13294, ASTERISK-11067
336732jroseDocument applications that play audio and do not answer unanswered calls.
336735tilghmanVarious changes to allow 1.8 to compile on Mac OS X Lion (10.7)
336790tilghmanEnsure substring will not be found in the previous match.
336837twilsonDon't interfere with T.38 reinvites ASTERISK-18340, ASTERISK-17725
336879russellFix crashes in ast_rtcp_write(). ASTERISK-18570, ASTERISK-17560, ASTERISK-15406, ASTERISK-15257, ASTERISK-13334, ASTERISK-9977, ASTERISK-9716
336937irroot ASTERISK-17895
336988rmudgettFix deadlock from not releasing SS7 linkset lock.
337009rmudgettCheck if a channel was created before using the pointer in sig_ss7_new_ast_channel(). ASTERISK-17955, ASTERISK-17966
337063kmooreMake CANMATCH with the new pattern match engine behave more like the old one ASTERISK-18044
337117lmadsenUpdate RedHat Init script to work with Heartbeat. ASTERISK-18253
337121rmudgettRestore branch-10 merge properties.
337122rmudgettUpdated 10 merge property.
337123rmudgettFix crash with STRREPLACE function. ASTERISK-18545
337124mjordanFix for incorrect voicemail duration in external notifications ASTERISK-2234, ASTERISK-16981
337179oejChange strictrtp option to default to yes in the RTP module ASTERISK-18587
337220oejMake ast_pbx_run() not default to s@default if extension is not found ASTERISK-18578
337262irrootAdds a timeout argument to app_originate
337283irrootWhitespace fixup from SRTP patch
337432irrootIts possible to loose audio on ast_write when the channel is not transcoded correctly. ASTERISK-17541, ASTERISK-18063, ASTERISK-14384, ASTERISK-17502, ASTERISK-18325, ASTERISK-18422
337488irrootIf IP address is used in chan_h323 host parameter of peer configuration. ASTERISK-18237, ASTERISK-17278, ASTERISK-17500
337543irrootAdd warned to ast_srtp to prevent errors on each frame from libsrtp
337600jroseGenerate Security events in chan_sip using new Security Events Framework ASTERISK-18264
337722rmudgettMade ISDN not add numbering plan prefix strings to empty numbers. ASTERISK-18577
337776russellComment out entries in sample res_pktccops.conf.
337855irrootMake sure a CDR is on the stack for call in the Queue. ASTERISK-18567
337975rmudgettFix deadlock when using dummy channels. ASTERISK-18613
338042oejWhitespace (red blobs) fixes
338086pabelangerUpgrade app_macro to core
338136transnexusUpdated for OSP Toolkit 4.0.0.
338139transnexusUpdated for checking OSP Toolkit version 4.0.0.
338187twilsonAdd autopausebusy and autopauseunavail queue options ASTERISK-16112
338188twilsonUpdate CHANGES to reflect autopausebusy not being in Asterisk 10
338226rmudgettFix chan_dahd compiling with gcc 4.6 when PRI and SS7 not present. ASTERISK-18357
338229qwellAdd support levels to non-module sections of menuselect (cflags, utils, etc).
338284rmudgettFix inconsistency in LOG_VERBOSE/AST_LOG_VERBOSE declaration. ASTERISK-17973
338324rmudgettMake duplicate call ptr warning message more helpful.
338377oejJust formatting.
338415oejAdd CLI command "cdr show pgsql status" based on "cdr mysql status"
338435irrootThe rtptimeout setting is ignored on a per peer basis. ASTERISK-18559
338553qwellTest modules have a support level of core.
338557pabelangerTest modules should depend on the TEST_FRAMEWORK flag
338623oejPreserve DTMF length in main/features.c
338665rmudgettFix formatting of AMI header for SIP show peer. ASTERISK-17486, ASTERISK-18649
338720jroseAdds documentation for QueueMemberStatus event generation
338755oejFormatting changes only
338802rmudgettFix segfault in analog_ss_thread() not checking ast_read() for NULL. ASTERISK-18648
338855transnexusUpdate "configure" based on r338139.
338905irrootRemove T38 Gateway capability when detaching framehook.
338951irrootFixup a race condition in res_fax.c where FAXOPT(gateway)=no will
338996irrootRemove the channel function OOH323() and place its options into
338998irrootDocumentation noting the extension of CHANNEL() for chan_ooh323
339021mnicholsonproperly remove the AST_FAX_TECH_GATEWAY flag (instead of setting all of the other flags)
339044mnicholsonDon't clear the AST_FAX_TECH_MULTI_DOC flag right after we set it.
339046mnicholsonPorted ast_fax_caps_to_str() to 10, not sure why it wasn't already here.
339090twilsonProperly ignore AST_CONTROL_UPDATE_RTP_PEER in more places ASTERISK-18610
339091maydestroy memheap mutex properly before memheap deleted
339146lmadsenMake documentation for Dial() options 'F' and 'F()' more clear. ASTERISK-18646
339149lmadsenRemove duplicated Maxforwards line in AMI output. ASTERISK-18637
339206oejGenerate error message when AMI action originate extension doesn't exist
339262mayfix forget declaration in previous change
339315jroseReverting revision 333265 due to component connection problems it introduces. ASTERISK-18626, ASTERISK-18078
339354jroseRemoves improper use of sound 'and' in German language mode from application saynumber ASTERISK-18212
339408rmudgettMake always create the MOH directory (/var/lib/asterisk/moh). ASTERISK-18409
339464irrootOnly change the capabilities on the gateway when
339465irrootAdd generic faxdetect framehook to res_fax ASTERISK-18569
339509mnicholsonThe app name in the documentation must match what we register the application
339510rmudgettAdd missing documentation of required AMI action Challenge AuthType header. ASTERISK-18554
339513rmudgettFix Dial F option notes formatting.
