Change Log for Release asterisk-certified-18.9-cert8-rc2 ======================================== Links: ---------------------------------------- - [Full ChangeLog]( - [GitHub Diff]( - [Tarball]( - [Downloads]( Summary: ---------------------------------------- - Rename dialplan_functions.xml to dialplan_functions_doc.xml - openssl: Supress deprecation warnings from OpenSSL 3.0 User Notes: ---------------------------------------- Upgrade Notes: ---------------------------------------- Closed Issues: ---------------------------------------- None Commits By Author: ---------------------------------------- - ### George Joseph (1): - Rename dialplan_functions.xml to dialplan_functions_doc.xml - ### Sean Bright (1): - openssl: Supress deprecation warnings from OpenSSL 3.0 Detail: ---------------------------------------- - ### Rename dialplan_functions.xml to dialplan_functions_doc.xml Author: George Joseph Date: 2024-02-26 When using COMPILE_DOUBLE, dialplan_functions.xml is mistaken for the source for an embedded XML document and gets compiled to dialplan_functions.o. This causes dialplan_functions.c to be ignored making its functions unavailable and causing chan_pjsip to fail to load. - ### openssl: Supress deprecation warnings from OpenSSL 3.0 Author: Sean Bright Date: 2022-03-25 There is work going on to update our OpenSSL usage to avoid the deprecated functions but in the meantime make it possible to compile in devmode.