339587lmadsenUpdate prep_tarball script to download pre-exported documentation. ASTERISK-18677
339627rmudgettFix debugging messages generated by 'udptl debug'. ASTERISK-18401
339680wedhornFixed segfault on core stop gracefully.
339721rmudgettFix regression in configure script for libpri capability checks. ASTERISK-18535, ASTERISK-18687
339723rmudgettFixed segfault on core stop gracefully.
339778rmudgettInitialize option flags for SendURL application. ASTERISK-18574
339832igorg ASTERISK-17314
339886igorg ASTERISK-18638
339947igorgFix compilation issue, caused by missed session structure ASTERISK-18694
339993wedhornRemove log message on traverse session list.
340032wedhornReturn -1 to skinny_session if register rejected.
340070wedhornIncrease SKINNY_MAX_PACKET and add some logging.
340071wedhornAdd skinny version 17 protocol support.
340110mnicholsonLoad the proper XML documentation when multiple modules document the same application. ASTERISK-18130
340166mjordanUpdated chan_sip to place calls on hold if SDP address in INVITE is ANY ASTERISK-18086
340221twilsonAdd astdb conversion utility for Berkeley to SQLite 3
340223twilsonOn astdb conversion, also warn about permissions requirements ASTERISK-18174
340224twilsonReturn error when no rows are deleted for AMI DBDelTree
340282rmudgettConvert registered AMI actions to ao2 objects. ASTERISK-13784, ASTERISK-17785, ASTERISK-18479
340283tzafrirUpdate SHA1 code to RFC 6234
340318rmudgettFix some potential deadlocks pointed out by helgrind.
340367rmudgettAdd protection for SS7 channel allocation and better glare handling. ASTERISK-17966
340420pabelangerFix verbose messages when IPv6 logic was added ASTERISK-18612
340472rmudgettUpdate MeetMe p and X option documentation when interacting with the s option. ASTERISK-12175
340524rmudgettInitialize the PRI channel alarms properly on startup. ASTERISK-18710
340579twilsonUpdate SIP realtime fullcontact regardless of caching ASTERISK-18446
340626schmidtsStore route-set from provisional SIP responses so early-dialog requests can be routed properly
340665twilsonDon't skip the query field on a realtime multi query
340719twilsonInitialize ast_sockaddr before calling ast_sockaddr_resolve
340720schmidtsstoring the route-set also on a 181 response not only on 180,182 or 183.
340771irrootOnly change the capabilities on the gateway when
340811rmudgettRestore branch 10 merge properties.
340812rmudgettUpdate 10 merged property.
340813rmudgettFix DTMF blind transfer continuing to execute dialplan after transfer. ASTERISK-18275
340880twilsonAvoid unnecessary WARNING message ASTERISK-18610
340932jroseSome additional module documentation changes for 10 for the menuselect change. ASTERISK-18268
340972kmooreQuiet RTCP Receiver Reports during fax transmission ASTERISK-18400
340973wedhornFix simple switch to not progress a call when call already progressed.
341024kpflemingChange the internal name of the menuselect options that are used to control
341090twilsonDon't try to remove peers without IPs from peers_by_ip ASTERISK-18696
341096qwellAdd information about limitations of new codec support in channel drivers. ASTERISK-18680
341126pabelangerMultiple revisions 341108,341112
341147pabelangerSet 'core' support level for test_format_api.c
341191twilsonInitialize variables before calling parse_uri ASTERISK-18668
341198tzafrirRemove an unused include of md5.h
341256rmudgettMore parking issues.
341316twilsonDon't resolve numeric hosts or contact unresolved hosts ASTERISK-17146, ASTERISK-17716
341378schmidtsDon't sent in-dialog requests like UPDATE when Asterisk has not yet received a Contact URI from a UAS
341381twilsonDon't use is_int() since it doesn't link well on all platforms ASTERISK-17146
341437pabelangerOutgoing calls with Google Voice ASTERISK-18714
341487mnicholsonFix a performance regression introduced in r325483.
341533twilsonClean up ast_check_digits
341583irrootAdd option to check state when state is unknown
341624irrootadd documentation for check_state_unknown in configs/queues.conf.sample
341666pabelangerUpdated documentation for the optional CID parameter with CALLERID
341713pabelangerFixed typo from previous commit
341719rmudgettFix AGI exec Park to honor the Park application parameters. ASTERISK-12715, ASTERISK-12685, ASTERISK-18737
341769irrootWhite space fixes in res_fax
341808mnicholsondon't limit the length of app and function arguments ASTERISK-18395
341811mnicholsononly process args that exist ASTERISK-18395
341869mayfix issue on channel numbering (calls could have same channel number
341923irrootWhitespace Fixups / Add Braces
341973irrootRemove some ref leaks and a return without unlock.
342018irrootqueues container needs locking when using the OBJ_NOLOCK flag
342063jroseOutbound SIP OPTIONS messages will now include fromuser of related peer. ASTERISK-17616
342112rmudgettFix use of OBJ_KEY in Queue application. ASTERISK-14769
342148jroseFixes a segfault caused by referencing null frames introduced in r338623
342184rmudgettFix ao2obj.h comment typos and add missing link/unlink nolock debug defines.
342225twilsonReturn NULL when no results returned for realtime_multientry
342278kmooreFix spool handling to allow call files to be hardlinked into place ASTERISK-18331
342330kmooreFix compilation on Snow Leopard/FreeBSD for pbx_spool.c
342382twilsonProperly update membercount for reloaded members
342385twilsonSimplify queue membercount code
342437twilsonUse int for storing ao2_container_count instad of size_t
342486rmudgettChange D-channel warning to be less confusing on non-NFAS setups.
342489rmudgettCheck fopen return value for ao2 reference debug output.
342557jroseCleanup reference leaks in res_jabber
342604jroseFix sequence number overflow over 16 bits causing codec change in RTP packets. ASTERISK-18291
342606mnicholsontweak the v21 detector to detect an additional pattern of hits and misses
342663rmudgettFix AST_LIST_INSERT_BEFORE_CURRENT() updating the wrong variable.
342664rmudgettWhitespace and some better macro variable names.
342716twilsonDon't crash on empty notify channel
342771mjordanFixed invalid memory access when adding extension to pattern match tree ASTERISK-18135
342825rmudgettMisc format capability fixes.
342871wdoekesCleanup references to sipusers and sipfriends dynamic realtime families
342930wdoekesSeveral fixes to the chan_sip dynamic realtime peer/user lookup ASTERISK-17792, ASTERISK-18356
342992kpflemingModify comments in MeetMe application documentation about DAHDI.
343049lmadsenUpdate documentation for leastrecent strategy. ASTERISK-17854
343104lmadsenAdd note about how Authenticate() application with option 'd' works. ASTERISK-17422
343163wdoekesEnsure that string field lengths are properly aligned ASTERISK-17310
343219wdoekesFix improper warning introduced by r342927 and more tweaks
343222twilsonRemove registertrying option in chan_sip
343278twilsonMake room for the fax detect flags
343338rmudgettRemove invalid flag given to iterator in func_dialgroup.c
343394wdoekesFix sqlite config driver segfault and broken queries ASTERISK-18354, ASTERISK-18355
343448mayFinal fix memleaks in GkClient codes, same for Timer codes.
343492oejFormatting and doxygen improvements
343534mnicholsonlist all of the codecs associated with a particular format id for CLI command "core show codec"
343579rmudgettFix deadlock if peer is destroyed while sending MWI notice. ASTERISK-18747
343581wdoekesCorrect the default udptl port range. ASTERISK-16250
343636kmoorePrevent BLF subscriptions from causing deadlocks ASTERISK-18663
343684rmudgettFix __sip_subscribe_mwi_do() incorectly changing dialogs hash key callid.
343692mnicholsonrespect case changes in peer names on sip reload ASTERISK-18669
343693lmadsenAllow built in variables to be used with dynamic weights. ASTERISK-13657
343744kmooreMake "sip show settings" CLI command get RPID flags from the right global page
343790lmadsenFix boo-boo in prep_tarball script.
343853rmudgettFixed reference to incorrect variable if unknown host configured crash. ASTERISK-18743
343905dvosselFixes regression caused by r343635 ASTERISK-18839
343951wdoekesFix crash when dialplan remove include is called with too few arguments. ASTERISK-18762

Diffstat Results

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This is a summary of the changes to the source code that went into this release that was generated using the diffstat utility.

.cleancount                                   |    2
BSDmakefile                                   |   11
BUGS                                          |    2
CHANGES                                       |  355 +
CREDITS                                       |    4
Makefile                                      |  257
Makefile.moddir_rules                         |    8
Makefile.rules                                |   11
UPGRADE-1.8.txt                               |  316 +
UPGRADE-10.txt                                |   81
UPGRADE.txt                                   |  309 -
addons/Makefile                               |   26
addons/app_mysql.c                            |   27
addons/app_saycountpl.c                       |    2
addons/cdr_mysql.c                            |    9
addons/chan_mobile.c                          |   65
addons/chan_ooh323.c                          | 1332 +++-
addons/chan_ooh323.h                          |    9
addons/format_mp3.c                           |   11
addons/ooh323c/src/dlist.c                    |    6
addons/ooh323c/src/dlist.h                    |    2
addons/ooh323c/src/memheap.c                  |    6
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCalls.c                  |    1
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCalls.h                  |   11
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCapability.c             |    6
addons/ooh323c/src/ooCmdChannel.c             |    4
addons/ooh323c/src/ooGkClient.c               |  255
addons/ooh323c/src/ooGkClient.h               |    8
addons/ooh323c/src/ooLogChan.c                |    7
addons/ooh323c/src/ooLogChan.h                |    4
addons/ooh323c/src/ooSocket.c                 |  131
addons/ooh323c/src/ooSocket.h                 |   22
addons/ooh323c/src/ooStackCmds.c              |    3
addons/ooh323c/src/ooTimer.c                  |    6
addons/ooh323c/src/oochannels.c               |  151
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh245.c                   |  482 +
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh323.c                   |  347 -
addons/ooh323c/src/ooh323ep.h                 |    3
addons/ooh323c/src/ooports.c                  |    4
addons/ooh323c/src/ooq931.c                   |  335 -
addons/ooh323c/src/ootypes.h                  |    2
addons/ooh323c/src/printHandler.c             |    4
addons/ooh323cDriver.c                        |  119
addons/ooh323cDriver.h                        |   10
addons/res_config_mysql.c                     |   45
agi/Makefile                                  |    6
agi/agi.xml                                   |    4
agi/eagi-test.c                               |    4
apps/Makefile                                 |    6
apps/app_adsiprog.c                           |    7
apps/app_alarmreceiver.c                      |   10
apps/app_amd.c                                |   18
apps/app_authenticate.c                       |   12
apps/app_cdr.c                                |    4
apps/app_celgenuserevent.c                    |    3
apps/app_chanisavail.c                        |    4
apps/app_channelredirect.c                    |    4
apps/app_chanspy.c                            |   60
apps/app_confbridge.c                         | 2512 +++++++-
apps/app_controlplayback.c                    |    4
apps/app_dahdibarge.c                         |   13
apps/app_dahdiras.c                           |    1
apps/app_db.c                                 |    4
apps/app_dial.c                               |  546 +
apps/app_dictate.c                            |   15
apps/app_directed_pickup.c                    |  255
apps/app_directory.c                          |   10
apps/app_disa.c                               |    4
apps/app_dumpchan.c                           |  159
apps/app_echo.c                               |   14
apps/app_exec.c                               |    3
apps/app_externalivr.c                        |    8
apps/app_fax.c                                |   74
apps/app_festival.c                           |   38
apps/app_flash.c                              |    1
apps/app_followme.c                           |   88
apps/app_forkcdr.c                            |    4
apps/app_getcpeid.c                           |   10
apps/app_ices.c                               |   18
apps/app_image.c                              |    4
apps/app_ivrdemo.c                            |    1
apps/app_jack.c                               |   13
apps/app_macro.c                              |   31
apps/app_meetme.c                             |  581 +
apps/app_milliwatt.c                          |   10
apps/app_minivm.c                             |   47
apps/app_mixmonitor.c                         |  264
apps/app_morsecode.c                          |    7
apps/app_mp3.c                                |   21
apps/app_nbscat.c                             |   19
apps/app_originate.c                          |   30
apps/app_osplookup.c                          |  210
apps/app_page.c                               |    1
apps/app_parkandannounce.c                    |   40
apps/app_playback.c                           |   23
apps/app_playtones.c                          |    4
apps/app_privacy.c                            |    9
apps/app_queue.c                              | 1203 ++--
apps/app_read.c                               |    4
apps/app_readexten.c                          |   68
apps/app_readfile.c                           |    6
apps/app_record.c                             |   17
apps/app_rpt.c                                |  150
apps/app_saycounted.c                         |    6
apps/app_sayunixtime.c                        |    4
apps/app_senddtmf.c                           |    4
apps/app_sendtext.c                           |    6
apps/app_setcallerid.c                        |    8
apps/app_skel.c                               |    1
apps/app_sms.c                                |   16
apps/app_softhangup.c                         |    4
apps/app_speech_utils.c                       |   19
apps/app_stack.c                              |    9
apps/app_talkdetect.c                         |   21
apps/app_test.c                               |   17
apps/app_transfer.c                           |    4
apps/app_url.c                                |    6
apps/app_userevent.c                          |   11
apps/app_verbose.c                            |    6
apps/app_voicemail.c                          |  933 ++-
apps/app_waitforring.c                        |    4
apps/app_waitforsilence.c                     |   14
apps/app_waituntil.c                          |    4
apps/app_while.c                              |    4
apps/app_zapateller.c                         |    4
apps/confbridge/conf_config_parser.c          | 1484 +++++
apps/confbridge/include/confbridge.h          |  326 +
autoconf/ast_check_pwlib.m4                   |    4
autoconf/ast_ext_lib.m4                       |   25
bridges/bridge_builtin_features.c             |   10
bridges/bridge_multiplexed.c                  |   36
bridges/bridge_simple.c                       |   17
bridges/bridge_softmix.c                      |  783 ++
build_tools/cflags-devmode.xml                |   12
build_tools/cflags.xml                        |   20
build_tools/embed_modules.xml                 |   33
build_tools/make_sample_voicemail             |   12
build_tools/                |    2
build_tools/mkpkgconfig                       |    6
build_tools/prep_tarball                      |   34
cdr/cdr_adaptive_odbc.c                       |   22
cdr/cdr_csv.c                                 |   53
cdr/cdr_custom.c                              |    7
cdr/cdr_manager.c                             |    6
cdr/cdr_odbc.c                                |   27
cdr/cdr_pgsql.c                               |  184
cdr/cdr_radius.c                              |   30
cdr/cdr_sqlite.c                              |   12
cdr/cdr_sqlite3_custom.c                      |    3
cdr/cdr_syslog.c                              |   11
cdr/cdr_tds.c                                 |    1
cel/cel_adaptive_odbc.c                       |  792 --
cel/cel_custom.c                              |    7
cel/cel_manager.c                             |    4
cel/cel_odbc.c                                |  796 ++
cel/cel_pgsql.c                               |   16
cel/cel_radius.c                              |   27
cel/cel_sqlite3_custom.c                      |    3
cel/cel_tds.c                                 |    1
channels/chan_agent.c                         |  263
channels/chan_alsa.c                          |   46
channels/chan_bridge.c                        |   39
channels/chan_console.c                       |   48
channels/chan_dahdi.c                         | 2118 +++++--
channels/chan_gtalk.c                         | 1076 ++-
channels/chan_h323.c                          |  182
channels/chan_iax2.c                          | 1821 +++---
channels/chan_jingle.c                        |  176
channels/chan_local.c                         |  909 ++-
channels/chan_mgcp.c                          |  252
channels/chan_misdn.c                         | 1231 ++--
channels/chan_multicast_rtp.c                 |   43
channels/chan_nbs.c                           |   46
channels/chan_oss.c                           |   49
channels/chan_phone.c                         |  310 -
channels/chan_sip.c                           | 7636 +++++++++++++++++---------
channels/chan_skinny.c                        | 2933 ++++++---
channels/chan_unistim.c                       |  220
channels/chan_usbradio.c                      |  204
channels/                          |  140
channels/console_video.c                      |  233
channels/h323/ast_h323.cxx                    |   37
channels/h323/chan_h323.h                     |    6
channels/iax2-parser.c                        |   22
channels/iax2-parser.h                        |    6
channels/iax2-provision.c                     |   11
channels/iax2.h                               |    6
channels/misdn/ie.c                           |    1
channels/misdn/isdn_lib.c                     |    2
channels/misdn/isdn_msg_parser.c              |   86
channels/misdn_config.c                       |   11
channels/sig_analog.c                         | 1172 ++-
channels/sig_analog.h                         |   48
channels/sig_pri.c                            | 4310 ++++++++++----
channels/sig_pri.h                            |  174
channels/sig_ss7.c                            |  529 +
channels/sig_ss7.h                            |   56
channels/sip/config_parser.c                  |   12
channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c             |    9
channels/sip/include/dialog.h                 |    9
channels/sip/include/globals.h                |    4
channels/sip/include/reqresp_parser.h         |   40
channels/sip/include/sdp_crypto.h             |    6
channels/sip/include/security_events.h        |   43
channels/sip/include/sip.h                    |  133
channels/sip/include/srtp.h                   |    2
channels/sip/reqresp_parser.c                 |  326 +
channels/sip/sdp_crypto.c                     |   14
channels/sip/security_events.c                |  398 +
codecs/Makefile                               |   12
codecs/codec_a_mu.c                           |   14
codecs/codec_adpcm.c                          |   14
codecs/codec_alaw.c                           |   14
codecs/codec_dahdi.c                          |   89
codecs/codec_g722.c                           |   24
codecs/codec_g726.c                           |   24
codecs/codec_gsm.c                            |   11
codecs/codec_ilbc.c                           |   20
codecs/codec_lpc10.c                          |   14
codecs/codec_resample.c                       |  212
codecs/codec_speex.c                          |   68
codecs/codec_ulaw.c                           |   24
codecs/ex_adpcm.h                             |    2
codecs/ex_alaw.h                              |    3
codecs/ex_g722.h                              |    3
codecs/ex_g726.h                              |    3
codecs/ex_gsm.h                               |    2
codecs/ex_ilbc.h                              |    2
codecs/ex_lpc10.h                             |    3
codecs/ex_speex.h                             |    5
codecs/ex_ulaw.h                              |    2
codecs/gsm/Makefile                           |   49
codecs/lpc10/Makefile                         |   41
codecs/lpc10/dyptrk.c                         |    3
codecs/speex/arch.h                           |  241
codecs/speex/fixed_generic.h                  |  106
codecs/speex/resample.c                       | 1124 +++
codecs/speex/resample_sse.h                   |  128
codecs/speex/speex_resampler.h                |  342 +
codecs/speex/stack_alloc.h                    |  115
configs/asterisk.conf.sample                  |    4
configs/calendar.conf.sample                  |   13
configs/ccss.conf.sample                      |   53
configs/cdr.conf.sample                       |   36
configs/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf.sample         |    2
configs/cdr_mysql.conf.sample                 |   31
configs/cdr_pgsql.conf.sample                 |    2
configs/cel.conf.sample                       |   19
configs/cel_adaptive_odbc.conf.sample         |   99
configs/cel_custom.conf.sample                |   12
configs/cel_odbc.conf.sample                  |   99
configs/cel_pgsql.conf.sample                 |    2
configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample                |  169
configs/chan_ooh323.conf.sample               |   12
configs/codecs.conf.sample                    |   88
configs/confbridge.conf.sample                |  343 +
configs/dbsep.conf.sample                     |    3
configs/dundi.conf.sample                     |    6
configs/extconfig.conf.sample                 |    7
configs/extensions.conf.sample                |   30
configs/extensions.lua.sample                 |   25
configs/features.conf.sample                  |  117
configs/gtalk.conf.sample                     |   33
configs/h323.conf.sample                      |    5
configs/http.conf.sample                      |    9
configs/iax.conf.sample                       |   17
configs/iaxprov.conf.sample                   |    2
configs/indications.conf.sample               |    9
configs/jabber.conf.sample                    |   78
configs/logger.conf.sample                    |    5
configs/manager.conf.sample                   |   36
configs/mgcp.conf.sample                      |    2
configs/musiconhold.conf.sample               |    2
configs/phoneprov.conf.sample                 |   20
configs/queuerules.conf.sample                |    2
configs/queues.conf.sample                    |   56
configs/res_config_mysql.conf.sample          |    7
configs/res_config_sqlite3.conf.sample        |   31
configs/res_curl.conf.sample                  |    8
configs/res_fax.conf.sample                   |    4
configs/res_ldap.conf.sample                  |   34
configs/res_pktccops.conf.sample              |   64
configs/res_snmp.conf.sample                  |    3
configs/res_stun_monitor.conf.sample          |   22
configs/rtp.conf.sample                       |    2
configs/say.conf.sample                       |  115
configs/sip.conf.sample                       |  160
configs/sip_notify.conf.sample                |    4
configs/skinny.conf.sample                    |   14
configs/sla.conf.sample                       |   10
configs/unistim.conf.sample                   |    2
configs/users.conf.sample                     |   31
configs/voicemail.conf.sample                 |    8                                  |  419 +
contrib/init.d/org.asterisk.asterisk.plist    |    6
contrib/init.d/org.asterisk.muted.plist       |   33
contrib/init.d/rc.archlinux.asterisk          |    2
contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk             |    9
contrib/init.d/rc.redhat.asterisk             |    2
contrib/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk               |    2
contrib/realtime/mysql/iaxfriends.sql         |    3
contrib/realtime/mysql/meetme.sql             |    4
contrib/realtime/mysql/queue_log.sql          |    2
contrib/realtime/mysql/sipfriends.sql         |   55
contrib/realtime/mysql/sippeers.sql           |   97
contrib/realtime/mysql/voicemail_data.sql     |   29
contrib/realtime/mysql/voicemail_messages.sql |   29
contrib/realtime/postgresql/realtime.sql      |    3
contrib/scripts/ast_tls_cert                  |  186
contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif                 |  171
contrib/scripts/autosupport                   |  619 +-
contrib/scripts/autosupport.8                 |   61
contrib/scripts/               |   20
contrib/scripts/            |    2
contrib/scripts/             |   14
contrib/scripts/       |   81
contrib/scripts/install_prereq                |    6
contrib/scripts/live_ast                      |   11
contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk                 |   20
doc/CODING-GUIDELINES                         |  982 ---
doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt       |   89
doc/India-CID.txt                             |   75
doc/Makefile                                  |    6
doc/PEERING                                   |  503 -
doc/README.txt                                |   10
doc/advice_of_charge.txt                      |  189
doc/appdocsxml.dtd                            |    2
doc/asterisk-mib.txt                          |  778 --
doc/asterisk.8                                |  316 -
doc/asterisk.sgml                             |  828 +-
doc/backtrace.txt                             |  277
doc/building_queues.txt                       |  823 --
doc/callfiles.txt                             |  139
doc/chan_sip-perf-testing.txt                 |  110
doc/cli.txt                                   |   33
doc/codec-64bit.txt                           |   47
doc/database_transactions.txt                 |   29
doc/datastores.txt                            |   63
doc/digium-mib.txt                            |   24
doc/distributed_devstate-XMPP.txt             |  433 -
doc/distributed_devstate.txt                  |  320 -
doc/externalivr.txt                           |  191
doc/followme.txt                              |   32
doc/google-soc2009-ideas.txt                  |    3
doc/hoard.txt                                 |   38
doc/jabber.txt                                |  107
doc/janitor-projects.txt                      |   28
doc/jingle.txt                                |   10
doc/ldap.txt                                  |   65
doc/macroexclusive.txt                        |   78
doc/manager_1_1.txt                           |  454 -
doc/modules.txt                               |   25
doc/osp.txt                                   |  747 --
doc/queue.txt                                 |   39
doc/realtimetext.txt                          |   84
doc/res_config_sqlite.txt                     |  124
doc/rtp-packetization.txt                     |   75
doc/sip-retransmit.txt                        |  126
doc/siptls.txt                                |   97
doc/smdi.txt                                  |  137
doc/sms.txt                                   |  147
doc/snmp.txt                                  |   53
doc/speechrec.txt                             |  295 -
doc/ss7.txt                                   |  116
doc/timing.txt                                |   90
doc/unistim.txt                               |  127
doc/valgrind.txt                              |   24
doc/video.txt                                 |   47
doc/video_console.txt                         |  159
doc/voicemail_odbc_postgresql.txt             |  454 -
formats/format_g719.c                         |   25
formats/format_g723.c                         |   23
formats/format_g726.c                         |   33
formats/format_g729.c                         |   24
formats/format_gsm.c                          |   24
formats/format_h263.c                         |   38
formats/format_h264.c                         |   32
formats/format_ilbc.c                         |   24
formats/format_jpeg.c                         |   16
formats/format_ogg_vorbis.c                   |   21
formats/format_pcm.c                          |   54
formats/format_siren14.c                      |   24
formats/format_siren7.c                       |   24
formats/format_sln.c                          |  180
formats/format_sln16.c                        |  138
formats/format_vox.c                          |   24
formats/format_wav.c                          |  171
formats/format_wav_gsm.c                      |   24
funcs/func_aes.c                              |   19
funcs/func_audiohookinherit.c                 |    4
funcs/func_base64.c                           |   14
funcs/func_blacklist.c                        |    4
funcs/func_callcompletion.c                   |    8
funcs/func_callerid.c                         |    7
funcs/func_cdr.c                              |    4
funcs/func_channel.c                          |  135
funcs/func_config.c                           |    4
funcs/func_curl.c                             |  221
funcs/func_cut.c                              |    4
funcs/func_db.c                               |   74
funcs/func_devstate.c                         |    4
funcs/func_dialgroup.c                        |   11
funcs/func_dialplan.c                         |   79
funcs/func_enum.c                             |   18
funcs/func_env.c                              |   17
funcs/func_extstate.c                         |    4
funcs/func_frame_trace.c                      |  382 +
funcs/func_global.c                           |    4
funcs/func_groupcount.c                       |    4
funcs/func_iconv.c                            |    3
funcs/func_jitterbuffer.c                     |  390 +
funcs/func_lock.c                             |    4
funcs/func_logic.c                            |    4
funcs/func_math.c                             |    4
funcs/func_md5.c                              |    4
funcs/func_module.c                           |    5
funcs/func_odbc.c                             |  112
funcs/func_pitchshift.c                       |   11
funcs/func_rand.c                             |    4
funcs/func_realtime.c                         |   30
funcs/func_sha1.c                             |    4
funcs/func_shell.c                            |   25
funcs/func_speex.c                            |   13
funcs/func_sprintf.c                          |    4
funcs/func_srv.c                              |    4
funcs/func_strings.c                          |  364 +
funcs/func_sysinfo.c                          |    4
funcs/func_timeout.c                          |    4
funcs/func_uri.c                              |    8
funcs/func_version.c                          |    4
funcs/func_vmcount.c                          |    4
funcs/func_volume.c                           |   92
include/asterisk.h                            |    6
include/asterisk/_private.h                   |   13
include/asterisk/abstract_jb.h                |   56
include/asterisk/acl.h                        |    6
include/asterisk/app.h                        |   75
include/asterisk/astdb.h                      |   27
include/asterisk/astobj2.h                    |   89
include/asterisk/audiohook.h                  |   35
include/asterisk/              |  153
include/asterisk/bridging.h                   |  137
include/asterisk/bridging_features.h          |   62
include/asterisk/bridging_technology.h        |   22
include/asterisk/calendar.h                   |    3
include/asterisk/callerid.h                   |   20
include/asterisk/ccss.h                       |   42
include/asterisk/cdr.h                        |   11
include/asterisk/cel.h                        |   21
include/asterisk/celt.h                       |   37
include/asterisk/channel.h                    |  334 -
include/asterisk/cli.h                        |    4
include/asterisk/compat.h                     |    8
include/asterisk/compiler.h                   |    6
include/asterisk/config.h                     |   25
include/asterisk/data.h                       |   12
include/asterisk/dnsmgr.h                     |    6
include/asterisk/dsp.h                        |   32
include/asterisk/event.h                      |   32
include/asterisk/event_defs.h                 |   11
include/asterisk/extconf.h                    |    2
include/asterisk/features.h                   |  121
include/asterisk/file.h                       |    3
include/asterisk/format.h                     |  436 +
include/asterisk/format_cap.h                 |  308 +
include/asterisk/format_pref.h                |  114
include/asterisk/frame.h                      |  341 -
include/asterisk/frame_defs.h                 |   38
include/asterisk/framehook.h                  |  311 +
include/asterisk/image.h                      |    6
include/asterisk/indications.h                |    4
include/asterisk/jabber.h                     |    5
include/asterisk/jingle.h                     |    4
include/asterisk/linkedlists.h                |   94
include/asterisk/localtime.h                  |    3
include/asterisk/lock.h                       |   61
include/asterisk/logger.h                     |   19
include/asterisk/manager.h                    |   10
include/asterisk/message.h                    |  242
include/asterisk/mod_format.h                 |   18
include/asterisk/module.h                     |   13
include/asterisk/netsock2.h                   |  131
include/asterisk/optional_api.h               |   27
include/asterisk/pbx.h                        |   25
include/asterisk/poll-compat.h                |   22
include/asterisk/res_fax.h                    |   20
include/asterisk/res_srtp.h                   |    1
include/asterisk/rtp_engine.h                 |  229
include/asterisk/say.h                        |   11
include/asterisk/sched.h                      |  240
include/asterisk/security_events_defs.h       |   76
include/asterisk/select.h                     |  114
include/asterisk/sha1.h                       |  390 +
include/asterisk/silk.h                       |   44
include/asterisk/slin.h                       |    4
include/asterisk/slinfactory.h                |   10
include/asterisk/speech.h                     |    8
include/asterisk/stringfields.h               |   22
include/asterisk/strings.h                    |   19
include/asterisk/stun.h                       |    2
include/asterisk/tcptls.h                     |   22
include/asterisk/test.h                       |   56
include/asterisk/time.h                       |    2
include/asterisk/timing.h                     |   10
include/asterisk/translate.h                  |  139
include/asterisk/udptl.h                      |    2
include/asterisk/unaligned.h                  |    2
include/asterisk/utils.h                      |  116
include/asterisk/xmldoc.h                     |   15
keys/                      |    6
keys/                               |    6
main/Makefile                                 |   27
main/abstract_jb.c                            |   96
main/acl.c                                    |   55
main/aoc.c                                    |   12
main/app.c                                    |  146
main/ast_expr2.c                              |  566 +
main/ast_expr2.fl                             |   10
main/ast_expr2.h                              |   69
main/ast_expr2.y                              |    4
main/ast_expr2f.c                             |   38
main/asterisk.c                               |  179
main/                      |    1
main/astobj2.c                                |  102
main/audiohook.c                              |  378 -
main/bridging.c                               |  473 +
main/callerid.c                               |   39
main/ccss.c                                   |  460 +
main/cdr.c                                    |  198
main/cel.c                                    |    8
main/channel.c                                | 1619 ++++-
main/cli.c                                    |  137
main/config.c                                 |  659 +-
main/data.c                                   |   38
main/db.c                                     |  713 +-
main/devicestate.c                            |    3
main/dial.c                                   |   20
main/dnsmgr.c                                 |  115
main/dsp.c                                    |  556 +
main/enum.c                                   |   39
main/event.c                                  |  381 +
main/features.c                               | 6068 ++++++++++++++------
main/file.c                                   |  264
main/format.c                                 | 1389 ++++
main/format_cap.c                             |  640 ++
main/format_pref.c                            |  330 +
main/frame.c                                  |  640 --
main/framehook.c                              |  184
main/fskmodem_float.c                         |    5
main/heap.c                                   |    6
main/http.c                                   |  200
main/image.c                                  |    9
main/indications.c                            |   29
main/loader.c                                 |   37
main/lock.c                                   |  495 -
main/logger.c                                 |  514 +
main/manager.c                                | 1286 ++--
main/message.c                                | 1112 +++
main/netsock.c                                |    6
main/netsock2.c                               |  118
main/pbx.c                                    | 1638 +++--
main/plc.c                                    |    2
main/poll.c                                   |  196
main/rtp_engine.c                             |  762 +-
main/say.c                                    |  543 -
main/sched.c                                  |  236
main/security_events.c                        |   54
main/sha1.c                                   |  422 -
main/slinfactory.c                            |   29
main/srv.c                                    |    6
main/stdtime/localtime.c                      |   38
main/strcompat.c                              |  135
main/stun.c                                   |    7
main/taskprocessor.c                          |    6
main/tcptls.c                                 |  101
main/term.c                                   |    2
main/test.c                                   |   43
main/timing.c                                 |    5
main/translate.c                              | 1117 ++-
main/udptl.c                                  |  150
main/utils.c                                  |  193
main/xmldoc.c                                 |  110                                   |   21
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-ntest10              |  305 -
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test1                |   28
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test19               |   28
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test2                |   47
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test3                |  190
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test4                |   47
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test5                |   20
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-vtest13              | 4051 +++++++------
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-vtest17              |   38
pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-vtest25              |    2
pbx/pbx_ael.c                                 |   48
pbx/pbx_config.c                              |  163
pbx/pbx_dundi.c                               |   34
pbx/pbx_loopback.c                            |    7
pbx/pbx_lua.c                                 |  385 +
pbx/pbx_realtime.c                            |    9
pbx/pbx_spool.c                               |  238
phoneprov/000000000000.cfg                    |    2
phoneprov/snom-mac.xml                        |   24
res/Makefile                                  |    3
res/ael/                             |  978 ++-
res/ael/                             |   87
res/ael/ael_lex.c                             |   32
res/ael/pval.c                                |   70
res/ais/clm.c                                 |    4
res/ais/evt.c                                 |   21
res/res_adsi.c                                |   43
res/res_ael_share.c                           |    4
res/res_agi.c                                 |  495 +
res/res_ais.c                                 |   21
res/res_calendar.c                            |  152
res/res_calendar_caldav.c                     |   18
res/res_calendar_ews.c                        |  105
res/res_calendar_exchange.c                   |    5
res/res_calendar_icalendar.c                  |   13
res/res_clialiases.c                          |    3
res/res_clioriginate.c                        |   23
res/res_config_curl.c                         |   59
res/res_config_ldap.c                         |   88
res/res_config_odbc.c                         |   63
res/res_config_pgsql.c                        |  364 -
res/res_config_sqlite.c                       |   14
res/res_config_sqlite3.c                      | 1190 ++++
res/res_convert.c                             |    4
res/res_crypto.c                              |   11
res/res_fax.c                                 | 1857 +++++-
res/res_fax_spandsp.c                         |  324 -
res/                   |   13
res/res_format_attr_celt.c                    |  181
res/res_format_attr_silk.c                    |  215
res/res_http_post.c                           |   28
res/res_jabber.c                              |  303 -
res/res_limit.c                               |    3
res/res_monitor.c                             |    4
res/res_musiconhold.c                         |  280
res/res_mutestream.c                          |    6
res/res_odbc.c                                |   45
res/res_phoneprov.c                           |    8
res/res_pktccops.c                            |   36
res/res_realtime.c                            |   12
res/res_rtp_asterisk.c                        |  396 -
res/res_rtp_multicast.c                       |   17
res/res_security_log.c                        |    4
res/res_smdi.c                                |   66
res/res_snmp.c                                |    1
res/res_speech.c                              |   25
res/res_srtp.c                                |  170
res/res_stun_monitor.c                        |  324 +
res/res_timing_dahdi.c                        |    3
res/res_timing_kqueue.c                       |    1
res/res_timing_pthread.c                      |    4
res/res_timing_timerfd.c                      |   40                                   |    2
sounds/Makefile                               |  130
sounds/sounds.xml                             |   36
static-http/mantest.html                      |  177
tests/test_acl.c                              |    1
tests/test_amihooks.c                         |    3
tests/test_aoc.c                              |    1
tests/test_app.c                              |    1
tests/test_ast_format_str_reduce.c            |    1
tests/test_astobj2.c                          |  180
tests/test_db.c                               |  251
tests/test_devicestate.c                      |    1
tests/test_dlinklists.c                       |    3
tests/test_event.c                            |  614 +-
tests/test_expr.c                             |  192
tests/test_format_api.c                       |  860 ++
tests/test_func_file.c                        |    3
tests/test_gosub.c                            |    7
tests/test_heap.c                             |    1
tests/test_linkedlists.c                      |  301 +
tests/test_locale.c                           |    3
tests/test_logger.c                           |    3
tests/test_netsock2.c                         |  127
tests/test_pbx.c                              |   40
tests/test_poll.c                             |  248
tests/test_sched.c                            |   13
tests/test_security_events.c                  |    3
tests/test_skel.c                             |    1
tests/test_stringfields.c                     |    1
tests/test_strings.c                          |    1
tests/test_substitution.c                     |    4
tests/test_time.c                             |   12
tests/test_utils.c                            |  144
utils/Makefile                                |   18
utils/ael_main.c                              |   16
utils/astcanary.c                             |    4
utils/astdb2bdb.c                             |  130
utils/astdb2sqlite3.c                         |  231
utils/astman.c                                |    4
utils/check_expr.c                            |   16
utils/conf2ael.c                              |   13
utils/db1-ast/Makefile                        |   71
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_close.c                |  182
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_conv.c                 |  221
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_debug.c                |  329 +
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_delete.c               |  657 ++
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_get.c                  |  105
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_open.c                 |  458 +
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_overflow.c             |  228
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_page.c                 |  100
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_put.c                  |  321 +
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_search.c               |  213
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_seq.c                  |  460 +
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_split.c                |  829 ++
utils/db1-ast/btree/bt_utils.c                |  260
utils/db1-ast/btree/btree.h                   |  391 +
utils/db1-ast/btree/extern.h                  |   70
utils/db1-ast/db/db.c                         |  103
utils/db1-ast/hash/README                     |   72
utils/db1-ast/hash/extern.h                   |   65
utils/db1-ast/hash/hash.c                     |  999 +++
utils/db1-ast/hash/hash.h                     |  293
utils/db1-ast/hash/hash_bigkey.c              |  668 ++
utils/db1-ast/hash/hash_buf.c                 |  355 +
utils/db1-ast/hash/hash_func.c                |  225
utils/db1-ast/hash/hash_log2.c                |   56
utils/db1-ast/hash/hash_page.c                |  946 +++
utils/db1-ast/hash/hsearch.c                  |  107
utils/db1-ast/hash/ndbm.c                     |  235
utils/db1-ast/hash/page.h                     |   92
utils/db1-ast/hash/search.h                   |   51
utils/db1-ast/include/circ-queue.h            |  131
utils/db1-ast/include/compat.h                |   49
utils/db1-ast/include/db.h                    |  250
utils/db1-ast/include/mpool.h                 |  115
utils/db1-ast/include/ndbm.h                  |   79
utils/db1-ast/                       |   11
utils/db1-ast/mpool/README                    |    7
utils/db1-ast/mpool/mpool.c                   |  498 +
utils/db1-ast/recno/extern.h                  |   54
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_close.c               |  183
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_delete.c              |  197
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_get.c                 |  311 +
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_open.c                |  241
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_put.c                 |  280
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_search.c              |  126
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_seq.c                 |  131
utils/db1-ast/recno/rec_utils.c               |  122
utils/db1-ast/recno/recno.h                   |   39
utils/extconf.c                               |    5
utils/hashtest.c                              |   17
utils/hashtest2.c                             |   16
utils/muted.c                                 |   82
utils/refcounter.c                            |   17
utils/smsq.c                                  |    4
utils/stereorize.c                            |    4
utils/streamplayer.c                          |    4
utils/utils.xml                               |   20
753 files changed, 88549 insertions(+), 37295 deletions(-)